
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
tewardanyone else on the QA team's mailing list constantly irked by Alberto's use of tinyurl to shorten links for everything?17:15
tewardmaybe because i'm IT security i'm paranoid, but the point stands17:15
elfyI was just thinking that myself17:20
tewardelfy: i saw a string of tinyurl malware links in the bitcoin namespaces recently too which probably increased my paranoia17:21
tewardstill, it's not typically *good form* to always use url shorteners17:21
tewardi've wanted to say something on that for some time now, but...17:21
elfyI use them sometimes - but if *I* do then the original url's going to be loooooong17:26
tewardelfy: in this case it's just a link to an LP bug - those aren't huge so there's no use for a shortener17:27
elfyiindeed - my point :)17:29
elfywell - wandering off again :)17:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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