
croephaanyone know of an easy way to pull from an upstream mainline?15:12
croephawhat I do now, is bzr branch head; cd head;  bzr merge ../mybranch; bzr commit; cd .. ; rm -rvf mybranch; bzr branch head mybranch; rm -rvf head15:14
fullermdThat...  doesn't seem an obviously meaningful action.  Can you elaborate a bit more higher-level what you're wanting to do?15:23
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croephaso, there is a mainline “head”, and my project branch “mybranch” is to be merged into “head” by the “head” maintainer at some point in the future, but for now, I would like to bring other changes that have been made to the head, and bring them into my project.  I would really like to bring those in withourt adding any new commits15:27
croephafullermd: ^15:28
fullermdWell, you can't do it "without adding new commits".  You've got two separate streams to reconcile, so there has to be a merge revision.15:36
fullermdJust 'bzr merge head' in your branch.15:36
fullermdAll you're doing with that dance is clumsily manually implementing[1] 'merge --reverse' to swap around the order of the heads, which isn't what you'd want in this case anyway.15:37
fullermd[1] (which of course is all you can do, since nobody's written --reverse, but still)15:37
croephawell, I think there should be a commit that brings mybranch into head, but not head into mybranch, because later on, when people look at the mainline log, they will see people doing these extra commits that were just to get head code into project branches15:39
fullermdWhen mybranch finally lands, it'll be merged into head.  When you're continuing mybranch but keeping up with head, you're merging head into it.15:40
croephaok, there wont be any cris-cross warnning doing that?15:41
fullermdNo, that's all fine.  Criss-cross merges are something else entirely.15:41
fullermdThat has to do with merges lacking a unique MRCA.  You can't get that with "separate branch, occasionally merging trunk, eventually merged into trunk"15:43
fullermdYou usually get it with two branches repeatedly merging each other, or one branch repeatingly merging another, plus both of them merging a third.15:43
fullermdBut in your case, all the merges go one way until the end, so there's no crossing.15:43
croephaif there was continous merges on both sides, a way to solve it would be to do a bzr pull head  before doing another commit on mybranch15:45
croephanot merges, commits15:46
croephaif there were continous commits ..15:46
fullermdOnce you make a criss-cross, there isn't any way to resolve it but to plow through it (either by manually dealing with spurious conflicts, or using a different merge algorithm that doesn't notice such, etc)15:46
fullermdYou can't pull once there's divergeance, so you could do "pull, then commit" before you make your FIRST separate commit on mybranch, but it's not useful after.15:47
fullermd(someday, I'll train my fingers how to spell "divergence"...)15:48
croephaso, once head merges your branch, you throw away your branch and start with a new one15:48
fullermdIf the job of that branch is done.  Otherwise there's no reason not to keep running with it.15:49
fullermdYou could also just 'pull' in that branch then (since head is a superset of what you have).  Not much different than "rm -rf ; re-branch", but less running around the block to do it.15:49
croephawell, some times merges happen early, to get some partial new functionality15:49
fullermdYou don't get a criss-cross _any_ time two branches merge each other, only in particular cases.15:50
fullermdIn the 2-branch case, it can be roughly expressed as "merging each other at the same time"15:50
fullermde.g., I'm at rev 60, and you're at rev 70.  I merge your 70 to make my 61, you merge my 60 to make your 71.  Now we have a criss-cross.15:51
croephaok, thanks a bunch15:51
fullermdIf you merged my _61_, there wouldn't be a cross.15:51
fullermd(gets a little harder to describe, and more likely to happen, when you have 3 or 4 or 15 branches involved; it's a lot easier to get crosses that way)15:52
croephait seems like you will have a bunch of commits in the log for head that dont actually contribute any changes to the head, but i can probably live with that15:52
fullermdBut as long as you have a fairly hierarchical set of branches where you're not crossing the streams, it won't come up much.15:53
fullermdWell, they'll be in merge commits, so you won't see them in the mainline log unless you expand out the merges.15:53
fullermdJust like in mybranch, you don't see the details of all the things in head in that merge unless you expand, you just see the 'merge head'.15:53
fullermdOf course, if the 90% of the  commits in mybranch end up being "merge head"...     but that's probably more a sign of your workflow screaming in pain.15:54
croephaeh, it will probably be 10%15:55
croephaThansk for all the hellp,  btw, i just want to mention, that bzr is awesome, im not sure why git is so popular….  I have tried to get non developers to use version control for graphics and web content, and git is very difficult to explain, but everyone in my org finds bzr pretty easy to use15:57
fullermdThat's why I'm here instead of in #git    8-}15:57
LeoNerdI much prefer bzr. Mostly for monotonic integer revision numbers, and the fact I know it actually remembers renames15:58
fullermdI find the CLI a lot less obnoxious.  But if I had to pick one overriding reason, it'd be respecting and using the chirality of merges.15:59
fullermdI get the impression that git occasionally makes small steps in that direction.  Maybe someday...16:00
croephai think that in the future there will be something that just watches a directory for changes and automatically makes commits, and then the user will occasionally label those commits16:01
LeoNerdI want it to commit -only- when I want it to16:02
fullermdI think that's called "VMS"   ;p16:02
croephai know that seems like a bad thing, but for non developers it would be a drop in vc solution16:02
LeoNerdThe only -major- thing I miss from git is  rebase -i  but I'm sure there'll be a plugin somewhere with it... right? ;)16:03

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