
=== Frootloops is now known as gogopowerRanger
=== gogopowerRanger is now known as GoGoPowerRanger
Kiloshi GoGoPowerRanger 05:40
KilosMaaz: coffee on05:55
* Maaz flips the salt-timer05:55
Kilosmorning all05:57
Kilosmy konversation is sick05:57
Kilosinetpro: fix it05:57
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:59
KilosMaaz: danke06:00
nuvolario/ oh hi more oom Kilos :)06:22
nuvolarihi Maaz 06:22
Kiloslo nuvolari gaaint seun?06:22
nuvolariGeniet oom Kilos se laaste dag van 2014!06:22
Kilosgaanit ook06:22
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie en met oom?06:23
Kilosgoed dankie, soek nou n ssd06:23
Kiloshehe almal se hulle so vinnig06:23
nuvolariek sal nie weet nie oom :P06:24
nuvolarinog nie experience nie06:24
nuvolarimy laptop werk fine, so ek weet nie van beter nie :P06:25
Kilosgraeme se dis beter om n ssd te koop as om n i5 cpu in te sit06:26
Kilosso ons sal sien06:26
nuvolarimaar hulle's klein :(06:26
Kiloshulle net duur jong06:26
nuvolaridit ook06:27
Kilosja maar hulle se dis net vir die os en ander drives vir data06:27
Kilosis jy gelukkig daar in die kaap?06:29
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:29
nuvolarioh hi ThatGraemeGuy 06:29
nuvolarija oom Kilos! Behalwe vir die pryse van goed kan ek nie kla nie06:29
nuvolarihier is bietjie meer gemoedsrus06:29
nuvolarien die petrol is 'n bargain06:30
Kilosek bly vir jou seun06:30
ThatGraemeGuypetrol is cheaper at the coast06:30
Kiloshe comes from durbs06:31
ThatGraemeGuyI R confused, I thought you came from like bloem or something06:31
Kilosmaybe less travelling06:31
ThatGraemeGuyapologies for the insult :)06:31
Kiloshe is from bloem but worked in durbs for years06:32
ThatGraemeGuyah see i'm not completely dumb06:32
ThatGraemeGuyjust a little06:32
Kilosmust be the way you comb your hair06:32
ThatGraemeGuyyou can't comb 2cm of hair06:32
ThatGraemeGuy2mm rather06:33
Kiloshaha do you also just run the hair cutting tool over everything06:33
ThatGraemeGuyyeah, self-service barber06:34
Kilosme too, yay for wahl06:34
Kilosbeard moush and hair06:34
ThatGraemeGuyseen how much those cost now? i got mine for under R100 way back when06:34
Kilosshaving sucks06:35
ThatGraemeGuythink they're over 300 already06:35
Kilosmine is about 20 or even 30 years old06:35
Kilosquality machines06:36
ThatGraemeGuydo you know what kind of oil is meant to be used for it? mine came with a little tubelet of oil which appears to have grown legs last time i wanted to use it06:37
Kilosi have just used Q20 after every cut06:38
Kilosprotects against rust as well06:39
ThatGraemeGuyah i'll try that06:39
Kilosyou really got my head in a tiz now with the ssd thing06:40
ThatGraemeGuysorry, was not my intention06:41
Kiloslol i want one now06:41
Kilosthen ive got money for biltong and chocolate too06:41
ThatGraemeGuyhow big is your /var/cache/munin/www directory?06:41
Kiloslemme go see06:42
ThatGraemeGuyzip it and dropbox it and i'll check out the graphs06:42
ThatGraemeGuyshould be <10MB06:42
bduk1Morning  everyone06:44
Kilos3.8 MiB06:44
Kiloshi bduk1 06:44
Kilosscreenshot is ctrl+F10 hey?06:46
Kilosit even shows the time pc was off last night06:46
ThatGraemeGuyprtscn should do a screenshot06:47
ThatGraemeGuywell maybe, not sure how your DE is set up06:47
Kiloscommand not found06:49
nuvolarihrr, python geeks, which REPL's are available out there that you can recommend? I had one some time ago with tab-completion and colours, but I can for the life of me not remember what it was called :(06:50
nuvolaribpython seems close, but that wasn't it06:50
bduk1Sorry  the only python I know is a snak06:56
nuvolariooh, I might actually be sold on bpython :P06:57
nuvolarilol bduk1 06:57
nuvolarithat's OK06:57
KilosThatGraemeGuy: http://picpaste.com/munin-GH2P88g3.png07:01
Kilosksnapshot worked07:01
Kilosi have no idea what all that stuff means07:02
ThatGraemeGuythats why i asked you to zip and dropbox it, there's a lot more than just that graph07:03
Kilossjoe 07:04
Kilosi didnt even see that sorry07:04
Kiloswas too busy07:05
Kilosso you want the www folder?07:05
Kiloscan i send it unzipped07:05
Kilosok lemme find my dropbox07:06
Kilosthis can take a while, not sure where i saved dropbox info07:08
superflygood evening all07:22
ThatGraemeGuygood afterevemorn07:22
Kiloshi there superfly 07:26
KilosThatGraemeGuy: i had to install dropbox first, now do i use the send link or invite you there?07:26
ThatGraemeGuyi don't know i've never done that07:30
ThatGraemeGuyyou've shared stuff with me on dropbox before07:30
Kilosoh my07:30
Kilosso can you see my dropbox?07:31
Kilosim totally lost here07:31
Kilostry https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tsjrqlz1g7lvyqv/AAD5TxnPYBIJ7uXFIUCJ9guKa?dl=007:32
Kilosbduk: next week is too far away, cant you just call your supplier and see if i can fetch near here07:34
bdukproblem is that most of the places where he  get stock from is closed now07:38
Kiloshow do i find someone in pta with stock then i can send ian to get one07:38
KilosGoGoPowerRanger: is that you wraz07:40
KilosZarw: morning07:47
Kiloshaha AndChat|99281 daai ding is siek man07:51
Kilosim not sure if you busy ThatGraemeGuy or if you didnt realise the link was for you07:53
ThatGraemeGuyta Kilos will check it out just now07:56
Kilosok tomorrow im going with ian to rustenburg and get a 128G ssd for R130008:48
bdukkilos 128gb vir r1300 by corupted connections kolonade of 1tb vir r7000 by itworx 09:05
Kilossjoe is that 7000 or 70009:06
Kilosand is that corrupt connections incredible connections09:07
bdukseven thousand09:07
Kiloswow how can there be such a price differense09:07
Kilossomeone is ripping someone off badly09:08
bdukits a 1 tb for 700009:08
bdukwaas jou bril09:09
Kilosoh sorry i missed that09:09
Kiloslol skuus man09:09
Kilosdankie vir die info09:10
bdukbyt vas tot  volgende week man seker ons sal beter prys kry09:15
Kilosja maar dan is ian nie hier nie09:15
Kiloshy se hy sal my vat09:15
bdukwaar bly jy kilos09:17
Kiloswes van pretoria09:18
bdukhoe ver09:18
Kilos6ks verby laaste robot by mahem09:18
bdukvan der hof uit09:19
Kilosis daar nog een van hulle aan die noorde kant van pretoria09:20
Kilosop daai pad na julle toe was daar altyd een'09:21
bdukweet nie ken nie daaikant nie 09:27
Kilosek was jare laas daar gewees maar miskien het hulle toe gemaak daar want daai winkel wys nie op google maps nie09:29
bdukmazal se jy kan wootware ook probeer online shop09:30
Kiloswaar is hulle09:31
KilosR1,195.00 for die selle ding en dan moet ek wag, 09:36
bdukse mos dis n slegte tyd vir sulke dinge09:38
Kilosek sal maar saam met ian ry more na sy huis in rustenburg en een daar kry 09:41
Kilosdan is dit in my hand09:41
Kilosso net beter gewees het vandag want ek het 400m data wat middernag verval09:43
Kilosdankie vir die hulp09:43
bdukvolgende week gaan jy dalk hartseer wees as ek dalk n goeie prys vir jou kry09:45
inetproKilos: don't take the bigger drive man, 64GB is more than enough10:43
inetprowe also have incredible corruption here by us at Wonderpark10:44
inetprobut I'm sre you can get a better price at other places10:45
inetproincredible corruption tends to be on the expensive side10:45
inetprounless they have it on special10:46
inetprohello theblazehen10:47
theblazehenMy quassel host ran out of disk space :/10:48
theblazehenI wanted to see how long it would take to clone the android source there..10:49
theblazehenTurns out android is bigger than 10 GB10:49
Kiloshmm... sorry was outside11:10
inetprotheblazehen: wow 10GB for a mobile OS is massive11:11
Kilosinetpro: the local shops only have the 128g ssd's11:11
inetprohmm... have you phoned around?11:11
Kilosian did11:11
Kilosits only that one site that has the 64g cheap like that11:12
Kilosi dunno how to find pcs shops in pta11:13
Kilosall centurion and far like that11:13
Kilosas you know google isnt my friend11:14
Kilosoh and morning inetpro theblazehen 11:14
inetproIncredible Connection, Wonderpark, Telephone: 012-549-9270 , 012-549-928011:15
Kilosty sir11:16
inetproOptimus Computer Solutions, 211 Bezuidenhout Street, +27 12 377 186111:19
inetproKlasie Computers, 485 Sannie Street, +27 12 379 039211:20
inetproCompu-Ants, 989 Keyter Street, +27 76 876 105411:21
inetprofound all those with a google map search in your area11:21
inetproKilos: ^^11:22
Kilosty inetpro R849 for 64g at wonderpark11:22
inetproplenty other places, many of them not even listed as computer shops on google 11:25
Kilosoptimus will only have next year11:25
Kilosty for the help11:26
Kilosok i go wonderpark11:41
Kilosother places dont have or are temporarily closed down and you get home fones11:42
* ThatGraemeGuy pokes Kilos 12:11
theblazeheninetpro: yeah, thats in source form .. linux is like 500 MB?13:06
theblazehenhi Kilos13:06
Kiloscorruptable connection13:40
Kilosfone and they say they have 64g in stock. get there and only 128m for R139913:41
* Kilos cries13:41
inetproKilos: did you buy it?13:47
Kilostried matrix and hifi corp as well. only 128m13:48
Kiloswhat a low blow13:48
inetprospend your money wisely only when you get the best deal13:49
Kilosthat would be to order from loot.co.za i think it was for R53813:49
inetproyes that sounds much better13:50
inetproand they would even deliver for free I think13:50
theblazehenKilos: for what size is R538?14:03
Kilosim trying to find the link14:04
Kilosfirst need to deposit cash in ians bank then order14:06
Kilosand thatgraemeguy poked me while i was away14:07
Kilosnow he gone home already14:08
Kilosi worry though, everywhere else prices more than them14:17
bduk1If it sounds to good tl be true it usualy is a catch14:41
Kilos thats what im worried about15:46
Kilosrather pay R1300 and have a 128g in my hand than stand a chance of losing 35815:46
theblazehenmy 64 GB was 900 something15:52
Kiloshow does one find out if they are genuine15:55
Kilosother than sending the mafia to the ceo's house15:56
Kilostook me a year to save R140016:00
Kilosso i bang to take chances16:00
theblazehenEish, you sure big ssd is best idea?16:06
theblazehenmaybe HDD, small ssd, and bcache?16:18
Kilosya but to pay over R800 for 64g16:20
Kilosthen surely R1300 for 128g isnt bad16:21
theblazehenI guess16:22
theblazehenMaybe see how much a 16 or 32 is?16:22
Kilosanyway other than buying online i cant find a place with 64g ssd's16:22
* theblazehen has a 6416:22
theblazehenNice, but little small. Will need to but a sata cable and the do bcache with laptop HDD16:22
Kiloswill check tomorrow at incredible connection in rustenburg and maybe shop around some at those pc stores16:23
Kilosstorming now17:56
ThatGraemeGuyhey Kilos 19:48
ThatGraemeGuyopen up that munin page19:48
ThatGraemeGuyif you have a minute19:48
Kilostheblazehen: ^^19:48
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy sorry i was out19:48
ThatGraemeGuyjust wanted to point out the most meaningful graphs19:49
theblazehenKilos: slowish for an SSD, but still a lot faster than a HDD19:50
Kiloswhats the browser entry i put in please19:50
Kilosian was busy here19:50
ThatGraemeGuyactually wait19:51
ThatGraemeGuylet me give you the direct links, even better19:51
Kilosit was open but he crashed the browser somehow 19:52
Kilosopening 20+ links19:52
ThatGraemeGuygot them open?19:52
Kilosok they open19:54
ThatGraemeGuyok first diskstats_iops19:54
ThatGraemeGuythose spikes are pretty high and close to the physical limit of a spinning platter disk19:55
ThatGraemeGuylatency is how long it takes a block device (i.e. hard disk, etc) to complete a write operation19:56
ThatGraemeGuythose aren't too horrible on average19:57
ThatGraemeGuybut the cpu is the most obvious one19:57
Kiloswhat does that tell you?19:58
ThatGraemeGuythe green/system and blue/user parts are the ones that would typically benefit from a better CPU19:58
ThatGraemeGuythose represent time the cpu spends doing calculations all on its own19:58
ThatGraemeGuyand you can see those are very small19:58
ThatGraemeGuyyou are nowhere near maxing out the performance of even a single core19:58
Kilosoh cool19:59
ThatGraemeGuysee the scale on the left goes to 200? at 100% it means you are working 1 core very hard nearly constantly19:59
ThatGraemeGuyyou're around 10% or less19:59
Kilosnow theblazehen says that link i gave him is a slow ssd19:59
theblazehenYeah, mine gets like 70k IOPS, near 600 MB/s read20:00
ThatGraemeGuythe purple part of the cpu graph is key, that's time spent by the CPU waiting for disk operations to complete20:00
Kilostheblazehen: where did you get yours20:00
theblazehenKilos: online, wootware.co.za20:00
ThatGraemeGuyand as you can see your CPU is spending a lot of time waiting for data to be fetched or written to disk20:00
theblazehenI have transcend20:00
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: also look at takealot.com, they tend to be good on pricing20:01
Kilosis the purple part the yellow in the centre20:01
Kilosi dont see purple20:01
KilosThatGraemeGuy: do you know delivery time of takealot because they in ct20:02
Kiloslooked at them just now20:02
ThatGraemeGuyeach item will have a delivery estimate20:03
ThatGraemeGuyare you colourblind?20:03
Kilosoh the top dark purple20:04
ThatGraemeGuyas you can see your cpu spends quite a bit of time waiting for disk operations20:05
ThatGraemeGuycompare to my laptop with ssd: http://i.imgur.com/vmbI226.png20:05
Kilosoh wow no time waiting20:06
ThatGraemeGuyhere let me reboot quickly20:06
Kilosyeah well now the thing is to find one20:06
Kilosdid you time that20:07
ThatGraemeGuyi guess under a minute20:08
ThatGraemeGuyi'll time it20:08
Kiloshehe was close to 35 secs methinks20:08
ThatGraemeGuystupid freenode20:10
ThatGraemeGuyit was 22 sec and freenode wouldn't let me on20:10
Kilosthe link i gave theblazehen is slow he says20:10
theblazehenKilos: Still fast20:11
theblazehenJust slow for a ssd20:11
ThatGraemeGuywhat's your budget and size you want20:11
theblazehena HDD can do like 120 MB/s read20:11
theblazehenthat ssd 300 something20:11
Kiloswell the pro says 64g is fine for me20:11
theblazehenYeah, it should be20:11
theblazehenMy brother is on 16 GB..20:11
Kilosi have 1400 now20:12
ThatGraemeGuyhow much are you wanting to spend on the ssd?20:12
Kilosbut need 150 for data again20:12
Kiloswell as little as possible i think20:12
Kilosbut up to 120020:13
Kilosthat above link is for 735 and its a 128g20:13
theblazehenHow about one of those hybrid drives, ThatGraemeGuy?20:13
Kilosand its in pretoria20:13
ThatGraemeGuy"as little as possible" is how you end up with slow SATA disks :)20:14
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: nah, RAID from flash disks you manage to find..20:15
theblazehenLinux slow af on a USB disk.. 20:15
theblazehenMaybe it's just gnome 320:15
Kilosya ya but what is a good one gonna cost me ? is 1200 too min20:15
ThatGraemeGuyI'm not a great hardware nerd but afaik corsair is solid20:16
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: IOPS low..20:16
theblazehenlemme see if I can find link to mine20:16
Kilossee shipped in 15 to 20 working days20:16
Kilosi might be dead b y then man20:16
ThatGraemeGuyits within his budget and a whole lot faster than any SATA disk20:17
ThatGraemeGuymeh ok20:17
ThatGraemeGuygood luck then20:17
theblazehenMine was also in 900 something, double the IOPS20:17
Kilosbut i would go for that if it could be here in 2 days 20:17
Kiloswhere is the bottleneck20:18
theblazehenhttp://www.wootware.co.za/transcend-ssd370-series-64gb-2-5-mlc-solid-state-drive.html ah, 700 something !20:18
theblazehen^ my one20:18
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: thoughts on that one?20:19
Kilostheblazehen: how much more for delivery costs20:20
theblazehenKilos: not sure.20:20
theblazehenBut not 200 more I'm sure..20:21
KilosThatGraemeGuy: is the takealot one still have delivery charges to add20:21
ThatGraemeGuythat one looks good20:22
ThatGraemeGuytakealot is free delivery for R300 and up i think20:22
Kilosthats good then ill go for that and sweat till it gets here20:23
theblazehenKilos: which one?20:24
inetproKilos: on wootware there is a button titled calculate delivery, which is just below the name of the product.20:24
inetproSimply click on this and fill in your street/postal code20:24
Kiloslemme see20:24
Kilossjoe what is a street code20:27
Kilosi put postal code and it said please give a valid one20:27
inetproKilos: where will you want it delivered?20:28
theblazehenKilos: they only open again 6 Jan..20:28
theblazehenBut they have live support that can help too20:28
Kilosright here if possible inetpro 20:28
inetprobtw, size matters20:28
inetprosee: SSD performance scaling across the spectrum http://techreport.com/review/22358/ssd-performance-scaling-across-the-spectrum20:29
inetproor To what extent is size a factor in SSD performance? http://superuser.com/questions/59798/to-what-extent-is-size-a-factor-in-ssd-performance20:29
theblazeheninetpro: yeah, but among the 64 GB my one is better than the other one that was posted20:30
theblazehenDouble the IOPS20:30
theblazehenand almost double read20:30
Kilosoh bigger ones are faster20:30
inetproI guess it depends on the specs as well20:30
inetproI thought smaller would be faster20:31
inetproyou really have to compare apples with apples20:33
Kiloswb ThatGraemeGuy 20:33
ThatGraemeGuyfound a weird bug20:34
inetproThatGraemeGuy: what happened?20:34
Kilosthat one you gave is 6g/s right20:34
ThatGraemeGuyplugged in my laptop charger and the little icon thingy didn't show it was charging20:34
ThatGraemeGuyso i shut it off, and noticed that the little light on the laptop went off when i unplugged20:34
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: what's acpi say?20:34
ThatGraemeGuyplug in and boot again and now it shows its charging20:35
ThatGraemeGuyso it looks like it doesn't realise it went into charge mode unless i reboot20:35
Kilosinetpro: that corsair one is more expensive but also much faster not so?20:36
* inetpro not sure20:37
Kiloslook specs20:38
KilosInterface SATA 6Gbs20:39
Kilostheblazehen: one is 570MB/s, 470MB/s20:40
Kilosand if takealot dont charge delivery then its about () bucks diffs20:40
theblazehenKilos: hald the IOPS though20:41
Kilosso which one is faster20:42
theblazehenKilos: my one20:42
Kilosoh my20:42
KilosThatGraemeGuy: ty for explaining the munin stuffs to me20:43
Kilosi cant get the delivery thing working20:44
inetprotry finding the 128GB specs and the compare pricing per MB20:44
KilosDoor-to-Door Courier20:44
KilosPostal Code Detected, Please Use Valid Street Code R0.0020:44
inetproKilos: have you never had something delivered to your doorstep?20:45
Kilosya my harddrive20:45
Kilosand this mothewrboard20:46
inetprohmm.. and you entered the same physical address?20:46
Kilos 4KB Random Read-Up to 40,000 IOPS20:47
Kilosthats the 128g in pretoria20:47
inetprotheblazehen, ThatGraemeGuy: higher IOPS is faster, not?20:48
Kilosno man i told the sales person my co-ords20:48
ThatGraemeGuyhigher is better yes, but don't get too stuck on that20:48
ThatGraemeGuyi'm pretty sure they all use different methods of measuring that, it doesn't really matter a whole lot for a desktop pc20:49
Kiloslook at this one please20:49
ThatGraemeGuyI'd go with the corsair personally20:50
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: Just brand preference, or is there a technical reason there too?20:51
ThatGraemeGuyi don't know the brand but i do know corsair are pretty solid20:52
inetproR971 / 64 GB = R15.17 per GB20:53
inetproR720 / 64 GB = R11.25 per GB20:53
inetproR737.49 / 128 GB = R5.76 per GB20:53
superflyI agree with ThatGraemeGuy20:53
superflyCorsair are decent20:53
ThatGraemeGuyand i have a ton of experience that says that buying the cheapest is not always the correct choice20:53
Kilosya inetpro but blaze says its slow the 128g20:53
theblazehenKilos: slow is relative20:54
theblazehenKilos: will be way faster than a HDD20:54
ThatGraemeGuyignore that, any SSD you get will be orders of magnitude faster than a platter disk20:54
theblazehenbasically any ssd is faster than hdd20:54
ThatGraemeGuyto the point that its pretty irrelevant for a desktop pc20:54
inetprocool, I would say go with experience20:55
Kilosso we go corsair then20:55
Kilosthis is a family decision20:55
Kilos2 votes for corsair so far20:56
inetprotry find a 128 corsair and compare the pricing before you make the final decision20:56
theblazehenalright, another for the corsair20:56
Kiloswhew this googling has had ian on pc for hours20:56
KilosR1572 for 128g21:04
Kiloscorsair that is21:06
Kilosmethinks we go with the 64g corsair21:07
Kilostakealot dont seem to keep the corsair 12g they show cresent 128g21:11
Kilosoh i also saw somewhere they even have pcie ssd's21:15
ThatGraemeGuynight night all21:23
inetproHope you are ready for another big year. Wishing you great success, good health and happiness in 2015. Happy New Year!!21:35
inetprogood night21:36
Kilosnight all21:38
Kilosty inetpro and the same to you sir21:38
theblazehenHappy new year!22:00
theblazehenDamn, I was 55 seconds late22:11

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