
holsteinterratoma: i gave up on that, as well03:01
holsteinterratoma: i didnt get an audible bell from irssi, *ever*03:01
Gremlin_Hello, doesn anyone have a moment to help me with an Nvidia video card driver?06:05
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willys_fueguinocould someone tell me where's the xorg.conf in lubuntu??19:03
willys_fueguinoI need to change the video driver via console19:03
willys_fueguinocould someone tell me where's the xorg.conf in lubuntu??19:05
willys_fueguinoI need to change the video driver via console19:05
tewardwillys_fueguino: have patience and wait for a resonse19:06
tewarddon't repeat constantly19:06
dustdoes lubuntu have at install a firewall also installed which could be the reason to block filetransfer with pidgin at irc network?22:42
ianorlinIt is ufw but it is not turned on22:43
ianorlinwhich is a pretty easy frontend22:43
dustyeah thats what i saw that its not turned on... but somehow filetransfer inbound donst work with pidgin at irc22:45
ianorlinit could also be a firewall upstream blocking the file transfer22:45
ianorlinas some isps block ports22:45
ianorlinbut I don't know what ports pidgin uses for file transfer over irc22:46
dustu use it urself so u can try if it works22:48
LolincolcHi ! I am trying to install Lubuntu on my eeepc 1025c but when I select the option Install with windows 7 (side by side) it reboot my PC on windows 7 and don't finish the install of lubuntun!23:05
Lolincolcis there somebody ?23:06
silverlionLolincolc, please check your MD5sum and disk for errors23:07
silverlionsounds like your copy is corrupted23:07
LolincolcOK I'll check and I will tell you ! Thanks for you're help and sorry for my bad English : I'm French !23:10
silverlionLolincolc, mine is not better ;) I'm german :D23:11
Lolincolc_Im back ! My MD5 seems to be good: 281FC36D625F7CA0704297B3B811FA66 it correspond to the lubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso wich I download !23:19
joppe__why not 14.1023:20
joppe__its better23:20
Lolincolc_That's what I just realised ! I will try with the 14.10 !23:20
ianorlin14.04 has longer support than 14.1023:20
silverlionLolincolc, ok. MD5 checks. but you really need to check the Copy before starting the install23:21
joppe__ive got some bad things with 14.04 and crome23:21
joppe__but 14.10 working fine23:22
Lolincolc_I will check the MD5 of the 14.10 when the download will be finished (probably 5 minutes) before installing it !23:22
Lolincolc_Same problem with the 14.10 :(23:38
Lolincolc_When it reboot it boot on windows 7 starter and not on the linux installation :(23:39
Lolincolc_And of course, the installation stop !23:39

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