
Kilosmorning all06:29
bushtechKilos, why you grumbling?07:53
Kiloslol this unity forgot screen resolution settings07:54
Kilosbut i love the speed the ssd provides07:54
Kilosbooting is 15 secs bios and 15 sec to booted os07:55
Kilosand that includes the password entering07:55
bushtechglad you like it07:56
Kilosyou said long ago i must get one07:56
Kilosi was doff and thought the cpu is what makes speed07:57
bushtechwas the most impressive piece of kit I bought for a long time07:57
Kilosi dont like it, i love it07:57
Kilosso an i7 lappy with an ssd in must be great07:58
Kilosand linux of course08:00
theblazehenKilos: desktop, but I agree.. It's great08:08
Kiloshi theblazehen you must study as well hey08:09
theblazehenKilos: ha, yeah..08:09
Kilosya well duh, desktop too, of course, i dont like those lappy things, too much stuff written on the keys08:13
Kilosand touch pad stuff and battery always flat08:13
theblazehenKilos: you like this keyboard? : http://www.daskeyboard.com/daskeyboard-4-ultimate/08:14
theblazehennothing on the keys :)08:14
Kiloslemme see08:14
Kilosno man the keys should have white letters on them08:16
Kilosi look for each key to type08:16
theblazehenThe other one has. Have a look at the home page of the site08:19
Kilosi tried to learn to touch type but arthritic hands cant distort so much08:19
Kilosya the one on the right is cool08:19
theblazehenExpensive though :/08:20
Kilosim happy with this genius 08:21
theblazehenI think I have the genius too..08:23
theblazehenUsed to be white, with black key letters08:23
Kiloskb 12e i think the win install disk shows 308:23
Kilosya mine white with black letters08:23
Kilosgot stuff at the top i have no idea what they even do08:25
Kiloseven a www button08:25
theblazehenMine doesn't have that08:26
theblazehenYou can make them do whatever you want with xbindkeys if you want08:26
Kilosna they can rest up there08:27
Kilosim burning to squeeze this ssd and install kde too on it08:27
theblazehenLol. Good luck08:28
Kiloswill first need to build up some guts08:28
Kilosif it aint broke dont fix it08:29
magespawngood morning09:38
Kilosmorning magespawn 09:38
magespawnhow are the drives Kilos ?09:44
Kilosssd too lekker, havent done anymore09:44
magespawnback again09:51
magespawnand now i off again, will chat later10:18
magespawnhi Kilos12:03
Kiloshi my magespawn wassup?12:03
magespawnjust at home again, reading up on snmp12:26
magespawnsuperfly ping13:10
magespawnpeople quiet today14:32
magespawnmind you it is sunday i suppose14:34
theblazehenoh, hey magespawn. Yeah it is14:41
theblazehenAnyone here play garry's mod?15:28
magespawntheblazehen: no, what is that?15:32
theblazehenmagespawn: basically it's based on Hald Life 2, with all the objects and stuff. You can then place objects around, etc.15:32
theblazehenAnd make stuff15:32
theblazehenLike a physics simulator15:33
theblazehen$10 on steam, unless the sale is still on. Then $2,515:33
magespawntheblazehen: i do not play many games lately17:13
theblazehenmagespawn: ah, kk17:13
magespawnmostly simple arcade type stuff17:15
Kilosyum is in our repos too17:19
theblazehenKilos: why would you want that?17:41
Kilosna i was just going through synaptic and saw it there17:42
Kilosi wonder why its there17:42
Kilosthats the redhat thing17:42
captineevening all17:48
Kiloshi captine 17:48
magespawnhi captine 17:48
captinehappy new year all.  trust you all had a good holiday, or if not on holiday, a relaxing couple of work weeks... :)18:05
Kilosty captine same for you18:05
Kilosi had no rest. spent 2 weeks trying to find a ssd i could afford18:06
Kilosthen got a 256GB 3 days ago18:06
Kiloswhat a diffs in speed. cold boot time dropped from 1 minute t0 30 secs18:07
Kilosyeah wonderful18:09
Kiloson a dual core machine too18:09
captinei plan to put one into my laptop oneday....18:10
captine5400rpm is painful18:10
Kilosya it will fly with a ssd18:10
captinebut to be expected18:58
Kilosinetpro, you here old man?18:59
* Kilos gotta reboot wbb18:59
superflytumbleweed: I pm'ed you my public key, let me know stuff...19:12
Kilosevening superfly hows the fly hatchery19:12
superflyKilos: maligheid19:13
Kiloslol is that good or bad superfly 19:13
KilosMaaz, define meh19:19
MaazKilos: I don't know about meh. Maybe you meant Eh, Me, Mesh, Meth, Meg-, mem, Mes-, Met, mew, me, mesh, meth, mph, msh, med, meg, mei, mek, men, meq, mh, seh, mrh, mch, mth, mez, mes, mec, met, meu or mel?19:19
tumbleweedsuperfly: sorry, forgot about that19:56
magespawnhi superfly20:12
superflyhi magespawn20:12
magespawnwhat version of python are you currently using?20:14
superflymagespawn: work, personal or project(s)?20:14
magespawnwork mostly i think, but all over i suppose, i would have assumed it would be best to keep them as close together as possible20:16
superflywork we're tied to 2.7 (App Engine requirement)20:16
superflyperson and for projects I choose 320:16
magespawnis it better to use the latest?20:17
superflyI recommend people use 3 unless they are relying on a library that hasn't been ported yet20:20
magespawni am not really relying on anything so that should be okay20:24
magespawnis there much difference?20:24
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:30
Kiloswe look at some diffs the other day magespawn 20:30
Kiloswhen trying to get ibid working on 14.0420:30
superflyMaaz: tell magespawn in general, no.20:32
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode20:32
superflyinetpro: I have access to the web site20:33
superflyinetpro: now we need to make a new one.20:33

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