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benpardoI'm very new to setting up my own server. I'm working with Nodejs and it seems like things are going well, but I'm having trouble making my site accessible beyond localhost. Is anyone willing to take just a little time to talk with me and answer questions? I would really appreciate it. Thank you.00:40
pmatulis!ask | benpardo00:43
ubottubenpardo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:43
Patrickdk!ask pmatulis00:44
Patrickdkit won't ask you :(00:44
benpardoThank you ubottu! Glad to!00:45
* ObrienDave blinks00:45
benpardoWhy is my Ubunto server only working with local host and not fulfilling requests from the public internets?00:46
Patrickdkyou have the firewall tuned on00:46
Patrickdkyou configured your application incorrectly00:46
Patrickdkyou could have done a million other things00:47
pmatulisthere is no cable where it should be00:47
Patrickdkwe could guess for the next 10years00:47
benpardoI'm hosting on digital ocean00:47
benpardoHow can I check that my firewall is turned on?00:47
pmatulisbenpardo: what is the public IP address?00:48
benpardoPatrickdk, I'm glad to make it easy for everyone to gather knowledge about my problem. I'm just trying to find ways to work at it.00:48
Patrickdknetstat would be a good starting place00:48
Patrickdkfollowed by tcpdump00:48
Patrickdkand your config00:48
benpardowhat is my config?00:48
benpardoHow can I evaluate it00:48
PatrickdkI dunno, I didn't install nodejs00:49
Patrickdkyou claim you did though00:49
benpardopmatulis, would you like me to make the server listen?00:49
benpardoPatrickdk, I did install nodejs00:49
benpardoI'm not running a highly sophisticated operation. I have metalsmith.io generating static pages and serving them with metalsmith-serve00:50
pmatulisbenpardo: what port is you web server supposed to be listening on?00:51
benpardopmatulis: I just launched the app. I'm listening at port 808000:52
pmatulisbenpardo: confirmed00:52
benpardopmatulis, what is confirmed?00:52
pmatulisbenpardo: it is listening on that port00:53
benpardopmatulis, how do you know that?00:53
pmatulisbenpardo: but nothing loads when i point my client at that IP and port00:53
benpardopmatulis, so it is publicly available00:53
pmatulisbenpardo: i scanned that IP for that port00:53
benpardowhat application did you us on linux?00:54
pmatulisbenpardo: but it says 'filtered'00:54
benpardopmatulis: what does that mean?00:55
benpardopmatulis: also, the site works on local host.00:56
benpardowhen I connect00:56
pmatulisbenpardo: since this is a cloud instance, normally you need to set up a security group.  it's essentially a firewall at the cloud level.  did you do that?00:57
benpardopmatulis: I did not. How do I?00:58
pmatulisbenpardo: using the digital ocean control panel thingy00:58
* pmatulis has never used DO00:59
benpardopmatulis: I think I found the lever. It has a button you can push to make it publicly available ipv601:00
benpardoDo you think that is it?01:00
pmatulisbenpardo: looks like i am AWS-centric.  DO does stuff differently.  it looks like you simply need to configure the firewall local to the instance (directly with iptables)01:02
benpardopmatulis, can you try what you did again?01:02
pmatulisbenpardo: no change01:02
pmatulisbenpardo: hint, use ufw as a frontend to iptables01:03
benpardopmatulis: Thank you. This is helping me. I don't feel like I'm floating on a raft any more. I've got stuff I can try.01:04
benpardoI really appreciate it.01:04
pmatulisbenpardo: great.  come back with more specific questions and someone will surely help01:04
benpardopmatulis: Thank you so much. I've got some stuff to work with now01:05
benpardopmatulis: just setup my firewall. Still having the same problem at the same port: 808001:40
pmatulisbenpardo: what is the output of 'sudo iptables -L -n' ?  use a pastebin01:47
benpardopmatulis, voila: http://pastebin.com/hWH24Yxr01:50
cryptodanbenpardo: what is your site's url?01:51
cryptodanI dont think .vision is a TLD01:52
benpardocryptodan: .vision is a new top level domain01:55
cryptodanI dont see it listed on godaddy01:57
cryptodanbenpardo: port 80 is not available on that domain01:59
pmatulisbenpardo: i do not see TCP port 8080 in your rules and i believe (i'm not an iptables expert) you have 'deny by default' for the 'public' chain02:00
benpardocryptodan: do you want to see what ufw status says?02:00
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cryptodanbenpardo: [cryptodan@alphacentari ~ ]$ curl
cryptodancurl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host02:00
cryptodan[cryptodan@alphacentari ~ ]$ curl mindfire.vision02:00
cryptodancurl: (7) Failed to connect to mindfire.vision port 80: No route to host02:00
pmatulisbenpardo: you can always save your rules, flush them, and test.  in addition, you should see block messages in the kernel log02:01
pmatulisbenpardo: of course make sure the server is listening on TCP port 8080 on the appropriate interface.  use netstat or lsof to test that02:02
benpardopmatuslis: This is helping.02:03
benpardocryptodan: you both are helping very much.02:04
benpardoI'm going to try more and come back02:04
cryptodanalso check your port assignment in your config and see if its on 8080 or 80 there02:04
pmatulissudo lsof -i:8080 -n02:06
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lickalottgents, when I run a showmount -a I see mounts to my server from an internal class C address that doesn't currently exist on my network.  <-- that's 1.05:43
lickalott#2 is; I had to rebuild my windows box (reload OS) and now I can't access the NFS mounts from my ubuntu server without changing permissions for the world to 5.  it wasn't like this before the rebuild.  I don't want to leave all that stuff open like that.  Any ideas?05:43
samba35i am faceing problem with apt-get install xxx ,when i try to install any package i got error http://paste.ubuntu.com/9658949/11:27
samba35some time back i was getting error with half-installed11:27
samba35i dont have kernel  3.13.0-43  i have 3.13.0-41-generic11:28
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lnxmenWhy do my server refuses to load images via SSL?14:29
lnxmenWhat do you need to help me?14:30
lnxmenDeveloper Tool (Chromium) shows me: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error.14:30
Patrickdkhmm, servers don't load images14:32
Patrickdkbrowsers do14:32
lnxmenPatrickdk: Yes, sorry.14:33
Patrickdkso what is the actual problem?14:33
lnxmenWhen I load page via browser I can see net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error for every image.14:33
lnxmenBut it's only if I am using SSL.14:34
Patrickdkwell, fix your webpage then14:34
lnxmenYes, it's mine.14:34
Patrickdkthis isn't exactly #html14:34
lnxmenIt's apache configuration, and os is Ubuntu.14:34
Patrickdkwhat does that have to do with anything?14:34
Patrickdkdid apache or ubuntu write your html page?14:35
lnxmenActually, paths are okay.14:35
Patrickdkno one said anything about paths14:35
lnxmenSo html page is also okay.14:35
Patrickdkno it's not14:35
Patrickdkyou just said you got err_insecure_response14:35
lnxmenhtml code is okay itself.14:35
Patrickdkno it's not14:35
Patrickdkif it was, you wouldn't have err_insecure_response14:36
lnxmenI am sure it is.14:36
Patrickdkthat is why you are having a problem14:36
Patrickdkcause you refuse to look at the source of the problem, cause you believe it's not the problem14:36
lnxmenPatrickdk: I am moving site from old server.14:36
lnxmenIt worked.14:36
lnxmenI think the problem is vhost/htaccess configuration.14:36
lnxmenBut I can't figure it out.14:37
lnxmenPatrickdk: okay, browser need to accept SSL certificate after some time.14:39
lnxmenJust two clicks, and it works. lol14:40
lnxmenPatrickdk: Anyway, thank you for your help.14:40
rberg-I find that in Ubuntu 12.04 ssh gets started in the chroot when I am imaging with pxe / debootstrap, even with a policy-rc.d diversion, does anybody know of a solution for that?15:06
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blackyboybtrfs now in production environment ? Can i use in production ?18:52
AnnoyedAre there any known issues with ufw on server 14.04 LTS ?20:10
bekksAnnoyed: Why?20:11
AnnoyedFollowing the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/firewall.html, specifically the IP masq. section doesn't allow inside machines to access the net... they can get to the server inside inteface, but nothing further. The server box itself is fine...   and killing ufw, rebooting and manually entering the iptables command does allow access20:13
Annoyediptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o p2p1 -j MASQUERADE   does work though.20:13
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cryptodanp2p1 does not look like a valid interface20:16
AnnoyedIt is on this system20:16
cryptodancan you do an ifconfig and dpaste.com the results20:16
Annoyeddamned renaming tning20:16
Annoyedthing, even20:16
cryptodanAnnoyed: what kind of interfaces are those dial up?20:18
cryptodanthey should be eth0 and eth1 then20:19
AnnoyedUbuntu renames things20:19
cryptodanno it doesnt20:19
AnnoyedYes, it does20:19
cryptodanUh no20:19
cryptodanI have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server and it specifies eth1 for my ethernet port20:19
AnnoyedWell, you can see the ifconfig output. And those designations work for all other networking related.. as we all manually entering the iptables command20:21
AnnoyedCould it be that ufw doesn't like the renaming bit?20:23
cryptodanwhy not rename them from p2p1 to eth0 and eth1 and the p's to me signify some kind of point to point or dial up interfaces20:24
AnnoyedThat's what it did out of the box, and everything else is configured using those names.20:25
cryptodanso is this an andriod?20:25
AnnoyedNope. PC20:25
cryptodanbecause I did a google for p2p0 and it came up with mobile phones and nothing about personal computers20:25
rberg-thats caused by the biosdevname package I believe20:25
rberg-p for pci20:25
AnnoyedThat is what the system refers to the interfaces as.20:26
AnnoyedAnyway, I don't have time to spend on it any more right now. Just wanted to see if there are any known issues20:26
rberg-ok, I dont know anything about ufw, I do know why your interface is named that way :)20:27
cryptodanremove that package and see if ufw will work20:28
Annoyedheh. I know what files I've set up using the p2P1 / p3p1 names, but I have no idea what may have been autogenerated, and am hesitant to break that.20:29
rberg-delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and add "biosdevname=0" to the kernel cmdline and reboot to disable20:29
AnnoyedMaybe I'll try that... but later. I got to git.. thanks for the suggestion20:31
CrellMystery kernel errors are the bane of my existence...20:50
kevindeOn a Ubuntu server, what would be the best place to download a tar.gz file that has to be extracted, compiled & installed?23:03
kevinde /tmp?23:03
andolkevinde: The best place wouldn't be on the server at all, but rather rather on your workstation, where you build a Deb package to install on the server. Yet, if you insists on compiling it on the server I guess I'd go with /usr/local/src, it always being a good thing keeping a copy of the install source.23:06
kevindeandol: Thank you :)23:07
cryptodankevinde: first look for the package or application via apt-cache search23:08
kevindeThat is always the latest version right?23:08
cryptodanits the latest of whats ever in the repo23:09
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AnnoyedGreetings again23:25
AnnoyedStill having fun w/iptables..  I wasn't able to get it going with ufw.. I tried manually entering " <Annoyed> Anyway, I don't have time to spend on it any more right now. Just wanted to see if there23:27
Annoyed          are any known issues23:27
Annoyed<rberg-> ok, I dont know anything about ufw, I do know why your interface is named that way :)23:27
Annoyed<cryptodan> remove that package and see if ufw will work23:27
Annoyed<Annoyed> heh. I know what files I've set up using the p2P1 / p3p1 names, but I have no idea what23:27
Annoyed          may have been autogenerated, and am hesitant to break that.23:27
Annoyed<rberg-> delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and add "biosdevname=0" to the kernel23:27
Annoyed         cmdline and reboot to disable23:27
AnnoyedUng.. sorry23:27
Annoyedlet me start that over.23:28
AnnoyedStill having fun w/iptables..  I wasn't able to get it going with ufw..23:28
cryptodanwhat made you install that biosdevname package?23:29
Annoyedtried entering "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o p2p1 -j MASQUERADE" at the command line, and it worked.. allowed inside machines to see the net.. Since then, I have shut the machine down.. and restarted it. and it still works.. but now I don't understand why it is working. I had NOT saved the riles before shutdown23:32
Annoyedcryptodan: I didn't install it.. installion put it in there23:33
tewardAnnoyed: check and see if the rules are still in place - iptables -t nat -L23:33
tewardif it's still present just remove the rule/23:33
AnnoyedIt's not.. since I didn't save the rule, I don't get how it can still be active23:36
Annoyedroot@unimatrix0:/etc# iptables -t nat -L23:36
AnnoyedChain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT)23:36
Annoyedtarget     prot opt source               destination23:36
AnnoyedChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)23:36
Annoyedtarget     prot opt source               destination23:36
AnnoyedChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)23:36
Annoyedtarget     prot opt source               destination23:36
AnnoyedChain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)23:36
Annoyedtarget     prot opt source               destination23:36
Annoyedwhere would it save it? there is no iptables directory in /etc23:37
Annoyedroot@unimatrix0:/etc# ls -l iptables.save23:38
Annoyedls: cannot access iptables.save: No such file or directory23:38
cryptodanI would simply remove that package and go back to eth0 or eth123:39
cryptodanif it was a required package, I am sure that I would have it installed on my install23:40
Annoyedcryptodan: I don't think the device name is the problem. If it was, the raw iptables command wouldn't have got it working, 'cause iptables would not know the device name23:40
AnnoyedWell, it installed on its own when I installed 14.04.1 server23:41
cryptodanwell if you want to use ufw, then youll need to go back to eth023:42
AnnoyedNow i can't figure out why it is STILL working after reboot. iptables isn't persistant unless the rules are saved SOMEWHERE.23:43
cryptodanonce you write them they are saved23:45
AnnoyedThat's just it. I *didn't* successfully write them23:46
AnnoyedTried a few times, didn't recall the command right and got errors23:46
cryptodancan you scroll up in your buffer and see the commands?23:47
Annoyediptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o p2p1 -j MASQUERADE23:48
Annoyediptables save /root/iptables23:48
Annoyediptables-save /root/iptables23:48
Annoyedand there is no file called iptables in /root23:49
cryptodanlook for iptables-save23:49
Annoyedso I'm at a loss as to how the inside machine can get on the 'net23:50
cryptodanare you trying to setup a router?23:50
Annoyedroot@unimatrix0:/etc# grep -i -R iptables-save *   comes back with nothing23:51
cryptodanAnnoyed: here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router23:51
Annoyedis it possible that iptables sees forwarding turned on in sysctl.conf and figures out out on its own?23:59

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