
bazhangtry #xubuntu-offtopic00:06
bennypr0faneHey, so, funny story, I can't authenticate - my password isn't working, although I didn't change it.  I did do this: https://www.linux-tips.org/article/18/passwordless-sudo-setup01:03
bennypr0fanenow all GUI apps that want authentication, like Synaptic, reject my passoword01:04
[JJ]AlbertIt's been awhile since I've used xubuntu, but whats the procedure behind kernel updates?02:05
drcBasically kernel updates occur with the semi-annual releases (april and september).02:07
[JJ]Albertthats alongside the version updates, like 15.04 coming up?02:08
[JJ]Albertor you're talking just the support for 14.10 for example?02:08
drc15.04 will be released in <april>02:09
[JJ]Albertoh, okay, so you meant alongside 15.04 the kernel is updated02:09
drcand 14.10 was released in <october> (I miscounted on my fingers :)02:09
[JJ]Albertalongside each semi-annual update02:09
[JJ]Alberthow about mesa?02:09
[JJ]AlbertIt was only just recently updated to 10.402:10
[JJ]Albertthough in xubuntu it's still at 10.302:10
[JJ]AlbertI use the intel Haswell graphics myself, so I watch the updates closely on that02:11
drcinless it's a major security problem, (most) applications are updated during the releases.  If you want the bleeding edge, *buntu is not the distro for you.02:11
[JJ]AlbertI'm in no signifigant hurry then02:11
[JJ]AlbertI am more-or-less planning on buying a dedicated GPU soon, when sales come around again02:12
[JJ]Albertdrc: I am remembering that, at least at my own discretion though it'd be inadvisable, I could get more bleeding PPA branches of kernels and mesa, for instance.02:13
drcOh yeah, that's entirely possible.02:14
[JJ]AlbertI did that a couple times back when I had a HD 4XXX radeon, because main support for that was dropped from newer proprietary radeon drivers02:14
drcIt's generally not suppirted, but it's your choice.02:14
[JJ]Albertyeh, again I am willing to wait on it02:14
[JJ]AlbertBut it is slightly sad I can't get the main package of 10.4 that I'm assuming will ship w/ 15.0402:15
[JJ]AlbertI mean, from the official xubuntu repo02:15
[JJ]Albertfor testing02:16
[JJ]AlbertI know phoronix is a bit of an iffy place to go by in regards to performance, but I'm assuming the upcoming mesa releases will have really brought the open source haswell drivers up to par w/ windows: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_windows7_2014&num=102:17
[JJ]AlbertWhich is good, because some things are a little underwhelming w/ it, in spite of the fact I'm using an i7-4790k02:18
sadhashGood evening, folks. I use an old hdtv as my monitor and the menu button is busted. I'm looking to lower the brightness of the screen and am coming up empty with google-fu. Any advice?02:54
holsteinsadhash: a remote control for the TV02:55
holsteinsadhash: should be able to get a "smart" remote, and program it.. quite cheap02:55
pleia2I've used xrandr for adjusting brightness settings02:56
sadhashwell, that'll be my backup plan.02:56
sadhashok. i'll whip something up for xrandr then02:56
Unit193arandr if you like GUIs.02:58
sadhashxrandr worked perfectly. wish I would have thought of that. I used it just a few weeks ago when I set up this t.v. /facepalm03:01
sadhashi'm trying to break away from GUI's. xubuntu was my diving board away from windows. thank you all and have a happy new year.03:03
pleia2sadhash: thanks! you too :)03:03
Evil_Ericjust wanted to say im impressed with 14.1004:30
pleia2Evil_Eric: glad to hear it!04:31
Evil_Ericzero issues and stable04:31
Evil_Ericunlike unity04:31
Evil_Erictried xubuntu back in the 12.04 and 13.10 days but yeah wasnt impressed then but this works for me and works well04:32
Evil_Ericmehhh trying to figure ot why i dint just join through irc instead of this web site04:34
Evil_Ericwell im out thanks04:35
roo79xhi all I've never used cron before and I'm trying to use it to sync my google calendar with orage I've added a line in cron to wget my ics file, pointed orage to that file but I'm not seeing any change? was wondering if anyone knows of a more complete how to online please?06:06
roo79xsorry I'll re-post I as I was rudely interrupted hi all I've never used cron before and I'm trying to use it to sync my google calendar with orage I've added a line in cron to wget my ics file, pointed orage to that file but I'm not seeing any change? was wondering if anyone knows of a more complete how to online please?06:28
baizonroo79x: how does your cron entry looks like06:33
baizonroo79x: and how does your "download script" looks like?06:34
roo79xbaizon: */05 * * * * wget -nH -rK https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/roo79x%40gmail.com/private-c716b62e1533f2173145ced676b6de1a/basic.ics -P /home/roo79/.local/share/orage/06:34
baizonroo79x: that was a bad idea06:34
baizonroo79x: now everyone reading can download your gcalendar06:35
roo79xnothing of any importance on there06:35
baizonroo79x: does the wget work?06:35
roo79xyes running the command works06:36
cfhowlettbaizon, unless, like me, they're in China = google and it's services are blocked06:39
baizonroo79x: have you tried to put it in a sh file, then add +x and just put the path of the script in crontab?06:40
baizonthats how it works for me06:40
roo79xcfhowlett: I'm in Australia06:40
roo79xbaizon: I'll try that thanks!06:41
baizonreport back if it doenst work06:41
roo79xbaizon: thank you for the help, the script is working. I changed the wget command a bit to wget -T 5 -r -nH -nd -O /home/[username]/.local/share/orage/orage.ics https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/gmail-address/private-c716b62e1533f2173145ced676b6de1a/basic.ics and it's working great!07:32
cfhowlett_roo79x, nice!07:33
baizonroo79x: nice :)07:33
roo79xnow I'll have to go googling on how to get it to upload to the same calendar07:34
baizonroo79x: that wont work :)07:36
baizonyou can only download07:36
roo79xI seen something on google about using GalDaemon? maybe I was wrong?07:37
roo79xoops GcalDaemon07:37
roo79xit's old but might be worth a tinker https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=787307:38
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 7873 in general "2: Add an option to save event into a different ICS file, or allow to save event into Foreign files when available" [Enhancement,Closed: fixed]07:39
roo79xwell I have to go get ready for new years dinner thanks again for the help happy new year to all :)07:42
ravi_i have to install adobe flash player plugin08:02
ravi_i don't know how to install08:02
ravi_it is not available in software center08:02
AgAuit should be08:02
ravi_it is older version08:03
ravi_latest version is 42508:03
ravi_in software center it is 42408:03
ravi_my browser is blocking the older version08:03
AgAuwell im using xubuntu 14.10 and its version 425 in the software center08:04
ravi_i have ready many articles on "how to isntall" but I am not getting it08:04
ravi_i am using xubuntu 14.04 LTS08:04
xanguasudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer08:06
ravi_i have already downloaded tar file from adobe site08:06
ravi_do I need to use get again?08:07
cfhowlett_!cn | wlxmhls,08:18
ubottuwlxmhls,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:18
baizonholy moly08:19
wlxmhlsif you download from official tar file, then extract it and move the lib file to replace the original flash files08:20
sim642Xubuntu has suddenly started asking for the passphrase when I 'git push' which didn't always happen before. How can I get it to not ask it for every time again like it was before?08:59
aaronfrankeHi, I'm having an issue with the desktop background. It is showing me a sideshow of images even though the box for slideshow is unchecked. I can't seem to get it to stick with one image. Running Xubuntu 14.10 with GTX 770 and nvidia-340.09:30
aaronfrankeI'm also looking for a way to force 3840x2160 output.09:31
xubuntu326Hello, I hacve a problem installing xubuntu 14.04.109:34
cfhowlett_!details | xubuntu32609:34
ubottuxubuntu326: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:34
xubuntu326it stops while there stands bcmwl-kernel-scource (amd64) wird konfiguriert09:35
cfhowlett_xubuntu326, how long?09:35
xubuntu326since 1 and a half hour09:38
xubuntu326there ist 8:25 xubuntu ubiquity: DKMS: install completed09:40
cfhowlett_!md5sum | xubuntu326, 1.  verify your .iso       2. verify your usb09:40
ubottuxubuntu326, 1.  verify your .iso       2. verify your usb: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:40
xubuntu3269:17 xubuntu CRON[29228]: root CMD ( cd / && run-parts -- report / etc/cron/hourly)09:41
xubuntu326ok, I'll try...09:42
xubuntu326Thank you09:42
aaronfrankeNobody has any ideas for fixing my issue? :/09:51
=== xubuntu953 is now known as versa
versagood morning.10:36
_littlebhi people, i have an xubuntu os in english language. how can I change the language to another?11:14
Sh3r1ff_littleb: install the language pack of the language you want11:21
_littlebSh3r1ff: give me an apt-get example11:23
Sh3r1ff_littleb: apt-get install language-pack-en installs the english language pack11:26
_littlebok thx11:26
Sh3r1ffreplace "en" with the language you want11:26
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jarnosCan anyone tell the exact size of xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso?12:50
cfhowlettjarnos, it is listed on the download site ...12:50
jarnoscfhowlett, it tells 930M, but I doubt it is exact size. On the other hand, I am not sure, if I need exact size. I have dd'ed the iso to a 8G USB stick, and would now want to return the original iso file.12:52
baizonjarnos: 975.175.680 bytes12:52
jarnosbaizon, thanks12:53
kasadok please tell me before I kill myself, is there solution to infamous bug with qualcomm (and some other wifi cards on certain laptops) where wifi doesn't work after system suspend14:12
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bullgard4kasad: You beeter do not kill yourself but rather google using the catchwords you just mentioned in your question.15:15
bullgard4It is wise to input the exacr error message which you obtain.15:16
kasadbullgard4> there is no error message, it's known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/128655215:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1286552 in linux (Ubuntu) "No wifi after suspend" [Medium,Confirmed]15:24
kasadso I am disabling suspend left and right, (thing is I couldn't get it to work at all for quite some time)15:25
kasadturns out it needed long shutdown - go figure 1 minute shutdown - wifi doesn't work, 10 minute shutdown - wifi starts working again15:26
kasadwtf o.O15:26
bullgard4There you have a solution, even if awkward. You should report your findings by adding your comment to Launchpad bug 1286552.15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1286552 in linux (Ubuntu) "No wifi after suspend" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128655215:29
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megagiganoobHello folks, hoping someone might be able to help. I'm trying to make a distro of xubuntu based on my current setup. I volunteer at a free site to help people learn web development and the idea is to be able to give them an image they can load into a vm and not have to worry about configuration19:30
megagiganoobI'm going through the livecd customization but I'm at a point I'm not sure what to do. I've installed ruby and git. I'd like to install linuxbrew for node and yeoman so the users don't have to mess with sudo, but I'm unsure where to edit the path19:32
brainwash!remaster | megagiganoob19:40
ubottumegagiganoob: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/19:40
megagiganoobI'm using uck, but not finding a lot of info on where I'd add sources to the path19:54
brainwashmegagiganoob: you mean PATH?19:57
brainwashI suggest that you ask in #ubuntu, this channel mainly focuses on xubuntu specific issues19:58
megagiganoobyes, for linuxbrew19:58
megagiganoobwe'd like for users not to have to use sudo before installing development tools, without jacking with the core system permissions19:59
brainwashyou could add changes to the files in /etc/skel/19:59
brainwashthese files are copied to the home directory when you create a new user20:00
brainwashsadly I have to leave now, good luck :)20:00
megagiganooboh awesome, np. Thanks for the help20:00
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