
_marx_happy new years from west virginia!18:25
holstein_marx_: oh yeah?20:17
holstein_marx_: happy new year!20:18
_marx_how're you holstein20:18
_marx_ah ops20:18
holstein_marx_: not bad.. just busy20:18
_marx_i was busy, working traveling around the country20:19
_marx_nh to la20:19
holsteinand you landed in WV20:19
holsteinim sorry ;020:19
_marx_yeah wv kinda sucks20:19
holsteini was born and grew up in charleston20:19
_marx_ok i'm in st. albans now20:20
holsteinknow that place well20:20
holsteinhad family over that way.. near the train tracks20:20
_marx_i'm like 300' from the tracks20:20
_marx_20 or so a day20:20
holsteinits charming for a minute..20:21
_marx_amtrak on monday, wed, and fri20:21
_marx_gotta anti-virus my 13 year old grandson's laptop tomorrow :) that should be fun20:24
holsteinwindows has their own now20:24
holsteini just put that on..20:24
holsteinthough, i *hate* putting fires out on windows machines20:24
holsteinfolks just keep buying them, even though, they dont want to do the required maintanence, and they dont fit the need20:25
holsteinat least, that will be going away soon20:25
holsteinat least, i tihnk it will..20:25
holsteinok.. gotta run.. good luck, bon new year, and i hope to catch up more with you before you get gone again :)20:29
_marx_i'm usually on freenode, just not always in this channel20:30

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