
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, nm13:59
sukalongwhat's up bro..14:00
sukalongi think i'm lost14:00
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, explain14:00
sukalongi just click something.. then i got here14:01
sukalongwait brb14:01
AkivaAvrahamSDK newbie :)  ?14:02
sukalongyes i am hehe14:04
sukalongnewbie is a little high to me..14:04
sukalongcuz i dont know anything14:04
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, are you interested in developing an application for ubuntu touch or ubuntu in general?14:04
AkivaAvrahamor just a qt app?14:04
sukalongi love programming.. just wanna try qt14:05
sukalongyou wanna teach me if i wanna develop app. for ubuntu touch? :D14:05
AkivaAvrahamyah sure14:05
AkivaAvrahamwhat kind of app are you looking to make?14:05
AkivaAvrahamyah why not?14:05
sukalongnot sure..14:05
AkivaAvrahamin any case14:06
sukalongi'm newbie's newbie lol14:06
AkivaAvrahamfirst step is always this14:06
AkivaAvrahamset up an account, with an SSH key.14:06
AkivaAvrahamfinish that, then come back and ping me.14:06
AkivaAvrahaminstructions to setting up a ssh key are provided.14:07
sukalongi cant find ping lol14:18
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, heh14:18
sukalongi'm on QT Creator's IRC thing14:18
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, what you do, is begin to type my name, and press tab14:18
sukalongSSH public key added.14:18
AkivaAvrahamthat autocompletes my name14:18
sukalongAkivaAvraham: a14:19
AkivaAvrahamif my name comes up, a message is sent to me notifying me14:19
sukalongoh ic14:19
AkivaAvrahamexactly http://imgur.com/sl8tZP214:19
sukalongso.. what next?14:19
sukalongimgur.com got blocked by my ISP14:20
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, so create a new project14:20
AkivaAvrahamnot important14:20
AkivaAvrahamjust showing the notification14:20
sukalongoh ic14:20
AkivaAvrahamalright, create a new project.14:20
sukalongcreate project from qt creator?14:20
AkivaAvrahamyes, the ubuntu sdk.14:21
AkivaAvrahamwe will choose a qml based one14:21
AkivaAvrahamso which did you choose? The basic ui one?14:22
sukalongno option for UI i guess14:23
AkivaAvrahamhold on, go and download teamviewer14:23
AkivaAvrahamthis will make this much easier14:23
sukalongi have TV14:24
AkivaAvrahamim downloading it14:24
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, while I download it14:25
AkivaAvrahamdo you have any programming experience?14:25
sukalonga little14:25
sukalongand very long time ago14:25
sukalongi got c++14:25
rpadovaniAkivaAvraham, are you on vivid?14:26
AkivaAvrahama long time ago... do you want a rehash?14:26
AkivaAvrahamrpadovani, 14.10 I think14:26
rpadovaniAkivaAvraham, since 15.04 there is integration of hexchat with notify indicator in systray with a package to install :-)14:26
AkivaAvrahamrpadovani, ohhh nice? is that with unity next?14:26
AkivaAvrahamspeaking of which is the sdk working on unity8 yet?14:27
rpadovaniAkivaAvraham, nope, with Unity7 :D just sudo apt-get install hexchat-indicator14:27
rpadovaniAkivaAvraham, unfortunately, only with vivid, you have to compile it from source for 14.1014:27
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, anyways do you want to go through say python or c++?14:27
AkivaAvrahamrpadovani, will remember that.14:28
sukalongi never do python14:28
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, Well just to get you back up to date with functions and what have you14:28
AkivaAvrahami'm not sure how long ago that c++ experience was14:28
sukalongthat makes 2 of us lol14:29
sukalongso.. should we really do this?14:29
sukalongor should i rehash a lil and be back tomorrow maybe?14:29
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, of course,14:29
sukalongor next year? >.<14:29
AkivaAvrahamnope you misunderstand14:29
AkivaAvrahami'm asking if you want to do some collaborative editting together14:29
AkivaAvrahamto get your skills back to snuff14:29
sukalongi'm not sure i have skill to get back to..14:30
AkivaAvrahamhere we can write and execute code together, and have it execute.14:30
AkivaAvrahamokay then good14:30
sukalongi' there14:31
AkivaAvrahamhey so now you have what you need; sorry for taking a bit15:24
=== i is now known as Guest98035
AkivaAvrahamso but now in that project, I know we have the same base.15:24
AkivaAvrahamtry clicking run, and see if it runs15:24
sukalongwhere's it? :D15:25
AkivaAvraham:? the run button?15:25
AkivaAvrahampress left alt,15:26
AkivaAvrahamtype "run"15:26
AkivaAvrahambottom left corner green play button15:26
sukalongits run15:27
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, great15:27
AkivaAvrahamby the way, stupid thing you should know, and probably do know15:27
AkivaAvrahambut do not ever run the sdk as root15:28
AkivaAvrahamyou won't be able to use it ever again :P15:28
AkivaAvrahamokay so QML has these things called components.15:28
AkivaAvrahama component looks like this:15:28
AkivaAvrahamMyComponent {}15:29
AkivaAvrahamthe fact that the first letter is capitalized, is forced.15:29
AkivaAvrahamthere is no such thing as myComponent {}15:29
sukalongthis was called "UbuntuShape"15:29
sukalongis taht pixel based?15:30
AkivaAvrahamSo components can be made out of many little components.15:30
AkivaAvrahamits a custom rectangle that one.15:30
AkivaAvrahamnow, every component has things called properties15:30
AkivaAvrahama property has this form:15:30
AkivaAvrahamMyComponent { myProperty: "blue"}15:31
AkivaAvrahamso, go to somewhere in the code, and type a letter, and press "CTRL + Spacebar"15:32
AkivaAvrahamthat will open up an autocomplete dialogue15:32
AkivaAvrahamthat will show you a list of properties and components available to you15:32
sukalonggot it15:32
AkivaAvrahamso quick test: what is one way you know that it is a property, or a component?15:33
sukalongnice :D15:33
sukalongproperty is inside component15:33
AkivaAvrahamGood , but property has something else15:34
AkivaAvrahamyou can also put components inside components :)15:34
AkivaAvrahamnope; the first letter; is it capitalized?15:34
sukalongso that's the differente?15:34
sukalongah! ic15:35
AkivaAvrahamComponent { property }15:35
AkivaAvrahamYou can make your own components, and you can make your own properties for components.15:35
AkivaAvrahamso lets make our own component... well first, lets just make something15:35
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, so do you see a component called "Column { ..." ?15:36
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, okay you have columns, and you have rows. Like in a spread sheet15:37
AkivaAvrahama column is a vertical ... list of sorts15:37
AkivaAvrahama row is a horizontal list15:37
AkivaAvrahamso lets say you made some rectangles in a column, they all would be stacked upon eachother,15:38
AkivaAvrahamso lets do that15:38
AkivaAvrahamIn the Column Brackets, create a component "Rectangle { } "15:38
AkivaAvrahamthen press play; you should not see anything, but the component should run15:39
AkivaAvrahamapplication should run*15:39
sukalongthe grey thing?15:40
AkivaAvrahamoh is it?15:40
AkivaAvrahamdo you see it?15:40
sukalongnothing's changed i guess15:40
sukalongyep, i'm possitive15:41
sukalongnothing's changed15:41
sukalongmaybe because its blank?15:42
AkivaAvrahamso it has no size15:42
AkivaAvrahamso what you need to do is adjust its properties15:42
sukalongi added a text, and its there :D15:43
AkivaAvrahamgo into the rectangle brackets, and press "h", then autocomplete15:43
AkivaAvrahamyou should see "height:" as a property15:43
AkivaAvrahamthe default color should be white15:44
sukalongyes i can see it now15:45
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, okay great15:45
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, so because canonical is smart, they recognized that 500 pixels on a high density device will be smaller than a conventional device15:45
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, so we use something called "Grid Units"15:46
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, so go back to height: and width: and replace your values with15:46
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, so thats the proper way to set sizes manually15:47
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, okay now set the color15:47
AkivaAvrahamcolor: "green"15:48
AkivaAvrahamcolor: "#666"15:48
AkivaAvrahamit takes color hexes15:48
AkivaAvrahamor the proper way15:48
AkivaAvrahamcolor: UbuntuColors.green15:49
AkivaAvrahamwell almost the proper way :)15:49
sukalongits shown as white15:50
AkivaAvrahamNow when you are done that, replace "Rectangle" with "UbuntuShape"15:50
AkivaAvrahammaybe you don't have the import15:50
AkivaAvrahamimport Ubuntu.Components 1.115:50
sukalong./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene exited with code 25515:52
sukalongthe shape is fine, except for the color15:52
AkivaAvrahamimports go at the top btw ~15:52
sukalongi know15:53
AkivaAvrahamokay now lets create our own component15:53
sukalongshould i replace the 0.1 to 1.1?15:53
sukalongor just add it below it?>15:53
sukalongi was adding it15:54
AkivaAvrahamyes, you have an old version15:54
sukalong14.10 i guess15:54
AkivaAvrahammeh anyways15:54
sukalongor 14.04 :D forgot15:55
AkivaAvrahamgoto your project folder, rightclick, new > qt > qtquick2 file15:55
AkivaAvrahamqtquick = qml basically15:55
AkivaAvrahamit means, build guis quickly15:55
AkivaAvrahamgive the name a capital letter15:56
AkivaAvrahamlike MyStupidComponent15:56
sukalongok sorry15:58
sukalonglets restart15:58
AkivaAvrahamGuest98035, pong15:58
sukalongwhere's this qtquick2 file?15:59
AkivaAvrahamAdd new > Qt > Qml File (qtquick 2)15:59
AkivaAvrahamadd new is on the left side bar, when you right click your project folder.15:59
sukalongi was searching qtquick2 >.<16:01
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, no excuses16:01
sukalongdone, go on16:01
AkivaAvrahamso the new file should have a Rectangle component in it, right?16:01
AkivaAvrahamokay leave it, go back to main16:01
AkivaAvrahamgo into the column where you added the other component, under it16:02
AkivaAvrahamwrite the name of your component16:02
AkivaAvrahamso if you named it MyFile.qml16:02
AkivaAvrahamyou will be going16:02
AkivaAvrahamMyStupidComponent {16:02
AkivaAvrahamand you don't need any properties16:02
AkivaAvrahamrun it and see if it shows up16:02
sukalongits white square16:03
sukalongsquare was from before16:03
AkivaAvrahamnow the properties of rectangle can be adjusted16:04
AkivaAvrahamso go MyStupidComponent { height: units.gu(20)}16:04
sukalongok its higher now16:05
AkivaAvrahamso you can have default arguments defined in the qml file16:06
AkivaAvrahambut you can adjust them, right?16:06
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, okay now lets create our own custom properties.16:06
AkivaAvrahamgo to the qml file16:06
AkivaAvrahamand type "property int stupid"16:07
AkivaAvrahamthat will create an integer property16:07
AkivaAvrahamchange     width: 100 to width: stupid16:08
AkivaAvrahamand then go into main, and set the property stupid, to 30016:08
AkivaAvrahamMyStupidComponent { stupid: 300 }16:09
sukalongbut its not integer, its int16:10
AkivaAvrahamdoes it work?16:10
sukalonginteger is syntax wrong16:10
sukalongyes its work16:10
AkivaAvrahamyou can also use var or string16:10
AkivaAvrahamor list I think too, but that a bit more complicated16:10
AkivaAvrahamvar is for any variable, so its low performance16:10
AkivaAvrahammake sense?16:10
sukalongbut let me get used to this first16:11
AkivaAvrahamokay now lets put a component in a component16:11
AkivaAvrahamgo back to stupid.qml16:11
AkivaAvrahamand import ubuntucomponents 1.116:11
AkivaAvrahamand then go into rectangle component, and create a "Label {text: "i'm stupid" }16:11
AkivaAvrahamalways 1.116:12
AkivaAvraham0.1 is 201316:12
AkivaAvrahamerm, if you can16:12
AkivaAvraham0.1 fine actually16:12
AkivaAvrahamitll work16:12
AkivaAvrahamjust remember to update your sdk16:12
AkivaAvrahambtw are you familiar with irc?16:13
AkivaAvrahamokay :P download hexchat when you get a chance16:13
AkivaAvrahamwe are #ubuntu-app-devel on hexchat16:13
AkivaAvrahamon freenode*16:13
AkivaAvrahamso did you get the label in?16:14
sukalongits work.. the "me" is showing16:14
AkivaAvrahamis it working?16:14
AkivaAvrahamso now the question is, lets say you want to change that label's text color16:15
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, how do you do that from main?16:15
AkivaAvrahamor better yet16:15
AkivaAvrahamin main16:15
sukalongi'd add it inside the stupid component16:16
AkivaAvrahamcreate two MyStupidComponents. One with a black label, one with a red label16:16
sukalongtext {} maybe?16:16
AkivaAvrahamthe issue is, that you can't change properties of sub components unless you specify them.16:17
sukalongwe need variable?16:17
AkivaAvrahamwe need to create a property16:18
AkivaAvrahamso go into stupid.qml, goto Label16:18
AkivaAvrahamand type16:18
AkivaAvrahamcolor: parent.textColor16:18
AkivaAvrahamthen go into Rectangle16:18
AkivaAvrahamand type16:18
AkivaAvrahamproperty string textColor16:19
sukalongits black16:20
AkivaAvrahamright so you need to set it16:20
sukalongit was grey, now its black16:20
AkivaAvrahamso go back to main16:20
AkivaAvrahamand set the property "textColor: "green""16:20
AkivaAvrahamnow you should have two components, one with green text, the other with black text16:21
sukalongboth are green if i give them textColor: "green" lol16:22
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, well don't define the color in stupid.qml16:23
AkivaAvrahamdefine the color in main.qml16:23
AkivaAvrahammake one red, make the other green16:23
AkivaAvrahamthat should enable you to customize your components when you call them.16:23
sukalongok done16:26
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, okay great16:26
sukalongbtw i keep getting warning16:26
AkivaAvrahamtwo more things16:26
sukalongfile:///home/sukalong/Programming/deleteme/deleteme.qml:44:24: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor16:26
sukalong** (qmlscene:28222): WARNING **: Unable to register app: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Invalid application ID16:27
AkivaAvrahami'd have to see it, but you'll figure it out16:27
AkivaAvrahamonto id's16:27
AkivaAvrahamevery component has an "id" property16:27
AkivaAvrahamit allows you to reference that object and its properties16:27
AkivaAvrahamso go to stupid.qml16:27
sukalongwhat's the two more things?16:28
AkivaAvrahamand go to rectangle component and16:28
AkivaAvrahamid and anchors16:28
AkivaAvrahamwere going through ids16:28
AkivaAvrahamrectangle component, and set the id: stupidface16:28
AkivaAvrahamthen go to Label component, and replace parent16:29
AkivaAvrahamwith stupidface16:29
AkivaAvrahamparent just goes up 116:29
AkivaAvrahamstupidface goes to that component specifically16:29
AkivaAvrahamassuming its in scope16:29
AkivaAvrahamso explain what the id does16:30
sukalongscoping variables?16:30
sukalongnothings changed16:30
AkivaAvrahamscope means ... like when you called your custom component in main.qml16:31
AkivaAvrahamthe properties of Rectangle were accessable16:31
AkivaAvrahamthe properties of Label were inaccessable16:31
AkivaAvrahamso Label was not within the scope.16:32
AkivaAvrahammake sense?16:32
AkivaAvrahamscope... okay lets say you go into your bathroom16:32
AkivaAvrahamcan you see the kitchen?16:33
AkivaAvrahamso your kitchen is not in scope.16:33
sukalongjust like function right?16:33
AkivaAvrahammmmmm maybe16:33
AkivaAvrahamoh yah you can also do functions in qml16:33
AkivaAvrahamthey are javascript syntax16:33
AkivaAvrahamanyways scope makes more sense now?16:34
sukalongyes a little :D16:34
AkivaAvrahamcan you access your toothbrush in the bathroom?16:34
sukalongyou think we should stop here first?16:34
sukalongi think its alot to take in16:34
sukalongyes i can access it16:35
sukalongbecause its inside the scope of a bathroom16:35
AkivaAvrahamyes something like that.16:35
AkivaAvrahamlast thing then16:35
AkivaAvrahamso go to main.qml16:35
AkivaAvrahamcreate a Button component16:36
AkivaAvrahamin column16:36
AkivaAvrahamthe goal is to make the button the width of the screen16:36
sukalongits already there16:36
AkivaAvrahammake another16:36
sukalongok done16:36
AkivaAvrahamnow go width: parent.width16:37
AkivaAvrahamwhat happened?16:37
sukalongwidth of the button16:38
sukalongis maxed16:38
AkivaAvrahamnow add * 2 at the end; it will go past it16:39
AkivaAvrahamafter that; delete it; there is another way16:39
AkivaAvrahamadd this into your component anchors { }16:40
AkivaAvrahamno capital letter16:40
sukalong:72 Empty property assignment16:41
AkivaAvrahamin anchors, type left: parent.left16:41
AkivaAvrahamright: parent.right16:41
sukalongwhat's the different between parent.left and parent.Left (with capital L)16:42
sukalongsame as component and property?16:42
AkivaAvrahamgood question, and I don't know16:42
AkivaAvrahamdon't think so, never noticed it16:42
sukalongok.. go on then16:42
AkivaAvrahamRight won't work16:42
AkivaAvrahamalright lets adjust this16:43
AkivaAvrahamchange left: parent.left16:43
AkivaAvrahamleft: parent.horizontalCenter16:43
sukalongits right alinged16:44
AkivaAvrahamthe left side of the button is at the center of its parent16:44
AkivaAvrahamadd this16:44
AkivaAvrahamrightMargin: units.gu(5)16:44
sukalongok i see it16:45
AkivaAvrahami'll show you the explanation16:45
AkivaAvrahamsee the top image16:46
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, anyways any questions, or do you want to rest?16:46
sukalongi dont have question yet16:46
sukalongbut i do need rest :D16:46
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, after you save, go to bazaar explorer, and try opening the project16:46
sukalongits almost midnight here16:46
AkivaAvrahamand then your goal is to upload it to launchpad16:47
AkivaAvrahamyou'jll have to create a launchpad project16:47
sukalongclose.. Indonesia :D16:47
sukalongaustralia has already past midnight16:47
AkivaAvrahamanyways, stick around, and when you do get going16:47
AkivaAvrahamcontribute to the core apps; that will give you the best experience that you need16:48
AkivaAvrahamI would have wrote my first app way differently if I contributed to the core apps first; they give you proper coding style16:48
sukalongi would want that hehe16:49
sukalongdo i need to give the same project name?16:49
sukalongin launchpad16:49
AkivaAvrahamcall it what you want.16:50
ajalkaneAnyone know: in launchpad I have a branch, and someone else is proposing a merge request to that branch. I've approved it. Is it supposed to be automatically merged to the branch (like when proposing merge to trunk) or do I have to do it manually?16:52
AkivaAvrahamajalkane, good question16:53
AkivaAvrahamit isn't automatically if I recall...16:54
ajalkanesemi-good answer, would have been great without the "if I recall" bit at the end :-D16:54
AkivaAvrahamIf I remember; I took his branch, merged it myself and uploaded it.16:54
AkivaAvrahamthen just marked it as merged.16:54
ajalkaneThanks. I think I wait 5 minutes and if nothing happens I do like you said16:55
sukalonglol @ if i recall16:55
sukalonghow can i know its uploaded?16:55
AkivaAvrahamit will have code in it.16:56
AkivaAvrahamsomething called a trunk16:56
sukalongthere's nothing in trunk17:01
sukalongAkivaAvraham: there's nothing in trunk17:02
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, I thought you were going to bread17:02
sukalongthe goal isn't reached yet17:03
AkivaAvrahamsukalong, first you have to commit, push to launchpad, and then set the trunk to the branch you put on launchpad17:03
AkivaAvrahamif I recall17:03
sukalongok, maybe we should continue tomorrow lol17:04
sukalongand thanks.. this means alot :D17:05
sukalongAkivaAvraham: night2....17:05
ajalkaneAkivaAvraham: your recollection was right. Must merge manually locally. After merging, commit and push to your branch. Launchpad automatically marks the other branch as merged.17:22
AkivaAvrahamajalkane, ah yes it does, doesn't it17:22
AkivaAvrahamajalkane, thanks for getting back to me17:22
ajalkanethanks for the help :). It's always easier to start doing stuff if someone else has recollections of doing what you think might be necessary17:23
ajalkane(but of you're not sure)17:24
snizzo_hey, with a simple app on ubuntu sdk  anyone experienced "no rule to make target 'all' "?19:18
snizzo_with a 14.10 kit armhf and n5 ubuntu touch developer correctly connected19:18

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