
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
Unit193Did a test sync of cairo, seems to fix the segfault that I keep on hitting.  In Ubuntu it's stuck on an old git snapshot.01:28
Unit193!info libcairo2 vivid01:31
Unit193!info libcairo2 unstable01:31
ubottulibcairo2 (source: cairo): The Cairo 2D vector graphics library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.13.0~20140204-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 537 kB, installed size 1467 kB01:31
ubottulibcairo2 (source: cairo): Cairo 2D vector graphics library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.14.0-2.1 (unstable), package size 780 kB, installed size 1630 kB01:31
ari-tczewUnit193: I think it should be processed by seb128.01:38
Logan_Unit193: note the changes from the last merge: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo/1.12.10-1ubuntu105:29
Logan_but yeah, definitely talk to seb12805:30
Unit193Logan_: Right, one is a git commit and another is an additional dep that's been added since.05:33
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
NoskcajLogan_, Is --parallel enough of a reason to not sync latexila?07:55
Logan_what about the recommends/suggests?07:55
NoskcajI didn't see a need for them, but i think i should contact matttbe before syncing07:56
Logan_good call :)07:57
dupondjexnox: are you planning to merge/sync cryptsetup soon?12:42
dupondjeseems like you included alot of ubuntu changes into debian yet :)12:43
shadeslayer_hi there, when running autopkgtests, do you reckon it would make sense to export some standard variables like HOME, XDG_* , etc so that tests that write files to those locations can proceed without issues? In a whole bunch of KF5 and Plasma 5 tests, I've had to manually export dirs in each of the tests which is super annoying ...17:39
=== rcj is now known as Guest48642
Bluefoxicyis it appropriate to suggest a prerelease package for Inkscape for Vivid?18:29
Bluefoxicythe current version is 0.48, and there is a 0.91pre3 pre-release which is 3 years newer.18:29
BluefoxicyIt would be nice to have inkscape and inkscape0.91 (the same as there used to be multiple wine packages), but this may be out of taste for ubuntu18:30
Bluefoxicythere's a ppa that includes nightly builds, but that is ... well, nightly builds are different than having a development build.18:30
Unit193Experimental has 0.91.18:31
Bluefoxicy(similarly, why the hell does 14.10 have Wine 1.7?  1.7 is a development branch, and there is no wine 1.6 available))18:31
BluefoxicyUnit193: there's an Experimental repo?18:31
Unit193Debian, upstream.18:31
NoskcajIs there a way i can find out why UDD branches aren't in sync with the current version?20:56
Noskcajbzrlib.plugins.builddeb.upstream.pristinetar.PristineTarError fails a number of xubuntu's packages, is there something xfce/bluesabre could do to help avoid that?21:02
cjwatsonGive up on UDD? ;-)21:10
cjwatsonThough in that case it's possible that an updated pristine-tar backport might help.  Not currently sure what the UDD host is running.21:12
Noskcajcjwatson, Until i get some upload rights, UDD is by far the best way to package i've found. If you could backport pristine-tar, that would be great21:16
cjwatsonUDD is all but unmaintained, I'm afraid, so major problems are unlikely to be fixed.21:19
Noskcajcjwatson, I don't know much about coding, but is there anything i can do to help with it?21:20
cjwatsonLooks like package-import == jubany is running precise, so that would be pristine-tar 1.20ubuntu1.21:21
NoskcajHow much would be fixed by updating the host to more current packages?21:21
cjwatsonpristine-tar might be improved, but I doubt much else would change21:21
cjwatsonMight be worth trying to isolate the particular pristine-tar failures in packages you care about (they may be isolatable by grabbing the bzr branch and trying to use pristine-tar directly) and working out whether they correspond to fixes that have been made since 1.20 that could be SRUed to precise21:22
NoskcajHow should i run pristine-tar? i've not used it before21:25
Noskcajcjwatson, package-import can't just be upgraded to 14.04?21:36
ari-tczewNoskcaj: why don't you just upload debdiff instead creating enormous bazaar branches?21:37
Noskcajari-tczew, because it's easier to work with the vcs21:37
ari-tczewNoskcaj: IIRC you have internet connection, so I think it's easier to upload small debdiff debian -> ubuntu than gigantic branch21:38
ari-tczew(if example is merge from Debian)21:39
Noskcajyeah, but with smaller sized packages (less than 10mb branch) it is IMO a beter workflow to use the bzr21:40
ari-tczewNoskcaj: ok, you say something about vcs. do you mean gnome packages, or every package?21:41
Noskcaji was meaning the bzr vcs21:42
Noskcajgnome stuff is often desktop team vcs, which is a bit different21:42
Noskcajand ubuntu-gnome is going to be using git by the end of the cycle21:42
cjwatsonNoskcaj: I expect the problem would be QAing it; I don't think it has a staging site21:44
cjwatson(but I know relatively little about it)21:44
ari-tczewNoskcaj: I don't know what would be easier to use bzr, at least on sponsoring site, but it's only IMHO.21:51
ari-tczewNoskcaj: what about your MOTU? is the discussion still going on mails?21:57

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