
=== [JJ]Albert_ is now known as [JJ]Auburn
richEvening.  Anyone on for a question on menubars?02:25
richMy app menus now live in the dock or whatever that's called, no longer in the application itself.02:26
richHow can I put them back?  They were fine last week, today though they moved and I completely can't stand them there.02:27
xanguadock¿ xfce has no dock02:30
xanguayou can set up a panel to look like a dock or use dockbarx02:30
richWell then not the dock.  Menus.  Menus in say Firefox.  As of last week they were actually in firefox.  Now they're in a panel item called Indicator plug-in? or02:38
richThe indicator plug in shows up in the menu bar, task bar, whatever it's called where the notifications, time, all that stuff is.02:38
richI want menus for Firefox to be in the firefox application, under the title bar where God intended them.  :)02:39
richIt's dead simple to remove them from the dock/tray/taskbar/whatever, just right-click and remove the indicator plugin for it.  Gone.  But... now they're not anywhere.02:40
richI had a terrible install this time around - decided to try Ubuntu but it isn't to my taste so I just installed Xubuntu-desktop.  All seemed to totally work fine over the past few weeks, until this morning.02:42
rich(New laptop)02:42
richMay have the solution.  Firefox got an update, I think it lost my "always show the menu" setting.  THAT's the problem.  :)02:46
richSo, the problem with the menu showing up in the wrong spot was two, both easily resolved problems.02:47
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[JJ]AuburnAnyone know if M.2 wireless cards are useable on desktop M.2 ports?03:09
[JJ]AuburnAdmittedly, I know next to nothing about M.2 port specifications03:11
[JJ]Auburnor if its backwards compatible w/ msata03:11
holstein[JJ]Auburn: if you have hardware sitting there, and you are wondering if its supported, i would just fire up a live iso, and see.. you can do it via USB03:13
[JJ]Auburnholstein: I don't own any M.2 devices ATM03:14
[JJ]AuburnI was curious to see if maybe I could use my M.2 port for a wifi/bluetooth card for M.2 ports03:14
[JJ]Auburnbut from what I can see, most of those are made w/ laptops in mind, not desktops03:14
[JJ]AuburnSo maybe I'm misreading this stuff...03:15
holstein[JJ]Auburn: i cant imagine it mattering if its a laptop or a desktop.. it'll be more about, if the hardware supports linux or not03:16
[JJ]Auburnhmm, okay03:16
[JJ]Auburnso I'd just have to get ahold of the type of chips I'm looking at and see if it is physically compatible03:17
[JJ]Auburnand from there, just hope linux drivers are available03:17
holstein[JJ]Auburn: i would get a model number and search both "linux model #" and "ubuntu model #".. you can usually see what folks have to say about it in the community.. other than than, ask the creators of the device if they provide support for linux03:17
holstein[JJ]Auburn: "hope" doesnt get a driver.. :/03:17
holstein[JJ]Auburn: just remember, nothing about linux is preventing it from working, and keep an open mind, if they dont officially support linux03:17
[JJ]Auburnholstein: Hope doesn't float either, but I'm finding little info about this, so I'm either charting unexplored territory, or nobody has thought to use a M.2 compliant wifi card in a desktop before03:18
[JJ]Auburnand also, such cards require a screw to be held down, and I don't see such a screw hole on my mobo, or most M.2 compliant mobos for that matter03:18
holstein[JJ]Auburn: *anyone* is welcome to write a driver for any hardware for linux.. linux is all open.. all of xubuntu/ubuntu and linux are open, completely..03:18
[JJ]Auburnputting my theory in even murkier territory03:18
holstein[JJ]Auburn: if the hardware you have has no way to accept the hardware, then, that is an additional barrier03:19
[JJ]Auburnholstein: Oh certainly. At this moment though, my curiosity is less w/ drivers, and more w/ the hardware03:19
[JJ]Auburnthe port type03:19
[JJ]AuburnI know little about M.203:19
[JJ]Auburnjust that there is a small stream of M.2 compliant SSDs out there ATM03:19
holstein[JJ]Auburn: i say, check and see if your hardware can even use the device.. then, try one with linux, if possible.. try it live.. save the reciepts.. we cant, and dont gurantee hardware support03:19
[JJ]Auburnnot to be confused w/ msata apparently03:19
holstein[JJ]Auburn: if its literally a hard drive, just try it03:20
[JJ]Auburnholstein: Alright, I understand03:20
[JJ]AuburnI will keep reading on this though, see if anyone has ever tried this03:20
[JJ]Auburnnot linux specifically, but just the port compatability03:20
holstein[JJ]Auburn: maybe a hardware channel is a better fit for you..03:23
[JJ]Auburnprobably. I dunno many places around here.03:23
[JJ]AuburnI was just hoping maybe someone here knew a thing about M.2 or msata ports on desktop motherboards03:24
holstein[JJ]Auburn: this is specifically the xubuntu support channel.. you might do better in the OT ubuntu channel. #ubuntu-offtopic03:24
holsteinagain, "hope" doesnt provide any drivers.. :/03:24
[JJ]Auburnyeah, probably. Sorry for bothering03:24
holsteinthough, as i said, if its literally a hard drive, just try it. but, it sounds like, you dont have the proper hardware.. which is why i suggest #hardware or ##hardware03:25
[JJ]Auburnholstein: Yeah, I was primarily focused on the hardware compliancy first and foremost. Drivers would be my secondary focus there.03:25
holstein[JJ]Auburn: if you dont have the physical port to connect it to, then you are not "compliant"03:25
[JJ]AuburnSpeculation of hardware, as I don't have a device to use w/ my M.2 port03:25
[JJ]Auburnholstein: I have a port, I meant a device I was curious about checking out03:25
holstein[JJ]Auburn: go for it. check it out03:26
[JJ]Auburnbut you're right, this is kinda the wrong channel for such a question; I was just hoping someone might know03:26
[JJ]Auburnthanks for your reply though, and sorry to bother03:26
holstein[JJ]Auburn: you will be able to plug the thing in, and see if the bios sees it.. *then*, you can try the live iso for xubuntu/ubuntu, as i suggested, and see that it works with linux03:26
[JJ]Auburnthat was my thought too. My only curiosity was just if the pinout on the sort of chips I was looking at is correct for an M.2 port03:27
[JJ]Auburnlike, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.203:27
[JJ]Auburnthis is the sorta port I've got03:27
[JJ]Auburnthis was sorta the chip I was looking at: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51oApWneAVL.jpg03:28
holstein[JJ]Auburn: try a hardware channel03:28
[JJ]AuburnI've never dealt w/ such a thing before, and maybe I've got the wrong idea and it'd be stupid03:28
[JJ]Auburnholstein, yup, I was just giving you a reference there03:28
[JJ]AuburnI'll give the hardware channel a shot03:28
holsteinor, just give the hardware a shot.. plug it in, see if the bios sees it03:29
[JJ]Auburnholstein: My one problem would be all my options to purchase it, as far as I can tell, are limited in return policies03:30
[JJ]Auburnits not an expensive thing from what I can tell03:30
[JJ]Auburnbut 30 bucks would be terrible to waste on something if it turns out it is not what I was looking for03:30
holstein[JJ]Auburn: only the creators of the hardware can tell you..03:31
holsteini will buy locally, for more $$ with a return policy03:31
[JJ]AuburnIts a generic intel chip from what I can tell, so the creators are probably chinese03:31
holsteini'll even go to the big box stores, and try live iso's right there.. or, tell them im going to try something at home,and return it, regardless03:32
[JJ]Auburnbit of a shame I'm nowhere near a more comprehensive store for these kind of things03:32
holstein[JJ]Auburn: what is the goal here, friend? just to plug something is a slot you have? i mean, if you want ssd, or ssd performance, you dont *have* to plug something in that port..03:32
holsteingo with something you *know* works..03:33
[JJ]Auburnholstein: No, I wanted to conserve PCI port space, by maybe using the M.2 port for a wifi card03:33
holsteinor, you take the risk.. or ask the manufacturer..03:33
[JJ]Auburnand I've noticed that, for laptop cards anyways, there are ones that support both wifi and bluetooth03:33
[JJ]AuburnI keep thinking I'll want to save my PCI-E 1x port for something else03:33
holstein[JJ]Auburn: i think you are assuming a larger different in the laptop hardware vs desktop.. the ports can be the same for many components..03:34
[JJ]AuburnI might be assuming a bigger difference than there actually is, but one thing is certain, manufactorers don't intend for this sorta thing, and it shows in the overall market for such chips03:34
[JJ]Auburnthey are all designed w/ a laptop in mind. A small notch in the top to screw the chip in place.03:34
holstein[JJ]Auburn: sure.. so *dont* expect to buy it and have it work, then03:35
[JJ]Auburnwhich laptops don't take into account. Now, maybe it'd sit flush w/ the port, but I dunno, I've never had it.03:35
[JJ]Auburnholstein: I'm not expecting anything, I'm trying to figure out if I can expect anything03:35
[JJ]AuburnI mean03:35
holstein[JJ]Auburn: you cant03:35
[JJ]AuburnI am trying to figure out if there is anything to expect03:35
[JJ]Auburnthe port standards anywats03:35
holstein[JJ]Auburn: you literally cant, unless the manufacturer states you can.. so, you can03:36
[JJ]Auburnwell, unless someone else has explicitly thought the same thing I've thought and has tried it, then you are right03:36
[JJ]AuburnI'm kinda hoping someone else has thought of this as well, though... Not hoping too hard, just curious.03:37
[JJ]AuburnIf this idea has any sort of definite dealbreaker to it, I'd just as soon go w/ a PCI-E 1x port, but it'd be great if I could use the M.2 port and conserve space03:37
holstein[JJ]Auburn: sure.. try a channel, where folks are, that use hardware.. like #hardware03:37
[JJ]Auburnyup, I am on there right now and have asked03:37
[JJ]Auburnhoping for a reply03:37
holstein[JJ]Auburn: or, try the larger channel #ubuntu.. this is just for xubuntu.. xfce and xubuntu.. small channel03:38
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:38
holsteinand use the offtopic channels, since, you are not seeking support.. #ubuntu-offtopic03:38
[JJ]Auburnyes, I have asked on ubuntu-offtopic but I've gotten no immediate reply03:38
holstein[JJ]Auburn: the answer can be, no one has tried it..03:38
[JJ]Auburnthat sounds very likely, as I've not found anything online approaching this line of logic03:39
[JJ]Auburnbut if I could prove it viable, and linux drivers exist for the range of chip I'm looking at, then think of how great that'd be03:39
[JJ]AuburnI'd have a choice in possibly installing internal antennas in my case03:40
[JJ]Auburnor, something else. I dunno, but the possibility of conserving space but having the same functionality as wifi from a standard PCI/USB card, that interests me03:41
holstein[JJ]Auburn: plug it in, and see.. the choices are.. ask the creators. try it yourself...03:41
holstein*everything* else is speculation, and can actually be different chipsets03:42
[JJ]Auburnyou're right, that might be my only real recourse03:42
[JJ]Auburnwhen I get a chance, I might find out if someplace nearby has such cards and give it a shot03:42
holsteinmake sure its ok that you completely ruin both the device and the computer you are testing..03:43
[JJ]Auburnyeah, I would know there's a risk based on the form factor and port type alone03:43
[JJ]AuburnI am researching it some more though, holstein. I am noting that there is really only one type of chip out there ATM like what I'm wanting.03:56
[JJ]AuburnAnd it is probably only a year old, and development for drivers is still ongoing (I'm guessing).03:56
[JJ]AuburnIntel® Wireless 726003:56
[JJ]AuburnThere's a generic M.2 variation of this chip, with M.2-compatible laptops in mind.03:57
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roo79xhi all I am trying to ssh to my raspberry pi using pi@serverpi but I get an error ssh: Could not resolve hostname serverpi: Name or service not known. I can access it if I use pi@ipaddress is there something I'm missing?09:32
deshipua dns entry09:32
roo79xdeshipu: ok I'll go look it up I don't know how to add a dns entry, thank you for your time09:34
roo79xok just did a bit of googling but I'm confused, do I add serverpi <ipaddress> to /etc/resolv.conf?09:46
irthroo79x: you can make an alias in ssh config09:47
irthroo79x: google ssh host alias (i don't remember how to do that)09:48
irth(i mean, i remember how to google, i don't remember how to make aliases :D)09:48
roo79xok thanks09:48
roo79xok fixed it I just added <ipaddress>   serverpi to /etc/hosts thank you once angain guys for the great help and your time09:53
fufeseGood morning. I have just installed ubuntu 14.10 on a brand new laptop, an asus p550L, everything seem to be working fine except for the internal microphone. I have adjusted all the volumes in alsa-mixer but so far I haven't been able to make it work10:57
bazhangtry pavucontrol , padevchooser after making sure its not muted in alsamixer11:07
bazhangwhat is pcm set to in alsamixer11:07
fufeseI have bazhag, it is not muted in alsamixer11:07
bazhangyou're crossposting this in #ubuntu11:08
fufeseand I have tried pavucontrol too, the internal mic shows no sign of life there either11:08
bazhangwhat is pcm set to11:08
fufeseI am sorry, I am by no mean an expert what does pcm stand for?11:09
bazhanga setting in alsamixer11:09
fufeseah let me check11:10
bazhangdont set to 10011:10
fufesepcm is set to a 100 should I set it to a lower value or mute it completely?11:11
bazhang100 will be all screechy noise or even nothing as it overloads11:12
fufesestill nothing11:14
fufeseif I go in pavucontrol under input devices I only see built in analog stereo and under port internal microphone and if I try talking the bar barely moves11:16
fufeseunder alsamixer it also sees a hda intel hdmi which have no capture control or any other setting11:18
fufesebazhang still there?11:21
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems <--- seen this?11:21
fufesewell the problem is, it is not a sound issue, I hear all sounds from my speakers perfectly11:22
fufeseit's a internal mic issue11:22
bazhangand that link has info on microphones11:22
bazhangso you have not checked it then11:22
fufeselet me see, i have checked so many I honestly lost count11:23
fufeseI am checking it now11:26
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AudioCapture and here11:30
bazhangwhats the outcome fufese11:55
poncHi friends! I have just upgraded to 14.10 release from 14.0412:13
poncbut i'm experiencing some problems12:14
poncis there any way to come back to 14.04?12:14
Unit193No, you can't move backwards.12:15
deshipuactually, yes, just recover from the backup that you were asked to make before you upgraded12:17
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poncthe problem is like with this new xubuntu, the applications doesn't load the gtk+ theme as default12:19
poncand I don't know how to change it12:19
poncits like gtk is broken after upgrade12:20
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xubuntu00wUFEI boot with problemas, `booting in insecure mode`14:59
xubuntu00wUFEI boot with problems, `booting in insecure mode`14:59
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:00
holsteinxubuntu00w: if your hardware has something in place to prevent you from installing other operating systems, and disabling that "feature" causes a message, you may just need to live with that message..15:01
xubuntu00wI don`t think, i test with 14.04 and doesn`t have any error15:02
holsteinxubuntu00w: i say, enjoy 14.04, then.. its still supported15:02
xubuntu00wGood i Will intall 14.04 and give distro-upgrade15:02
holsteinxubuntu00w: you may not have enough information there to assume its an issue related to whatever other version you are using, that you dont mention the version # of.. or, you could have a bad iso download15:03
holsteinxubuntu00w: i actually *dont* suggest that at all15:03
xubuntu00wthanks, going install 14.04 thanks all15:03
holsteinxubuntu00w: if you cant get your hardware to support 14.10 live, then, i would think it safe to assume you could have the same issues with 14.10 upgraded15:03
holsteinxubuntu00w: sure.. enjoy 14.04.. the lts..15:03
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Thar) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://release.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyThar/ReleaseNotes15:03
Fohlenhey guys, how can I switch my default browser to chromium (entirely)15:16
Fohlenxubuntu 14.0415:16
FohlenI tried to use the default-application setting in the menu but no success so far. I also changed mime.types in the console which (at least) oppens chromium by default now15:17
Fohlenfor links15:17
brainwashFohlen: which browser is launched if run the command "exo-open --launch WebBrowser"?15:27
holsteinyou can try sudo update-alternatives –config x-www-browser15:30
Fohlenholstein: did that.15:32
holsteinFohlen: are you just getting the popup from chromium? if so, i just tick the "dont show me this again" box..15:32
Fohlenholstein: when clicking on "Browser" in the menu tab it asks me what is the default browser every session15:33
Fohlensometimes even twice a session15:33
holsteinFohlen: sure.. can you tick the "dont show me" box.. i set mine in the terminal, and then, i just ask not to be prompted..15:33
Fohlenwell it doesn't open either than15:34
holsteinFohlen: what doesnt open what?15:35
Fohlenwhen I (eg) press the internet button (which is a shortcut to the menu entry I believe) it neither opens the browser, ofcourse15:36
Fohlenbut I see the point15:36
Fohlenholstein: any idea how comes this "bug"? I use chromium on lubuntu and it works fine using the described methode15:37
holsteinFohlen: 10:27 < brainwash> Fohlen: which browser is launched if run the command "exo-open --launch WebBrowser"?15:37
Fohlenholstein: it asks me which browser to use15:38
Fohlensilly, it also doesn't show the symbol (like for firefox) in the list15:39
FohlenI wonder if it's not propperly installed15:39
FohlenI used the console apt-get and that causes problems with the menu sometimes15:39
holsteinFohlen: not here15:39
Fohlenas far as I can tell15:39
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:39
Fohlenholstein: it is missing integration or icons sometimes15:39
holsteinFohlen: see if you can qualify the steps you have taken, and get someone to reproduce. works fine here15:39
Fohlenusing SoftwareCenter everything works, normally15:39
FohlenI'll do that15:40
holsteinFohlen: sure.. im just saying, for me, here, on xubuntu, it doesnt "sometimes not work"15:40
ExecutionerI'm getting a hang when using the alternative installer of 12.04, are there any logs to check?16:06
Evil_Ericok its been a few days since ive installed ubuntu and i got a few weird things happening16:23
Evil_Ericim trying to figure out when after a few mins of logging on gzip runs hard in the background16:24
Evil_Ericfor 2 or 3 mins16:24
Evil_Ericoooo im being retarded nm found the reason thanks for putting up with my stupidity16:26
DeepakHi Team, I spent 2 hours connecting my xubuntu desktop to my wired internet but I could'nt. On my windows 7 machine it shows wan miniport pppoe. I tried connecting my same wire to laptop and chose DSL. It did not connect. I tried pppoe conf and did all setup but when i use plog command it shows bad authentication, connection failed. I don't know what to do no16:28
Deepakpls help guys16:34
DeepakHi Team, I spent 2 hours connecting my xubuntu desktop to my wired internet but I could'nt. On my windows 7 machine it shows wan miniport pppoe. I tried connecting my same wire to laptop and chose DSL. It did not connect. I tried pppoe conf and did all setup but when i use plog command it shows bad authentication, connection failed. I don't know what to do no16:34
Alexfrenchyour hardware maybe isn't recognized ??16:35
Deepakwell how should I proceed, when i was checking xubuntu before installation in live mode. It connected well16:37
Alexfrenchmaybe list your hardware to check if  your lan card is compatible ?16:38
drc" bad authentication, connection failed" should be a big hint.  Start with password(s) and then to encrryption (wpa, etc)16:40
drcOH, sorry, you said wired, not wireless.16:41
Deepakok thanks guys...I will look into it soon16:41
drcI'd still look into the necessary driver for the lan card, like Alexfrench said.16:42
* drc hasn't seen the word "ppoe" in a very long time :)16:42
squeegilyIs there a way to get media button control for gmusicbrowser without making changes to the Window manager configuration?20:41
Alexfrenchyou mean use it as a lancer ??20:45
rosaecaeruleaeis there any way i can blank the screen on demand, but all processess keep running?21:10
rosaecaeruleaeimagine I want to listen to a song in total darkness and want to blank the screen21:10
deshipurosaecaeruleae: just set the screensaver to disable the screen21:13
deshipurosaecaeruleae: and then invoke the screensaver21:13
rosaecaeruleaehow do I invoke hte scrreensaver?21:13
brainwashrosaecaeruleae: you can run "xset dpms force off" to trigger screen blanking21:13
brainwashrosaecaeruleae: do you use light-locker?21:14
rosaecaeruleaexset dpms force off logged me off , with a very bright log in screen21:15
rosaecaeruleaeyes i have light locker21:15
brainwashah, it locked your screen21:15
brainwashlight-locker listens to certain events21:16
brainwashand it should actually blank the unlock screen initially :/21:17
brainwashrosaecaeruleae: you could disable automatic screen locking (light locker settings)21:18
brainwashunless you need it to lock automatically21:18
gijoe3kHas anyone had any success setting up multi monitors with having the 2nd monitor on the left of the main monitor under Xubuntu 14.10?21:27
Hundgijoe3k, Yes21:27
HundI recomend Xrandr.21:28
gijoe3kReally! Ive been struggling to get it working under mine.21:28
Hundgijoe3k, xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --output DVI-I-1 --auto --left-of HDMI-021:29
gijoe3kIt works great having the 2nd monitor on the right but if I want to have it on the left XFCE panel moves to the left and wants to treat the 2nd monitor as the primary monitor :(21:29
HundThats how I do it.21:29
gijoe3khhhmmm ill try it out21:29
gijoe3kthank you21:29
Hundgijoe3k, Dont forget to change the names though. :P21:30
HundBut Im not using Xfce atm.21:30
gijoe3kright, how do you scan names using xrandr?21:30
gijoe3koh i'ts that easy21:31
HundAlmoust to easy. :P21:31
Hundgijoe3k, You might want to add "--primary" to.21:32
gijoe3kwhere should I put "--primary"21:33
HundAfter --auto21:33
gijoe3kgotcha, thank you :)21:33
Hundgijoe3k, Did it work? :)21:34
gijoe3kgoing through it now...21:34
gijoe3kWell, it moved everything like it should of: VGA-1 ---> LVDS-121:39
gijoe3kbut it's treating my laptop screen(LVDS-1) has a secondary screen to the right of my VGA-1 screen :(21:39
gijoe3kand my VGA-1 screen as primary21:40
gijoe3kXFCE panel on the VGA-1 with desktop on the same screen21:40
HundLet me see the command you used?21:40
gijoe3kxrandr --output LVDS-1 --auto --primary --output VGA-1 --auto --left-of LVDS-121:40
HundI dont think the panels move. You have to move them yourself.21:40
gijoe3kgotcha, move and see if it will work21:41
HundAre you able to move windows to the left or the right of your primary monitor? :P21:41
rosaecaeruleaethat doidnt work, i still need a command to just blank the screen21:43
rosaecaeruleaeno log off no lock21:43
gijoe3kI am able to move windows to the right VGA-1 -----> LVDS-121:44
Hundgijoe3k, Hm21:45
gijoe3kI just move the xfce panel to LVDS-1 right clicking the panel and going to "panel" ---> "panel preferences"21:47
gijoe3kclick on the button that says "Output"21:47
gijoe3kand choosing LVDS-121:47
gijoe3kthe strange thing is I can't move over desktop items from VGA-1 to LVDS-1(HOME, TRASH and File System)21:48
Hundgijoe3k, Not sure whats wrong.21:49
gijoe3kI can move them any where in the VGA-1 screen but can't move them into LVDS-121:49
gijoe3kweird huh21:49
HundYeah. It always worked just fine when I used Xfce.21:50
gijoe3kill try a reboot21:51
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash

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