
KnightoffaithIs there a RestrictedFormats package specifically for Studio? Or do I use the standard Ubuntu package?00:39
Unit193UbuntuStudio doesn't have it's own, no.00:40
KnightoffaithI'm looking at this, and there is no option for Studio, but I'm assuming that's something that isn't altered enough in the flavor to require a separate port: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats00:40
KnightoffaithAh, thanks Unit19300:40
KnightoffaithJust getting started with Studio myself. I enjoy media creation and I have a machine that currently has vanilla Ubuntu I've worked with a little bit. Thought I'd give this a try00:41
Unit193You can also just install the metapackage for whatever component you're looking to use.00:46
Unit193!info ubuntustudio-audio00:46
ubottuubuntustudio-audio (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Audio Generation Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.128 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 42 kB00:46
KnightoffaithI'm jumping in with both feet lol. I'm fussing around with an older machine, and it doesn't like the new Unity desktop. Figured I'd grab the whole set of stuff while I'm at it00:49
KnightoffaithAs I haven't done a lot with vanilla, so I'm not loosing anything00:49
KnightoffaithRunning through the installer... Suggestion about encrypting and using LVM?00:52
KnightoffaithAs in, what's the benefits/drawbacks to doing each?00:52
OvenWerksIf you don't need it, you will save cpu cycles and memory.00:53
KnightoffaithSo, should probably do neither in that case00:53
OvenWerksHowever there are people who encript their whole drive and are still able to do solid media creation on it.00:53
KnightoffaithI have a really old machine i'm running, so almost anything I can get back I'll take00:54
KnightoffaithHopefully I'll be able to get something better to work on at some point00:54
OvenWerkstweaking can help too.00:54
Knightoffaith(Aside from my normal PC which I can't do anything with as far as Ubuntu goes, stuck with Windows)00:54
OvenWerksAre you doing audio or video?00:55
OvenWerksThe lowlatency kernel that comes with Studio works quite well00:55
KnightoffaithProbably I'll be sticking with the graphics side of things00:55
KnightoffaithNot sure I'd be able to transfer the stuff I need for audio00:56
OvenWerksIf you are using a USB or PCI audio IF finding an open IRQ can make a difference00:56
OvenWerksWith PCI this means finding the right slot with USB this means finding the right plug.00:56
OvenWerksI haven't worked with firewire so I can't say about that.00:57
OvenWerksGraphics should be no problem. xfce is a lot less resouce heavy than unity so things should work aster.00:58
KnightoffaithI actually use Mixcraft for my audio work, which is Windows only00:58
KnightoffaithNo idea if I can get it to run with WINE00:58
KnightoffaithWell, composition wise for creating tracks00:59
OvenWerksArdour works really well. I don't know what format Mixcraft uses, but if they are or can be 24bit wav files they can be used.00:59
KnightoffaithI'll take a look into it01:00
KnightoffaithWe'll see if I can get that to work. I do a lot with my midi keyboard and a bunch of VSTs01:00
OvenWerksGenerally though, finish a project on the SW/os it was started on, begin new projects on new stuff01:00
OvenWerksI record mostly analog inputs, mic or dirrect as I am not much of a KB player. :)01:01
OvenWerksIf I do recor4d MIDI, I treat it much the same as audio and do very little editing.01:02
KnightoffaithI like a wide range of instruments, and I'm not going to be learning and acquiring all of them any time soon! Nor can I play a full orchestral section by myself. :P01:02
OvenWerksThats fair.01:03
KnightoffaithSynths are also nice to play around with01:04
OvenWerksI agree, but for me the words "play around" are about right.01:06
KnightoffaithI'm learning. Slowly as I don't get a lot of time with school and other responsibilities, but it's something at least01:08
KnightoffaithI enjoy it though01:08
OvenWerksmusic is a part of life. I personally think we are less human without it01:09
superroachHello there. Getting a odd problem preventing me from doing updates on Studio 12.04 . W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/*  404 Not found [IP]       Is there something i can use to diagnose what's wrong?01:09
KnightoffaithAgreed OvenWerks01:09
OvenWerkssuperroach: I can hit it from here, so the site is not down. It would sugest network problems too me01:12
OvenWerksOf course you are on line, which seems to indicate networking is fine.01:13
superroachdoes seem odd, can browse networks here, and even ping that adress. thank you ovenworks.01:13
superroachah, i'm even up to 13.04 too. I thought it was older.01:17
OvenWerksRight so you are connecting but the archive is not there.01:19
superroachit's become unsupported perhaps? sudo apt-get dist-upgrade also gives me 0 possible updates.01:19
OvenWerksNot sure what to do with that one01:20
OvenWerksOk, so you are updated?01:20
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:20
OvenWerksmaybe the file it was trying to download is no longer used01:20
superroachi can run apt-get update ... but most of the files are ignored or 404'ed.01:20
Unit19313.04 is long gone.01:20
superroachthat's what i thought unit193. Ah. I'll try to see if i can upgrade the distro.01:21
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring01:21
Unit193Juuust a bit. ;)01:21
superroachHehe! ;P01:22
OvenWerks13.04 seems like just "yesterday"...01:22
superroachis it still possible to upgrade to 14.04 without a reformat? And I know right overnwerks!01:23
Unit193superroach: Yes, ubottu linked to something that should help out.01:24
Unit193It'll be a bit tricky since 13.10 is gone too, but doable. :)01:24
superroachI was about to say that yeah :) eep.01:25
KnightoffaithAs I selected installing 3rd party packages (or whatever it was) when setting up the install from the CD, does that automatically give me all the stuff in RestrictedFormats?01:55
OvenWerksAlmost all. I think DRM is separate.01:58
superroachGood question - not sure. Typically it requires acknowledgement for the drm style stuff.01:58
OvenWerksDRM used to be a separate package that had to be installed from command line from the right directory01:59
KnightoffaithWhat would be included with DRM?02:00
OvenWerksThat is needed to play comercial DVDs02:00
Unit193OvenWerks: You mean libdvdcss, slightly different. :)02:01
OvenWerksSomething like that.02:01
Unit193Knightoffaith: Basically, if you find you are missing the ability to play something, install it.  Why worry too much now?02:01
Unit193OvenWerks: There's a script that comes with libdvdread4, I believe.  I use the Videolan repo for it myself, though.02:01
OvenWerksI have not had to worry about DRM02:01
KnightoffaithUnit193: Thanks02:02
OvenWerksUnit193: That sounds right, it has been a long time02:02
Unit193/usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh  yep, wow my memory did work...02:03
=== satbuddhi is now known as akartA
schnitzhi everyone16:57
schnitzhey... small issue: I know this is not so much ubuntustudio specific, I would simply like to change the default checked entry of my grub menu16:58
HarryHaarenschnitz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 : The default entry is determined by the GRUB_DEFAULT= setting in /etc/default/grub; the first "menuentry" has a value of "0"17:03
schnitzre.. :-)18:01
schnitzman, I really love ubuntustudio by now, but with some programms you really have to force yourself to save your data all the time, since they might just crash away... (like OpenShot just did)18:02
huhCooLioHey all .. long time Debian/Ubuntu user ... considering installing Ubuntu Studio for my band's jam space.   Is there any known issues getting an M-Audio Fast Track Ultra working?   I looked at the Alsa matrix and wasn't positive what the notes mean18:09
HarryHaarenhuhCooLio, link to alsa matrix?18:13
huhCooLiosorry I didn't see that you responded.18:16
huhCooLiohttp://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-MAudio is the page18:16
huhCooLioFast Tack Ultra is the device we are considering using.   from what I gather, it looks like the 6/6 analog inputs/outputs work, but the RCAio does not work?18:17
huhCooLioI assume the RCAio just refers to an SPDIF interface?  not a big deal if that doesn't work ... but it's very important that I can record from all 6 analog inputs.18:19
KnightoffaithI downloaded Comodo antivirus, and it wants to do something with the kernel but doesn't recognize the low-latency kernel. Any idea how to remedy this?21:27

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