
pleia2nhaines: sure thing, I just realized I forgot to put our website on the list, adding now..07:42
nhainespleia2: oh, I thought that just magically happened by itself.07:45
pleia2story of my life :)08:05
rwwpleia2: I'm doing cleanup on that WhoDoesWhat page. Are you and Grant still the mailing list mods?08:22
pleia2rww: yep08:24
rwwon a related note, the last post to our loco forum was in 2013. assuming my memory is correct that the Forums folks are fine/pleased with closing LoCo forums, we might want to consider requesting that08:25
rwwsince it's Yet Another Thing We're Not Monitoring right now08:26
pleia2last *new* post, we still update existing ones08:27
rwwmaybe I should put "online resources review" on an agenda08:27
pleia2and I keep track of it08:27
rwwah, okays08:27
pleia2(I get emails when it's updated)08:27
nhaines*I'm* fine with closing the forums.08:28
nhainesThey're redundant to mailing lists anyway.08:28
nhainesAlso Fidonet.08:29
rwwdo we have a fidonet presence?08:29
rwwif not, this is probably why we aren't getting that many new members08:29
rwwalrighty, everything in the first few sections of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/WhoDoesWhat is now correct. "Website" onwards needs checking by people who know about such things08:31
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/WhoDoesWhat - Ubuntu Wiki]08:31
MichaelPaoliI'm already here and with images [ http://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:cds_and_images_etc ] - including Ubuntu - SF-LUG meeting starts shortly: http://www.sf-lug.org/ - Cafe Enchante on Geary Boulevard at 26th Ave., San Francisco18:45
darthrobotTitle: [balug:cds_and_images_etc [BALUG Wiki]]18:45
darthrobotTitle: [San Francisco Linux Users' Group]18:45
ianorlin+1 on updating who does what19:40
ianorlinok checking with chanserv the list of ops seems to be right19:58
nhainesI should have ops.  Because of reasons.20:00
pleia2your wish is my command20:02
ianorlinand then the wiki should be updated with new info20:12
pleia2go for it20:13
DonkeyHoteii haven't typed "/cs access #ubuntu-us-ca list" i think probably ever20:16
DonkeyHoteiand i was literally the first idler in the loco's channel20:17
nhainespleia2: I thought the wiki just got updated with current info magically.20:18
* ianorlin thinks I might want to be added to Google+ admins as there are only 2 right now22:19
* pleia2 sends manager invite to ianorlin22:37

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