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frankbanuiteam I need reviews and QA for https://codereview.appspot.com/195720043 (GUI charm). Thanks!14:20
rick_h_frankban: looking ty14:20
jcastrowelcome back everyone!14:32
jcastroluca, so new videos page this month I gather?14:33
lucaHappy new year jcastro 14:33
rick_h_luca: oh yea, missed that in our call. We need to plan/get with the web team on dismantling juju.ubuntu.com in a way that keeps our current blog/etc running14:33
lucajcastro: hopefully, Ant’s been pulled onto another project until the 15th of Jan, but it’s one of the next tasks to do14:33
rick_h_we want Ant, we want Ant14:34
lucarick_h_: ah, yes! We need to take it down :)14:34
lucahaha yeah me too!14:34
rick_h_luca: well the blog comes from there so we have to do it carefully14:34
rick_h_but docs in particular I'd love to see redirected14:34
rick_h_luca: so we can start to get good stats on doc usages/etc14:34
jcastroyeah the vids url needs to be redirected too14:34
rick_h_yea, that requires pulling from insights or some other url we don't have from the web team yet14:35
jcastroI gotta admit putting videos on insights was a brilliant idea14:35
lucaAnt’s still on holiday but is back on wednesday, I can schedule a chat later in the week14:37
jcastroI just want it on the list somewhere before the sprint14:37
lucajcastro: then consider it on the list :)14:38
rick_h_luca: yes, let's get a bullet list of the roadmap to pulling it down/apart14:38
rick_h_luca: make sure to add me to the call please14:38
lucarick_h_: will do14:39
rick_h_luca: ty kind sir14:40
jcastrohey since I have both of you here14:44
jcastroIt's hard to find where to report a bug on this charm14:45
jcastro(you can't)14:45
rick_h_jcastro: k, use the report bug feature at the bottom of the page and we'll get on it for the next release14:49
rick_h_"Report a bug on this site"14:49
jcastronot on the site14:49
jcastrowhich yeah we need14:49
jcastroI mean a bug on this charm14:49
rick_h_jcastro: right, so we need to build links to the bug url for the charm14:50
rick_h_so I'd call that a bug on jujucharms.com it should have a bug link for you like the old site didn14:50
rick_h_so I'm just saying file that bug and we'll get on it14:50
rick_h_there is text in the readme about filing a bug on that charm14:50
rick_h_but it's not quite complete/easy14:50
rick_h_Report bugs at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/charms Location: http://jujucharms.com :/14:50
jcastroit's out of date anyway, I am doing an MP to fix it now14:51
rick_h_jcastro: ok14:51
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jcastrohey rick20:07
jcastrorick_h_: hey so what field are you populating for the by line for the charm pages20:07
jcastrobecause the metadata is wrong in metadata.yaml20:07
jcastrobut correct in the by line20:07
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rick_h_jcastro: yea, like marco says we ignore maintainer because once a charm is forked it lies. We go by the bzr branch. We're working on making that better23:53

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