
=== ian is now known as Guest5766
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
AkivaAvrahamHey where can i create a user blog or wiki page on ubuntu? Just going through some documentation, and I want to write about my progress.04:06
=== Laney is now known as Guest13167
=== justCarakas1 is now known as justCarakas
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
=== Guest13167 is now known as Laney
mhall119kenvandine: is there a bug to allow changing the ContentPeerPicker colors?15:19
mhall119kenvandine: I currently have http://paste.ubuntu.com/9659876/ in my app's code15:20
AkivaAvraham            // HACK! Hackity hack hack. Bad!15:42
kenvandinemhall119, i don't think so, please file one16:22
gcolluramhall119, see https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/content-hub/fix-1384490/+merge/240156 about that bug16:46
TommyBrunnHey guys. I was just working on some U1db stuff, and I was wondering if anyone knows where the sqlite files are created so I can inspect them manually.17:17
mhall119gcollura: thanks, Elleo ^^ not having a proper way to change the ContentPeerPicker colors makes it less ideal for apps that define their own colors17:18
mhall119TommyBrunn: welcome, the should be in ~/.local/share/${APP_ID} somewhere17:18
TommyBrunnThere we are. Thanks mhall11917:19
gcolluramhall119, the branch I've proposed fixed this behavior, but it has been rejected because they want to tackle this issue differently :/17:19
mhall119gcollura: I saw, left a comment17:20
gcolluramhall119, thanks. If you try my branch, you should see that the background using ContentHub 1.1 is the same as the normal app background17:22
gcolluramhall119, I have this exact problem as yours in saucybacon, which holds me from releasing a new version17:23
ahayzenHey, when using qmltestrunner is there a way of making it show the window of the component it is testing, rather than running hidden?18:36
Elleomhall119: I'm not averse to adding some colour properties if kenvandine's okay with it, I think the previous thinking was that we should just have the peer picker look the same everywhere; but if people are going to go to great lengths to avoid that then maybe it's better to just make it possible to do things nicely19:51
TommyBrunnIs it a bad idea to be using U1db from QML at this point? It seems like the docs are incorrect and still very much under construction.20:12
justCarakasAkivaAvraham: what happened to the thinkpad :p20:22
nik90_ahayzen_: I generally do "qmltestrunner -input testfile.qml -eventdelay 200"...this adds a 200 ms delay between every input allowing you to see the window.22:05
ahayzen_nik90_, hmm mine still runs with no window...maybe it needs to be inside a MainView as well or something?22:13
nik90_ahayzen_: well your qml test needs to create a MainView or some kind of visual element like a rectangle22:20
nik90_check out the clock qml tests to see what I mean22:20
ahayzen_nik90_, mine creates a bacon2d Scene ... i mean it runs and passes i was just wondering if i could see what it was doing lol22:20
nik90_ahayzen_: perhaps then try adding a sleep(10) or something in the middle of the test22:22
nik90_qmltestrunner always shows the window22:22
nik90_it just happens really fast22:22
ahayzen_nik90_, i think something else must be happening because my tests run for a long time (it is testing the AI by playing games of volleyball) and nothing shows ...22:23
ahayzen_ah there we go putting it inside a Window {} worked \o/22:24
ahayzen_or nearly22:24
ahayzen_...a white window is partially useful...22:25
ahayzen_nik90_, yey got it working :) just needed a visible: true on the Scene and off we go22:29
nik90_ah the little thing22:29
kenvandineahayzen_, awesome, you have tests for the AI?23:33
kenvandinethat rocks!23:33
ahayzen_kenvandine, i'm just throwing the ball across the net and then taking accepting a certain loss rate at different ai levels23:33
ahayzen_kenvandine, still tweaking it at the moment but nearly there :)23:33
kenvandineyou should generalize it a little and submit them as tests for bacon2d :-D23:34
kenvandineqmltests are on my short list :-D23:34
ahayzen_they are pretty fun :)23:34
kenvandinewe really need them23:34
kenvandineahayzen_, great work!23:35
* kenvandine runs out again :)23:35
ahayzen_kenvandine, thanks :)23:35
xperiahi all. i am having problems with compileing tkgate from sources. when i do this here => sudo apt-get build-dep tkgate &  apt-get source tkgate & cd tkgate-2.0~b10 & ./configure & make i get build error messages like "block.c:1103:20: error: ‘Tcl_Interp’ has no member named ‘result’"23:52

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