
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
silverliona wonderful good morning from freezing germany07:47
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
ian-weisserWebsite question: http://community.ubuntu.com and lp:ubuntu-community-website. If I pull a copy of trunk to run on my test Wordpress rig, the whole <!-- wordpress head function --> output is different from the public version. Makes testing very difficult.17:38
ian-weisserQuestion: Is that deliberate? Does some other code insert the new header? Or did some change not make it into the LP trunk?17:39
pleia2hm, I wonder if the site is using some kind of framework/plugin that isn't mentioned in the docs17:40
pleia2(lol docs)17:40
ian-weisserPerhaps, but that's the _only_ difference. Just diff's a lot of HTML17:40
* pleia2 nods17:40
* ian-weisser agrees on the lol docs17:41
pleia2the Canonical sysadmins tend to insist that everything is in bzr these days, so I'd be surprised if there was code that isn't included, but it's always possible :)17:41
pleia2I think the Canonical community folks are still vacationing through Monday17:41
ian-weisserI figured no answer until next week.17:41
ian-weisserBy then I'll have the bzr branch created.17:42
ian-weisserBut it would be nice to be able to test it.17:42
ian-weisserIt works great on my test rig using both sets of headers (hello, cut-and-paste), but that's not a test _I_ would accept from someone else.17:44
popeyian-weisser: can you google search for a missing piece of html/css and see if you can find where it originated?17:51
popey(that's what I'd do if docs aren't saying what additional requirements there are)17:51
popey(by "search for a missing piece" I mean pick out a piece of code from the community.u.c site and search for that)17:52
popeyalso ping mhall119 ☻17:53
ian-weisserpopey: Great idea.20:44
ian-weisserSadly, no useful results from Google.20:47
ian-weisserHappily, it's not a blocker (yet). It just makes testing difficult.20:49

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