
=== soee__ is now known as soee
lordievaderGood morning.08:51
BluesKaj_'Morning folks11:05
soeehiho BluesKaj_11:20
BluesKaj_hi soee`11:20
sitterthe list missing code is a shell abomination extraordinaire14:39
CorodiusRiddell: Thank You! :) I'll get you some links for my project, main one I was talking about was using the Oxygen Fonts as a replacement in Elder Scrolls Online14:45
Corodiusa lot of people like it and think it is a heck of a lot cleaner than default, and it has even garnered some interest in KDE so that is a bonus :D14:45
Corodiusi hope i have all attribution and licensing stuff correct, but if I need to fix anything I am happy to do so14:47
shadeslayer_sitter: all of pkg KDE tools is16:34
sittervery true indeed16:35
sittershadeslayer_: seee, should be rewritten in ruby16:36
sitterit's the obvious thing to do!16:36
sitterall hail rake16:36
shadeslayer_Ruby isn't part of ubuntu's min base16:36
shadeslayer_Or Debian for that matter16:36
shadeslayer_People might object etc16:37
yofelyou'll make people hate you if you use it :P16:37
yofelso use perl16:37
shadeslayer_To having ruby as a build dep16:37
shadeslayer_Right 16:37
sitterthey'd hate me for not using perl?16:37
yofelyep XD16:37
sitterwhich none of them speaks anyway16:37
shadeslayer_Feel free to propose it, hopefully will be better than the shit we have now16:38
sitterI do not propose16:38
sitterI do16:38
shadeslayer_Well, sure, just expect lots of push back from Debian16:39
sittershadeslayer_: there's a bug in projects.rb btw16:40
sitterit should first pull everything and then process everything16:40
shadeslayer_Er ... Yes?16:42
sitterwhich is what I thought I wrote, but I just had to run it twice to get kpackage adopted properly int he dep tree16:42
sitterso something is astray for sure16:42
sitterfor all I know it could be on the jenkins side though16:44
sittertoo lazy to read the code16:44
sitterjust thought you should know :P16:44
shadeslayer_sitter: I'll try and make time to figure out what's going wrong tomorrow17:31
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
SergobotCan anyone help me? I installed Kubuntu 14.10 with Plasma 5 a hour ago, but plasmashell crashed and doesn't start after rebooting. Backtrace: https://paste.kde.org/pwfknbaki21:00
SergobotInstalled debug symbols and updated https://paste.kde.org/petuwnwf321:16
sittersergobot: #plasma might have a better chance at helping22:02
sitterwgrant: curl "https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+sourcepub/4646446?ws.op=changelogUrl"   <-- this returns a string not a json object, which is not consistent with the rest of the API, and actually the documentation says "Response (application/json)" yet a string is not valid json. Is that intentional?23:56

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