
Corodiusis anyone able to tell me the GIT (or similar) Repo for the Oxygen Fonts? I see releasing being made, but the only repo I can find is from about a year ago or more. I want to make sure my project is kept up to date with the repo02:25
rdieterCorodius: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/workspace/oxygen-fonts04:43
lordievaderGood morning.09:05
lordievaderHey poxip, how are you?09:07
poxipfine, thanks09:07
poxipi hope you too ;>09:07
lordievaderSure I am ;)09:08
poxipI'm running Kubuntu 14.10 with plasma5 upgrade, I installed libkf5config-dev package, but `cmake --find-package -DNAME=KF5Config` returns 'KF5Config not found.' Maybe I missed something during installation? (I have Qt libs installed ofc)09:58
SputRiddell, ScottK: the current master branch of Quassel has some bits of KF5 support (-DUSE_QT5=1 -DWITH_KDE=1); it's by no means finished yet, but if you want to check the packaging etc, you could have a look at that12:33
Sputjust to see if it finds the frameworks and if it installs into the right place (there's some issues with install paths after my recent build system changes, it seems...)12:34
BluesKaj_Howdy folks12:50
R33D3M33Rhi, so i wanted to test kubuntu vivid alpha in virtualbox, but the display is broken. The resolution is weird (something near 320*1080), the mouse cursor is gigantic and the desktop is only multicolored squares put together. Any idea how to fix this?17:35
BluesKaj_R33D3M33R, which gpu are you using?17:37
BluesKaj_the default on VM ?17:37
R33D3M33Rtried 3D on/off - no change17:38
R33D3M33Rtried nomodeset, no change17:38
R33D3M33Ri'm downloading daily image now, but i doubt it will be better17:38
BluesKaj_R33D3M33R, assume you've updated and upgraded since the install?17:38
R33D3M33Ri didn't do anything, the live DVD does this17:39
R33D3M33Rinstead of install screen i see the above described artefacts17:39
BluesKaj_do so anyway 17:39
BluesKaj_no pms needed , someone who has more VM knowledge than me can help id we keep the conversation in the chat17:43
R33D3M33Rso, the daily image has the same problem17:54
R33D3M33Rok, so i did Ctrl+F2 to switch to terminal and switched back17:56
R33D3M33Rnow the problem is gone :D17:56
BluesKaj_ok, good17:58
R33D3M33Rtoo bad I can't install since ubiquity crashes: OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory18:02
BluesKaj_I've heard there's a method that gives a passthru to the gpu and audio hardware on some VMs, but I can't recall where I saw it18:06
BluesKaj_BBL ..phone18:20
BluesKaj_R33D3M33R, I'm waiting til the alpha 2 version of plasma 5/KF5 is released later this month around the 27th iirc.18:27
R33D3M33RBluesKaj_: great, will try that, maybe it will be fixed19:01
R33D3M33Runtil then19:01
BluesKaj_R33D3M33R, yeah, plasma 5/KF5 isn't really ready for testing IMO ..i have it on my laptop as regular OS and it's quitre buggy 19:04
BluesKaj_not happy with it but I told the devs I would run it for the time being, so I'm looking forward to promised improvements in alpha219:06
R33D3M33RI'm pretty curious how the upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 will go :)19:12
MamarokBluesKaj_: I still think 15.04 is too early, we should not repeat the same errors again19:16
Mamaroktoo much stuff not ported or only basically19:17
BluesKaj_15.04 was ok at first with plasma 4, Mamarok19:17
BluesKaj_but now that plasma 5 is default it's made my laptop very "unfriendly", so to speak.19:19
Mamarokyep, I don't think we should go with plasma5 for that release, really not read at all19:19
Mamarokit doesn't run here19:19
Mamarokand since I need this PC for work, 15.04 will be the first I skip19:20
Mamarokseriously, I think it is the same KDE 4 errors again19:20
RiddellCorodius: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/workspace/oxygen-fonts19:22
RiddellCorodius: what's your project?19:22
R33D3M33Rhehe, I was on 8.04 for ages :)19:22
BluesKaj_well, there are certain devs here who were critical of me for not filing bugs, so i I think they just released it early to us testers to send feedback rather than  doing the early legwork themselves19:23
BluesKaj_so my laptop sits here gathering dust because it's basically a pita to use 19:25
BluesKaj_and running upgrades doesn't seem to change any of the problems 19:26
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
ScottKSput: Thanks.23:54

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