
jrwrencmaloney: might like this.   http://www.enjoythemusic.com/hificritic/vol5_no3/listening_to_storage.htm02:04
=== PhillyMelt02_ is now known as PhillyMelt02
cmaloneyjrwren: I hope you're pulling my leg03:21
cmaloneyAs it turned out, it was possibly the best sounding source yet. It could sustain pace and drive, and gave body and richness to music where the Kingston SSD, for example, had been heard as limpid and lightweight. Maybe higher frequencies still weren't as insightful as direct CD playback at its best, but the sound had a relaxed quality that this listener has found quite enticing enough to plan a migration03:22
cmaloneyof all music onto it — pending a test of other NAS combinations!03:22
jrwrencmaloney: like this, as in slap your forehead adn groan?05:47
cmaloneyGood morning14:52
cmaloneybtw: Meeting tomorrow16:02
cmaloneybe there. We'll have pie.16:02
cmaloney(bring your own pie)16:02
brousch__I'll bring beer. For myself.16:47

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