
Silverliongood morning10:41
Silverlionhey toddy ;)10:41
toddyhey Silverlion :)10:42
Silverlionhappy new one10:43
toddySilverlion: Happy new year and have a lot of fun in the new year.10:46
Silverliontoddy : definetly will ;)10:47
* ian-weisser yawns17:53
ian-weisserThe AskNot tool for the community website is now in Launchpad: lp:~ian-weisser/ubuntu-community-website/asknot-php17:53
ian-weisser...and a Merge request, too.17:54
ian-weisserFeel free to give it a try...if you happen to have a spare test Wordpress environment laying around.17:55
silverlionhappy new year jono22:43
jonohey silverlion22:43
jonohappy new year!22:43
jonohow are you doing?22:46
silverlionjono, me? well tbh I'm struggeling with life atm22:55
silverlionno clue what 2k15 will bring for me22:55
jonosilverlion, oh no22:55
jonosorry to hear that22:55
silverlionappreciate that22:55
jonoI have no doubt that 2015 will bring great things22:56
jonolife is what you make it22:56
silverlionhavent been able to actively contribute22:56
jonoand the lens you look through22:56
silverlionright. didn't say that I surrendered22:56
jonobut you said you were struggling22:56
jonoand I am sure you will win the struggle :-)22:57
jonoI think the hardest bit is knowing what you want to achieve22:57
silverlionwell life like I see it at the moment is kind of a game of poker22:57
jonoand knowing which questions to ask22:58
silverlionyeah. you need to assess what your opponent (life) has in his hands (which cards)22:58
silverlionand then find a strategy to succeed22:58
jonoI see it a little differently22:59
jonoI look at what is within my sphere of influence22:59
jonowhat can I control and influence to achieve my goals22:59
silverlionthat's why we do have freedom of speech ;)22:59
belkinsao/ jono!22:59
jonomost people tend to look at the problems that face them and feel pretty powerless22:59
jonohey belkinsa!22:59
silverlionwell I guess we're not that far from each other22:59
jonowhereas invariably the sphere of influence helps us to crack the problems23:00
jonosilverlion, indeed23:00
jonoI have had a few cases over there years where I have felt the challenges are too great23:00
jonothat insurmountable problems stand in the way of success23:00
jonooften driven by specific people23:00
silverlionI was going to write that to archieve your personal win or the pot of pokerchips you need to control what you can influence23:00
jonobut that was me looking to much at the area outside my sphere of influence23:00
jonosilverlion, indeed23:01
jonoand when we think about what we can influence, there is an awful lot :-)23:01
jonomost importantly, the way in which we react and handle our own actions23:01
silverlionjono, especially when we do overcome personal dislikes and accept help even from those you don't like23:02
jonosilverlion, yup23:03

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