
danishanishhey guys00:01
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ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:04
wafflej0ckOmegaOne, what's wrong?00:04
OmegaOnewafflej0ck, im a troll00:04
wafflej0ckdanishanish, for general chat join #ubuntu-offtopic if you have a support question about ubuntu feel free to just ask00:06
NinjaCowboyI think I just messed up things further. I ran "unity --reset" and "gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1". Now I have no launcher, panel, or window borders.00:06
daswichteldid anyone read may question 40 min ago?00:08
Svetlanadidn't see it00:08
daswichtelshall i repost?00:08
NinjaCowboyBoth of those commands froze my desktop afterwards and made me do a hard reset.00:09
Svetlanadaswichtel: please00:09
daswichtelnp mom00:09
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daswichtelok in short: 14.04, soundout stops working every time when i pause a youtubevid or it ends. any ideas? didnt find a way else then reboot to get it work again. im on a fresh (4days old) install.00:10
danishanishsame thing happens to me00:11
danishanishidk y00:11
StmeterHi guys. Weird problem I'm having. I have created a python script that connects to a HTTPS site, and it works fine on my Mac, but not on ubuntu. So I assumed it was a dependency issue, so I ported the code to PHP and I'm still having a problem with it timing out.00:12
StmeterI have tried multiple fresh Ubuntu installs.00:12
daswichtelin addition: firefox and it worked perfekt for 3 days. no updates happend. no configchanges relating to sound00:12
daswichtelit woudnt be a surprise if its a fuccked up adobe plugin.00:13
ikoniadaswichtel: tone down the language please00:15
ikoniathere is no need to swear00:15
daswichtelsry emotions took over. because i like adobe so much ;-) will not happen again00:16
ikoniadaswichtel: not a problem, don't worry00:16
taterzzhi, I'm having an initramfs issue. I've looked through a lot of threads and none address the issue in respect to my box. It's an hp pavilion ED895AA00:21
taterzzthere's no option for switching from ide to acpi or anything like that00:21
taterzzin the bios00:21
taterzzI've tried 32 bit and 64 bit, and several older versions of ubuntu and the issue still persists00:22
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daftykinstaterzz: so explain what happens exactly?00:26
taterzz(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system00:26
taterzzjust hangs out there00:26
taterzztried different usb sticks, slots00:26
daftykinsso you're failing to boot live media, ok - did your ISO downloads hash ok?00:26
daftykinsand how are you creating them?00:27
taterzzthe hash worked out, tried start up creator and unetbootin00:28
daftykinsok, so the system you're creating from is a Linux host?00:28
daftykinscan you plug the flash drive back in, identify the device name and run "sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.ISO of=/dev/sdX bs=2M" using USB ports on the motherboard directly? (if not a laptop)00:29
taterzzok, sec00:29
taterzzyes linux00:29
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taterzzdaftykins, http://pastebin.com/NaqJE9zc00:32
EriC^^taterzz: you should dd to the drive not the partition i think00:33
EriC^^why are you installing 11.04 ?00:34
taterzzbecause some threads said it might work with an older version00:34
taterzzI thought that was the drive00:34
EriC^^nah sdb is the drive00:36
daftykinstaterzz: yeah i said sdX, not sdX# :)00:36
EriC^^sdb1 is the first partition on that drive00:36
EriC^^taterzz: id' try 12.04 lts though00:36
taterzzok, i'll do that00:37
taterzzdo i have to erase the drive or can i just use that command again?00:37
EriC^^no just use it again00:37
bcm4318I left my laptop running on battery for a long while and after i returned it was off. What is the command that will let know how long my computer was up before it switched itself off?00:40
ObrienDavethere's a command for that?00:41
taterzzuptime ?00:41
ObrienDavelearn something new everyday!00:42
taterzzdaftykins, do i have to do anything else to make it bootable?00:43
bcm4318uptime will tell how long my laptop ha been running (meaning it is still up). Not how long it WAS up before it swictched off00:43
EriC^^actually uptime only shows how long the system has been up00:43
daniel_hello amigos =)00:43
daswichteluptime can show how long the last uptime was? didnt know that00:43
taterzzoh i didn't know , i was just throwing it out there, daswichtel00:44
EriC^^you can probably get it from the reboot user00:44
EriC^^when the pc boots he logs in00:44
EriC^^type last reboot00:45
daswichtellook at the logs.00:45
bcm4318what logs?00:45
EriC^^but yeah, that'll only say when you last booted it, but not at what time it shut off by itself00:45
EriC^^bcm4318: look at /var/log/pm*.log00:46
EriC^^it probably mentions going to sleep or something00:46
daswichtelboah my brain... dont know the filename  but message.log or something00:46
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bcm4318last reboot does not show  at what time my laptop  shut itself off when it ran out of battery power00:47
daniel_i am trying to reinstall my network-manager to ubuntu 12.04 -- i have no internet connection, so i downloaded the newest desktop version 14.10 and dd to a usb-stick, added to sources.list the line "deb file:/mnt utopic main restricted" (mounted the stick to /mnt before...), apt-get update is successfully, but when doing 'apt-get install network-manager', it's not found, only a reference (i think maybe the uncommented internet sources?)00:47
daftykinstaterzz: nope, no extra steps00:47
daniel_lol, maybe too much in a row, but maybe someone can find the problematic spot, why the apt is not searching/finding the package from the stick.... or some diagnostic steps? i tried to inspect with dpkg-*-tools, but failed...00:48
bcm4318/var/log/pm-powersave.log does not show  at what time my laptop  shut itself off when it ran out of battery power00:49
upyeclipseso how do I copy everything in a folder including other folders to another folder?00:49
daftykinspretty sure you were told cp -R before00:50
daftykinsbut maybe rsync would be more relevant00:50
pixelkatis there any advantage in installing ubuntu 14.04 or 14.10 over elementary os luna?00:51
taterzzdaftykins, the issue persists00:51
pixelkatalso, if i were to install ubuntu, should i choose 14.04 or 14.10?00:51
k1lpixelkat: do you want to upgrade all 6 months?00:52
pixelkatwhat do you mean all 6 months?00:52
daniel_pixelkat, depends on what you prefer more: LTS (long term support) or the newest features...00:52
daftykinstaterzz: HP prioliant you say, get the latest BIOS installed and reload defaults00:52
daftykinswell HP something or other00:53
k1lpixelkat: 14.04 is LTS and you can stay there for 5 years. on 14.10 you need to upgrade all 6 months to the next reelase.00:53
pixelkati just want something solid and stable for recording, graphic and video editing00:53
daniel_nobody experienced in installing packages from local folders / usb-stick?00:53
pixelkatand to run snes, gba emulators00:53
pixelkatand minecraft00:53
k1lpixelkat: ok choose 14.04 and take a look at the ubuntu studio stuff00:53
andlabs|2two more data recovery questions00:54
andlabs|21) Is there a way I can find out what type of ext4 data structure (group header, indoe table, etc.) is at a given block with debugfs?00:54
daswichtel@pixelkat audio & stable..... hmmmm00:54
andlabs|22) only the first 10 blocks (40960 bytes) of the journal are lost - can I still use what's left to manually recover inode table entries?00:54
taterzzdaftykins, that's a great idea thanks. Now it's just a matter of finding the bios update. HP not making it easy00:55
pixelkatubuntu studio looks like it has way more than what i need00:55
daftykinstaterzz: doh! maybe doing a reset now might help?00:55
pixelkati will probably only use openshot , kazam, and gimp00:55
andlabs|2I already ran icheck on the block numbers and they don't seem to map to inode numbers so I'm guessing they're inode table entires but IDK how to find out00:55
serventelitejust accidentally deleted windows 8.1 while trying to dual boot with ubuntu. So now i am just left with linux and i don't feel like reinstalling windows 8.1, its not worth it. Just linux now YAY.00:55
k1lpixelkat: then install plain 14.0400:55
andlabs|2serventelite: did you lose dta00:56
k1lpixelkat: and if you want support here dont install elementary00:56
serventelitemost of it was backed up to a usb so nothing really00:56
pixelkatwell, i like pantheon better than unity00:56
RNevilleserventelite: great00:56
pixelkatis there a way to use pantheon instead of unity on 14.0400:56
taterzzdaftykins, you mean loading the bios defaults?00:56
ObrienDavepixelkat, Studio uses XFCE00:56
k1lpixelkat: so you know to ask the elementary guys for help then00:56
pixelkati like xfce00:57
daswichtel@Svetlana another 40 minutes shall i repost again or give up.... sry no offense00:57
pixelkatim in elementary but its crickets00:57
ObrienDavepixelkat, and you don't have to install ALL of Studio00:57
daftykinstaterzz: yep00:57
daniel_pixelkat: you can install every pantheon on ubuntu, too...00:57
Svetlanadaswichtel: I may only suggest not using youtube web site. There is the youtube-dl package.00:57
pixelkatso i should install 14.04 and pantheon instead of unity?00:57
taterzzdaftykins, already tried00:58
pixelkatlooks like installing pantheon on 14.04 is a pain00:59
daswichtel@Svetlana you try to say not to use the "well designed" adobe plugin. and use any offlineplayer of my choice?00:59
bufferlosshow do I run commands on startup?00:59
Svetlanadaswichtel: vlc00:59
daniel_pixelkat: would be my solution...doesnt seem so painful to me, but never tried, only read this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66757/how-to-install-the-pantheon-desktop-environment01:00
daswichtelsry im rofling......01:00
k1lpixelkat: take a look at xubuntu01:01
pixelkative used it01:01
taterzzdaftykins, http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?cc=us&lc=en&softwareitem=pv-56089-1 lol .exe file. Jebus01:01
pixelkatso far elementary luna has been my favorite but it still has bugs01:01
pixelkatmaybe its user error i dont know01:01
daniel_k1l, it seems you have some experience gained, have you ever added a folder/usb-stick to your sources.list?01:01
k1lpixelkat: ok, so come back if you know if you want to use elementary or not. we cant help you on that decision01:02
daswichtelthis ******* ***** ****** ******* *****player by this ****** and **** company named adobe is so great...01:02
daftykinstaterzz: yeah, you might get away with win98 boot files on a disk if it's a DOS kinda prog01:02
daftykinstaterzz: double check and triple check it's the right model though!01:02
pixelkati just wnt the most solid and visually appealing OS to use for screen capture (kazam), bluetooth controlled music, openshot, and gimp01:02
k1ldaniel_: no, and i would not do that.01:02
pixelkatelementary os uses a program called "music" thats bluetooth controlled01:02
k1ldaniel_: if you want to install local stuff just use dpkg01:02
daftykinstaterzz: oh, looks like XP - might be GUI :(01:03
pixelkatis there something like that for ubuntu 14.04?01:03
taterzzThis is so stupid there isn't even an OS on the box.01:03
daniel_k1l: hmm,... but i have no internet connection on the netbook, no cat-cable.support and i need wifi-connection again... any tricks?01:03
daswichtelthx maybe they patch totally awesome in 2015. like the last years...... ok calm down. no further spam.01:04
k1ldaniel_: get the .deb packages you need. put them on a usb, install them.01:04
daniel_haha, thanks - haven't thought about that ;)01:05
taterzzAlright. I'm gonna pirate WinXP then just so I can update the bios. God I have too much time on my hands01:06
eury_alguem tc português01:06
daniel_taterzz: +1 - pirating windows is always favorable xD01:06
daftykinsdaniel_: none of that childish attitude in here thanks01:07
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:07
taterzzhaha yeah I posted on facebook the other day: "I can't wait to pirate the newest version of Windows as soon as it comes out!"01:07
daftykinstaterzz: fair enough but please don't hint at illegal activity in future01:07
taterzzoh sorry01:07
daftykinsoff topic, support only thanks :)01:07
daniel_daftykins: okay, sorry, thought it could be fun ;)01:07
daftykinscomedy lives in #ubuntu-offtopic01:07
daftykinsdaniel_: in there it can be ^01:07
daniel_daftykins: hmkay - didn't know this channel - thanks for the support ;)01:08
StmeterIf anyones avaliable: I have a PHP script that works on my Mac that sends information to a https site. Although when I try it on multiple Ubuntu installs, the script hangs. Any ideas?01:08
daftykinsStmeter: try a PHP channel :P01:09
daswichtelok thx for your help... not for me. but for all u can do something for. bb01:09
ArmadillosQuestion:  Does anyone have a link to set up my linux box to be a Radius server for my wireless access point?01:09
Stmeterdaftykins: Not a programming problem. It doesn't work with python either.01:09
Svetlanadaswichtel: I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I'm assuming things are working then?01:09
daftykinsStmeter: well you clean installed the OS a few times, so maybe they have a clue on what you're trying to do being wrong / lacking something.01:09
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daftykinsStmeter: either way it's a better bet than repeating in here to no avail ;)01:10
StmeterI guess so. It's just odd that it works locally. Thanks daftykins01:10
daswichtel@svetlana problems occurd since i us youtube. i follow the 31c3 because i coudnt get there this year. i normally do exactly what u metioned.01:11
SvetlanaI see.01:12
daswichtelbut this time i was hmm a lazy bone? dont know if its the right phrase01:12
SvetlanaIt is a valid word, hehe.01:13
daswichtelbut nevertheless its a bug01:13
daswichtelmy fingers eat characters.... time to get to sleep. bb and keep up. btw happy new fear01:15
SchrodingersScathappy new fear indeed01:16
wafflej0ckdanishanish, stepped away for a bit there have you tried in Chrome as well they have the embedded Pepper Flash plugin that's typically kept more up to date I believe in terms of Flash versions01:16
jonascjHi all. How do I right-click on the top-bar to add an applet/widget? If I just right click on the bar I get nothing, if I right click close to the watch, nm-applet etc. then I just get their settings. This is ubuntu 14.0401:17
wafflej0ckdanishanish, that said just tried in Firefox and I can't reproduce, play a video has audio, I pause it I start it still has audio01:18
alexhappy new year ubuntu world01:18
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wafflej0ckjonascj, don't believe Unity has support for extra applets/widgets in the panel aside from the default ones for system tasks (someone may correct me here) KDE panels tend to give you the most in terms of customization or you may want to check out Mate (based on Gnome 2) or perhaps XFCE or some other desktop environment01:20
alexcan anyone help me?  I just loaded Ubuntu Studio onto my pc which already had Windows 7 and Cinnomon Quiana.  For some reason GRUB does list Windows 7, which I still need for various programs.  I can access files through the file manager, but cannot Launch Windows anymore.01:21
BigBawbHello friends, I can't seem to connect to wifi if theres a password on the network01:22
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BigBawbIm using an adapter thats using ndiswrapper01:22
wafflej0ckalex what happens when you choose to boot windows? the long story short is you'll need to get your grub configuration right and run update-grub in the end but need to determine what your grub settings should be for getting windows booted01:22
wafflej0ckBigBawb, is it for WPA as well as WEP wifi passwords? would just be good to narrow it down, also lsusb to get the device id and other info and Google about the particular issue (ubuntu version+device+problem)01:23
alexWindows is not on the list .. only Cinnamon and Studio01:24
BigBawbwafflej0ck: Good thinking friend01:24
BigBawbLet me try01:24
danishanishhey guys, would you recommend python or shell when01:25
rypervenchedanishanish: When what? :)01:26
wafflej0ckalex k you can try, sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX, where /dev/sdX is the target partition you can use lsblk to see all the mounted partitions and their mount points01:28
Stmeterdaftykins: I hate to keep beating a dead horse here, but it works with a fresh centos install.01:30
StmeterSo I guess I'll be using that :/01:30
wafflej0ckalex if you see that it saw the windows partition then just, sudo update-grub, and after it's done give it a reboot, if you don't see windows in there (can output what it did from the grub configuration with, cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg)01:31
wafflej0ckalex in the case it doesn't find it you can manually make the entry, cd /etc/grub and check the README there cat README you can see how the files work there but let me know if the grub-install doesn't work out01:33
nmatrix9How is everyone this New Years?01:34
wafflej0cknmatrix9, good but for general chat join #ubuntu-offtopic this channel is just for support questions and answers, hope you're having a good New Years too though01:35
jonascjwafflej0ck: ah okay, I just searched for "ubuntu temperature monitor" and one suggestion was the "sensors-applet" which they say I can add to my "panel" by right clicking it01:35
wafflej0ckjonascj, yeah probably old instructions for Gnome 2 or maybe KDE instructions not sure01:36
wafflej0ckjonascj, make sure you search for the particular version you're on since the desktop environment has evolved over time01:36
wafflej0ckjonascj, personally I use Ubuntu Gnome edition that uses Gnome 3 and I use Conky to have some stats but I don't have temperature stuff in there (think it's possible though)01:37
squintyjonascj:  http://www.noobslab.com/2014/08/useful-panel-indicators-collection-for.html01:38
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wafflej0cksquinty, wow nice list01:39
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wafflej0cksquinty, too bad so many PPAs but nice that all that is available didn't realize all that stuff worked in Unity too01:40
cogitoHi, Is this the right channel for help related to a boot problem?01:41
wafflej0ckcogito, if you're running ubuntu then yeah probably01:42
cogitoExcellent. Thanks.01:42
squintywafflej0ck:  I just googled "how to install applets in ubuntu 14.04" and restricted the search to the last year.  lots of hits returned fwiw01:42
wafflej0cksquinty, yeah I only used Unity shortly before deciding to try out KDE and have since moved to Gnome 3 but good to know01:43
cogitoI  have -- had -- a fully working dual boot (Ubuntu14.10 + Windows8) on my Acer Aspire S7 -- which was a little tricky to set up thanks to UEFI and RAID. However, I was messing with the bootloader, and stupidly ran `dmraid -dE` and now all has gone to hell.01:46
cogitoI followed several guides to try to recover, but right now I have a non booting system, the partition tables are messed up, and I'm unable to unwind my way out of this.01:47
cogitoOn the plus side, I seem to be able to view all my files through Nautilus. Is there hope for me, or do I have to format and start over?01:48
daftykinsi think i can guess which'd be quicker01:49
daftykinsyou hould backup now regardless01:49
wafflej0ckcogito, sorry no experience with dmraid directly but yeah think backup of data and restart with the Linux/bootloader config sounds easier than fixing it as is01:49
cogitoI have backed up my important files01:49
cogitoWhen you say "restart with the Linux/bootloader config", do you mean reformat and reinstall?01:50
traekilicogito, does your system have the option to boot in legacy mode within your BIOS options?01:51
cogitoYes, it has that option01:51
traekiliafter starting over it would be an idea to do that01:51
traekilion next install01:51
daftykinsthat's rubbish, legacy won't make any of that easier01:51
traekilihe said it was no easy task to set up with uefi01:51
traekililegacy disables that01:52
copsmantraekili: bull. Uefi is easy01:52
daftykinsunlikely claim01:52
traekiliis this ubuntu or a shouting match...01:52
traekilichill guys01:52
daftykinsshying away from doing things right doesn't make it easier01:52
daftykinstraekili: no idea what you're talking about01:53
traekilii know i just thought id add the option in case that would indeed be his last option01:53
traekili'bull' and 'rubbish' is not the language  i expected here.01:53
traekilii dont mind being wrong.01:53
copsmanUefi is easy traekili01:53
traekilito me it is01:53
traekilias well01:53
SvetaI am yet to see a shouting match hehe :)01:54
copsmanSveta: You won't01:54
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daftykinslets get back on topic01:55
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Svetacan I help you ratsbag02:01
BigBawbHi there, Im back. I can confirm the problem is with all password types02:01
BigBawbI tried wep wpa and wpa2 none work. Unsecuring the network it will work just fine02:02
Dylan_I'm trying to run Rosetta Stone using Virtualbox (Guest Windows XP 32 Bit). Running Ubuntu 14.04. I am using a headset for sound. As far as I can tell, my microphone is functioning correctly but I am not able to hear sound. Is anyone familiar enough with Virtualbox to help?02:03
ratsbagBigBawb: You know your password and type of e02:03
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BigBawbratsbag: yes02:05
SchrodingersScatDylan_: can try changing the sound device for the machine in the virtualbox settings02:05
BigBawbIm currently on my laptop about 3 feet from my desktop02:05
SvetaDylan_: try to run something simpler that makes sounds, to rule out bugs in rosetta stone02:05
BigBawbchanged to all different types of passwords the only connection I got was unsecured02:05
Svetaratsbag: please stop messaging me with rude insults, thanks02:06
Dylan_Schrodinger: I'll try that as soon as I try Sveta's advice.02:06
daftykinsSveta: report any user in #ubuntu-ops please02:07
Dylan_Doh. I'm an idiot. I didn't have my Ubuntu audio settings right.02:07
Svetayay :)02:07
raveenzDylan_: did you install virtualbox guest additions too?02:07
ratsbagBigBawb: when encryption is on can your WiFi device locate your router.02:07
wafflej0ckBigBawb, you check out lsusb and lsb_release info02:09
wafflej0ckBigBawb, if it's a USB wifi adapter if it's built in use lspci to see the device info02:10
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ian__How can I identify whether TRIM is enabled on my SSD?02:10
wafflej0ckBigBawb, I've had some issues with USB ones using ndiswrapper with WPA2 encryption but it worked for other types of encryption but might be something specific to the drivers you're using perhaps can find an alternative or something02:11
gr33n7007hBigBawb, run "tail -f /var/log/syslog" while trying to connect and pastebin the output02:11
wafflej0ckian__, SO has a post that seems to cover it http://askubuntu.com/questions/443761/how-is-trim-enabled02:12
wafflej0cker askubuntu I guess :|02:12
bubbasauresian__, trim is in 14.04 already but there are a number of tweaks and a million links saying more or less the same.02:13
BigBawbgr33n7007h: kk its gonna take me a minute cuz I gotta switch between pcs02:14
ian__wafflej0ck, bubbasaures thanks for the help.  I see that /etc/cron.weekly has a file "fstrim" that runs the trim command so I think I'm good right?02:14
BigBawbIm also using ndiswrapper if that helps02:14
BigBawbI read during the whole tutorial I went through that people had password issues but the solutions suggested arent working02:15
wafflej0ckian__, yeah if it's a supported drive should be all good and if not you probably don't want to run it02:15
bubbasauresian__, depends on what you want, I forget how mine is set up to be honest.02:15
BigBawbgr33n7007h: It doesn't seem to give any output02:17
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smokeydhey all. The ~/Music, ~/Documents, ~/Videos folders aren't in /etc/skel. So how do they get created when I add a user, and how do I change it (substitute with a symlink for instance). I don't want to manually do it per user but do it in the default location like with /etc/skel02:17
gr33n7007hhmm... strange02:19
chaotixhey..  are unity lenses being phased out?  There dont seem to be any in the software center in 14.10, so i was just wondering..02:19
Fuchssmokeyd: .config/user-dirs.dirs02:19
Fuchssmokeyd: responsible for creating them is the desktop environment you are using02:20
Fuchssmokeyd: it's a freedesktop thingie02:20
smokeydFuchs, ok. And what if I want to add files to that folder when a user get's created. Like have a default "Documents" folders with a few files in it, but each user does have his/her own folder? That is not possible?02:21
smokeydIt really is too bad that the desktop environment doesn't just use /etc/skel02:21
Fuchssmokeyd: it technically is, you could have that created via skel, and then have the file I mentioned before point at it02:22
Fuchssmokeyd: the desktop environment shouldn't overwrite it if it already does exist02:22
smokeydFuchs: ah, ok02:22
smokeydGood point02:22
smokeydso I could create it there02:22
smokeydthat is a good idea actually02:22
Fuchssmokeyd: so the only thing you need to do is have that folder created with whatever means you wish (skel, as an example) and then make sure that the XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR (as an example) points to it02:22
Fuchssmokeyd: you're welcome :)02:22
BigBawboops found it02:22
BigBawbgr33n7007h: I looked in the wrong place I apologize02:23
BigBawbIm new to linux... havent even managed a web connection Im looking through now02:23
gr33n7007hBigBawb, just out of curiousity why you using ndiswrapper?02:23
xanguachaotix: don't really know about the lenses, but there are a Lot of scopes and half of them I don't even use02:24
devildog31415can someone point me in the right direction (advise or different channel if necessary) rcv'ing "aborted (core dump)" everytime I  try and save a spreadsheet calculator file (sc command).  don't know how to troubleshoot02:26
BigBawbgr33n7007h: I might not have a good reason at all02:26
bparkerwhen I try to switch users under the desktop on 14.04, it asks me for a password, but /var/log/auth.log tells me it's trying to login as user 'lightdm' and not the user I'm trying to switch to. Any idea how to fix?02:26
BigBawbBut from what I read the specific adapter I have needs to use it02:26
gr33n7007hBigBawb, is it internal or usb?02:26
bparkerso basically I cannot switch users, ever02:27
BigBawbI tried first with the b43 thing02:27
chaotixxangua, i was just curious...  i am going to start using the dash more...  i mostly use synapse and classicmenu-indicator, but i am going to try to go without them for a little while02:27
bparkerand now it's even locked me out of the original user's desktop02:27
BigBawbbut I saw a few posts who said this specific one I have (linksys AE2500) said that ndiswrapper was the solution02:27
BigBawbfollowed the instructions and bam it springs to life02:28
=== AlphaTech is now known as AlphaDinner
BigBawbIm getting that pastebin right now02:28
devildog31415what is the right channel for a core dump issue?02:29
baos_have a strange firewall issue where I suddenly can't connect to github.com.  I didn't touch any firewall settings.02:30
baos_can't get a ping response02:30
baos_other computer on the same network has no issues.02:30
bparkerbaos_: pastebin iptables -nvL02:31
baos_it's rather empty02:34
BigBawbgr33n7007h: http://hastebin.com/orerabavow.xml02:34
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
daftykinsbaos_: can you ping your router?02:35
bparkerbaos_: can you pate output of 'ifconfig'02:35
* daftykins leaves it to bparker 02:35
baos_I can ping my router just fine and am online on the computer in question talking to you02:35
terratomai blew away /boot/grub/grub.conf . what do i do ?02:36
EriC^^terratoma: sudo update-grub02:36
bparkerterratoma: update-grub02:36
baos_the gfs computer on the same network has no issues, so it leaves me to ponder whats wrong with this linux.02:37
=== skelterjohn_ is now known as skelterjohn
bparkerI'm assuming your router isn't doing anything special with that computer02:37
CyberAceHNY guys. =)02:37
baos_not at all.02:37
gr33n7007hBigBawb, nm-tool | grep -A5 "wlan0"02:38
CyberAceWhats your IP address?02:38
terratomagrub.conf didnt get recreated.  maybe its not needed ?02:38
EriC^^terratoma: it's grub.cfg02:38
wafflej0ckbaos_, you try it by IP
baos_From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable02:39
bparkerbaos_: traceroute github.com02:40
BigBawbgr33n7007h: along the lines of type:xx.xx. wifi Driver:ndiswrapper State:Disconnected Default: No HWAdress:xxx.xx.xxx02:40
baos_now the traceroute is interesting.02:40
gr33n7007hWhich guide did you follow this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?02:41
daftykinsbaos_: 10.2? but your network is 1.x02:41
bparkerbaos_: what is since your ip is
bparkerand can you paste "ip route"02:42
baos_to the best of my knowledge, not an ip on my network.02:43
bparkerdaftykins: could be a broken router that responds to traceroute with exterior ip02:43
bparkeryou'd have to look at tcpdump of the response to see what MAC address it's from, and check interior IP that way02:44
baos_hmm, shall I try reconnecting?02:44
bparkerbaos_: can you paste 'ip route'02:44
BigBawbgr33n7007h: for installing ndiswrapper or installing the driver?02:44
bparkerif nothing is strange in dmesg, could just try rebooting.02:44
gr33n7007hBigBawb, both02:45
cryptodanBigBawb: what wireless card do you have as it should have default kernel support02:46
baos_192.0.0.0/8 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 102:46
baos_192.168.1.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
BigBawbgr33n7007h: I believe the ndiswrapper was from the site you suggested there02:46
bparkeruhhhh there's your problem02:46
BigBawbbut I had to do offline instructions02:46
bparkerbaos_: ip r d
BigBawbas for the linksys driver I had trouble but found the solution here02:46
baos_64 bytes from github.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=234 ms02:47
cryptodanBigBawb: can you do an lspci and lsusb and dpaste.com the results02:47
baos_hmm, so.  what exactly happened?02:47
daftykinshmm funky phantom routes02:47
BigBawbcryptodan: Sure02:48
BigBawbone sec02:48
BigBawbIf you're late to my issue its only with a password02:48
bparkerbaos_: you had a static route set that forced all connections to IP's starting with 192.x.x.x (including github) to be routed to some random IP that your computer has no idea how to reach.02:48
baos_very strange.02:48
baos_glad it's not some kind of malware or virus02:48
BigBawbgr33n7007h: I had to edit the .inf as shown in step 4 of that guide and thats what finally got it working02:49
baos_thankyou very much for the help02:49
BigBawbbut as you see he says he had password issues that were solved by simply changing the password. Not for me, only removing it02:49
gr33n7007hBigBawb, That's an XP driver, I don't think it's possible to connect to WPA with that driver have you tried using win7/8 driver?02:49
BigBawbgr33n7007h: Will win7 and 8 drivers work with ndiswrapper?02:50
baos_I'll have to take another look at the routers to see where it could have come from02:50
cryptodanquestion is why are you not using the kernel drivers for your card?02:50
gr33n7007hBigBawb, should do02:51
BigBawbgr33n7007h: Alrighty Ill try02:51
baos_going to reboot to see if it comes back.  thankyou very much for your assistance bparker02:52
gr33n7007hBigBawb, good luck or just buy a cheap wireless usb stick with supported drivers for ubuntu realtek/ralink/atheros02:52
cryptodandont forget intel02:53
daftykinsintel went really bad.02:53
daftykinsand in USB? nope02:53
cryptodanBigBawb: have ya done the lspci / lsusb02:53
cryptodanI have and will always use Intel Wireless NIC's in my lap tops02:54
BigBawbyes I just have to switch a flash drive back and forth02:54
BigBawbI dont think I have a wireless card02:54
wafflej0ckBigBawb, no ethernet you can use in the meanwhile to be on the machine you're debugging and in the chat? would probably make it easier02:55
daftykinscryptodan: you know they went crap though right? 7xxx series specifically i think02:56
BigBawbwafflej0ck: This is as close as it gets short of moving my giant desktop around02:56
BigBawbwhich is less practical02:56
BigBawbI got it02:56
cryptodanWireless AC is a new protocol so yeah I would expect companies to have issues with that02:57
BigBawbcryptodan: http://hastebin.com/ijatisuwoh.vhdl02:57
smokeydis there a way to run a script for a new user upon first login? I would like to setup some things for a new user that aren't possible with just placing the correct files in /etc/skel02:58
daftykinscryptodan: no, not even anything to do with ac.02:58
cryptodanI would imagine that to be so02:59
gr33n7007hI only use ALFA wireless usb dongles though rather expensive but the best of the best :)02:59
BigBawbgr33n7007h: trying to install the win7 one errored "Cannot find Module: Cisco"02:59
BigBawbyeah this is just one I use for windows02:59
BigBawbI wanted to dual boot but its not turning out so great02:59
gr33n7007hBigBawb, I'd scrap ndiswrapper altogether and get a usb nic thats actually works on win/buntu03:01
xanguaBigBawb: with ndiswrapper you need the windows xp drivers, as far as I know03:02
BigBawbxangua: Yeah thats what I got, the problem is using a password03:02
BigBawbBut it looks like RIP not spending any money03:02
baosIt wasn't the router.  it was something left behind in the wired network settings.  There was no mention of the ip in any tab I could find in the profile.  But a removal of the profile and creation of a new one, the ghost network disappeared.03:03
gr33n7007hBigBawb, is your encryption WPA?03:04
gansteedhow can i creating data structure diagrams in Ubuntu? is there any apps for it?03:04
=== Fuchs is now known as zombiefox
gr33n7007hBigBawb, have you tried putting your wpa password in as hex instead of ascii?03:06
wafflej0ckgansteed, there are quite a few apps for diagrams but depends on your exact needs, you may want to check out Dia or Draw in LibreOffice03:06
cryptodanBigBawb: if this is a desktop here is a card I Would recommend http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683310613503:06
gr33n7007hbecause xp drivers are old as hell03:06
cryptodanXP Supports WPA03:06
wafflej0ckgansteed, if you're doing schema stuff and using MySQL the MySQL workbench is pretty nice and can forward engineer/reverse engineer to/from a diagram/DB03:06
wafflej0ckgansteed, LibreOffice Draw is nice for more visual stuff but with Dia there are also scripts to export to actual code from the diagrams which can be nice03:08
=== AlphaDinner is now known as AlphaTech
gansteedwafflej0ck, i want to represent a tree (data structure)03:08
frankdis there a replacement for scsi_id in ubuntu 14? or am i somehow missing a package?03:09
frankdi thought it was part of udev03:09
wafflej0ckgansteed, yeah really still not sure what the end result is you're looking for, perhaps you just want something like View Your Mind which is like a "tree" mind mapper, what's the goal?03:09
gansteedwafflej0ck, i wanna draw a diagram like this one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/Trie_example.svg/250px-Trie_example.svg.png03:11
bufferlosshow do I swap capslock in unity?03:12
gansteedwafflej0ck, i've found this one, http://www.graphviz.org/03:14
wafflej0ckgansteed, yeah was just looking at that too, looking for a GUI for it but not sure that one exists aside from this KDE based one for viewing03:14
gansteedwafflej0ck, :D03:16
wafflej0ckgansteed, looks pretty easy to use though really03:17
=== mkv is now known as m4v
gansteedwafflej0ck, yeah, i'm looking for a tutorial03:19
wafflej0ckyeah would be nice if there was something like ReText (markdown editor with live preview) for this so you can just see the output in a GUI... I need to learn to write desktop GUI apps and not complain though I suppose03:20
BigBawbanyone got a good usb wifi adapter they could suggest?03:20
BigBawbcheap and one that works03:20
bubbasauresBigBawb, amazon...etc have gobs listed as linux and ubuntu friendly cheap.03:21
gansteedwafflej0ck, nothing, graphviz is easy enough03:23
gansteedlive preview is not necessary for me03:23
jrgheh. i give up on ubuntu on this tf10103:25
wafflej0ckgansteed, yeah looks like the definition is simple enough to not mess it up in most cases but I like GUIs :D this should do the trick though, so happy diagramming03:25
jrganybody know of a good arm based laptop that ubuntu can actually run on without issue?03:25
gr33n7007hBigBawb, How much you willing to spend?03:26
wafflej0ckjrg, hmm think getting the packages all compiled for ARM that you'd want is the issue no? why the requirement for ARM architecture?03:26
bparkerhow do you install 14.04 on a laptop when it's running on battery? the installer refuses to continue and I cannot plug it in.03:27
jrgfanless and lasts longer than any x86 i know of03:27
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bparkerjrg: anything that runs android or chromeos will run ubuntu03:27
bparkerthey're all using Linux anyway03:27
bparkerand same drivers03:27
wafflej0ckjrg, yeah not sure, was looking at some PBX systems but they were ARM based and saw it was hard to find some packages compiled for ARM processors and didn't want to fight it myself so didn't get it03:28
jrgbparker: doesn't seem to be the case with the tf101 ;)03:28
jrgbut then again the tf101 was crap with android on it as well03:28
jrgnot to mention there seems to always be closed blobs03:28
jrgespecially when it comes to gps, cams, sensors, etc03:28
jrgso you always wind up with something not working03:28
jrgi was hoping to find something actually designed for it03:29
wafflej0ckjrg, yeah driver blobs :( unfortunately hardware manufacturers aren't the best about providing source or any info so things have to be reverse engineered03:29
wafflej0ckoh yeah it was the pro version of the fax extension module that didn't have ARM support... was trying to think because my RasPi runs FreePBX right now and is ARM based too03:30
wafflej0ckyeah so it's doable they had debian wheezy I think to make the RasPi raspbian images but I haven't tried a DIY approach to that was just flashing images03:31
jrgi wonder if that works03:33
jrgi'm sure google probably found a way for that to not work nowadays03:33
jrgoh that's kind of a totally lame way to do it03:33
jrgi wodner if you have to start chromeos and start it from the term all the time or if there is a way to start it by default03:34
wafflej0cksorry for the ot but will leave it at this, downloaded ChromeOS to test it out the other day only to find I had downloaded a very large copy of Chrome :)03:35
xanguawhy not a 'regular' laptop? jrg03:35
jrgxangua: as i said earlier03:36
jrgi want fanless arm for no fan + battery longevity03:37
jrg"always on" would be neat too03:37
jrgvs suspend/hibernate usually used by x86 methods03:37
jrgtoo bad it is impossible to install ubuntu on a surface rt03:38
jrgthat thing would be awesome to have ubuntu on03:38
jrgespecially since windows rt was just so.... horrible03:38
daftykinsbit off topic there, jrg03:39
jrgdaftykins: well... it had GREAT battery life and the type version keyboard cover was great... the OS was just horrible. i wished i could install ubuntu or some other linux on it heh03:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:42
jrgand i mean i don't hate windows for the sake of hating windows but omg. i hope they fired the entire division that came up with that 8/8.103:42
daftykinsjrg: yeah, still off topic. take it to the above channel please.03:42
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=== Senix is now known as Irish
=== Irish is now known as Senix
=== XCVB is now known as WSXCDERFV
C1V0Does Github Pages have built-in support for handlebars templates? If not is there a config or directive I can set that'll load handlebars?04:08
gryask #github or their support email04:08
C1V0Oops. Wrong tab! Sorry.04:09
grythat's alright04:09
Flynn|Happy new Year :)04:09
grylikewise; enjoy04:09
=== WSXCDERFV is now known as XCVB
clumsy_botIs there a manual method for creating a LiveUSB whilst still being able to utilise any leftover space on the drive?04:24
=== konrad is now known as Guest47210
clumsy_botI found some old Ubuntu docs that seem to suggest you can create a #1 storage partition and then a #2 partition just large enough to hold the contents for LiveUSB.04:25
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence04:26
daftykinsclumsy_bot: that one? ;) i would think persistence comes after the live boot image04:26
Bashing-omclumsy_bot: Persistence ? see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent .04:26
clumsy_botNot persistence.04:26
daftykinsoh sorry just for other space04:26
daftykinsyeah swap it, live image at the start... storage after04:27
clumsy_botSo do I dd the secondary partition on the said drive?04:27
clumsy_botOr it is preferable to use cp instead of dd?04:27
=== LogicMatters is now known as [Arab]
jaddisonWhy do I get this error when I do apt-get update? "E: Method gave invalid 103 Redirect message04:30
jaddisonIt "breaks" aptitude too.04:30
jaddison(ie. a big red box shows up)04:31
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tekkbuzzjaddison: are you using sudo?04:36
Angel_Of_Sorrowah the temporary use of an admin account04:37
tekkbuzzjaddison: looks like a sources.list mirror problem.04:40
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frankdhow do i get multipath iSCSI working right?04:47
frankdit looks like its just working in failover mode instead of striping04:49
frankdonly one ethernet interface sees traffic04:49
=== blip is now known as Guest11532
bparkerhow in the **** do you change the mirror used during install05:00
EriC^^bparker: what for05:02
EriC^^bparker: i suppose if you choose a different timezone it will pick a different mirror05:02
bparkerEriC^^: because the mirror it uses doesn't work05:03
bparkeror if it does, it's so slow that it's pointless05:03
bparkerit never asks me for a timezone05:03
EriC^^which country are you from05:03
bparkerit seems to pick the mirror from the language you choose05:03
EriC^^bparker: sure it does05:03
bparkerI'm in USA but the language is set to Japanese05:03
bparkerso it tries to use mirror in japan and the install will never finish05:04
EriC^^not really05:04
bparkerwhat do you mean not really05:04
=== icecube45_ is now known as icecube45
EriC^^i mean it doesnt use that for the mirror05:04
bparkerI guess the installer telling me that it uses "ja.archive.ubuntu.com" and netstat/tcpdump/etc. confirming that it's going to japan... is all a lie then?05:05
bparkerum no05:05
bparkerI can clearly see that it's trying to download packages from a mirror in japan05:06
EriC^^clearly not05:07
bparkerclearly so05:07
EriC^^it's jp.archive05:07
bparkerdude, what the fuck ever05:07
bparkerit's not in the US, that's all that matters05:07
EriC^^i'm saying your lying05:07
bparkerI can't believe you're hung up on a single letter typo that doesn't matter05:07
EriC^^it's not using your keyboard layout for the mirror05:07
bparkerfine, it's jp.archive05:07
bparkerEriC^^: yes I know this05:07
bparkerit's using the UI language I selected at the beginning of the installer05:08
EriC^^it uses your timezone05:08
bparkerI never set a timezone.05:08
bparkerit never asked05:08
bparkerso that's wrong05:08
EriC^^which ubuntu are you installing05:08
bparker14.04 desktop05:08
* EriC^^ humors you05:08
bparkerI'm in #ubuntu aren't I05:09
EriC^^i meant lubuntu or...?05:09
* bparker waits for 'no'05:09
bparkerregular ubuntu05:09
EriC^^you never get a globe picture05:09
EriC^^where you select your timezone05:09
EriC^^which iso did you download05:09
=== jack is now known as Guest98967
EriC^^do you have a eye sight condition?05:12
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EriC^^bparker: it should be there05:15
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bparkerEriC^^: what should05:17
EriC^^bparker: ring any bells?05:21
=== magic is now known as Auv
bparkerEriC^^: that was never there during the install05:30
bparkerI see it when trying to change the time zone after an install though05:30
lickalottgents, when I run a showmount -a I see mounts to my server from an internal class C address that doesn't currently exist on my network.  <-- that's 1.05:30
lickalott#2 is; I had to rebuild my windows box (reload OS) and now I can't access the NFS mounts from my ubuntu server without changing permissions for the world to 5.  it wasn't like this before the rebuild.  I don't want to leave all that stuff open like that.  Any ideas?05:32
Bender|I know this ain't the place to ask such questions, but sometimes (yes sometimes), when I exit my application I get errors like XIO Fatal Error 11, Bad Window, and [xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue [xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called [xcb] Aborting, sorry about that. r3x_vm.out: ../../src/xcb_io.c:274: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' fa05:38
Bender|stuff like that.05:38
Bender|And yes, I'm running on ubuntu 14.04 lts05:38
kuby64same here05:38
cfhowlettBender|> I know this ain't the place to ask such questions,  >>> then proceeds to ask anyway ...05:39
cfhowlett!server | lickalott, might ask the other channel05:39
ubottulickalott, might ask the other channel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server05:39
bparkerBender|: do you call XInitThreads() before creating any windows?05:41
lickalotti'll try cfhowlett.  I've been in there in the past.  It seems to be a zombie channel.  Thanks though!05:44
cfhowlettlickalott, perhaps ##linux as well05:44
michael__how can i download movie on ubuntu system05:50
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cfhowlettmichael__  legally?05:51
Guest6480how can i download movie on ubuntu?05:51
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kuby64Guest6480> I do not know05:54
kuby64but from what i do know is that there is a site that i have found recently05:54
lickalottdefine "download movie"05:55
LinuxGoldmichael__: google search for it.05:55
SeveasGuest67293: wget http://url/to/movie.avi. Or with a browser (firefox comes by default, chromium is available)05:55
cfhowlettguest6480 go to www.archive.org        find a movie, dowload.  easy05:55
kuby64im not going to spoil it because i do not want to get banned or something05:55
Seveaskuby64: very good.05:55
kuby64thank you05:55
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o05:56
LinuxGoldwait, you can find it in /dev/null -- so many things in there.05:56
kuby64you think so, LinuxGold?05:56
LinuxGoldwhy not? :D05:56
LinuxGoldit's like a foundation of youth.05:57
* LinuxGold gotta shut up and get back to subject.05:58
kuby64well, good luck with that05:58
=== chandler_ is now known as Guest35889
=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
Guest35889do you guys prefer panel on top of screen or bottom?06:02
LinuxGoldI prefer CLI06:03
cfhowlettGuest35889, our preferences don't matter - set your system for YOU06:04
kuby64I would like to prefer both06:04
kuby64because it reminds me like a Nintendo DS06:04
LinuxGoldBe a man, console all the way baby!06:05
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=== Guest35889 is now known as doublebizzle
=== doublebizzle is now known as cdoubleb
zero56Is there any performance difference if i install ubuntu along side windows? or a partistion.06:20
=== [Arab] is now known as LogicMatters
cfhowlettzero56, to install along side windows MEANS into a partition ... question is unclear06:21
jamie_hey can i ask y'all a question06:21
globzero56: no it's the same06:21
Seveascfhowlett: maybe he means in a VM?06:21
cfhowlett!ask | jamie_,06:21
ubottujamie_,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:21
Seveasjamie_: sure!06:21
Ameexanyone there06:21
globzero56: he means the question in the installer06:21
cfhowlett!ask | Ameex,06:22
ubottuAmeex,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:22
jamie_im having a problem with java running when nothing is running on java at all at the time and running up my cpu temp06:22
LinuxGold"no question is a stupid question"06:22
Seveasjamie_: how do you know it's a java problem?06:22
jamie_Seveas: yes, i have checked with task manager, and for no apparent reason it starts to use 25% of my cpu, which for a i5 is unresonable06:24
Seveasjamie_: which java-based app is doing this?06:24
jamie_Seveas: it is not apparent, i am only running thunder bird, and firefox wed developer, and i only have bugzilla open06:25
ram_how to transfer files to a mobile device in ubuntu without using data cable06:26
cfhowlettram_, mobile = android?  airdroid06:27
jamie_Seveas: in the task manager all it says is java, and im not sure if there is a way to track from there where it is being run06:27
ram_hw to get splashtop streamer free?06:31
jamie_ram_: have you tried team viewer?06:32
RijackI'm having a problem where apt seems to be trusting everything regardless of authentication, how can I change this06:32
cfhowlettram_, come on man.  A TINY bit of effort will answer most questions: http://www.splashtop.com/downloads06:33
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jamie_Rijack: are you in superuser or root by any chance?06:36
jamie_could you explain a little bit more in depth of what is happening?06:38
jfr3need help06:39
jfr3W:Failed to fetch http://debian.tagancha.org/debian/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  Undetermined Error06:40
cfhowlettjfr3, try a different mirro06:40
Rijackso I added a ppa from launchpad but forget to the key. then i went to install and it says the package cant be authenticated but continues to install like its no big deal06:40
Rijackthe only way i could stop it was to kill the task06:41
jamie_Rijack: take a look at this  https://lists.debian.org/deity/2014/05/msg00127.html06:41
=== LogicMatters is now known as A_human_being
jfr3so I ran apt-get update06:44
jfr3I get a whole bunch of errors06:44
jfr3root@FlashBox:~# apt-get update06:44
jfr3Ign http://debian.scribus.net trusty InRelease06:44
jfr3Ign http://debian.tagancha.org trusty InRelease06:44
jfr3Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease06:44
jfr3Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease06:44
unopastejfr3 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted06:44
jfr3  06:45
jfr3Err http://debian.scribus.net trusty/main i386 Packages06:45
jfr3  06:46
jfr3Err http://au.archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main i386 Packages06:46
jfr3  06:46
jfr3Err http://au.archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe i386 Packages06:46
jfr3  06:46
jfr3Err http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty/main i386 Packages06:46
unopastejfr3 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted06:46
blackyboyI have a single network interface eth0, Now i have bridged to br0, We have two internet providers one ISP using modem IP other ISP modem IP was now when ever my internet goes down in any one of the ISP it was to access other one how can i configure ? DId i want to configure interface settings ?06:47
jfr3my errors with apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/9658135/06:47
jamie_Rijack: did you make any changes to apt-utils at all?06:48
Rijackok its doing that except with a binary06:48
jfr3any clues06:48
Rijacki dont know where to find apt utils06:48
jamie_Rijack: then that would be a no, what version are you using?06:49
jfr3I think I broke updates after installing kubuntu trusty 14.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/9658135/06:49
jamie_Rijack: same, I tried to do the same from what you said of downloading and installing a ppa: and it made me run it a sudo if it was not in SU mode in the terminal06:50
Rijackk i was running from software center  i will try in terminal06:52
jamie_let me try the software center to, if it happens on my end to a bug would need to be filed06:53
jamie_Rijack: what ppa: are you trying to install06:54
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jamie_jfr3: what were you saying?06:57
jfr3my updates are not wroking06:57
jamie_okay what is it saying? and what are you doing exactaly?06:57
RijackStefan Achatz from launchpad.  command line asked me to confirm the install, I would prefer it to return an error06:57
Rijackthe gui just went straight ahead06:58
jamie_Rijack: one sec06:58
jfr3eading package lists... Done06:59
jfr3Building dependency tree06:59
jfr3Reading state information... Done06:59
jfr3E: Unable to locate package scribus06:59
jamie_jfr3: first off that is most of the ubuntu repositories to start with, second what type of machine are you on?06:59
jfr3sudo apt-get install scribus06:59
Rijackhere the actual url: http://ppa.launchpad.net/berfenger/roccat/ubuntu06:59
jfr3kubuntu running trusty 14.0406:59
jamie_jfr3: one sec07:00
cfhowlett!ppa | jfr307:01
ubottujfr3: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:01
jamie_Rijack: are you doing it via a downloaded file of bz2 or gz?07:01
jamie_Rijack: is it libgaminggear?07:03
jamie_jef3: what type of computer do you have?07:03
Rijackno I added it to my sources and the used SC, and it is roccat-tools which depends on libgaminggear07:04
jamie_Rijack: when you went to add the source did it require the password?07:05
jamie_Okay, odd request, try to add a seperate ppa: via terminal?07:06
jamie_Rijack: try this one and tell me what it does without using sudo07:08
jfr3running Linux FlashBox 3.13.0-39-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 28 13:31:23 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux07:09
jfr3Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l07:10
jamie_i mean the actuall computer itself07:10
jfr3lenovo sl500 thinkpad07:10
jfr3running over wifi07:11
Rijackjamie it returns "Error: must run as root"07:13
jfr3Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8600  @ 2.40GHz07:14
whatisthisissue0Hello, I've a bit of an issue07:15
whatisthisissue0running kubuntu 14.1007:15
whatisthisissue0Mouse doesn't work07:15
whatisthisissue0can move it07:15
whatisthisissue0Will sometimes click on things07:15
whatisthisissue0other times won't07:15
whatisthisissue0won't click outside of active apps07:15
jamie_Rijack: okay, then it is due to that you added it to the sources list probably, some of the ppa: if its on the source list i may not ask from my expirience. I would recomend doing your usual and if it ever happens again file a bug report07:15
whatisthisissue0will only selectively click on things in browser07:15
soeewhatisthisissue0: please try to write in 1-2 lines :)07:16
whatisthisissue0I am sorry!07:16
whatisthisissue0It should be told that I am new at linux07:16
jfr3hey jamie, looks like I entered right in the middle of you other discussion07:17
jamie_Rijack: **may not ask from my expiriences with 10 through 14.207:17
jamie_jfr3: im good at multi tasking07:17
Mathisis there any way to put all currently available updates on a USB thumbdrive and install them unattended on a client having no network connection?07:18
jamie_jfr3: your computer probably cant handle that, it is a highes origional of vista for the newest one that was made07:18
Rijackwhere would i go if i want to see the trust settings. i assumed it was similar to pacman but i couldnt find a apt.conf or anything07:18
jfr3I have vista sticker on the laptop chassis07:19
jamie_Rijack: one sec let me doubble check before I give you an answer07:19
jamie_yea, i couldnt even get a vista based computer to run lubuntu 12.04 and that is a lot more light weight than kubuntu07:20
whatisthisissue0Does anyone know when a new update will be available?07:20
jamie_whatisthisissue0: so your mouse is being fuzzy? not working properly?07:23
whatisthisissue0I can move it around, it will work selectively in active apps. Computer won't register clicks, and will sometimes be stuck on right click or something to that effect.07:23
whatisthisissue0I tried switching drivers, updating drivers, running xev.07:24
whatisthisissue0This is not a hardware issue, as far as I'm aware. I'm like 90% sure.07:24
traekiliit is07:25
whatisthisissue0How could I test this?07:25
jamie_take it and try it on another computer?07:26
whatisthisissue0The keyboard?07:26
whatisthisissue0I don't have a mouse, I use my touchpad/laptop clicker things07:26
we6jboI have a question07:27
jamie_well it could be anything from a lose connection to something stuck under the actuall butto07:27
whatisthisissue0All three? The top buttons/touchpad and bottom buttons? Lenovo W51007:27
jamie_one sec let me do a search07:28
jamie_Rijack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SecureApt07:28
jamie_Rijack: check that out, see if that helps07:28
Rijackk thx07:28
=== Poss is now known as Poss_
we6jboI have a question07:29
Poss_Hi there, just wondering if there is anyway to figure out which applications are taking up Vram?07:29
traekilitop Poss_07:29
Poss_oh sorry wrong acronym,  i meant video ram rather than virtual ram07:30
jamie_whatisthisissue0: what operating system did it have origionaly?07:30
traekilisame applies, just top Poss_07:31
whatisthisissue0jamie_: Windows 707:31
whatisthisissue0jame_: I think, I inherited it with Debian on it07:31
jamie_whatisthisissue0: you need to get a shorter name.....07:32
=== whatisthisissue0 is now known as kylie667
jamie_whatisthisissue0: okay, one other question, somewhere on that computer it should tell you what processor it has in it?07:33
Poss_thanks traekill, but i don't see anything relating to graphics card usage there or in the manual07:34
Poss_i am on ubuntu-gnome 14.04 using nvidia 346.22 and i am currently using 79% of my GTX570 with nothing running.07:35
jamie_Poss_: are you trying to see what is running the most % or just general percent used on average?07:35
kylie667intel core vpro i7-720QM07:36
jamie_Poss_: dissregard last message, if you want to see what is running  in % or your cpu power, use the application of task manager07:36
jamie_kylie667: did you change your name?07:36
kylie667jamie_: Yes07:37
Poss_jamie_  I'd like to see a run down of how much of my graphics card's dedicated memory is being used by each application.  Nvidia settings displays the total percentage use, but it doesn't break it down by application.07:37
jamie_kylie667: thanks, sorry that was getting hard to type07:37
Poss_top breaks down the memory and cpu usage of each application, but not the graphics card memory usage.07:38
jamie_Poss_: have you google it by any chance?07:38
jamie_okay one sec y'all I'll be right back need to do something07:38
kylie667jamie_: No obligation to us, you're a superhero07:38
jamie_kylie66: what lol??07:39
Poss_indeed I have jamie_ as far as i can tell there are very limited graphics card monitoring software on linux in general. there are things like im-sensors, but that again tells me total usage statistics and temperatures,  which gives me no more information than nvidia settings07:40
kylie667jamie_: You've no obligation to do this,  yet you still do! That is superhero patience and kidness.07:40
jamie_I love computers, and i have been using ubuntu since 907:40
jamie_kylie667: do you have both a track point and touchpad?07:47
jamie_Rijack: did that answer you question?07:48
jamie_kylie667: do both of them have the same problem?07:48
jamie_kylie667: are you currently on it?07:49
kylie667jamie_: http://tinyurl.com/nbpm4vz and yes I am on stupid laptop07:50
jamie_Poss_: are you talking about the Nvidia x server?07:51
Poss_nvidia-settings is the application I'm referencing07:53
jamie_jfr3: some computers cant handle some of the actual drivers in the newer versions of the ubuntu distros, try using an older version of kubuntu if that is the one you are wanting to use, if not try lubuntu 12.04 or 10.04 i know for a fact it will run lubuntu 10.0407:54
jamie_Poss_: find somting called Nvidia x server settings and look through that and see if there is a monitor in there07:57
jamie_kylie667: one sec im still doing some research on the laptop07:57
kylie667jamie_: It's okay, I'm just happy that you're helping. I'm doing some crazy Googling atm as well07:58
jamie_kylie667: consulting the all mighty guru of google!!!07:58
kylie667jamie_: check it out https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/W-Series-ThinkPad-Laptops/W510-Trackpoint-and-TouchPad-problems/td-p/128736307:59
kylie667Everyone has such similar issues, and no answers07:59
TechWhat is this? LOL08:00
jamie_kylie667: have you tried the   fn f8   ?08:01
jamie_Tech: whats up?08:02
kylie667jamie_: Holy crap (is swearing bad on IRC?)08:02
kylie667So, the touchpad is screwing with my computer? What's up with that?08:02
jamie_Tech: not that i know of but people avoid it due to you have no clue what age some of the people are on08:03
jamie_Tech: why the holy crap?08:03
kylie667jamie_: That was me, the fn f8 worked08:03
kylie667no trackpad, but now my clicker functions perfectly08:04
kylie667so I'm wondering what sort of connection is there08:04
jamie_kylie667: well theres your solution!08:04
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kylie667jamie_: Well, it's some kind of solution. I'm going to figure out what the underlying problem may be.08:04
jamie_kylie667: do you know much about internals at all?08:05
kylie667jamie_: Not a clue. :x But that's what Google is for08:05
jamie_kylie667: lol so true that is how i learned a lot about computers and through trial and error, I would sugest that you make sure you fully understand the directions/ steps to take apart and to reassemble before you do so that you dont damage anything08:06
kylie667jamie_: One thing I love about Lenovo is that they link extremely extensive take apart instructions for every model of laptop they sell08:08
jamie_kylie667: when you take off the keyboard there will be a flat wire for the touch pointer, you will want to check the connection, you will know that it is the touch pointer due to the flat wire for the keyboard itself is wider08:09
kylie667jamie_: Noted, thanks much08:10
jamie_kylie667: no problem any time, if you need anything see if im on, most of the time you will find me on moznet though08:11
jamie_Tech: by the way, did you need anything? and yet again what was with the holy crap?08:12
jamie_Poss_: did you find what you needed in there?08:14
TechI was searching on how to configure remmina remote desktop xDD it got me here08:14
Poss_not yet jamie_, thankyou.08:15
jamie_Poss_: im still looking for something for you.08:15
jamie_Tech: remmina in particular??08:16
TechRemmina Remote desktop: Bulit in for Ubuntu 14.14 LTS08:16
Tech*built in08:16
jamie_Tech: have you tried to just install team viewer? that is what i use all of the time, and it works wonders08:17
TechTried it but the remote client can terminate connection anytime he wants08:18
jamie_Tech: ????? if you dont mind me asking what are you using it for?08:19
TechI need something that the remote client wont notice.. Thanks though =)08:19
jamie_Tech: there are ways to set it up so you always have access08:19
Poss_Thanks jamie_ I wouldn't worry too much, I don't think its actually a ubuntu problem, and I'm asking over in #gnome.   I only popped in to see if ubuntu had any tools for monitoring graphics usage on a per app basis.08:19
TechIt's for office xDD Im a Tech support.. But I'm much more specialized in hardware.. Not much ideas about software configurations08:20
jamie_Poss_: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-system-management-interface08:21
jamie_Tech: well i can do some searching for you if you want?08:22
TechHmmm.. Thanks man, You can help me if you want but I dont wanna Bother someone I just met here xDD08:23
jamie_I have just about masted the art of google! hahahaha08:23
wafflej0ckTech, what's the problem exactly?08:24
jamie_Tech: this is what i enjoy doing08:24
wafflej0ckTech, Remmina works for RDP, have used it to remote into windows servers before08:24
jamie_between this and mozilla08:24
TechWaffle: I cant connect Remmina here. Im Using Ubuntu LTS 14.0408:24
tomhardyi have about 20 backups of hard drives all from different times containing files at various points08:25
TechIt Says: Failed to star up SSH Session: Success08:25
tomhardyi'd like to sort it out and create a single collection.. what software can i get to analyze all the files, identify duplicate files and folders08:25
wafflej0ckTech, not sure about that message you have RDP selected in the protocol?08:26
wafflej0cktomhardy, haven't used it but this appears to fit the bill http://rdiff-backup.nongnu.org/08:27
Tech<wafflej0ck>, It says Keyboard Layout: Auto Detect08:27
tomhardyyeah not quite what i want.. more sort of something that will go through and say this folder is identical to that folder08:27
tomhardythat file is identical to that file kinda thing08:28
jamie_Tech: i found this http://www.7tutorials.com/connecting-windows-remote-desktop-ubuntu#main-content if it helps08:28
TechThanks man08:28
jamie_Tech: no problem, if that dosent help just say and Ill keep looking08:29
wafflej0cktomhardy, perhaps something like this http://www.scootersoftware.com/features.php08:29
Poss_Thanks jamie, I had tried the base command, looking through the advanced documentation, looks like there may be commands which will get what I'm after08:29
tomhardywafflej0ck: thanks but wont' work either.. the folders dont' neccessaryly have the same structure08:30
tomhardyactually i might grab that anyway08:30
tomhardyjust in case i have to do it manually08:30
wafflej0cktomhardy, hmm in the case of files being different places think you'd need something that runs a hash on the files and compares those to tell you what's different08:31
jamie_Poss_: no problem, glad to be of service, mozilla is rather dead right now08:31
tomhardywafflej0ck: yeh08:31
tomhardyor mount the drive exteranlly and use some osx app to do it08:31
wafflej0cktomhardy, you know any programming?08:32
wafflej0cktomhardy, you could probably code this up without too much effort in quite a few things if there's nothing out there08:32
tomhardyyh, 20yrs+ :)08:32
tomhardyyeah i was thinking that08:32
tomhardyloop through the dirs.. get hashes08:32
wafflej0ckyeah just store a dictionary with paths or something08:32
jamie_odd question about this situation... how are you running an osx app on ubuntu????08:32
tomhardyalthough in my experience .. these projets usually take a few days :)08:33
tomhardyjamie_: mount the ubuntu drive over the network08:33
jamie_tomhardy: and a lot of processing power08:33
tomhardyusing sshfs08:33
wafflej0ckI think I could roll it in Java pretty quick really, I used to have a few maven plugins that did the folder traversal part with that out of the way it's not much more work08:33
jamie_oh... i thought you meant on the ubuntu itself08:33
tomhardycheers yeah you might be right08:35
tomhardyneed to code something up08:35
jamie_that would be awesome to run a .dmg file directly on ubuntu though.. just not verry logical in my opnion08:37
ram_In windows it's possible to connect two laptops using homegroup & share data wen i try to do the same between two laptops with ubuntu os i can't access the hard drive of the second guy's laptop08:38
jamie_are you using eithernet?08:38
Svetlana"can't access" isn't very specific, please describe what happens and where you get stuck exactly08:39
ram_no wifi08:39
Svetlanamore detail, do you see it in the list of computers on the network, what happens when you click it, etc08:40
Poss_ram_ have you tried samba?08:41
ram_i can see his laptop name in my network tab bt wen i choose his laptop it asks for credentials even though i give t right credentials i can't see any of his documents, videos,08:41
jamie_Poss_ that is what i was about to say08:41
wafflej0ckTech, not sure what you're looking at really use imgur to share images or pastebin for text08:42
ram_i'm installing samba08:44
TechMy problem is identifying my SSH keys :/08:44
Poss_ram_ windows intentionally doesn't play well with other operating systems, and it often takes a bit of fiddling to get a network up and running.  Samba is the application used to set up shared directories between windows and linux.  While it works quickly sometimes, sometimes it takes a lot of configuration.  For one off sharing, unfortunately external drives can sometimes be a quicker solution.08:45
ram_does it also work for file transfer b/w  pc & laptop sharing ethernet?08:45
jamie_well, I almost forgot the reason I got on here earlier to start with08:45
jamie_ram_: if doing diriect you want a crossover cable instead of a eithernet cable08:46
jamie_e.g. one computer into another08:47
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ram_thx guys let me try all ur ideas one by one08:47
jamie_oh and by the way, has there been any resolution found to the nvidia drivers not working on 14.10 yet, i can really find any current information08:48
Poss_ram_ good luck.08:48
jamie_its making my gpu go insane right now08:49
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jamie_okay... thats odd, i went to do a manual check for updates and it returned with failed to download repository information check your internet connection08:51
jamie_I tripple checked08:51
Poss_jamie_ which driver version? the bug says its fixed for 33108:52
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Poss_jamie_ is this the bug you're experiencing? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-drivers-common/+bug/136340808:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363675 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1363408 Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)" [Critical,Fix released]08:54
jamie_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates/+bug/1268257 but for 14.10 and when i go through the crash report and submit it it for some odd reason say that its a bug on 14.0408:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1268257 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"" [High,Triaged]08:56
Poss_jamie_ my general advice for fixing nvidia driver issues is to add the nvidia-edgers ppa and then update to the newer version, the ubuntu versions are often way behind.08:57
ram_unlock key ring wat does this mean? i often get a pop up stating this msg08:57
Poss_ram_ it means you've changed your login password since install, but not changed your other passwords.  look here http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/18/enter-password-to-unlock-your-keyring-prompt-in-ubuntu/08:59
jamie_Poss_: i use x.org x server one, it seems to do rendering better, but for some odd reason after switching to 14.10 about a month or two ago, it dosent seem to work the same and respond with crash reports and errors a lot09:00
White_CatI get invalid arch-independent ELF magic when trying to boot09:01
jamie_well a lot of things for no good reason crash in general on 14.10, but a lot when it comes to rendering09:02
White_CatI have been following http://askubuntu.com/questions/509423/which-commands-to-convert-a-ubuntu-bios-install-to-efi-uefi-without-boot-repair09:02
Caleb--is it possible to display some kind of a graphical messagebox from the shell?09:03
Caleb--i have a script that is run in the background, and upon an error i'd like a msgbox to be shown on screen, because otherwise i have no way of knowing09:03
jamie_well, im gonna try to figure this out tomorrow, I still have to finish and update bug reports for mozilla and its already 4 am09:04
Poss_White_Cat, that message usually indicates a corrupted grub install, have a look at this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18120835/debian-grub-rescue-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic09:04
jamie_well Poss_ i hope you found what you need, If not I'll be more than happy to help you some more tomorrow!09:05
Poss_Caleb--  is "echo" insufficient?  http://linuxcommand.org/wss0150.php09:06
Poss_jamie,  yes thank you :)09:06
jamie_i need to find a better bed time then 6 am......09:06
Poss_or just move to a better time zone? :)09:07
jamie_well, that might work to, but then the earliest would be 3 am.. still aint the best sleep habit09:07
Poss_only 8pm in australia mate, thats a fine bedtime09:07
jamie_like i said, i still have bug reports to file, and I have been up since 8 am, and i didnt get much help with anything on firefox os today with the dam reports... so this outta be fun09:08
Poss_I'm sure it'll look better after some sleep09:10
jamie_yea... i want to get them done before the rest of mozilla wakes up...09:10
jamie_at least i have fun with my computer work!!!!!!09:12
White_CatPoss_ err I am strugling with that09:12
ararobwork today? suckerz09:12
White_CatI tried typing apt-get install --reinstall grub-pc-bin grub-pc09:13
White_Catits telling me reinstallaiton is not possible09:13
White_CatI botted with live cd09:13
White_Catwas this a mistake?09:13
jamie_ararob: when you work online you tend to work all year around, and anyways its working in development and testing of firefox OS09:13
Poss_White_Cat shouldn't be a problem, but you'll have to mount your install partition http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd09:16
Poss_jamie_ sounds like a dream job09:17
White_CatPoss_ I see that09:18
White_CatI used similar commands maybe09:18
White_Catcan you take a look at this?09:18
jamie_Poss_ it has it perks, Im getting the new build/ model of the flame when this round is distributed!!09:18
jamie_I spend most of my day working on what I love!!! and can chose when i work as long as its all done in a timely manor09:19
EriC^^White_Cat: that seems to be for an accidental install09:20
EriC^^White_Cat: paste sudo parted -l09:20
Poss_jamie_  i like the idea of an open source phone, but it seems pretty pointless on closed source hardware with built in backdoors, and then to plug the whole thing into a corporate mobile network.09:21
jamie_its not as closed as you think.... it is an openly availble os to flash if someone has taken the time to port it to that phone, and if you have the knolege you can just do it yourself, its all available right on the web openly09:22
Poss_White_Cat, I am afraid I can't offer much advice outside of starting from scratch, uninstalling and reinstalling following the official process09:22
White_CatI dont want to reinstall ubuntu as I dont want to loose the data I have09:23
White_Catthe entire reason why I went this route is o have the ability to backup09:23
White_Catlegacy bios wasnt detecting drives09:24
Poss_jamie_  I still doubt we'll be seeing RMS with one09:24
jamie_and its linux originated to make the hardware not need new firmware, and that is what is called gonk, and the rest is all smartly html!!!09:24
White_CatI can get to grub unlike before so it should be a simple matter of setting grub efi up09:24
jamie_Poss_ you do mean risk management right?09:25
White_CatEriC^^ the first partition was for bios maybe but this is a raid 5 so maybe its for raid related stuff09:25
White_CatI am unsure09:25
jamie_well risk management solutions09:25
EriC^^White_Cat: type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt09:25
EriC^^White_Cat: the first partition was cause you installed using a gpt partition with legacy09:25
EriC^^White_Cat: it's not required for uefi but it's ok i guess to leave it09:26
White_Catyeah its tiny09:26
Poss_jamie_ no i mean Stallman,  he hates mobile phones09:26
White_CatI dont want to risk boot over such small space09:26
Poss_jamie_ i guess given the room we're in, the logic question is what does Firefox OS have over ubuntu phones?09:27
White_CatEriC^^ I did type that command by the way09:27
EriC^^White_Cat: it should be ok, plus if you ever have to boot it on a bios pc you can still do that09:27
TahrpupDo anyone knows which Copyright does "LINUX: Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition" uses ?? Thanks.09:27
unknowEXEC cd $HOME/xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh09:28
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi09:28
fafhnirno clue09:28
jamie_Poss_ other than less hard ware requirements, and main orientation to general usability and phones that do come with it on there09:28
unknowEXEC cd $HOME/xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh09:28
ram_oh jeez can't even set up a simple software IM,Pidgin09:28
jamie_ubuntu is more of a power house than a daily user09:28
White_Catno errors or anything so far09:29
EriC^^White_Cat: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:29
White_Catwith this I am mounting my linux installation and the directory efi within it, right?09:29
Poss_Tahrpup here is the licence http://rute.2038bug.com/copying.html.gz09:29
EriC^^White_Cat: yes09:29
jamie_Poss_ ubuntu is orientated to be used extraneously and for high end tasks, yet again one that i helped in the beta stage with testing09:30
EriC^^White_Cat: now you're mounting the virtual filesystems from the liveusb to the mounted installation09:30
ram_Account nt authorized in Pidgin IM09:30
jamie_but that one was a volunteer instead of working, but was still worth the time and was fun09:30
CodmadnessproDoes anyone know what's wrong? root@PlayMCPENetwork:/home/playmcpe/final# wget -q -O - http://get.pocketmine.net/ | bash -r09:31
Codmadnessprobash: line 61: /dev/null: restricted: cannot redirect output09:31
Codmadnessprobash: line 69: /dev/null: restricted: cannot redirect output09:31
Codmadnessproerror, curl or wget not found09:31
CodmadnessproWoops didn't know it was going to show on multiple lines soz09:31
dts|pokeballhey guys... ive got this weird issue. so im writing an irc eval bot, and obviously i need a sandbox for it09:32
dts|pokeballoops sorry didnt mean to hit enter09:32
White_CatEriC^^ sort of like a boot transfusion?09:32
EriC^^in a way yes i guess09:32
White_Catthe command executed fairly quickly within seconds by the way09:32
CodmadnessproBut wget and curl is installed...09:32
White_CatI recheck what I type to make sure its correct09:32
Poss_jamie_ it just seems like there is a lot of competition between ubuntu, firefox and sailfish, and it looks like there is a lot of duplication of effort going on for dubious benefit.09:33
EriC^^White_Cat: it executes quickly, if it returns nothing you're ok i guess09:33
White_Catyeah it doesnt. :)09:33
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt09:33
White_Catas in no output09:33
TahrpupPoss_: Thanks.09:34
White_Catits now using root09:34
jamie_Poss_ its all a step twards the next generation of technology and I love being a part of it, I was rather not supprised when they stated that the edge would not be relased and is being retracted09:34
CryptoSiDHi, im doing apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade on ubuntu server and it try to install gnome-desktop and like 465 packages!?09:34
CryptoSiDhow can i fix this!09:34
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, is it a 64bit machine?09:34
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EriC^^White_Cat: ok, type sudo apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed09:35
White_CatI type sudo even if it is root?09:35
EriC^^sorry, no sudo09:35
wafflej0ckEriC^^, doesn't hurt anyhow does it? if you do sudo as root?09:36
jamie_Poss_ due to what they were trying to do with it at the time was a little far fetched to be a daily affordable phone like they planed or an easily crowd sourced project for development. the concept is possible, but now with the limited crowd sourcing/ kickstarter they have sadfully09:36
EriC^^i'm not completely sure, i've heard it's not recommended09:36
EriC^^i can't think of why it would be harmful though09:37
White_Catit aborted half way saying "Can't access efivars filesystem at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars, aborting"09:37
dts|pokeballhey guys... ive got this weird issue. so im writing an irc eval bot, and obviously i need a sandbox for it. someone suggested: http://www.ucw.cz/moe/ the only issue is i have to run it as root. someone in #nim told me to di setuid as root. how would i do this? also if someone has a good sandbox to suggest im down to hear it09:37
White_CatI can pastebin the whole thing if you like09:38
Poss_jamie_ the specific problem I've seen with firefox OS is the way it handles apps is to assume everyone has a good enough internet connection to use all the apps not on the device, its like an OS built to be used on wifi.09:38
EriC^^White_Cat: it's ok, type exit, then type modprobe efivars09:39
White_Catno output09:40
EriC^^ok, sudo chroot /mnt once again09:40
White_Catsame command?09:40
jamie_Poss_ it does hold the actual app on the phone itself, the only one that it does not is the ones that run off internet to start with to try to save space and make less for b2g to have to do and mostly a quick process throught Gaia and to avoid Jank09:41
White_Catits saying it already is the latest and some packages can be removed09:42
White_Catinclusing grub-pc-bin09:42
EriC^^White_Cat: try apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed09:42
White_Catit  completed without an error09:43
EriC^^ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sda && update-grub09:43
White_Catas root right?09:44
Poss_jamie_ thats what i mean, in lieu of having a dedicated app store, it relies largely on web based apps, which require continuous data use.   There are signed apps from a variety of sources, but that seems like a step backwards from linux and ios.  I don't know as much as you obviously, but it seems like a solution in search of a problem, im just not sure there is enough market demand there. Still, I wish you luck with it.09:44
EriC^^White_Cat: yes09:44
White_Catgrub install: error: /boot/efi doesn't look like an efi partition09:45
jamie_Poss_ thanks. If your interested in taking a closer look here is the architecture  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS/Platform/Architecture09:45
EriC^^White_Cat: type gdisk -l /dev/sda09:45
EriC^^does it have the EF00 code?09:46
White_CatI think I need to install it09:46
White_Cattwo packages are listed gdisk and gdisk-noicu09:46
White_CatI can apt-get either09:47
White_Cator both09:47
EriC^^install gdisk09:47
jamie_Poss_ have a good.... night for you probably..... that was fun, I hope to have anther conversation like that again!09:48
White_Catlet me pastebin the output09:48
Poss_jamie_ and you sleep well mate, talk again soon09:48
White_Catits listed only on the bios partition I think09:49
White_CatEF00 code09:49
White_Cat4 should be the efi partition09:50
White_Catand it has code 070009:50
EriC^^White_Cat: type cgdisk /dev/sda09:53
White_CatI have a text menu09:54
EriC^^ok use the arrow to select the efi partition, then click on type09:54
EriC^^and type ef0009:54
White_Catefi partition is fat 32 btw09:54
White_Catnow should I use write09:55
White_Catit made it EFI System09:55
White_Catam I sure, its asking :/09:55
White_CatI imagine it wont destroy data09:56
EriC^^no, it will just set the type09:56
White_Catshould I quit?09:57
White_Catit returned to the previous menu09:57
White_Catreturned to terminal as root09:57
EriC^^ok, try the grub-install command again09:58
White_CatI was just gonna ask that :)09:58
White_Catsame error :/09:58
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EriC^^White_Cat: try typing exit09:58
EriC^^then chroot again09:59
White_Catgdisk -l /def/sda shows correct code though09:59
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White_Catstill the same grub install error09:59
EriC^^White_Cat: type ls -l /boot/efi10:00
White_Catfairly long list10:01
EriC^^any EFI dir?10:01
White_Cathalf a screen but then again this thing has a small screen10:01
White_CatI dont think so10:02
White_Catlet me pastebin it10:02
EriC^^are you in the chroot?10:02
White_Catan efi isnt mentioned in the list once10:03
EriC^^ok, pastebin mount10:04
EriC^^White_Cat: ah, i messed up10:05
EriC^^hold on10:05
* White_Cat braces :D10:06
EriC^^type exit, then sudo umount /mnt/boot/efi10:06
EriC^^then type ls /mnt , if the installation is there10:07
EriC^^type sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/boot/efi10:07
schizdroidHey :310:08
White_Catexiinstallation? as in a directory or filename named that?10:10
EriC^^if the installation is there, boot etc home root lib ..10:12
White_Catboot etc lib  and home are all listed10:12
EriC^^ok, did you mount the efi partition?10:13
White_Catnot yet10:13
White_CatI have the command typed10:13
White_Catbut I havent hit enter yet10:13
White_Cat:D I hesitate with boot issues10:14
EriC^^nothing bad is going to happen10:14
White_Catshould I run the command or should I perform something else?10:14
White_Catokay :)10:14
White_Catdealing with boot always terifies me10:14
EriC^^it shouldn't it's the easiest of issues if you have a live usb10:15
White_Catoh okay10:15
White_Catls /mnt doesnt seem to list efi still10:16
EriC^^it should be listed in /mnt/boot/efi10:16
White_Catbeing a subdir and all :D10:17
White_Catso should I chroot and run the grub command again?10:17
EriC^^White_Cat: actually10:18
White_Catit seemingly is doing something10:18
White_Catit ended with done10:18
EriC^^it's ok if you did though10:18
White_Catyou are gonna give me a heart attack :p10:18
White_Catit mentioned a setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported10:19
EriC^^White_Cat: run apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed10:19
White_Catits a warning though10:19
White_Catinstallaiton finished no error10:20
White_CatI imagine I should run the grub install a second time?10:20
EriC^^it wont hurt10:21
White_Catsame output10:21
White_Catended with done10:21
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EriC^^ok, type exit10:22
EriC^^restart and see if it works10:23
White_Catreboot not from live cd I imagine10:23
EriC^^White_Cat: any luck?10:27
White_Catit gave a general exception10:27
White_Catso rebooted a second time10:28
uyfguigiocan i speak chinese?10:28
White_Catits taking forever10:28
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:28
White_CatEriC^^ I get invalid environment block10:28
White_Catthen some red text10:28
White_CatGeneral Protection Exception10:29
White_Catmaybe efi is portected10:29
White_Catthats the issue10:29
EriC^^when it boots, can you get to the boot manager?10:29
White_CatI can select boot device if you want me to10:30
White_CatI let it boot on its own so far10:30
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EriC^^there might be a button that lets you choose which efi entry to boot10:30
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EriC^^press esc and see if there is something along the lines of boot options there10:30
White_Catokay, I will try to choose a boot device first to see if it can boot at all10:31
White_Catits an hp server so its quite annoying10:31
EriC^^oh crap10:31
White_Caterror: invalid environment block. pops up for a short while10:32
marlo_there is a command i stumbled across the other day, and have now forgotten what it was, that would continuously run a command on the console, wait a few second, run it again... for monitoring some process.10:32
White_Catand then is replaced with red text which states "General Protection Exception" "X64 Exception Type 0D"10:32
White_CatI think its from grub or soon after10:33
EriC^^marlo_: watch <command>10:33
marlo_EriC^^, yes... that's it!!! thank you!10:33
White_CatEriC^^ should I go into the bios10:34
White_CatI dont think boot order is the issue though10:34
EriC^^White_Cat: ok, i gtg but i'll be here later10:34
EriC^^White_Cat: not the boot order, there's a boot manager10:35
EriC^^it could be that you need to have a EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi file present10:35
White_Catgoing for lunch?10:36
EriC^^nope, going for bed :D10:37
White_Catoh no10:37
EriC^^it's 12;30pm here10:37
EriC^^haven't slept yet10:37
White_CatI understand10:37
EriC^^pm not am10:38
White_CatI am badly stuck then :(10:38
eman_hello hello10:43
Svetlanahi eman_10:44
Lorthirkhello. i'm having troubles installing 14.10 on my laptop... here's my question on askubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/567785/14-10-installation-stalls-on-santech-m68-laptop10:45
Lorthirkcan anyone help?10:45
=== Yukitteru is now known as Dhs92
LTS14N00bHi All, I need to convert some video files into DIVX, I have found outreel which works, but I have heard that DivX-Converter GUI teamed up with mencoder works well. I have installed Mencoder and downloaded the GZ of DivX Converter. How do I install it or do I need to run it via the terminal each time?10:47
White_CatEriC^^ on the bright side I can boot from the bios partition10:48
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EriC^^White_Cat: sorry, and yeah you can10:49
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EriC^^White_Cat: did you try the esc button?10:52
White_Catit was lots of red text10:52
White_CatI cannot have server hang on every reboot :)10:52
EriC^^White_Cat: i know, it's just to get an idea of what's going on10:53
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przemekhello. I have a problem. I'm getting error "error while loading shared libraries: libQtGui.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" but apt-get install libqtgui4 states that libqtgui4 is already installed. Where should I look?10:59
White_CatEriC^^ well system booted and I have people that need to use the server11:08
White_CatI suppose you are already asleap by now though :p11:08
coin3dhi there. i've got an external usb hard drive, which i can address, directly after booting of the computer, by using the symlink /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Seagate_Expansion_Desk_NA4JVZ3F-0:011:18
coin3dhowever, after some time, e.g. 5 - 10 minutes11:18
coin3dthis symlink disappears, and instead there is a new symlink ata-ST3000DM001-1CH166_W1F2KE6511:18
coin3dis there some way to debug this? i dont want to get symlinks deleted, since ive stuff which relies on that symlink11:19
MAGGIHi Every Body I recently install ubuntu 14.04 desktop and created admin for root accesss and rec for standard user. Now the problem is i used admin user (root or sudo ) to mounted windows share to /mnt it is mounted but when i type ls to list the error msg Permission deny will come and another thing is with i try to edit /etc/fstab it also shows sa11:47
MAGGIme error. after that i seen ls -l /etc/fstab the user and group is root root and same to /mnt dir11:47
mrbillgateswhere can I check what all partitions use encryption ?11:48
Lorthirkhello. i'm having troubles installing 14.10 on my laptop... here's my question on askubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/567785/14-10-installation-stalls-on-santech-m68-laptop11:48
Lorthirkcan anyone help?11:48
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BluesKaj_Hiyas all11:54
=== soee_ is now known as soee
MAGGIHi Every Body I recently install ubuntu 14.04 desktop and created admin for root accesss and rec for standard user. Now the problem is i used admin user (root or sudo ) to mounted windows share to /mnt it is mounted but when i type ls to list the error msg Permission deny will come and another thing is with i try to edit /etc/fstab it also shows sa12:10
MAGGIme error. after that i seen ls -l /etc/fstab the user and group is root root and same to /mnt dir12:10
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adantehi, my /boot is full, what is the best procedure for cleaning out the old kernel images12:15
adantethere's about 6 there at the moment, presumably from old upgrades12:15
Lorthirkis there a way to prevent nouveau driver loading during ubuntu installation?12:16
collizionadante: Use 'uname' to find your currently running kernel, and remove all the others. As a practice, I always keep the current one and one previous, just in case.12:17
adantecollizion: thanks - poor google fu on my part before asking - just found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/345588/what-is-the-safest-way-to-clean-up-boot-partition12:18
collizionadante: No worries. :)12:18
collizionLorthirk: You should be able to add "nouveau.blacklist=1" to your kernel line in GRUB.12:19
adantesay, that guide asks me to run 'sudo apt-get autoremove', which prompts me to remove linux-image-generic -- this seems counterintuitive to me, what is going on here (i assume linux-image-generic is a versionless package)?12:19
Lorthirkok, i'm going to try it now!12:19
Lorthirkit won't propogate to the installation, will it?12:20
collizionLorthirk: If you manually enter it in GRUB when you boot, no. It'll only take effect for that single startup.12:20
collizionLorthirk: I think.12:20
Lorthirkok. i'm going to try :D12:20
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collizionadante: I wouldn't worry about autoremove.12:21
przemekhello. I have a problem. I'm getting "error while loading shared libraries: libQtGui.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" but apt-get install libqtgui4 states that libqtgui4 is already installed. Ubuntu 14.04, Where should I look?12:21
collizionadante: Just go through and remove each old actual kernel package.12:21
adantecollizion: cheers - just for my education what is it trying to do there?12:22
kostkonprzemek, probably it's asking for the 32bit version of those libraries, if you are on a 64bit system12:22
kostkon!find libQtGui.so.412:22
ubottuFile libQtGui.so.4 found in fglrx, fglrx-updates, libqtgui412:22
collizionadante: autoremove goes through and removes packages that were installed to satisfy dependencies, but are no longer needed.12:22
kostkonprzemek, you could try sudo apt-get install libqtgui4:i386 and see if that changes anything12:23
collizionadante: Generally speaking, it's a safe operation, but not really necessary.12:23
collizionadante: Unless you have some particular reason to run it, of course.12:23
przemekkostkon: intalling 32bit package did the job. thanks12:26
kostkonprzemek, np12:26
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collizionkostkon: How did you figure that out, anyway? I didn't even think of that.12:26
kostkoncollizion, usual problem on 64bit systems nowadays after the deprecation of ia32-libs12:28
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collizionkostkon: Is that typically an issue seen on desktops? I deal mostly with servers, so I almost never run into anything needing 32-bit libraries.12:28
kostkoncollizion, mostly when people try to run 3rd party 32bit apps12:29
kostkoncollizion, on their 64bit installations*12:29
BluesKaj_usually games12:30
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Lorthirkcollizion, no way. nouveau still gets loaded12:32
collizionLorthirk: Weird. That's how I know to shut the driver off. Then again, nouveau is a SPECIAL kind of ass-pain.12:33
Lorthirkfrom what i'm reading... blacklisting only works with external kernel modules (.ko). does nouveau works this way?12:34
collizionLorthirk: OR... nouveau is included in the initramfs that you're booting from.12:34
collizionLorthirk: Question, though. WHY are you disabling nouveau? NVIDIA card?12:35
Lorthirkplease look at this question12:35
collizionBRB in 20.12:35
Lorthirkbrb in 20 as well :D12:35
dannymichelHi all. I know rutorrent has a channel, but was wondering if someone here could help me. I'm using rutorrent on a dedicated server and my user is chown to 3 different hard drives on the dedicated server. Right now, all rutorrent can see or add new torrents from is whatever is in ~/ . How do I add the other hard drives to that?12:36
ikoniaadd it to what ?12:37
dannymichelikoniaadd add other hard drives to directories rutorrent has access to to add new torrents from or save torrents to.12:40
veehem  /away12:52
utoxya til un canale pours des iso12:55
Lorthirkcollizion, i'm back whenever you want12:57
Lorthirkok, so13:05
Lorthirkas i said, collizion, have a look at this question13:05
collizionLorthirk: Looking over it now.13:09
collizionLorthirk: Does it do the same thing if you boot with the nouveau.blacklist=1 line?13:09
Lorthirkthat's why i asked if nouveau is an external module in the first place13:10
MajdiHey there13:11
collizionLorthirk: I don't think it is.13:12
Lorthirkso blacklisting won't work...13:13
Lorthirkany ideas? :\13:13
Lorthirki guess that the problem is indeed in the kernel... as said in the question, both linux mint (3.13) and fedora 21 (3.18) works ok (but on feodora 21 i had to add nomodeset at boot)13:14
Lorthirkutopic is shipped with...?13:14
collizionI'm not sure. I haven't really touched utopic other than realizing it's a bit of a mess.13:14
jberglerDoes anyone know where I can look to troubleshoot uploading packages to a ppa - the googles suggest that it can take several hours but its been more than 12 and still hasn’t shown up13:14
Majdiinstalled xorg-edgers ppa yesterday and updated the system (that's foolish, i just wanted to install nvidia-340, but didn't realize you don't have to update all packages for that)13:15
Majdinow I can't remove xorg-xedgers ppa with ppa-purge, gives me this output : http://pastebin.com/HyiZcnwh13:15
Lorthirkuhm... maybe i could try installing 14.04, installing nvidia drivers and then upgrading to 14.1013:15
collizionLorthirk: Hey, there's an option.13:16
Lorthirki will right now!13:16
Majdi(sorry for the french in the paste my system locale is french)13:16
Lorthirkthanks anyway :D13:16
Majdimy problem looks similar to that one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192404113:17
BluesKaj_Majdi, just comment the deb line in the sources.list with a # or remove the deb line altogether, then update again13:19
MajdiBluesKaj_, ppa-purge does that automatically, but it doesn't downgrade the packages installed from xorg-edgers though13:19
Majdiwhich I need to do13:20
Majdicause X server is broken with new packages13:20
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Majdibecause of that "libgtk2.0-0" dependency problem which you can see in the pastebin13:21
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BluesKaj_yes, but purging the ppas doesn't remove the driver , Majdi13:21
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Majdiin fact it seems to me it does, judging by the "packages to be removed" list given by ppa-purge13:22
BluesKaj_and to complicate matters you are running 2 gpus13:22
Majdiit just can't proceed to the package removal because of that dependency issue13:23
MajdiYeah, I'm aware of that, but that's okay13:23
BluesKaj_best to just remove the nvidia-340 driver with apt-get if it's not working13:23
Majdifine, but I also want to remove all the xorg packages from the ppa, which I installed by mistake doing a system upgrade13:24
Majdiafter adding the ppa13:24
Majdijust couldn't figure how to solve this "libgtk2.0-0 requires libcairo2 but is to be installed and libgdk-pixbuf2 but is to be installed" and so on and so on13:26
Majdiso then I can safely remove the ppa with ppa-purge13:26
Majdias adviced by the xorg-edgers ppa disclaimer13:27
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BluesKaj_Majdi, open /etc/apt/sources.list .d with root permissions and remove said ppas there...see if that works , then sudo apt-get update and autoremove13:27
MajdiBluesKaj_, no.13:27
Majdiit will screw everything up even more13:28
BluesKaj_fine , have it your way13:28
kokuthows the command to search on channels names?13:29
BluesKaj_Majdi, sudo apt-get autoremove will remove dependencies no longer needed13:30
MajdiBluesKaj_, look13:31
MajdiBluesKaj_, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa13:33
Majdi** Please use ppa-purge to remove this PPA. It is *particularly* recommended to do this before upgrading to a new ubuntu release! **13:33
arunguys, anyone using centos?13:33
MajdiI need to downgrade everything safely with ppa-purge13:33
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Majdiremoving it the usual way like for others ppas doesn't work13:34
Majdiit just breaks everything even more13:34
collizionarun: Might ask on #centos.13:34
BluesKaj_Majdi, well you followed edgers advice and it mucked your system up, now I'm making suggestions to get out of that mess13:34
MajdiI need to figure that dependency issue which ppa-purge gives13:35
collizionMajdi: Can I see what happens when you try to ppa-purge?13:35
MajdiBluesKaj_, I didn't do it on purpose. installing only nvidia driver from xorg-edgers usually is fine, but I upgraded all system and then realized it was stupid13:36
Majdicollizion, http://pastebin.com/HyiZcnwh this is the output of the "sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers" command13:36
Majdisorry for the parts in french13:36
kokutAnyone knows the command to search within channels names and topics?13:37
MajdiI can change my locale and run ppa-purge again if you want everything in english13:37
collizionMajdi: Honestly, that, to me, reads like "nuke and pave."13:39
kostkon!alis | kokut13:39
Majdicollizion, haha13:39
ubottukokut: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*13:39
kokutkostkon: thanks man13:39
collizionMajdi: I wish I was kidding. I can summarize that as follows: Leave the following dependencies unresolved: Everything.13:41
wjtaylor_sorry for the OT. I shut down my system yesterday to swap out a dvdrom. Now my system is having issue with memory. Not sure why. If the set of ram is left in the system it shuts off after 3 secs and then restarts... looping like this. If I remove the ram it posts without error.... Any reason why this would happen? Is there a fix?13:41
Majdicollizion, I know. you shouldn't pay attention to the stuff which is written after the libgtk2.0 thing. it's just ppa-purge which tries to use aptitude instead of apt-get to solve the problem which it does even worse by advicing to remove everything.13:42
collizionFair enough.13:42
Majdicollizion, I found that http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1924041 which is similar to my problem. the thing is, ppa-purge seems to handle multiarch packages not very well13:43
collizionMajdi: What you could try doing is disable the PPA, install the packages that libgtk wants, then ppa-purge.13:44
collizionThat way it doesn't spaz out on dependencies.13:44
Majdicollizion, right, exactly. I tried that, no luck. even did apt-get purge --reinstall these packages, then did it with their :i386 counterparts, didn't help either13:45
vifinoHello. After a reboot, I don't have audio anymore, even though it worked with jack and everything. I changed nothing. Here is the output of the alsa info script: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c9e4ca013629dcdd86a7e105183b2c54b1d93f67 (Jack is running, as jackdbus.)13:45
MajdiThat's why I'm running out of ideas13:45
collizionMajdi: Nuke and pave? <:)13:45
MajdiI believe it wants me to remove libgtk2.0 to downgrade it with a version in the ubuntu repos. I tried to apt-get remove it, but then it says it needs to remove all dependencies which require libgtk2.0, so basically everything13:47
vifinoI am running Utopic.13:47
vifinoIt worked a day before.13:47
Majdiso you guys need to tell me one thing, can I remove a package and force it to ignore the dependencies which require it, knowing that I'll install it back after ppa purge ? and collizion call me stubborn haha, but I want so much to solve this without nuke and pave, knowing that I got no backup of my data and I'm really lazy to reinstall everything :)13:49
Bushmasterhello, seeking some help, i cant convert mp4 to mp3 in my ubuntu, i looked into this forum http://askubuntu.com/questions/174287/how-do-i-convert-an-mp4-to-an-mp3 and followed all the instruction with no luck13:50
collizionMajdi: You can TRY to remove a package without doing anything about dependencies.13:50
Majdicollizion, I mean, is there an apt-get trick to force remove a package ignoring that it will break dependencies ?13:51
collizionMajdi: I'm looking now.13:51
Majdicollizion, thank you very much !13:51
Majdiit would be really helping13:51
Bushmasterthis is what happening when i tried to install mp4 to mp3 related packages http://paste.ubuntu.com/9659482/13:52
BluesKaj_Majdi, you should always have separate partiitions for / (the OS) and your /home dir on separate partitions , then you can reinstall cleanly without affecting your data13:52
xanguaBushmaster: the question you mention is marked as duplicate, did you already check the "original" question¿ it seems to be better explained13:53
Bushmasteryes i checked xangua13:53
Bushmasterlook at this xangua http://paste.ubuntu.com/9659482/13:53
collizionMajdi: You could try using dpkg to remove it manually.13:53
xanguaBushmaster: did you try what the message says¿13:55
Bushmasterxangua,  trying again this time with libav-tools13:56
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MajdiBluesKaj_, I know, but this time Netrunner installer didn't let me do that.13:59
Majdicollizion, ok, I'll try that13:59
Majdicollizion, thanks13:59
collizionMajdi: Oh, don't thank me yet. :P13:59
collizionMajdi: What we're doing definitely falls into Bad Idea territory. But I don't have any good ideas left!14:00
BluesKaj_Majdi, ahh so you're on an unsupported OS\14:00
srwoodjoin /ubuntu-touch14:02
Majdicollizion, yeah, I know I'm doing some yolo stuff right now haha14:03
srwoodjoin #ubuntu-touch14:03
BluesKaj_Majdi, using ppas meant for ubuntu OSs and it's flavours are only supported here, not an ubuntu related OS which uses different sources, mixing those sources with your apps on and their dependencies can cause a lot of trouble as you can see14:03
MajdiBluesKaj_, this is basically kubuntu with a few things added in it14:04
SkyriderA few days ago, someone suggested I should be using kernel x.1.6 I believe.14:04
Skyriderrather than the 1.3 that I'm using now.14:04
SkyriderI can't find the logs though.14:04
jattyou are not using kernel 1.314:04
MajdiBluesKaj_, this is not related at all, it would have done exactly the same thing on pure ubuntu14:05
MajdiBluesKaj_, and it has, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192404114:05
wu__hi new fish herer14:05
collizionMajdi: Let's just see what we can do to resolve this.14:05
SkyriderI honestly cant remember :(14:06
BluesKaj_Majdi, I know what netrunner is , I tried it ...recommend you use real kubuntu if want to use KDE DE14:06
Smaroo_linuxFuck her right in da pussy!14:07
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YonHi, is there an ubuntu beginners? I just installed 14.04 intending to dual boot with windows. had win7 installed. followed instructions from http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2014/05/30/dual-boot-ubuntu-14-04-and-windows-7-on-a-pc-with-uefi-firmware/   exactly. Ubuntu installed but windows is no longer available in the boot menu .... ??14:08
guiteYon: did you installed ubuntu with a usb boot ?14:11
BluesKaj_Yon, are you on ubuntu now? if so open a terminal and do, sudo os-prober , then do, sudo update-grub14:11
SkyriderI am using...14:11
SkyriderLinux 3.13.0-37-generic on x86_6414:11
SkyriderI heard it should be 3.16 due to my HDMI issues.14:12
guiteYon: …or follow BluesKaj_, he probably knows more than me on this14:12
Yonmade a dvd...will do14:12
suggestorwhen I want to select task -> lbuntu-desktop there is e.g. normalpkg and normalpkg:i386 then it tells me unable to resolve deps.. because it tries to somehow mix amd64 and i386? Any idea how to solve that (I am with ubuntu-server-14.0414:12
BluesKaj_Yon, are you running off a live dvd?14:13
Yonnon installed from dvd...did you need the output from os-prober or run update anyway?14:14
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BluesKaj_Yon, no run update-grub  then give us the out put in pastebin14:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:16
bugtraqyo guys14:16
bugtraqlook me system14:17
hiraHi,  i am doing my final year project which is a python scripted application named blue proximity.Blue proximity is software that is used to secure your computer by using Bluetooth. It detects your presence with your mobile phone or a Bluetooth dongle near your computer and unlocks it and when you are away from your computer it locks it automatically.14:18
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hiraFor this purpose, it uses raspberry pi a credit card size small computing device which is compatible to the Blue proximity as well, because the software called Blue proximity runs on the Linux operating system because that software is more compatible to the Linux operating system as it allow its user to directly interact with its kernel. To complete the purpose of Bluetooth we are using Bluetooth dongle or a mobile phone to connect with.14:19
hirais there anyone who can help me14:20
Yon@ BluesKaj how do i direct a message at someone? http://pastebin.com/FtGb4NPe14:21
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BluesKaj_Yon, just use their nick, usually by typing the first few letters then completing with the tab key , @ isn't necessary in irc. I see you have windows listed in the grub menu , now you should be able to choose your OS at the grub menu when booting14:23
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YonBluesKaj_: Sorry, new to this..I did access the grub menu accidentally but windows didn't show on it then..the boot menu normally defaults to the foundation package..excuse me but how would I access the grub menu?14:28
YonBluesKaj_: another weird thing is that the drive icon in the side panel of ubuntu isn't for the drive partitioned for ubuntu install. It has all the windows stuff on it14:32
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BluesKaj_Yon, when booting the grub menu should show up after the page wih uefi/bios options14:33
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BluesKaj_yon, let me rephrase: when booting, the grub menu should show up after the page wih uefi/bios options14:34
YonBluesKaj_: hmm ok, got it. windows is on the menu but after selecting it, the screen just blinks and reverts back to ubuntu14:40
BluesKaj_Yon, ok you may need to disable secure and fast boot if they are enabled in the uefi bios and if all else fails try using legacy boot rather than uefi14:45
invertibleif I run a bash script, will the commands executed within the script be visible via ps, or is just the script itself visible?15:02
Zergling316hi, is there a utility with which i can see the temperatures and control the fanspeed of my amd gpu?15:02
Zergling316(using open source drivers)15:02
NikihakZergling, I also have problem with temperature of my GPU it is getting overheated a lot15:05
NikihakWhen I play some game it is above 85, and idle it is 70-75 which is high as well15:05
NikihakSorry I can't help about AMD, I have nVidia GPU15:05
ChampagneHello, I have an audio problem with my Ubuntu machine...15:09
Champagneaplay -L outputs: default     Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server15:09
SkyriderHandleLidSwitch=ignore is not working15:09
ChampagneSo ALSA sends to Pulse Audio server15:10
ChampagneNothing is muted15:10
ChampagneAnd through pavucontrol I've set my HDMI output (5.1 digital + analog input)15:11
Champagnespeaker-test -c 6 -t wav does not yield any sound through the speakers15:13
nadimsiteIs ubuntu a free software or open source.15:17
nadimsiteNo one knows15:17
compdocits open source thats free to use15:17
compdocwell, most of it is open source15:18
Skyriderit's either open source or it isn't :p15:18
SkyriderMost of it isn't defined as fully / completely open source :D15:18
nadimsiteBut  richard stallman. Reject ubuntu15:18
ksbalajiIm on acer aspire running 14.10(LiveUSB) My touchpad rightclick and middleclick doesnt work. Help please.15:18
rberg-it does include some non free blobs for convenience sake.15:18
compdocbeing free to use makes that a mute point15:18
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rberg-and thats probably why RMS doesnt approve..15:19
collizionThe majority of Ubuntu is open source. Non-open source components are contained in different repositories. It's your choice to use them or not.15:19
compdocmillions use it. to heck with richard stallman15:19
rberg-much respect to RMS, but much of what he does is highly impractical. :)15:20
rberg-for me I mean anyways15:20
ksbalajiTouchpad rightclick not working in acer aspire laptop on 14.10 usbstick - help15:22
rrrhow to get untar tar.bz2 file?15:26
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nadimsiteI installed 14.04. Do I have to move to 14.10. Or maybe still on 14.04.15:27
rrrhow to untar tar.bz2 file?15:27
nadimsiteYalue what is your opinion?15:28
yaluenadimsite: Wrong person? My opinion on how to untar a .tar.bz2 would be "tar -xvjf <file.tar.bz2>"15:29
compdocIm staying with 14.0415:29
nadimsiteThanks yalue15:29
SkyriderI was wondering if someone could help me.15:30
SkyriderI'm currently on linuxmint, and I'm having black screen issues when HDMI cable is attached to the laptop (for TV).15:30
SkyriderI'm using radeon.15:30
Zergling316then you might want to ask in the linuxmint channel15:31
Zergling316as this is #ubuntu15:31
SkyriderI'm aware15:31
linuxmintSkyrider: I had that issue. I think I needed a driver. Better move to linuxmint-help channel though :-)15:31
SkyriderThough linuxmint uses ubuntu :p15:31
SkyriderPlus, I'm having this issue on all ubuntu releases.15:31
SkyriderIncluding default ubuntu.15:32
jusssis anyone there ? can anyone paste the property of /dev/tty0 ?15:34
ramchandraI'm here. What do you mean by property?15:35
ramchandraDo you want to restore the permissions?15:35
jusssmine is crw--w----15:35
ramchandra"crw--w----" I'll figure out the15:35
ramchandraAnyways no need to change it afaik the permissions are not retained (it's the virtual devfs)15:36
jussswhen I open Xorg.bin as non-root, there is a error cannot open /dev/tty015:36
ramchandrayou need to run Xorg as root15:36
Zergling316really no one able to help me adjust my fanspeed with the amd open source gpu driver15:36
ramchandra/dev/tty0 is just one issue15:36
ramchandra!ubottu patience|Zergling31615:37
ramchandra!ubottu patience15:37
jusssramchandra: run Xorg must be root?15:37
ramchandrayes, you have to run it as root15:37
jusssramchandra: but I can run Xorg as non-root last year15:38
ramchandraif you want to be able to run it without root every time change the setuid bit15:38
ramchandrahmm.. you might be right lemme check15:38
ramchandraI'm pretty sure you have to run it as root so that it can access the video drivers and stuff15:39
guitehi everyone, can anyone tell me why I need to be sudo so that I can use opencl ? the nvidia gpu is not detected without being sudo15:39
guiteok sorry, bad guess >_<15:40
guitethere is something else15:40
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SkyriderI might as well just install ubuntu and get support directly here..15:47
sebsebsebSkyrider: hi what do you want help with/15:48
Skyridersebsebseb: Currently using linuxmint, so doubt I'll get support here :p15:48
sebsebseboh right I see15:48
SkyriderBut this problem is affecting all of my linux installations.15:49
Skyriderincluding xubuntu, xbmcbuntu, official ubuntu and linuxmint.15:49
=== Mathis|2 is now known as Mathis
firebird1hi all i learnt that directory doesnt contain files so come it know what all files are there in that directory for example dir1 has foo1,foo215:54
BluesKaj_Champagne, is your audio chip an intel-hda ?15:54
Mathishey, how do I install updates on 14.04.1 while being offline?15:55
sebsebsebMathis: I don't think you can really or easilly15:55
ChampagneBluesKaj_: Yes...15:55
dreamer_<sebsebseb> you must install  all packages who yoou need15:56
tewardMathis: with infinite difficulty.15:57
tewardMathis: the only reliable way is to be online - you can't easily install all the packages you'd need for updates without downloading each and every one individually and installing them manually15:57
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tewardMathis: probably better to just invest in networking hardware for the system if you're stuck in the "Not Online" situation.15:58
BluesKaj_Champagne, ok , in the terminal, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , it's a known bug that fails to load the driver after an upgrade , there should be no output from the modprobe command if the driver loads properly, then a reboot is probly necessary.15:58
Mathisteward: in that situation networking is not an option15:58
tewardMathis: then you're out of luck - you can't sanely update if you have no network connectivity, not without figuring out *manually* what packages have changed, which ones you need to download, then download, and manually install15:59
tewardMathis: if the system has 250 updates to run, for example, then you get to the 'extremely extremely difficult' area15:59
Mathisits not just about one system, its about 100 boxes16:00
ChampagneBluesKaj_: Do you have any input? :( I've isolated that on a fresh reboot I am able to use the speaker test from System settings>Sound. But if I start Firefox and starta a flash internet radio I am unable to do the testing16:00
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rberg-take a look at apt-offline16:00
tewardMathis: and that ups it to the 'infinitely difficult' area16:01
Mathisand if I dont find a way to make sure that those UEFI boxes cleanly boot from USB thumbdrives, the only way is to send in the boxes and update them from a central position with internet access16:01
tewardMathis: but you're still stuck in the situation of downloading the updates manually and installing them16:01
MathisI would then install the updates on one of the boxes and create an image of the harddisk, copying it over to the other boxes16:02
BluesKaj_Champagne, which browser ?16:02
ChampagneBluesKaj_: Firefox (with Flash plugin installed)16:02
ChampagneBluesKaj_: But it is not related to just Flash, because same is when I open XBMC16:04
Mathisthanks anyway16:04
ChampagneI hear no sound from neither XBMC nor Flash - but what I've found is that as long as either one is running... I can't hear any output from the sound test16:04
ChampagneThe only sound that's ever been heard from this system is the speaker-test -t wave sounds16:05
ChampagneIt seems like it can only play 1 stream at the time16:05
ChampagneBut yet I don't hear the stream from anything other than the test sounds16:06
ChampagneAnyway, I did the mod probe for the audio chip... I'll try rebooting now to see what happens16:07
BluesKaj_Champagne, what do you have connected to the speakers? HDMI uses the spdif output meant for an hdmi input on a DAC, not an analog out. Try a straight analog in pavucontrol16:09
ChampagneThe computer is connected to an AV Receiver (7.1 support but only 5.1 speakers connected)16:10
=== baggar11_ is now known as baggar11
Champagnepavucontrol under "Output Devices" tab tells me Port: HDMI/DisplayPort (plugged in)16:10
BluesKaj_Champagne, ok , the just use the hdmi  or spdif on pavucontrol and the sound setup16:11
ChampagneAnd the profile is Digital Surround 5.1 (HDMI) Output + Analog Stereo Input16:11
BluesKaj_yes Champagne there should be a spdif out, that's what I use for my audio receiver16:12
BluesKaj_you should choose that in alsamixer as well, Champagne16:13
ChampagneAllright, even though I want the sound to go through the HDMI cable?16:13
csabeszHello All! Anybody here professional with avconv binary?16:13
BluesKaj_yes Champagne , the hdmi on the graphics gets the spif from the soundcard16:14
BluesKaj_spdif that is16:15
BluesKaj_no analog needed16:15
ChampagneBluesKaj_: I've now selected in System>Sound Play sound through Digital Output (S/PDIF)16:15
ChampagneThat changes the Output Device in pavucontrol as well to the S/PDIF16:16
ChampagneAnd the test sound window only shows Right and Left, but I hear no sound16:16
ChampagneS/PDIF - isn't that for TOSLINK/Optical cable?16:16
BluesKaj_coax and hdmi cable as well , Champagne16:17
ChampagneBluesKaj_: Allright, but it still gives me no sound... :(16:17
ChampagneAllright, one moment :)16:18
sheapis there a way to show from which repository a package came from?16:20
MartynKeigherapt-cache policy <package name>16:21
MartynKeigher^ sheap16:21
BluesKaj_sheap, yes look in the package manager component16:21
MartynKeigherif you are cli only then the cmd i put should do the trick16:21
sheapwhat if the result of a package that is installed says "/var/lib/dpkg/status"?16:22
sheapinstead of a repo name/url16:22
BluesKaj_sheap, what package ?16:23
sheapBluesKaj_: libc616:23
sheapI somehow have 6.4 installed and it breaks everything16:23
sheapsince it's too high16:24
sheapI can't figure out where it came from16:24
Majdiyeah !!!! fixed it ! really happy now16:24
Seveassheap: it means you have a version that is not currently in any of your repos16:24
BluesKaj_sheap, libc6 is from component main16:24
Seveassheap: and there's no 6.4 version of libc616:24
sheapSeveas: apparently there is: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libc616:25
Seveassheap: that's 2.1916:26
sheapSeveas: er, 2.19-0ubuntu6.416:26
Seveasthe -0ubuntu6.4 is the packaging version, not the package version16:26
sheapSeveas: ok16:27
Seveassheap: what's the output of apt-cache policy libc6? And what's broken?16:27
sheapSeveas:  *** 2.19-0ubuntu6.4 0         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status16:27
Seveasthat's not the full output.16:27
Seveaspastebin the full output16:28
Majdicollizion, I ended doing "cat packages.txt | xargs dpkg -p --force-depends", packages.txt being the list of packages from the ppa-purge output, then apt-get -f installl, then manually apt-get install some packages because for some reason apt-get -f install gave errors for them.  then apt-get install nvidia-331, reboot and HELL YEAH !16:28
Majdiso thank you all for your help !16:28
collizionMajdi: Nice! Good work.16:28
Majdicollizion, thanks again !16:29
SeveasMajdi: you just leveled up in Ubuntu :)16:29
Majdisee you ! good evening/afternoon, whatever :)16:29
MajdiSeveas, thanks ! :D16:29
sheapSeveas: http://paste.debian.net/138930/16:29
BluesKaj_Majdi, I still recommend you use a well supported OS like kubuntu for proper kde package support16:30
Seveassheap: don't redact output needlessly. You may be using a broken mirror and haven't given me a way to check...16:31
sheapSeveas: don't think /var/lib/dpkg/status is a mirror but okay..16:31
Seveassheap: 'repo.url'...16:31
sheapSeveas: nvm16:32
BluesKaj_Champagne, do you have audio ?16:41
bttfhello, I just added to my /etc/motd.tail but the content won't show up on login. I tried setting +rx permissions on the file and also rebooted the machine but still no go ... what could be wrong?16:42
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philiphello problem on asterisk16:43
ChampagneBluesKaj_: Nope...16:44
ChampagneStill only two channels after reboot16:44
philipexperiencing an issue on asterisk16:44
ChampagneAnd the test from System>Sound gives no output16:44
ChampagneWhen I did speaker-test -D hdmi it produced sounds, but speaker-test (withough specifying output) gives no sound16:45
ChampagneSo my conclusion is that the problem lies with Pulse Audio16:45
BluesKaj_Champagne, what does the F6 show as the soundcard in alsamixer?16:45
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ChampagneAs running speaker-test (ALSA) with no output uses default device (Pulse Audio), but when specifying output device (hdmi) it gives out sound16:47
sebbieHi guys, trying to boot a live disk but it's hanging, is there a way to get a boot log so I can see what it's failing on?16:48
sebbieit get's as far as grub but I don't get a boot splash. It just hangs16:48
BluesKaj_Champagne, what is card0 in alsamixer F6 ?16:48
Champagne-  (default)16:49
Champagne0  HDA Intel PCH16:49
ChampagneThat's also the only entries shown16:50
BluesKaj_ok lets solidify card0 driver, add this to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, options snd-hda-intel index=0 , Champagne16:51
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ChampagneBluesKaj_: Then reboot or mod probe before?16:53
BluesKaj_Champagne, just reboot16:54
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ChampagneBluesKaj_: Sound mixer still shows the same HDA Intel PCH and aplay -L lists Pulse Audio server as default audio16:57
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ChampagneWhen running speaker-test -t wav -c6  gives me: Using max buffer size 34952416:59
Champagnespeaker-test -t wav -c6 -D hdmi gives me: Using max buffer size 546016:59
BluesKaj_Champagne, with some intel audio setupd pulse audio isn't necessary, like my laptop ...I should have remembered , you might be able to run without pulse17:00
superteeceGreetings. Is there a specific channel for Duplicity issues?17:01
jazzanyone here know about yowsup.cli ?17:01
superteeceI have a bad volume in my Duplicity backup and would like to either override the hash check or skip the volume.17:02
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=== Zergling316 is now known as Shellshock
superteecesearching makes it appear that this is just a thing that happens and I'm out of luck but then why would Canonical include such an untrustworthy backup solution?17:03
squeegilyThis might not be the right channel to ask, but..17:04
squeegilyI want to watch Netflix on my Linux computer, but I don't feel like installing Chrome, and extracting the DRM plugin looks like it's not feasible on Ubuntu just yet. My system does not support virtualization (processor is a Pentium 4), otherwise I would have just used a VM. Now, what would it take to get Google Chrome running in a fully untrusted way? Would a chroot be enough?17:04
squeegilyBut the suid sandbox code might let Chrome break out of the chroot.. so I'm not sure what I should do17:04
squeegilyWould AppArmor be used for this?17:05
jazzjust sudo install crome17:05
squeegilyjazz: I want to install Google Chrome in a way that it cannot access my system17:05
squeegilyI do not want that unholy closed-source Google code running in anything unsecured17:06
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squeegilyI want to run Chrome in an "untrusted" way, but my computer cannot handle a VM17:06
SchrodingersScatfor netflix he probably still needs the chrome beta, at least last I heard.  which wouldn't be in repos.  But since the DRM is probably the part to be worried about, why would you opt to run it at all?17:06
xanguathen don't run it17:06
jazzand there is no ppa available for it ?17:07
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:07
squeegilySchrodingersScat: Because 1. The DRM isn't the part I'm afraid of - it's the browser itself. and 2. I'm fine with DRM17:07
kostkonSchrodingersScat, even the stable works fine now17:07
squeegilyI would have just put it in Chromium if that were supported at the moment17:07
SchrodingersScatkostkon: oh, neat.17:07
jazzanyone know how to get whatsapp running in sync on laptop/pc and phone ?17:08
squeegilySo I'm looking for a way to "jail" the closed-source Chrome browser so I can watch Netflix while I wait for Chromium or Firefox to get around to adding DRM support17:08
Seveassqueegily: run it as a different user17:09
squeegilySeveas: The catch is17:09
squeegilyThere are setuid binaries17:09
squeegilyIt's used for the sandbox, since setting up privilege dropping needs root privileges17:09
ChampagneBluesKaj_: I think solidifying the driver as well as changing output back to HDMI seems to have done it!17:09
ChampagneMANY thanks! BluesKaj_17:10
squeegilyBut it's still a root-setuid closed-source binary17:10
BluesKaj_Champagne, glad to hear that :)17:10
Seveassqueegily: anything that's not a vm can break out to the 'real' system.17:10
SeveasYou'll have to choose between trusting chrome and not watching netflix.17:11
tewardSeveas: or he can launch it in a VM17:11
tewardsqueegily: ^17:11
kostkonsqueegily, chromium will nevee add support. EME support in firefox is getting close. You can use pipelight instead. It will allow you to watch netflix in firefox http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/pipelight-use-silverlight-in-your-linux.html17:11
squeegilySeveas: Yeah, but it's a lot harder without root17:11
Seveasteward: read up, he can't :)17:12
tewardSeveas: E: No Scrollback - glitch in hexchat cleared the scrollback17:12
* teward apologizes17:12
Seveassqueegily: neh, all it takes is a root exploit. Certainly google knows a few that are not public :)17:12
squeegilyNow that is a creepy thought.17:12
kostkonsqueegily, also you could download firfox nightly and enable the eme support. But it is still pretty unstable afaik17:13
Seveassqueegily: paranoia ftw :)17:13
___AxelCan anyone convince me of why I should switch to Linux (Ubuntu preferably)17:14
SchrodingersScat___Axel: probably not.17:14
kostkonsqueegily, i think the eme plugin in firefox is made by adobe if that makes you feel any safer17:14
___AxelI have a medium gaming PC and I don't know if it's worth 250W for just running ubuntu17:14
Darknet___Axel, don't17:14
Darknetif you have no real usage for it, don't.17:15
SchrodingersScat___Axel: more of a choice you have to make yourself, you're welcome to try it out.17:15
squeegilykostkon: It's not WHO made the code; it's the open-source sandbox Mozilla made to contain it17:15
Seveas___Axel: depends on your needs. For gaming windows is definitely still better, though steam has quite a few linux games these days.17:15
kostkonsqueegily, fair enough. you could give it a try at least17:15
squeegilykostkon: Yeah I'm going to try Pipelight17:15
kostkonsqueegily, i mean it's still unstable17:15
kostkonsqueegily, ok17:15
Darknet___Axel Ubuntu is a technical operating system, its not for the new user, and if you have to come in here and ask that. it is really not for you. Stick with windows, but feel free to install ubuntu beside your windows, and just reboot when you want to try it, or run VMWare, and have linux in there.17:16
squeegilyWAIT I just read that the Nightly has EME?17:16
squeegilyThat's awesome17:16
kostkonsqueegily, y. you need to manually enable it though.17:16
___AxelIn 1.5 years I'd have to work with Linux for school17:16
squeegilyDo you know off the top of your head how to do that? Or do I have to Google it ;)17:17
___Axel(Not specified what distro)17:17
SkyriderLinux is pretty easy to work with, once it works.17:17
Seveas___Axel: in that case, try Ubuntu now for a headstart. What kind of school?17:17
___AxelI'm not sure what it's called in English, but I guess college17:18
Seveas___Axel: I mean what kind of education? Computer science, physics, maths?17:18
kostkonsqueegily, better google it ;)17:18
detjkoi have issue17:19
detjkoon ubuntu 14.0417:19
___AxelApplied information technology, but there are still 3 branches I'd have to pick from17:19
SchrodingersScat!ask | detjko17:19
ubottudetjko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:19
Seveas___Axel: once you know a few more details about subjects, we may be able to help you pick things to try on Ubuntu :)17:20
detjkoi installed guitar pro on wine em. and i cant hear sound in it, i never used wine can someone help about that?17:20
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___AxelYea it's still a little vague... All it says is "You will work with Linux, a stable ......."17:21
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bubbasaures___Axel, This is support for chat #ubuntu-offtopic17:28
Shellshockis there a way to control the fanspeed of my graphics card (amd 280x / 7970) with the open source drivers?17:30
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LordDragonhey all. how much swap do i need if i have 32gb of ram and only a 100gb ssd?17:33
cfhowlettLordDragon, if you don't suspend, you don't need /swap17:34
LordDragoni wont be17:34
LordDragonok cool thanks17:34
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ursnationLordDragon you dont need swap if you have that much ram, but disabling it is usually a bad idea so 1-2g would be fine17:35
ararobwhat can i do about this? http://paste.linuxassist.net/view/aedb3b7e , i installed libjpeg62 because scorched3d needs it, but....17:35
rberg-no matter how much ram Linux will find something to swap out, I always have a few GB of swap for that17:37
Seveasararob: how did you install scorched3d?17:38
ararobSeveas, from a .deb package, which i converted from an .rpm because i need the latest build, building it from source proved not easy.17:39
Seveasararob: that's a recipe for disaster.17:39
ararobSeveas, i know, but, no choice.17:39
Seveasget rid of it, sudo apt-get build-dep scorched3d and build from source17:39
cfhowlettararob, pretty sure we advised that "alien" was not reliable.  source if you must.17:40
ararobyeah, source code keeps complaining about deprecated functions wxgtk package17:40
collizionararob: In no way is converting an rpm to a deb a reliable or supported solution.17:41
ararobyeah, it was a shot in the dark.17:41
ararobthanks guys.17:41
Seveasararob: deprecation warnings are warnings, not errors. What's the actual error you get when compiling?17:42
ararobSeveas, 1 min.17:42
paradisebunnyhi, i am on ubuntu 14.04, installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop and tried it for a bit, and decided against it. uninstalled with apt-get remove, and since then unity is buggy... what is the easiest way to fix this?17:48
Seveasparadisebunny: did you do an apt-get autoremove as well?17:48
cfhowlett!pureubuntu | paradisebunny,17:48
ubottuparadisebunny,: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu17:48
Xsploitanyone got a prasing website17:48
Seveas!pm | paradisebunny17:49
ubottuparadisebunny: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.17:49
squeegilyI finally got EME enabled and the user agent spoofed17:49
squeegilyLet's see if Ubuntu really can play Netflix17:49
bubbasauresparadisebunny, I would do a install reinstall of the ubuntu-desktop  we don't really know everything you have done, what you have described so far should not be happening.17:49
cfhowlettparadisebunny, easily done: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop17:50
ararobSeveas, you're right, it was just warning, the build fails at, "Makefile:944: recipe for target '../wxdialogs/DisplayDialog.o' failed" , and i have installed all the -dev packages, as far as i know.17:50
bubbasauresthanks cfhowlett17:50
Seveasararob: did you do the apt-get build-dep thing?17:50
ararobSeveas, yes17:50
cfhowlettbubbasaures, happytohelp17:51
ararobSeveas, also, the warnings are in ../wxdialogs/DisplayDialog.cpp17:51
ararobSeveas, i guess the failure is somehow related?17:51
Seveasararob: can you pastebin the entire build output?17:51
squeegilyWelp. It's not working. :/ Oh well17:51
MesaKillsGPUshello, im an overheating witness, does anyone have time to talk about fan control for a minute?17:52
ararobSeveas, http://pastebin.com/ET43Uev017:53
khudherhello guys :)17:53
Seveasararob: looks like the ubuntu package has some wx compatibility patches. apt-get source scorched3d and apply the patches to the source you grabbed.17:53
bubbasauresMesaKillsGPUs, response here is based on issue descriptions.17:53
che2000does anyone use dm-crypt to encrypt their hard disks?17:54
Seveasche2000: the ubuntu standard is luks (if you choose full disk encryption when installing) and/or ecryptfs (when selecting 'encrypt homedir'), so I doubt you'll find dm-crypt users in here17:55
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ararobSeveas, but apt-get gets the 43.3 version of scorched3d, and i'm trying to compiled .4417:56
che2000Hi Seveas, I think luks is basically the same as dm-crypt (at least one of hte options)17:56
Seveasararob: apt-get source gets you the source, so you can copy and apply the patches to your .44 version17:57
Seveasche2000: hmm, a quick glance at the wikipedia page suggests that you may be right. Maybe you'll be lucky then :)17:58
haskeerDoes anyone know how to remove defective PPA repositories? They fail to update with apt-get update17:58
Seveashaskeer: ppa-purge17:58
haskeerCheers seveas17:58
haskeerAnd is there a way to list all available apt-get applications or do I just need to blindly guess and hope its in the repository?17:59
haskeerIm not a fan of the ubuntu software centre17:59
che2000Seveas: I am pretty sure that the installer sets up dm-crypt for the full disk encryption (probably using the default options). I am just trying to do this configuration manually so that only my home directory is encrypted.17:59
che2000haskeer: apt-cache search --- searches the software database18:00
bubbasaureshaskeer, Be careful just cruising the repos, chances are there is a linux version of what you want, I would just focus there.18:00
che2000haskeer: 'apt seach' works too in the newer versions of apt18:00
Mathiskeryx isnt in the repository?18:01
Seveasche2000: dm-crypt/luks are for full volume encryptions. If you want just the homedir, ecryptfs is the way to go.18:01
xchatterWith what command can I show the folder size of /home and all its subfolders and content? Want to see if /home fits on an USB stick18:01
haskeerCheers, and I'm not after any external apps yet, just wanting to get my bearings. Last unix OS I used was BTr318:01
cryptopsywhat's the name of the kernel driver for charging a phone by usb?18:02
Seveashaskeer: there's synaptic, aptitude, or just less /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages :)18:02
bubbasaureshaskeer, Cool, there is synaptic as a gui apt tool, I just use apt-get myself generally.18:02
che2000Seveas: that's true, but dm-crypt is much faster than encryptfs. My home directory is in a separate partition, so I think it should be possible to encrypt just that partition18:02
Seveasche2000: yes it shoud in that case18:03
haskeerAlright, cheers for the help18:03
squintyhaskeer:  fwiw, in Software and Updates you can add/remove/disable ppa's simply by clicking.  for viewing the repo's (besides using the software center)you may want to install Synaptpic package manager18:04
haskeersquinty: Is Synaptpic another software centre client?18:05
squintyhaskeer:  copy/paste into a terminal   apt-cache show synaptic  for details18:06
lotuspsychje!synaptic | haskeer18:06
ubottuhaskeer: A Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:06
bubbasaureshaskeer, Synaptic precedes the software center by years.18:07
squintyor that  :P18:07
haskeerSounds good, cheers guys18:07
squeegily0o0 434MB of 9001 lib32 deps for Pipelight18:08
squeegilyI'm not sure if this is worth it or if I should hold out for EME18:09
haskeerI've heard its pretty easy to access someones public IP over IRC. Any truth to it?18:09
squeegilyhaskeer: Yeah. poetazus's is
Seveashaskeer: that's a but OT here, we stick to Ubuntu support.18:09
haskeerFair enough, I'l look into it elsewhere. Thanks again18:10
lotuspsychje!vhost | | haskeer18:10
ubottu| haskeer: To get any kind of cloak (Ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page. For unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.18:10
cryptopsybye for now18:10
haskeerubottu: Cheers, got a few more questions but Il look into it elsewhere, don't want to flood the chat with OT conversation18:11
ubottuhaskeer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:11
haskeerWell. It had me fooled18:11
Seveasit has more intelligence than some of our regulars...18:12
lotuspsychjehaskeer: you can ask ip/vhost related issues in #freenode as the trigger shows18:12
haskeerlotuspsychje: Cheers18:12
haskeerSeveas: And wouldn’t surprise me hehe18:13
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ararobSeveas, so i applied all the patches, the -wx patch was the last, and it warned me that some parts of the patch were already applied, but i patched the source anyway, and did sh ./autogen ,and make -j2 again, with same result.18:17
xubuntu-sol-bsasHello everyone, I'm new at xubuntu. It seems like there was a problem during the upgrades installation, and it was not completed. Now the system is running in a mode that looks like "safe mode", and I cannot connect to the internet. Also the screen looks like pixeled. What should I do? is there any way of unistalling these last updates?18:25
cfhowlettxubuntu-sol-bsas, now that I've seen the entire problem, I think reinstallation is the way to go.18:26
jhutchinsxubuntu-sol-bsas: The best way to undo the upgrade is to restore the backup you made before you did it.18:26
xubuntu-sol-bsasOk, thank you everyone!18:27
ararobSeveas, i had version 3.0 of everything with *wx* in it, uninstalled those packages, and installed 2.8, now it compiles. :)18:30
Seveasararob: woo!18:30
karthik_hi guys here is problem while installing package gdb : Depends: libpython3.4 (>= 3.4~b1) but it is not going to be installed18:31
karthik_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.18:31
Seveaskarthik_: and what happens if you try to install libpython3.4?18:33
karthik_same error18:33
Seveasshould at least be more informative. Pastebin the full output of both commands.18:33
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karthik_Seveas: libpython3.4 : Depends: libpython3.4-stdlib (= 3.4.0-2ubuntu1) but 3.4.2-1+precise1 is to be installed18:36
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Seveaskarthik_: are you still on precise?18:36
karthik_Seveas: yes18:38
Seveaskarthik_: looks like you have been mucking about with adding unsupported repos. Maybe backports. Clean that up and apt-get will be happier.18:39
comp10how to find unallocated partion use bash?18:40
cfhowlettcomp10 sudo fdisk -l18:40
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sn4k3buona sera a tutti18:43
lotuspsychje!it | sn4k318:43
ubottusn4k3: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:43
comp10cfhowlett, thx. in result after type that command, i can not see indicator allocated/unallocated.how to know(read)?18:43
ararobSeveas, not so fast. it reached a point where it says http://pastebin.com/rPUb8Mfp , include files not included?18:43
comp10cfhowlett, but when i'm login for my system use root account , in default gnome app for see partion, i can see it (unallocated partion).when i'm try to format, it was failed. cause that i want to solve it with bash (format unallocated partion)18:47
cfhowlettcomp try sudo cfdisk18:47
comp10cfhowlett, ok,i will try18:47
comp10cfhowlett, it is cool.18:48
cfhowlettcomp10, happy2help!18:49
comp10cfhowlett, yes.thx18:51
comp10cfhowlett, i see list of partions18:51
comp10cfhowlett, in 'fs type' column, is it mean 'unallocated'?18:51
comp10cfhowlett, that i mean i see "free space", it mean 'unallocated"?18:52
blackyboybtrfs now in production environment ? Can i use in production ?18:52
cfhowlettcomp10, correct18:52
lotuspsychje!btrfs | blackyboy18:53
ubottublackyboy: Btrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs18:53
blackyboyoh cool18:53
wxlok, i got a fun one for you chaps: logitech t630 bluetooth mouse. has keyboard events that i'd like to disable. how?18:54
comp10cfhowlett, is 'new' option=format?18:54
wxli tried disabling the buttons with xinput, but that didn't really do much.18:55
comp10cfhowlett, which i choose, 'new' or 'write'?18:55
lotuspsychjewxl: maybe gpointing-device-settings can help you18:55
cfhowlettcomp10, I rarely use cfdisk ... fdisk fits me better :)  read the man cfdisk page.  new makes a new partition.  write actually makes the changes you've set18:55
wxllotuspsychje: i'm in kubuntu but i'll give it a go18:56
wxllotuspsychje: nope, segault18:57
lotuspsychje!info gpointing-device-settings | wxl18:57
ubottuwxl: gpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-6ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 62 kB, installed size 504 kB18:57
comp10cfhowlett, ok, thx .. i will read it .thx18:57
wxllotuspsychje: well ahead of you, but no workie.18:57
lotuspsychjewxl: what command did you type for install?18:58
wxllotuspsychje: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install gpointing-device-settings18:58
wxllotuspsychje: the issue is not installation, but the fact that it segfauls on run.18:59
lotuspsychjewxl: well i never tested it on kubuntu myself19:00
* wxl shrugs19:00
wxlof course we don't even know that it will actually work, so we might be chasing a red herring19:00
wxli'll go see if they can find anything better i guess19:02
MesaKillsGPUshello :)19:06
Pukchow are you?19:06
MesaKillsGPUsim fine but i still dont know how to control my gpus fans19:07
squeegilyMesaKillsGPUs: I don't think it does though. My friend had a fried graphics card that could only be used in safe mode19:07
squeegilyWith the Mesa driver19:07
MesaKillsGPUsthis name is grossly exaggregated19:07
MesaKillsGPUsi just searched the whole day for a solution to controling my fanspeed because i have an aftermarket cooler19:08
MesaKillsGPUsand still havent found it19:08
squeegilyMake your own water cooling system19:08
lotuspsychje!info psensor | MesaKillsGPUs19:08
ubottuMesaKillsGPUs: psensor (source: psensor): display graphs for monitoring hardware temperature. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 57 kB, installed size 430 kB19:08
jhutchinsMesaKillsGPUs: Fan Speed Control is a motherboard/BIOS function.  Some boards have an interface for control, but not all.19:08
MesaKillsGPUsi have found psensor, but im searching for a way to control the fans of my graphics card (amd 280x / 7970)19:09
MesaKillsGPUswhich only worked with fglrx19:10
DulcinIs there a way to see which file is keeping a specific port occupied (instead of the program/id, I want to see exactly what is running)?19:12
Defunktnetstat -atunp19:12
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subterfugiumanyone know what's wrong with gnome-lirc-properties? missing dependency to HAL even if I'm using trusty which has ha lintegrated udev?19:21
subterfugiumI found several bugs bot no workarounds19:21
DalvladHello wrold :)19:22
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cristian_cI'm using 14.04 trusty, but I can't make working wifi connection19:27
cristian_cWifi chip is rtl8821ae, and I don't see my network in the network manager applet19:28
cristian_cAny ideas?19:28
jhutchinscristian_c: First step is dmesg | less and look for relevant messages as it loads.19:29
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jhutchinscristian_c: Also ifconfig /a to see if the interface shows up.19:29
cristian_cjhutchins, interface is shown, other networks are detected, but not mine19:30
jhutchinscristian_c: Interesting.  Are you not broadcasting the SSID perhaps?19:31
nmatrix9Hey guys just had something weird happen I installed 2 new plasma widgets veromo mix volume control and a load viewer on my top panel.  I logged out of the kdm session and logged back in and then all of a sudden this happened to the panel: http://picpaste.com/snapshot1-L0IGIcbW.png19:31
jhutchinscristian_c: If it detects other networks then we pretty much know it's working and it's something special about your network.19:31
cristian_cjhutchins, with stock kernel (3.13.x) dmesg shows some messages (from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz and from 5 GHz to 2.4 GHz), With 3.18.x kernel these messages disappear but I can't select my network anyway19:31
nmatrix9I removed those widgets did a reboot, fsck and nothing changed19:31
BluesKajcristian_c, run iwconfig19:32
basichashHow do I clear all notifications?19:32
nmatrix9Iam trying to figure out wtf happened and how can I restore normal color back to my desktop19:32
basichashthe 'battery critically low' notification is stuck on my screen19:32
basichashthere's no 'close' icon19:33
cristian_cjhutchins, no, I've set up the SSID properly19:33
nmatrix9There's an application called "active-settings" and all it's showing is a black screen19:33
jhutchinscristian_c: Do you have any other wireless devices that see it?19:33
jhutchinscristian_c: Is it on a compatible mode?19:33
quidnuncI have 2 disks, an SSD and a slower rotational disk. I want to divide my home directory among those disks so that directories with large files are on rotational storage and everything else is on the SSD. Right now I have /home on the SSD and am using symlinks on the directories with large files. But I don't like this solution, symlinks are treated differently than normal files and I have to constantly remember to accomodate them.19:33
quidnuncthere a better solution?19:33
nmatrix9Is there a command or option to reset my plasma desktop to default?19:34
nmatrix9in Kubuntu19:34
nmatrix9The colors are all screwed up19:34
compdocquidnunc, you can use fstab to mount directories on the various drives19:35
quidnunccompdoc: Messy with lots of directories19:37
techsuperfreaknmatrix9, try this link http://bit.ly/1Ajo6qX19:38
subterfugiumanyone know what's wrong with gnome-lirc-properties? missing dependency to HAL even if I'm using trusty which has ha lintegrated udev?19:39
nmatrix9techsuperfreak,  Iam worried I may have downloaded some sort of kde widget that somehow is a conflict with the the plasma workspace19:39
techsuperfreaknmatrix9, Try this one - http://bit.ly/1vRFKOw19:41
cristian_cjhutchins, yeah, usb wifi card19:41
cristian_cjhutchins, I think it's in automatic mode19:41
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, the command didn't work19:42
techsuperfreaknmatrix9, Try this one - http://bit.ly/1vRFKOw19:43
glitch256morning all i have a doozi of a question and wonderin if here or another chat is best for it19:43
glitch256im trying to play a bluray disk19:43
MesaKillsGPUshow can i mine buttcoins with ubuttu?19:44
=== MesaKillsGPUs is now known as CoinJoinNoin
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:44
jhutchinsglitch256: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?19:44
cristian_cBluesKaj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9661143/19:46
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, also something to note my All Applications -> Settings when I click on it just gives me a black screen, just something to note19:46
BluesKajcristian_c,  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up19:46
BluesKajcristian_c, then, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid19:47
cristian_cBluesKaj, but it's already up19:47
BluesKajcristian_c, the last command should show the essid19:48
glitch256jhutchins: i have installed makemkv libaacs libbluray  basically followed all the tutorials i have found online try running makemkv and stream to vlc or xbmc  nothing happens try to play with  vlc or xbmc nothing happens  cant even get any error codes  but i can rip the bluray and have the file19:48
glitch256jhutchins:  sorry for the long post  but i felt it was better than multi lines19:49
cristian_cBluesKaj, it returns only the prompt19:50
cristian_cah, sorry '-i essid', I try19:50
BluesKajwhat about network manager , have you checked it since, cristian_c ?19:50
cristian_cok, it returns a list of essids19:51
cristian_cbut my network it's not listed19:51
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, it worked!19:51
cristian_cfour essids returned19:52
techsuperfreaknmatrix9, awesome!19:52
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, and I've narrowed the cause of the issue19:52
techsuperfreaknmatrix9, what was it?19:52
cristian_c<BluesKaj> what about network manager , have you checked it since, cristian_c ?19:52
cristian_ccan you explain the question better?19:52
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, I have a application in my kubuntu start menu called "settings" when I click on it, it brings up a window with title called "active-settings" I believe it is a kde desktop settings app, but it looks like it's borked19:53
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, because the moment I click on it, that's when the issue appears all over again.19:53
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, Iam wondering if there is a way to reinstall that kde-desktop settings app again19:54
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, Iam gonna try it with synaptic19:54
BluesKajcristian_c, does network manager show your essid ?19:55
cristian_cBluesKaj, no19:55
nmatrix9techsuperfreak, I think I found it,  It's called plasma-active-settings  Iam gonna purge it.19:55
cristian_cBluesKaj, with this chip, no19:56
techsuperfreaknmatrix9, get at it19:56
BluesKajif so click on it and enter your passwd and it should connect19:56
cristian_c<cristian_c> jhutchins, interface is shown, other networks are detected, but not mine19:56
glitch256nmatrix9:  thinking purge and reinstall  make sure you take config files with it19:56
cristian_cBluesKaj, no, it's not shown, I've tried to add it manually19:56
cristian_ctyping the essid19:57
techsuperfreakcristian_c, what router/ap brand/model are you trying to connect to?19:58
SkyriderWhat is plymouth ?19:59
SkyriderI get this on my laptop when HDMI is connected.19:59
cristian_ctechsuperfreak, it's provided from the ISP19:59
techsuperfreakcristian_c, do you know if it is trying to do any speedboosting, like wireless-n 300 or something?19:59
danishanishWhat's a good task manager besides the vanilla one?19:59
cristian_ctechsuperfreak, I can access to configuration interface of the router, what have I to check about it?20:00
cristian_ctechsuperfreak, I don't know because I can use other wifi cards20:01
techsuperfreakcristian_c, we just want to make sure it is running a vanilla version of any of the wireless specs - b,g,n20:01
bubbasauresdanishanish, You might look at conkies tons of configs out there,20:01
dts|pokeballcan anyone recommend good sandboxes for ubuntu?20:01
cristian_ctechsuperfreak, ok20:01
bubbasauresdanishanish, app is conky20:01
glitch256ok any one have any ideas where i can find help with getting bluray to play on my computer20:02
techsuperfreakcristian_c, what wireless chipset are you using?20:02
cristian_ctechsuperfreak, actually this computer is connected with 802.11g20:02
glitch256ubuntu 14.0420:02
cristian_ctechsuperfreak, the buggy chipset is rtl8821ae20:03
cristian_cthis chipset is atheros, instead20:03
BluesKajcristian_c, did you try sudo dhclient wlan020:05
danishanishTHANKS BUBBASAURUS20:06
cristian_cBluesKaj, no20:06
BluesKajor are you using 2 different chipsets, cristian_c?20:06
flipsidecreationis anyone running a 4K setup with Ubuntu?  I don't play games, just looking for a reasonably prices 4k video card that works with Ubuntu20:06
cristian_cBluesKaj, usb wifi is disconnected20:07
danishanishcan you signature a document through terminal?20:07
BluesKajcristian_c, so thew internal chipset is the problem?20:07
cristian_cBluesKaj, if I type sudo dhclient wlan0, shell waits20:08
dgarstangI'm having a little trouble with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat8 ... how would I add that PPA?20:09
cristian_cBluesKaj, I think the internal chip is the problem, in 12.04 drivers don't exist20:09
ikoniadgarstang: I advise against that20:09
dgarstangikonia: y?20:09
ikoniadgarstang: because it's not made by the team who build/maintain ubuntu20:10
glitch256flipsidecreation:  im liking my visiontec 90069020:10
ikoniadgarstang: and I suspect you probably don't 'need' tomcat 820:10
dgarstangikonia: I don't know. That's what the devs asked for. Evaluating20:10
ikoniadgarstang: if you can't work out how to add the PPA - then you should really consider not using it as it will have dependencies for core things, such as java20:11
ikoniadgarstang: I assume you're trying to do this on ubuntu 14.01 ?20:11
flipsidecreationglitch256: How does Ubuntu scale with the 4k resolution?20:11
ikonia14.04 sorry20:11
dgarstangikonia: The UI has changed and the doc which says to look for the 'add' section, well it doesn't appear to be there20:12
xanguadgarstang: that is not a PPA to begin with20:16
eduis there a command in the terminal to show all the commands that can be used in the terminal? also, is there a document that shows each command and what it does?20:18
cristian_cedu, man command20:18
Troy^where do i find transmission's config files i used the package manager to install it20:19
jattedu: xman20:20
eduman, just says 'what manual page do you want?'20:20
jattedu: xman then select section 120:20
xangua~/.config/transmission I guess Troy^20:20
Troy^xangua: it's not there20:20
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eduahh ty20:20
gnubieedu>   I find this helpful    http://www.tuxarena.com/intro/cheatsheet.html20:20
Seveasedu: to see all commands: ls ${PATH//:/ } -- to find a manual use the man command, like 'man ls'20:20
EriC^^!cookie | jatt , very nice20:21
ubottujatt , very nice: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:21
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eduthx for the help guys20:22
Bashing-omedu: Also :: http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r10735/unixcomm.html <-summary of useful Linux abbreviations, directories, files, and commands , http://linuxcommand.org/ .20:23
Guest44254comment faire pour changer ip sur ubuntu??20:23
EriC^^edu: the gnu cmdline summary is pretty cool too http://www.tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary.pdf20:23
edunice, thx all, ive bookmarked all those links for future reference20:25
edui want to learn how to use the terminal in all its glory, not just copy and paste other people's commands20:26
Bashing-omedu: Then ^ :: http://linuxcommand.org/lts0060.php <-learnng the shell , http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz <=advanced command line tutorial .20:29
glitch256flipsidecreation: very well use the  proprietary drivers you may need to xrandr the overscan  but works very well using 4 monitors20:31
flipsidecreationglitch256: Thanks.  I am looking at that card and maybe the Samsung 4k monitor to go with it.20:32
glitch256i use 4 large screen lcd tvs that have been handed down lets just say the extra power behind it is worth it20:35
flipsidecreationI have dual screens now, perhaps I will just more screens until prices drop20:36
flipsidecreation1920x1200 isn't bad, but when I am doing remote support with clients that also have high res its gets to be a pain20:37
RNevilleI just started using dual monitors- I feel like I just rediscovered the power of the personal computer; would like at least three monitors, now!20:38
mucushello!  i'm used to using notepad++ on my windows machine for text editing and whatnot, what's similar and available for ubu?20:39
flipsidecreationmucus: geany is what I use20:40
flipsidecreationI have not used Notepad++ but Geany has worked great for me for editing code and misc files20:40
mucusthank ya kindly20:41
glitch256mucus:  i like gedit for most of my simple work aka outlining term papers20:41
mucusoh yummy20:42
mucusgeany is perfect!20:42
techsuperfreakcristian_c, did you look at this yet? - http://bit.ly/1D0glKd May not be directly associated with your router20:48
knoedlhi, I just freshly installed 14.10 and am having trouble booting, I get a "invalid magic number" error when grub tries to load the kernel20:52
knoedl(i did it manually and i got it on the "linux /boot/vmlinuz..." command in the grub prompt)20:52
knoedlanyone knows how to solve this?20:52
alvarezpHi. How do I add a [<-] and [->] button to the scrollbars?20:52
techsuperfreakcristian_c, Here's another one - http://bit.ly/1ygDaHG20:53
alvarezpSorry, incomplete question: How do I add a [<-] and [->] button to the scrollbars *without using overlay scrollbars*?20:53
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rimadhey guys, i want tomcat7 user to be able to read my home directory, i added tomcat7 to my group and have 770 chmod to the directory i want to make available to tomcat720:59
rimadhowever i still get permission denied :/20:59
rimadany ideas what I could do?20:59
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lahwranhow do I temporarily shut off ipv6 on an interface?21:08
lahwranwhile keeping ipv4 on21:08
jhutchinsrimad: That's sort of backwards.21:12
jhutchinsrimad: You could make tomcat7 a member of the rimad group, which is probably the group owner of the files, or change group ownership of the files to tomcat7.21:13
squintylahwran: network manager has options for that  Edit > ipv621:13
lahwranlet me rephrase. I'm on a vps, ubuntu server edition21:13
lahwranI need to do it from the commandline21:14
pipi-lahwran: http://askubuntu.com/questions/346126/how-to-disable-ipv6-on-ubuntu21:15
jhutchinslahwran: This looks useful http://www.taylorbyte.com/smf/index.php?topic=2.021:16
lahwrankay, thanks21:16
levowhere can i find desktop sharing settings on lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS? also asked in #lubuntu but no answer21:18
jhutchinslevo: You could also try #lxde - i don't know if it has an internal desktop sharing configuration.21:19
jhutchinslevo: you can use VNC or RDP21:19
Kartagislevo: should be in Preferences21:19
lahwrananyone have any idea why icmp would work over ipv6, but tcp would get dropped? I flushed iptables, so that's not the problem21:21
magicpat2010Hello, I'm having an issue with my Ubuntu 14.04 Server where, if I execute a java .jar file, I lose my SSH connection and no logs are recorded. Any thoughts?21:22
ikoniamagicpat2010: what are you launching ?21:22
ikonialahwran: sounds interesting how do you verify the TCP connection is not working /21:22
jattwhich jar file?21:22
magicpat2010ikonia: It's Minecraft related, but one is jar to download and build spigot (server software) and the other jar actually runs the minecraft server21:23
lahwrannetcat isn't able to connect to the irc servers I want to connect to, nor to google.com, when told to use ipv6. it works over ipv4. mtr -u6 doesn't work, mtr -6 does, to the irc server and to google. tcptraceroute6 gets no responses.21:23
ikoniamagicpat2010: so what is the one thats causing the connection to drop ?21:23
magicpat2010ikonia: both21:24
ikoniamagicpat2010: what happens if you do it on the console21:24
ikonialahwran: what about if you just say telnet google.com 80 over your ipv6 address,21:24
magicpat2010ikonia: What do you mean?21:24
lahwranikonia: okay, why is that different from netcat?21:25
ikoniamagicpat2010: if you run the jar from the host console,21:25
ikonialahwran: it shouldn't be - but it can be hence why I'm asking you to try21:25
ikoniato find out if netcat is the problem or not21:25
lahwrankay. it said "Trying 2607:f8b0:400d:c06::65..." and is now sitting.21:25
lahwranI typed in "GET / HTTP/1.0" for good measure21:25
ikonialahwran: I'm going to make a common guess here, it's seen quiet often in this channel21:26
ikonialahwran: your ISP does no have IPV6 transit21:26
ikonialahwran: do an IPV6 traceroute21:26
magicpat2010ikonia: you mean from my computer? All of this is ran on a remote server through a terminal21:26
ikoniamagicpat2010: get a remote console plugged in21:26
lahwranikonia: https://gist.github.com/lahwran/7ab80761739da0bef29a21:26
ikonialahwran: no a trace route on your IPV6 network21:27
ikonianot a ping21:27
lahwrantraceroute specifically? why? doing21:27
ikonialahwran: do see where the route drops21:27
lahwrantraceroute is coming back with nothing21:27
techsuperfreaklahwran: you didn't try to telnet to port 8021:27
ikonialahwran: what is the exact command you are doing21:27
lahwrantraceroute -6 2607:f8b0:4002:802::100521:28
ikoniatechsuperfreak: nope, nor is his other commands valid21:28
lahwrantechsuperfreak: I didn't?21:28
ikonialahwran: what is that to ?21:28
lahwranoops, you're right.21:28
lahwranikonia: google's ipv6 address21:28
lahwranokay, telnet -6 google.com 8021:28
magicpat2010ikonia: When I run either jar file, it begins to start executing like normal but then it closes my SSH connection and I can't reconnect for a bit.21:30
ikonialahwran: magicpat2010 right, thats why I told you to run it on the console21:31
magicpat2010ikonia: sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "the console"21:31
kajunChanged some options, sorry about that21:31
ikoniamagicpat2010: a console, as in the servers console21:32
techsuperfreakmagicpat2010:  have you tried 2 ssh sessions and monitor one while launching the jar on the other?21:32
David1965I am trying to get BIGNUM.C to work as part of a random number generator all works except the fact that four digits don't get processed on the sixth block or am I doing something wrong also I am trying to use FOUR1.CPP as the basis for BIGNUM.C21:32
lahwranyes, that's where I'm running it21:32
ikonialahwran: sorry, that wasn't meant for you, sorry21:32
bahamatAnybody know what’s up with this (http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/releasesTable) having invalid json? Or better yet, where I can file a bug?21:33
David1965magicpat2010 I think ikonia means terminal is it not21:33
ikoniaI don't mean the terminal21:34
ikoniaI mean on the servers physical console21:34
magicpat2010techsuperfreak: I've ran My traceroute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTR_%28software%29 while connected via ssh and it shows that it disconnects.21:34
magicpat2010ikonia: Can I do that when it's at a remote location?21:35
David1965I am bumbozeled21:35
techsuperfreakmagicpat2010:  It disconnects all ssh connections or just the one that you are launching the jar from?21:35
ikoniamagicpat2010: you ask the hosting provider to put a network/virtual console on it fo ryou21:35
magicpat2010techsuperfreak: I'll try it now, it will take a couple seconds.21:35
ikoniaits probably flooding the connection with java output, hence dropping the connection,21:36
ikoniahis ISP is probably some badly setup virtual server21:36
ikoniahosting provider I mean21:36
techsuperfreakikonia, distinct possibility21:37
ikoniaseen it loads of times on badly configured host/guests21:37
lahwranso ikonia, to recap: `ping6 google.com` works. `telnet -6 google.com 80` does not. `traceroute -6 google.com` does not.21:37
magicpat2010techsuperfreak: it kills both ssh connections21:37
lahwranthe latter two both fail with timeouts.21:37
ikonialahwran can you post the output of the traceroute please in a pastebin21:38
lahwranmagicpat2010: do it in tmux?21:38
ikoniathat won't help the ssh session controlling the tmux session21:38
lahwranit will when you reconnect21:38
ikoniano it won't if the controlling session on the PTS dies21:38
ikoniawho knows though21:38
ararobcan i "disable" a package in the respiratory,  so it will never be considered as a dependency ?21:38
ikoniaararob: no21:39
ikoniaararob: it will just fail the dependency check21:39
lahwranyou can make a package that claims to provide that package21:39
magicpat2010lahwran: I'll try tmux the session, but I've tried screen and the screen session disappears after it disconnects me21:39
lahwranwhy do you want to do this? it's difficult21:39
lahwranmagicpat2010: wat21:39
lahwranikonia: https://gist.github.com/lahwran/9c576ed26fe5236d274421:39
araroblahwran, because i want to install an old package, but, apt keeps trying to install the a newer one with it21:40
leeyaadoes anyone know how to fix this on login : Failed to start user service: Unknown unit: user@0.service21:40
ikonialahwran: I bet your ISP doesn't have IPV6 transit21:40
ikonialahwran: I would ask them21:40
lahwranikonia: what does that mean? as I said, I can ping things over ipv621:40
magicpat2010ikonia: This is a server through SoYouStart (OVH) is that something I would have to setup to not flood ssh?21:40
ikonialahwran: yeah, that would still work21:41
lahwranso obviously *something* of ipv6 works21:41
ikoniamagicpat2010: I hve no idea what "soyoustart" is21:41
lahwranthat doesn't make any sense. if ping works, why wouldn't tcp?21:41
ikonialahwran: because ICMP is not TCP transit21:41
magicpat2010ikonia: It's a hosting service that provides dedicated servers.21:42
ikoniamagicpat2010: ask them to put the virtual / network console on your guest then21:42
bahamatlahwran: Try traceroute -I to use ICMP21:42
ubuntedInstalling ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64 fails with "'grub-install /dev/sda' failed" , no specific error given21:42
lahwranwait, what does traceroute normally use? I thought it used ICMP21:42
bahamatlahwran: Looks like your provider is blocking TTL Exceeded messages.21:42
bahamatlahwran: Normally it uses UDP21:42
ikoniabahamat: thats an interesing idea21:42
magicpat2010ikonia: Any thoughts as to why it worked before but not now. Also, I'll put in a request.21:43
ararobfor example i want to install libwxgtk2.8-dev, but it keeps wanting to install libwxbase3.0 and wx-common(this one is okay)21:43
ikoniamagicpat2010: no21:43
lahwranah. traceroute -I6 works: https://gist.github.com/lahwran/9c576ed26fe5236d274421:43
ikoniaararob: let it install the dependencies21:43
ikoniaararob: why do you not want to install the dependencies ?21:43
lahwranararob: apt has version pinning21:44
ikoniathat wo'nt fix broken dependencies21:44
ubuntedany clue ?21:44
bahamatikonia: I’ve seen a lot of providers that block TTL Exceeded as a “security” feature.21:44
ikoniabahamat: it's a good thought21:44
ikoniaI'd not considered that21:44
lman111hi there, would this be an acceptable place to ask for support with ubuntu server 14.04 running on a HP ProLiant Microserver Gen8 ? having trouble with the Raid Controller in AHCI SATA Mode21:44
ikoniaI normally see VPS providers not enabling transit on the IPV6 routers21:44
ikonialman111: just ask21:44
lahwranikonia: so what do I tell them to fix?21:45
lahwranwhat exactly is ipv6 transit?21:45
ararobikonia, because it interferes with a compilation of a program. i want that program to run with the old package.21:45
ikonialahwran: nothing, ask them why it's not working21:45
lahwranikonia: this is the first time I've heard of "transit" as a separate thing from "tcp"21:45
ikoniaararob: then you need to manage your dependencies buy building packages built against the right libraries21:45
ikonialahwran: it's basically connection21:45
bahamatlahwran: It’s the same thing as IPv4 transit, but a different protocol.21:46
lahwrancan you link me to an article explaining this21:46
ikonialahwran: you can google it21:46
lman111well I have the server set in AHCI SATA mode, and I have 4 HDDS in the front bays, slot 1 is SSD running ub serv 14.04, the other 3 are just blank 2TBs. When i attempt to mount any drive i get "fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy" i think its to do with the raid controller21:46
lahwranbahamat: ipv4 "transit"?21:46
ikonialahwran: why do I need to google it for you21:46
lahwranbecause you aren't giving me enough information to google it, I already tried and got useless results21:46
lahwranwhat is "transit", and how does it differ from just using ipv4 and tcp together?21:46
ikonialman111: I don't think it is21:46
ikonialman111: how are you trying to mount21:47
bahamatlahwran: think of “public transit system” i.e., the city bus. Transit is something that takes something from one place to another21:47
lman111i have tried ntfs-3g and mount.ntfs21:48
bahamatlahwran: it’s the proper way to say “connectivity”. It’s not IPv6 connectivity, it’s IPv6 transit.21:48
lahwranokay, you're just giving me generic explanations of what the name "transit" means. it sounds like you're just calling ipv4 and ipv6 by the name "transit", which would be perfectly sensible except that it also sounds like you're referring to transit as a separate thing21:48
ikonialman111: how exactly are you mounting hem21:48
lman111with the mount command21:48
lahwranwe've established that *I can communicate with icmp over ipv6*, so why doesn't *tcp over ipv6* work?21:48
ikonialahwran: please show me the exact command21:48
lman111mount.ntfs /dev/sdd1 /mnt/point21:48
ikonialman111: what file system is on sdd1 ?21:48
lman111should i be doing it by uuid ?21:48
lahwranikonia: https://gist.github.com/lahwran/9c576ed26fe5236d274421:48
ikonialman111: is this a desktop ?21:49
lman111hp proliant microserver gen8 running ubuntu server 14.0421:49
bahamatlahwran: No. Saying your ISP provides IPv6 transit means that the fully suppor the IPv6 protocol both on their network and to other peer networks.21:49
ikonialahwran: you showed that earlier21:49
lahwranikonia: yes, and it answers what you're asking for21:49
ikonialman111: so you are actually running it as a server21:49
ikonialahwran: I'm not asking for anything21:49
bahamatlahwran: “transit” means someone that will provide transit between networks on your behalf.21:49
lahwranI don't know why you're asking again, the exact ping command that worked is in that gist21:49
ikonialahwran: sorry, miss-tabbed21:50
lman111should it make a difference? Its odd that they cant mount when they are not in use21:50
ikonialahwran: meant lman11121:50
ikoniadidn't see my miss-tab21:50
bahamatlahwran: and yes, it’s exactly as generic a word that you think it is. There’s no magic meaning.21:50
lahwranwell that explains it, then.21:50
ikonialman111: it looks like it's already being mounted under the fuse file system, can you pastebin the output of the command mount please21:50
lahwranbahamat: oh. but again, *I can communicate over ipv6 using icmp*, I just can't communicate over ipv6 using *tcp*. which is really wat.21:50
ikoniaicmp/tcp 2 different things21:51
ikoniahence no transit = no connection/traffic21:51
ikoniawould it not be easier to just ask your provider21:51
ikoniathey can confirm their network for you21:51
lahwranyeah, I've sent them a message21:51
ikoniarather than us guess21:51
lahwranlook I don't know what you mean by transit here, but without what I thought you meant a minute ago, I would not be able to communicate over icmp21:52
ikoniayes you would21:52
lahwranno ipv6 transit? no icmp communication. but I *can* communicate over icmp21:52
bahamatlahwran: Are you sure about that? You’ll need to run tcpdump alongside something else and evaluate the flow. Ping or traceroute can’t prove that to you.21:52
lman111ikonia: sent21:52
Hilikusif i have two users in a server and they each have their user-mode pulseaudio, can they share the sound card? can they both play something at the same time?21:52
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lahwranah, now there's an idea.21:52
ubuntedInstalling ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64 fails with "'grub-install /dev/sda' failed" , no specific error given21:52
bahamatlahwran: Then you might have one of the broken providers that’s really holding up the IPv6 transition.21:52
Hilikusit doesn't work in my setup but i don't know if it is supposed to be like that or i've misconfigured something21:53
imufeedHello guys, I worked on my ubuntu last night and turned it off. Today when I turned it on I found it VERY SLOW. I searched the internet and finally I came to the conclusion that last night I ran the command: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". I have ATI graphics card and it is working probably. Do you know how can I resolve this problem?21:53
ikonialman111: interesting21:53
ikonialman111: please do "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdd1 /mnt/wherever"21:54
ikonialman111: that exact command, what is the output21:54
lman111ikonia: i did it as root before but ok21:54
lahwranikonia: icmp operates on top of IP. I'm definitely able to send IP datagrams out of the network, as ping6 demonstrates. please explain further what you mean by "ipv6 transport" that somehow behaves differently from that21:54
ikonialahwran: I've just lost interest, as you seem to be arguing with me,21:55
HanumaanI have grub2 installed in debian 7 but my remote computer is right now in debian6(first priority) .. I want it to boot in debian 7.. how to do that?21:55
ikonialahwran: just ask your ISP to explain their network usage to you21:55
collizionikonia: Don't be a dick.21:55
lahwranikonia: I want to understand, but what you're saying isn't making sense :<21:55
ikoniacollizion: what ?21:55
collizionlahwran: What's the trouble? Maybe I can help.21:55
ikoniacollizion: please tone down the attitude and language towards please21:56
ikoniaHanumaan: the guys in #debian can help21:56
lahwrancollizion: let me extract our conversation21:56
collizionikonia: No. Don't be a dick. You're confusing him, and instead of clarifying, you tell him that you've lost interest and that he's arguing.21:56
bahamatlahwran: You first need to tcpdump a TCP connection. Based on what you’ve told me so far, I believe that your provider is filtering packets. So unless you can provide more information you’ll have to take the issue up with them.21:56
lahwranbahamat: ah!21:56
bahamatlahwran: Though you may want to check your own ip6tables first.21:57
lman111ikonia: i sent cmd and output to privm21:57
lman111ikonia: still same21:57
lahwranbahamat: I flushed those before starting the experimentation21:57
ikonialman111: I just saw it, thank you21:57
bahamatlahwran: Then I don’t think there’s much anyone here can do for you. Ubuntu in and of itself (as well as pretty much any distribution of Linux) has a well functioning IPv6 stack.21:58
imufeedHello guys, I worked on my ubuntu last night and turned it off. Today when I turned it on I found it VERY SLOW. I searched the internet and finally I came to the conclusion that last night I ran the command: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". I have ATI graphics card and it is working probably. Do you know how can I resolve this problem?22:00
bubbasauresimufeed, Install htop run htop in the terminal and see what's running.22:00
bubbasauresdist-upgrade is a kernel and security call from apt-get22:01
basichashanyone know how to clear notifications?22:03
basichashi've got one that's stuck and not disappearing22:03
collizionbasichash: I'll admit that I've only ever taken the cheesy way out, and logged out and back in.22:04
collizionbasichash: I won't be much help.22:04
basichashcollizion: yeah i don't want to lose all my opens windows, pain to set up22:04
collizionbasichash: Understandable.22:05
lahwranbahamat: kay. I thought maybe I had configured something wrong.22:05
collizionbasichash: Which Ubuntu release?22:05
basichashusing Pantheon as well22:06
basichashdon't know if that's relevent though22:06
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bahamatlahwran: If you’ve got transit, as ICMP proves that you do, then there’s not a lot you can screw up to break UDP/TCP only.22:07
collizionbasichash: I'm not familiar with Pantheon.22:07
lahwranbahamat: okay, that sounds more like what I expected/asked here to verify22:07
lahwranI was worried I'd somehow broken my kernel or something22:08
ubuntedInstalling ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64 fails with "'grub-install /dev/sda' failed" , no specific error given ...anyone with a clue?22:10
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andlabsIs there a program that lets me compare many identically sized binary files? Googling doesn't give me anything that compares many binary files... and I'm an idiot for not uploading the one I wrote ages ago before the disk it was on died :(22:13
ikoniaandlabs: md522:13
andlabs(then its backup drive died too >:( )22:13
ikoniaif they are the same the sum will be the same22:13
andlabsI suppose22:13
collizionandlabs: Might not be what you want, but you can just sha1sum them and compare the outputs?22:13
andlabsok I just did that22:14
andlabsnow I'd like to see how they all differ :S22:14
Chaserandlabs: cmp -b22:14
collizionandlabs: Does diff have a binary mode? I've never encountered... There ya go.22:14
andlabsI need /many/ - more than two - files22:14
andlabsbasically I'm comparing ext4 journal entry blocks to find the right one to manually replay22:15
squeegilyHow can I install the xwinfo command?22:15
XCVBI'm write a program22:15
XCVBthat read the webcam22:15
XCVBwhen it crashes the light is still on22:16
XCVBI try using the webcam with Cheese22:16
XCVBIt says there was an error playing from the webcam22:17
andlabssqueegily: what program are you looking for anyway22:17
XCVBHow do restart the webcam driver/webcam22:17
squeegilyI was trying to launch the xwininfo program22:17
squeegilyI figured it out22:17
andlabssqueegily: x11-utils22:17
squeegilyYeah my problem was I accidentally typed xwinfo22:18
XCVBIf I restart my computer the webcam works just fine22:18
andlabsalso ubuntu comes with a package called command-nt-found which will tell you what package to install22:18
andlabsthe fun part is that x11-utils also comes with a different program called x*v*info22:18
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andlabs|2in which I forget I'm still trying to get my IRC settings out22:19
jhutchinsandlabs|2: Diff will compare binaries.22:20
andlabs|2it will compare /two/ binaries22:21
andlabs|2I need to compare /many/ binaries22:21
andlabs|2specifically 6, 10, and 20622:22
collizionWow. Coworker left for lunch four hours ago. He's still at the bar.22:22
Flannelandlabs|2: What do you mean by "compare"? and to what?22:22
andlabs|2to each other22:22
jhutchinscollizion: ex-coworker perhaps?22:22
andlabs|2these are all blocks in an ext4 journal dump22:22
andlabs|2I want to pick only the correct one22:22
collizionjhutchins: Today was his last day, actually. :P22:22
andlabs|2might as well go and parse the revocation data22:22
andlabs|2thanks anyway22:22
Flannelandlabs|2: So, you're comparing 6 of them to figure out which ones are the same? or what?22:23
andlabs|2to find out how they differ22:23
collizionGonna go unwind, myself. Cheers.22:24
Flannelandlabs|2: That's not going to be fun, but just script up a diff for all of your combinations, I guess.  6 and 10 will be manageable, 206 won't be, because that's something like 2.7e386 comparisons.22:24
collizionikonia: My apologies for earlier, by the way.22:25
ikoniacollizion: already forgoton22:25
andlabs|2all right, thanks anyway22:25
andlabs|2I'll just figure out the extents data :/22:25
XCVBhow do I find the process that has my webcam open22:26
jhutchinsXCVB: lsof /dev/webcam22:26
jhutchinsXCVB: Er, I'm thinking of fuser /dev/webcam22:26
Loshkicollizion: it's the day after new year. Anyone who *had* to go into work today is probably sulking.22:26
herentHi! Does anyone know if it's possible to clone an existing 14.10 install on a single disk drive onto two new disks in a raid array? It's probably a bit more complicated because the existing one will need to be in an external bay while it's being done...22:27
herentOh, and I was thinking raid 1, if that makes a difference. I just want extra speed, I don't need extra storage space.22:29
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jhutchinsherent: You won't see speed.22:36
jhutchinsherent: We did a survey of our LUG and it's generally agreed that you'll only see speed if you have 5+ drives off a dedicated RAID controller with RAM and a price >~$350US.22:37
jhutchinsherent: Less than that and you might be able to see some speed in a benchmark for a high-end setup, but you won't experience it.22:38
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Guest98546hello, anybody know the command to know if my system is 64 or 32 bits ? thank you22:38
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EriC^^Guest98546: uname -m22:39
Guest98546thank you22:39
herentjhutchins,  I'm upgrading to two SSDs, if that makes a difference. It's an 8 core i7 with 16gb of ram. If it's not going to make a huge difference, I'll just install the OS on one and keep files on the other.22:40
Guest98546excuse me what mean x86_64?22:40
Guest98546thank you again22:40
herentI do a lot of development in NetBeans with a ton of other stuff running, so even with what I have now it can be a bit slow sometimes. Like a minute or two to launch NB22:40
Guest98546other question, I wrote apt-get install flashplayer plugin... etc, but it doesn't work with chromium, anybody knows why ? thank you22:42
EriC^^Guest98546: you should install pepperflash i think22:42
Guest98546mmm i will try, thank you22:43
EriC^^Guest98546: pepperflashplugin-nonfree22:43
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jiffeis there a way to disable the oom-killer?22:49
matschafferLooking at “bzr branch lp:ubuntu/trusty-security/nginx” on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/nginx/trusty-security - I presume there’s some source I need to clone (more used to git than bzr). Where can I find the source?22:55
ikoniawhere do you mean where can you find the source ?22:56
cropshi channel22:56
ikoniait's a bzr repo22:56
cropsjoin #hackers22:56
ikoniacrops: no22:56
ikoniaplease don't spam22:56
cropshow to join different channel22:56
matschafferoh nm then. I presumed I neede some sort of code.launchpad.net in there22:56
ikoniacrops: ask in #freenode22:57
ikoniacrops: eg: /join #freenode22:57
ikoniamatschaffer: no you need bzr22:57
cropsok ı remember :)22:57
matschafferapparently. Asked too soon. Sorry for the noise22:57
wafflej0ckherent, don't know much about RAID but 0 striping is for performance 1 mirroring is for redundancy no? anyhow if you're upgrading from HDD to SSD that itself will be a huge performance gain22:57
ikoniamatschaffer: not a problem22:57
matschafferdoes bzr have “lp” built in? How does it know what to talk to?22:58
ikoniahave what ?22:58
FauzrukHi guys, I'm running into a problem since I changed my graphic card from a GTX 570 to a GTX 970. I just can't reinstall ubuntu22:58
daftykinswafflej0ck: neither mode is a true RAID mode, only 5 and upwards actually give any true redundancy22:58
cropsubuntu is a love22:58
daftykinsFauzruk: what problem?22:58
FauzrukWhen I start the installer I get an "Unknown chipset" error22:59
daftykinswhat installer?22:59
matschafferikonia: sorry like I said more familiar with git. But when I run a git clone I specify some sort of source on the internet. How does “bzr branch lp:ubuntu/trusty-security/nginx” know where to pull files from?22:59
FauzrukWhen I choose my installer mode for ubuntu22:59
ikoniamatschaffer: do you have bzr installed ?22:59
ikoniamatschaffer: the command is at the top of the page22:59
daftykinsFauzruk: 'installer mode' ?22:59
matschafferit worked, I’m just curious _how_ it worked :)22:59
ratsbeFauzruk: what kind of machine22:59
ikoniamatschaffer: what do you mean how it it worked ?23:00
FauzrukTry without install / Install / etc ...23:00
ratsbeAnd Fauzruk 32 or 6423:00
daftykinsFauzruk: so 'try' doesn't work?23:00
matschafferso I ran ‘bzr branch lp:ubuntu/trusty-security/nginx’. Now I have an nginx dir with stuff in it. Where did that stuff come from? launchpad.net?23:00
FauzrukBoth of them doesn't work23:00
daftykinsFauzruk: you know you don't have to reinstall to change card, right?23:00
ikoniamatschaffer: the bzr repos hosted on launchpad23:00
ikoniabzr branch = git clone23:01
FauzrukIt seems to be when it tries to initialize X or something23:01
daftykins!nomodeset | Fauzruk Read here, but know you don't need to reinstall to change card model23:01
ubottuFauzruk Read here, but know you don't need to reinstall to change card model: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:01
ratsbeFauzruk: are trying to install ubuntu on a Mac or netbook.23:01
FauzrukI've read about the nomodeset23:01
FauzrukI know I don't have to reinstall ubuntu to change card, I was on a different distribution23:02
daftykinsoh i see.23:02
daftykinsFauzruk: so does nomodeset work?23:02
FauzrukNop it didn't work but I'm not 100% sure if I did it properly23:03
FauzrukI pressed Tab and added nomodeset after the "--" where it was written behind the nospash etc23:03
julian_hello, anybody know how i can put by default one country to surf on internet in tor browser ?? :) thanks23:04
ratsbeFauzruk: what machine are you using23:04
daftykinsFauzruk: you only have to hit F6 and enable it from the menu. go try again23:04
FauzrukOn the previous distribution I actually had to install the driver manually because the card is only supported by the nvidia beta drivers23:04
daftykinsratsbe: neither of the systems you guessed would allow graphics card swaps.23:04
julian_it is samsung intel core i323:04
ratsbejulian_: a vpn is better suited23:04
daftykinsFauzruk: yes, likely... but you've got to get it installed first ;) so focus on the above.23:05
FauzrukYes I know, but that was just to let you know23:05
daftykinsdon't worry, it's not my first rodeo when it comes to graphics drivers.23:05
Fauzrukbrb trying with F623:05
ratsbeFauzruk: remove card then install23:05
julian_i installed zenmate, but, it only have 5 country options23:05
julian_how i can install a vpn ?23:06
yasinelet me taaalk23:06
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ratsbejulian_: zenmate is a vpn23:07
julian_tatsbe, do you know another option alternate to zenmate, with more options ?23:08
ikoniamore options ?23:09
ikoniawhat options are missing ?23:09
julian_option to select a country to surf on internet23:09
yasinehey zhat are you talking about23:09
ikoniathats not a vpn23:10
ikoniathats a proxy23:10
ikoniayou don't set a country23:10
julian_what can you tell me about media hint ?23:10
matschafferikonia: oooh… I see. apt-get install bzr seems to include http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/launchpad-plugin.html23:11
ikoniajulian_: whats the problem ?23:11
ikoniawhat do you need a solution for ?23:11
julian_ikonia, i need to navigate like if i was in colombia, but i am in argentina23:12
ikoniajulian_: not something we are going to help you with in here23:12
ikoniayou need someone with a colombia host to act as a proxy23:13
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julian_that's becayse but i change the country my email accounts appear blocked and i need recover23:14
RyviusHello, I am getting screen tearing when playing videos (with Mplayer2). Any way to remove it?23:14
ikoniajulian_: that doesn't change what was said23:14
jim87hello! I'm experiencing a weird freeze (kernel panic?) issue... thing is I tried to debug using netconsole, but the output is null (only few startup messages about conflicting device nodes). How may I debug these freezes? They're are random, but persistant. On Windows I don't experience this, so I'd exclude bad RAM banks. Thank you very much :)23:14
ikoniajim87: you can still have bad ram, OS's uses ram in different ways23:15
ratsbeRyvius: it's a sync issue. If using proprietary driver. Change settings to always sync23:15
jim87ikonia: I used to compile Android, using all my 8 GB without any issue several time =\23:15
ikoniajim87: that doesn't mean anything23:16
Ryviusratsbe: I'm not, as it doesn't seem AMD's drivers works with 14.1023:16
jim87ikonia: so what do you suggest me to do?23:16
Ryviusjim87: I'm also getting random freezes which seems to be because of bad, old harddrives23:17
julian_ok, i understand, thank you23:17
FauzrukOk I'm back, so the F6 command doesn't work for me but I think that's because I'm not using unetbootin for the installation23:17
jim87Ryvius: I've got two WD Caviar Black in RAID (striped)... they're not that bad23:17
jim87(and old)23:17
FauzrukThough I used the nomodeset and I actually don't have the "unknown chipset" error anymore23:18
jim87also, shouldn't the OS handle bad sectors? And shouldn't SMART detect imperfections in the hard drives?23:18
FauzrukBut I get error messages right after the BusyBox23:18
ratsbeFauzruk: Are able to install23:18
Bashing-omFauzruk: ? So waht are you using for the installation ? LiveDVD(USB) one should - as soon as bios screen clears, depress and hold the right shit key -> languahe screen, excape key to accept the default -> boot options screen -> F6 key .23:19
Fauzruk"Monting /dev/loop0 on on //filesystem.squashfs failed: No such device"23:19
FauzrukYou mean that I have to press shift before I get the installation menu?23:21
daftykinsFauzruk: you should've read my link23:21
daftykins!nomodeset | Fauzruk here try again23:21
ubottuFauzruk here try again: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:21
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Bashing-omFauzruk: Your last makes me question that you have a bad burn .. And yes to get to the boot options screen, as soon as biuos screen clears deptess the right shift key . ( for UEFI it is the escape key that grub will recognize) .23:22
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FauzrukYeah the error message I got this time did look like a bad burn23:24
FauzrukI will use my 14.04 iso this time with the nomodeset23:24
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FauzrukDamn I removed it recently ... I will try to burn the 14.10 again with unetbootin. I already checked the md5 on it so it should work23:25
RyviusIs anyone else unable to log into steam?23:28
ikoniaRyvius: I'm logged into steam fine23:29
jaddisonUbuntu 14.04, I get this apt error (this is from aptitude): http://pastebin.com/1Wh94GyJ What can I do to fix this?23:35
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ikoniajaddison: are you connected to the internet ?23:36
dhciI'm running 14.04.1 and I find myself running compiz --replace often, to get the mouse to pick up and move, resize windows again. Is there a good fix for this or perhaps by running metacity somehow permanently23:37
jaddisonikonia: Yes.23:37
ikoniajaddison: looks like either your dns or proxy is failing23:37
ikoniajaddison: thats too many repos from different sources to be a problem23:37
ikoniaI noticed the 103 redirect failure, I'm wondering if you have a proxy23:37
jaddisonNo, I do not.23:38
ikoniajaddison: can you browse those URL's in a browser23:38
jaddisonYes, I just downloaded one of the bz2 files.23:39
TheTopBlokesudo, pointless?23:39
ikoniajaddison: so that looks like apt is using some sort of proxy then, as the web servers are clearly working and not redirecting23:39
Marasgeonyoutube fails to start playing videos, I' ve noticed it the last 2 days after I cleared the cache, I have to refresh the video link to make it play, anyone with the same issue?23:40
Jordan_UTheTopBloke: Could you please rephrase your question?23:40
jaddisonikonia: Is this related, do you think? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=68519223:40
ubottuDebian bug 685192 in apt "apt: redirection handling changes in 0.9.4 may break aptitude" [Grave,Fixed]23:40
TheTopBlokemore of an argument, not that I'm right, just looking for some thoughts.23:41
ikoniajaddison: are you using aptitude ?23:41
TheTopBlokeso, sudo, is pointless23:41
ikoniaTheTopBloke: no23:41
jaddisonYes, ikonia.23:41
jaddisonI get a similar error with apt-get23:41
ikoniajaddison: ok, whats the apt-get update error then please (pastebin)23:41
jaddisonone sec, thx23:41
TheTopBlokeor is sudo just more of a convenience?23:41
ikoniaTheTopBloke: it's not really worth discussing23:42
ikoniaTheTopBloke: it's the security model ubuntu uses23:42
TheTopBlokeas opposed to say, su23:42
TheTopBlokemaybe its for a security forum outside #ubuntu23:42
ikoniasounds a better place23:42
jaddisonikonia: http://pastebin.com/KnENv8fi - the error only appears at the bottom.23:43
ikoniajaddison: looks odd, as they are all getting hits23:43
jaddisonYes, curious, isn't it?23:44
ikoniajaddison: could you pastebin your sources.list23:44
ikonialets have a look at it please.23:44
jaddisonone sec23:44
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jaddisonikonia: http://pastebin.com/BU2e6dqG23:46
ikoniajaddison: as a test comment out the ones that start with mirrors.ubuntu23:47
ikoniajaddison: then re-run sudo apt-get update23:47
ratsbeTheTopBloke: sudo May be useless if only you use the machine23:47
TheTopBlokegood point23:48
jaddisonikonia: it works now.23:48
ikoniajaddison: looks like the mirrors are having a problem23:49
jaddisonSo I can understand, what do those lines do?23:49
ikoniathey redirect you to one of the mirror servers23:49
jaddisonI must have inserted them at some point, I guess.23:49
ratsbeTheTopBloke: or a download tries to auto install. The sudo command would prevent it from installing23:49
ikoniajaddison: no, they are standard23:49
ikoniajaddison: part of every install23:49
jaddisonikonia: oh, all right.23:49
jaddisonIs this something that needs to be reported?23:50
ikoniajaddison: probably not.....but you could log a bug against it23:50
TheTopBlokeSo let's say, I'm using it, and only I'm using it, if someone gains access to my account, all they have to do is add sudo to they command.23:50
ikoniajaddison: uncomment those mirrors back23:50
ikoniaTheTopBloke: they would need to know your password23:50
TheTopBlokeright, my password, not root, that's what you mean right?23:51
ikoniaTheTopBloke: correct, your password, there is no root password on ubuntu, the root account is locked23:51
ratsbeTheTopBloke: Linux don't have many Trojans.  But hopefully the sudo requirement would prevent one from automatically installing.23:52
william1978Does anyone know an irc channel for gufw, or may I ask my question here?23:52
jaddisonikonia: You won't believe it - after uncommenting them, everything works fine still.23:53
ikoniajaddison: I would, you probably just had cache23:53
ikoniaso updating the cache without them and re-fetching the cache made them work23:53
jaddisonThanks for your help, champ.23:53
ikoniajaddison: no problem23:53
william1978Can anyone here help me with Gufw?  I know it's not strictly OS based.  :/  I've looked for channels concerning this topic, and haven't been able to find any.23:54
william1978I've even used the forums and such, I think I'm just stupid.  All I'm trying to do is block one website.23:55
ikoniajust put an entry in the hostfile23:55
ikoniaeasy way to cheat it23:55
fauzrukThe installation worked!23:56
fauzrukThe weird part is that I didn't even had to use the nomodeset this time23:56
fauzrukI guess I will stick to unetbootin now23:57
TheTopBlokeWell really, on a server, it's for auditing. ie., who screwed up, Joe did. It was his acct that sudo'd the catstrophe we just experienced.23:57
TheTopBlokeHow did Joe get compromised.23:58
TheTopBlokeAt least we know who it was am I right?23:58
ikonianot realy23:58
ikoniasudo won't protect you from that23:58

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