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reggie-manI'm trying to make a desktop entry for Minecraft. I put each size icon named mc.png into it's respective location (~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/16x16 etc) and then set the Icon key in the .desktop file to "mc", but the icon isn't displaying on the desktop entry.11:23
deshipurun gtk-update-icon-cache11:27
deshipuand then change your icon theme to something and back11:27
reggie-manDidn't work, deshipu.11:34
deshiputhen I don't know :(11:42
brainwashreggie-man: you could pass the full path to the icon file11:52
reggie-manYes, but I want the file to be portable.11:52
reggie-manbrainwash: ^11:53
brainwashthere is #gtk+ on irc.gnome.org11:54
brainwashin case no one here knows how to solve your problem11:55
reggie-manbrainwash: Is it gtk's area?12:05
Weimar1919is there a way to backup the favorites tab in the app launcher menu? I'm using xubuntu 14.04 with xfce and the favorites menu randomly gets reset12:08
deshipuWeimar1919: it's ~/.gtk-bookmarks IIRC12:11
knomehmm, not that for the applications menu12:14
Weimar1919knome, got the file but its empty12:14
Weimar1919could it be in ~/.config/xfce4?12:16
Weimar1919nevermind found it in ~/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu-1.rc12:20
Weimar1919thanks anyways!12:20
wlxmhlshello, what is the default app to edit 'ppt' files13:02
knomethere is no default application, but you can install libreoffice impress to do that13:03
wlxmhlsok, thanks13:03
irgendwer4711hi, today my trayicon for Thunderbird disappeared. anyone else too?13:04
reggie-manI never had a tray icon for Thunderbird.13:06
reggie-manirgendwer4711: Right-click panel>Panel>Panel Preferences>Items>Add13:07
reggie-manOr maybe it's in the Thunderbird settings.13:08
reggie-manirgendwer4711: What is firetray?13:08
irgendwer4711a thunderbird plugin13:08
reggie-manCould be a bug in that.13:09
reggie-manIs it installed be default, irgendwer4711?13:09
irgendwer4711worked for months since now13:09
irgendwer4711until now13:09
reggie-manirgendwer4711: This one? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/firebird/13:11
irgendwer4711reggie-man: no13:11
AgAuits just a default tray icon13:12
AgAuis that in your panel?13:14
irgendwer4711something about that13:14
irgendwer4711AgAu: is this a process?13:14
brainwashdid the sound icon/indicator disappear too?13:14
irgendwer4711brainwash: no sound and clock are there13:14
AgAupanel preferences > items13:15
AgAuthe items must have been removed from the panel13:15
brainwashdid you accidentally remove the "indicator-messages" package?13:15
reggie-manno wait13:15
brainwashwhich is responsible for the white envelope icon13:15
irgendwer4711AgAu: I think, its there.13:16
irgendwer4711I have a "notification area" (translated)13:16
reggie-manirgendwer4711: Right click sound icon>Properties>check/uncheck Messaging Menu13:16
irgendwer4711reggie-man: I do not have "Messaging Menu" there13:17
brainwashirgendwer4711: did you accidentally remove the "indicator-messages" package?13:18
irgendwer4711I have a notification are, there is a icon for Gigolo and Pidgin.13:19
AgAuthat's a different13:20
AgAuthe indicator plugin is separate from that13:20
irgendwer4711AgAu: sure?13:20
reggie-manThe network, sound, and messaging buttons are all in one little applet.13:20
reggie-manThey're all grouped together as an item on the panel.13:20
irgendwer4711reggie-man: so now whats missing?13:21
reggie-manMessaging Meun13:21
irgendwer4711reggie-man: ahh, something happend13:22
irgendwer4711I got new icons13:22
reggie-manWhat new icons?13:22
irgendwer4711a thunderbird icon, a network icon and a mail icon13:23
reggie-manIsn't that normal?13:23
reggie-manThe mail icon is the messaging menu.13:23
reggie-manThunderbird, I don't know. I don't have Thunderbird.13:24
irgendwer4711the thunderbird icon is new to me, network icon was disabled by me13:24
reggie-manIs the icon that was missing before there now?13:24
irgendwer4711the white mail icon13:24
reggie-manHow did it come back?13:24
reggie-manYou can probably remove the Thunderbird icon if you want. And you can remove the Network icon too.13:25
irgendwer4711the news area was gone. I was confused with the notifiaction area, which was there too13:26
irgendwer4711I have german localization13:26
reggie-manI don't know anything about a news area.13:26
reggie-manIs anything wrong still?13:26
irgendwer4711or messagea area13:26
irgendwer4711reggie-man: looks better now13:27
irgendwer4711ah, the thunderbird is the firetray icon13:27
reggie-manThe icons and the labels of the icons in my Panel preferences flicker and change when I move them around and click on them.13:28
reggie-manThe labels/icons are incorrect.13:29
irgendwer4711maybe I had changed the firetray icon to the standard mail icon13:29
irgendwer4711reggie-man: whats with that?13:31
AgAuah congrats13:32
AgAusame bug as me13:32
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10903 in Panel "XFCE Panel Items list names are incorrect, duplicated" [Normal,New]13:32
irgendwer4711reggie-man: how to remove network icon?13:34
reggie-manirgendwer4711: Right-click>Properties>check/uncheck13:54
irgendwer4711reggie-man: couldnt be unchecked13:54
reggie-manTry clearknown indicators.13:57
reggie-manirgendwer4711: Right-click>Properties>Clear known indicators13:57
irgendwer4711then the thunderbird icon is gone too13:58
reggie-manirgendwer4711: Go back in and re-check it?14:22
irgendwer4711suddenly it appreas14:22
reggie-manirgendwer4711: So is everything good now?14:34
irgendwer4711sort of14:34
xubuntu58whey how can I create a launcher for mpv ?15:29
GwilhermHi everybody, I would appreciate some help because I have some troubles with pulseaudio/pavucontrol on a xubuntu 14.04 fresh install. Thanks in advance :)16:01
GwilhermActually, when I start the system and log in, all work fine. But when I run pavucontrol, it seems that pulseaudio crashes and pavucontrol says "Establishing connection to PulseAudio, please wait..." And no sound anymore16:01
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xubuntu-sol-bsasHello, i'm a new user of xubuntu16:21
AgAuwelcome. how can we help?16:22
xubuntu-sol-bsasToday some upgrades were installed, and after that I've been having some serious problems. A sign of blocked user appeared on the screen, saying that it would unblock in a few seconds but it got locked in that state. So I turned off the computer and rebooted it. Afterwards, the screen looks like it would be working under safe mode, and I cannot connect to the internet16:23
xubuntu-sol-bsasthe screen looks pretty pixeled, low-quality image, the USB mouse doesn't work immediately, I have to reconnect it every time, and  there is an error message16:24
xubuntu-sol-bsas"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.PermissionsInvalid:The premission of the setuid helper is not correct"16:25
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xubuntu-sol-bsashello, i'm new to xubuntu17:23
xubuntu-sol-bsas Today some upgrades were installed, and after that I've been having some serious problems. A sign of blocked user appeared on the screen, saying that it would unblock in a few seconds but it got locked in that state.17:24
xubuntu-sol-bsasI believe that the problem is that upgrades were not completely installed, and so now the computer is in a kind of "safe mode" which I cannot get out. How can I remove the installed upgrades, or restore the system to the previous state? I cannot connect to Internet since this problem17:31
cfhowlettxubuntu-sol-bsas, reinstall = there is no rollback in ubunt17:34
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AgAuunless you use lvm17:35
AgAuand snapshots :P17:35
xubuntu-sol-bsascfhowlett, should I reinstall the ubuntu?18:19
cfhowlettxubuntu-sol-bsas, ask in the main #ubuntu channel.  I didn't see your original question.18:20
internetmanwhy arent passwords for previous connected wireless networks remembered?18:23
pleia2internetman: they are for me and I've never had trouble with that, what version of Xubuntu are you using?18:27
internetmanpleia2: strange. im not 100% but I think this has been the case on differnet installs18:27
internetmanpleia2: 14.1018:27
internetmanif its just me i dont really care18:28
internetmani guess18:28
pleia2hm, strange18:29
pleia2I believe gnome-keyring is what remembers them, so if something is wrong with that or it's been removed that would cause problems18:30
Joe_knockHi there18:46
slickymaster!hi | Joe_knock18:50
ubottuJoe_knock: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:50
Joe_knockI'd like to know how to get Session Menu in 14.04. It was there in 12.04 but has now disappeared in 14.0418:51
pleia2Joe_knock: I think what you want is to add the "Action Buttons" to your panel18:57
Joe_knockpleia2: Does the "Action Buttons" contain a session manager where I can lock the screen, etc. ?18:59
pleia2Joe_knock: yep18:59
Joe_knocklast question: How do I decrease the "application menu" to not show the words "application menu" and have the icon only?19:03
cfhowlettJoe_knock, settings > appearance > settings > Toolbar style > icons19:05
Joe_knockcfhowlett: I am talking specifically about the "Application Menu". It has the Xubuntu icon and the words "Application Menu" next to each other on the left side.19:06
Joe_knockokay figured it out19:06
Joe_knockI had to edit it in the panel19:06
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ghostx562i was wondering how i can get my second hard drive to auto mount on xubuntu 14.04?23:28
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash

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