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pittiGood morning, and happy new year!06:49
larsuhappy new year pitti!06:50
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?06:52
larsupitti: sehr gut, danke. War die letzten zwei Wochen in Italien :) Und dir?06:54
pittilarsu: mir auch, wir waren 2 Wochen in Dresden06:55
didrocksgood morning and happy new year folks!07:15
larsudidrocks! Happy new year!07:15
didrockshey larsu! how is it going? :)07:15
larsudidrocks: good, except that it's Monday after the break ;)07:15
didrockslarsu: I'm great, thanks! Same feeling :)07:17
pittibonjour didrocks, bonne année !07:20
didrocksbonne année à toi aussi pitti !07:21
happyarondidrocks: how to request removal of a package?07:32
happyaronis this sufficient? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/im-switch/+bug/140757807:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1407578 in im-switch (Ubuntu) "Please remove im-switch from the archive" [Medium,New]07:33
didrockshappyaron: it's perfect! I'm doing the removal then :)07:34
didrocksonce I can type my ssh key of course, waow, 5 trials!07:35
didrockshappyaron: and done: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/im-switch/+publishinghistory07:37
didrocksyw ;)07:37
mlankhorstHello, desktop!\n07:54
didrockshey mlankhorst! You have EOL issues this year it seems :)07:54
mlankhorstI know the lts stack was rejected, is that what you mean?07:55
didrocksmlankhorst: just a reference to your \n ;)07:55
mlankhorstah :P07:55
seb128good morning desktopers08:06
seb128happy new year08:06
mlankhorstHappy newyear y'all08:06
pittibonjour seb128, bonne année !08:07
pittihey mlankhorst, happy new year to you too!08:08
darkxsthey seb128, pitti, didrocks, Laney, happy new year08:09
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts? glückliches neues jahr08:09
didrockshappy new year darkxst08:09
pittiseb128: gut, danke! mais un mec français m'a envoyè trop de Schnaps ! :-)08:10
seb128pitti, ahah, il est bon ? ;-)08:14
pittiseb128: TBH we haven't tried it yet -- we've spent the two weeks in Dresden and didn't take it with us08:38
seb128pitti, k, no worry ;-) had fun there?08:38
pittiseb128: oh yes, and rather relaxing as we had plenty of time08:39
pittiI only just now picked up a cold, after having evaded it from at least five other people in the past 3 weeks :(08:39
willcookeMorning all08:54
seb128hey willcooke08:55
willcookeHi seb128 - nice holiday?08:55
seb128excellent ones, thanks!08:56
didrockshey willcooke!08:57
willcookehey hey08:57
larsuhi willcooke!08:57
willcookeyo larsu08:57
mlankhorstand a happy newyear08:59
ochosihappy new year everyone08:59
willcookehey mlankhorst ochosi08:59
willcookeseb128, not bad at all - but I still think I could use a couple more days off ;)08:59
seb128hehe, same here ;-)09:00
seb128hey ochosi, happy new year09:00
willcookedidrocks, did you see the backlight discussion on ubuntu-devel?09:00
ochosiseb128: good news, on a MR for xdg-utils that we worked on >6months ago (you probably don't even remember): my patch has finally been merged upstream09:01
seb128I remember it09:02
seb128great ;-)09:02
didrockswillcooke: read it, didn't dive into it, but I'll give some tests in systemd09:03
willcookedidrocks, nice, thanks09:03
didrocksyw ;)09:03
ochosiseb128: thing is though, the xdg-screensaver script in ubuntu is still a bit garbled and needs a cleanup. there is some duplicate code there (possibly a patch has been merged twice or erroneously)09:03
ochosiseb128: maybe we could just pull in the upstream version?09:03
seb128ochosi, yeah, we should do that09:04
willcookemorning Laney09:06
Laneyfunny seeing activity after the previous weeks09:06
seb128hey Laney, happy new year!09:09
seb128Laney, you let IRC running during holidays?09:09
didrockshappy new year Laney!09:09
happyaronhappy new year!09:11
willcookehey happyaron09:11
happyaronwillcooke: :)09:12
Laneyhey willcooke seb128 didrocks happyaron09:13
Laneyyeah I always leave IRC on09:14
mlankhorstwho doesn't :P09:14
Laneygood hols?09:14
seb128excellent, thanks! you?09:15
seb128Laney, you should really stop IRC on holidays, make you good to totally cut from usual business for a while ;-)09:15
seb128Laney, how did the moving go btw?09:15
Laneywell I have some personal channels :P09:16
Laneyoh yeah, it went pretty well thanks09:16
Laneygood to have more space!09:16
Laneycan't be bothered to do the remaining painting though ...09:17
larsuhappy new year Laney!09:23
Laneyhey larsu!09:26
Laneyhow's it going?09:26
Laneyhow was italy?09:26
larsuhiked on capri and along the amalfi coast09:27
larsuvery beautiful down there09:27
larsuhow were your holidays?09:27
Laneyrelaxing, thanks! mainly spent time with family hanging out09:35
Laneyback here for new years fireworks09:36
larsunice :)09:37
Laneydarkxst: have you noticed that ubuntu-gnome images fail to build btw?09:47
darkxstLaney, yes, that will resolve itself as soon as the 3.14 bits get uploaded09:49
LaneyI guess this is because of -desktop -> adwaita-icon-theme -(breaks)-> gnome-themes-standard-data <- gnome-themes-standard <- gnome-shell <- ubuntu-gnome-desktop09:50
Laneyor similar09:50
darkxstLaney, yep thats about it09:50
willcookewe need to get "window focus follows where I am looking" in to Mir :)10:40
mlankhorsthm the monthly siren test is late..11:03
davmor2willcooke: isn't that called google glass ;)11:05
willcookedavmor2, heh - not quite11:06
willcookedavmor2, I get cross when I'm looking at my browser window but when I type it goes in to, say xchat11:06
willcookeI want the computer to "just know"11:07
willcookehow hard can it be?11:07
didrocksjust enable your webcams, not sure you will like it :p11:07
willcookeI wonder if something like the camera in the wii mote could work?  Reflect IR light off your eyes and determine, to begin with, which monitor you are looking at11:10
* willcooke adds it to his list of things to play with11:10
willcookeoh, on a different topic, is WUBI maintained any more?11:10
willcookelooks like it is11:12
didrocksit doesn't really work with windows 8 AFAIK, so kind of maintained, but not the way forward11:14
davmor2willcooke: yes and no, the windows installer bit I think has been stopped however the menu item that tells you about Ubuntu and allows you to reboot I think is maintained by canonical11:14
willcookeI assume that secure boot makes it very hard to install a new OS from inside another one (by design I expect)11:15
* didrocks spent a lot of time to install ubuntu on Julie's new laptop due to windows 8 and ubiquity not detecting windows11:16
willcookeWould I be correct in advising someone to try the live USB stick as a way to try Ubuntu on a w8 machine?  (or would that also be disabled?)11:16
didrockswillcooke: live USB stick works, but it's not straightfoward to know if you start in UEFI mode or not (and that can depend on the bios)11:18
didrockswillcooke: basically, the rule is "if you have the grub menu for starting the live usb, you are in UEFI mode" (notice that some people tell it's the """ugly""" version)11:19
didrocksotherwise, you have the nice graphic11:19
didrockslooks unpolished TBH11:19
didrocksand I will keep my other deception due to this new install for our 1o1 :)11:19
didrocks(especially a lot of unity regressions)11:20
didrocksTBH, we really regressed11:20
willcookecan we do anything about it this cycle?11:21
didrockswillcooke: depends, we can get some unity 7 regressions fixed maybe, not sure about ubiquity though11:22
didrockswillcooke: but that would need as well backporting to the LTS to be useful, so more work11:23
* willcooke starts a new list of "things for 15.10"11:23
willcookeshould probably be a wiki page11:23
didrockswillcooke: I'm just afraid that we keep telling "we'll see once we get unity 8" and the current situation getting worse and worse11:23
didrockswillcooke: or a pad?11:23
willcookeoh, good idea11:23
willcookedo pads last for ever?11:24
didrocksI need to reconfirm some bugs anyway on my own machine first though11:24
willcookedo we have a "team site" on there already?11:24
didrockswillcooke: just use http://pad.ubuntu.com/11:24
didrocksthere are some for some topics like the gtk one (see !topic)11:25
didrocksbut nothing general AFAIK11:25
willcookeI wonder how I get a nice URL11:25
Laneyold skool content11:25
Laneydelete it all :)11:26
willcookereally delete it??  cos I will11:26
Laneymaybe up to "Useful links" ...11:26
willcookeit has versioning right?11:26
Laneythere's Saved Revisions up top11:27
LaneyI guess that works ?!?!?!?!11:27
didrocksoh, yeah, the "for R" one, I thought it had been deleted11:27
willcooketoo late :)11:27
didrocksLaney: it worked at least (used it when we got attacked)11:27
Laneyregressions probably work as bugs though11:28
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Laneydidrocks: feel like demoting vala-0.24 to universe?11:37
didrocksLaney: should I check all rdepends or did you already?11:39
Laneyreverse-depends -b src:vala-0.24 looks good to me11:40
didrocksLaney: ok, I'll wait for your vala upload to propagate first and recheck without the valac dep to ensure11:41
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* willcooke -> lunch12:25
Chipacais there a way to make the buttons in gnome dialogues be at the bottom, where they have always been, instead of at the top of the window, which is not where i expect them to be and seems to me to break the way i read the dialogue?12:34
larsuChipaca: they should be on the bottom in unity12:40
larsuit's controlled by the Gtk/DialogsUseHeaderbar xsetting, which is set by the desktop environment12:42
larsudidrocks: any idea why dbus service files in .local/share/dbus-1/services aren't picked up by the daemon?12:43
* larsu is fixing gnome-termin12:43
didrockslarsu: no, I didn't dig into why g-t changed as you had more knowledge than I there :)12:47
larsudidrocks: right... I'll ask desrt what he did to make this work for him12:48
didrocksyeah, seems the best lead12:49
seb128didrocks, what sort of unity7 regressions did you notice?12:50
larsuaccording to dbus' docs, it follows xdg spec, so it should work12:50
seb128I had the impression things slightly improve rather than regress since the LTS, no real feature work happened, it's mostly bugfixing12:50
didrocksseb128: related to masking mounted devices in particular12:50
seb128masking from the launcher?12:51
seb128I guess it's a feature I don't use, so I didn't notice12:51
seb128it was supposed to store the things you don't want in gsettings iirc?12:51
didrocksseb128: also, the other now well-known bug about adding an icon to the launcher via gsettings (which I was forced to do through gsettings only)12:51
didrocksseb128: right, from the launcher12:51
seb128that's not working anymore?12:51
didrocksat least, on Julie's laptop, I need to test here as well12:52
seb128well, the gsettings adding is a bit unfortunate12:52
didrocksif you have a windows 8 machine, you have something like 4 partitions12:52
seb128but it's not an "normal user" scenario12:52
seb128well it becomes when some other program use it, like ubuntu-make12:52
didrocksright, but dragging and dropping the .desktop file didn't work either12:53
didrocksbasically, unity always reverted12:53
didrocksah, I remember now, I wanted to remove the devices:// entry12:53
seb128from the dash to the launcher?12:53
didrocksthis doesn't work first because it always ignored on her laptop12:53
didrockslike when ubuntu make adds an entry12:53
didrocksthen, I tried to kill it12:53
didrockschange in gsettings12:54
didrocksrestart it12:54
didrocksno devices:// but they were still listed12:54
didrocksand finally I tried to blacklist them12:54
didrocks(which is another option)12:54
seb128did you try to right click and pick the remove option?12:54
didrocksand I checked the UUID twice12:54
didrocksyeah, didn't work on her machine12:54
didrocksworks here though12:54
didrocksI'm sure they clearly have a race in their settings handling12:55
seb128did you install her the LTS or utopic or vivid?12:55
larsudidrocks: you can't have a list in gsettings that is race-free12:55
didrocksso yeah, 3 failures in a row, after a complex install, wasn't really a nice way to see our LTS12:55
larsudidrocks: but probably this isn't the problem here12:55
didrockslarsu: unsure, maybe it is?12:56
larsudidrocks: did you update the list from two places at the same time?12:56
seb128didrocks, yeah, to be honest you are doing non-basic changes since you are fiddling with gsettings and non UI commands12:56
seb128but those should still be working :/12:56
didrockslarsu: I don't know, it shouldn't update on the unity side12:56
didrocksseb128: well, "remove from launcher" is an UI command12:57
larsudidrocks: ya, they're probably writing an old value when they shouldn't12:57
didrocksbut yeah, even without this, this should still be working, covered by tests as we painfully got with unity7 at first12:57
didrockslarsu: I guess so12:57
seb128didrocks, with some luck they are all the same bug and Trevinho is eventually going to fix it ;-)12:59
didrocksseb128: I do hope as well, I guess it's andyrock who is assigned to them now though13:00
seb128wfm as well, as long as somebody fixes it13:00
didrockssame here :) knowing that it's really worked on would be a good start though13:01
Trevinho hey guys13:01
didrockshappy new year Trevinho!13:02
TrevinhoYes, andyrock is going to work on the gsettings stuff13:02
TrevinhoYou too didrocks13:02
didrocksgreat to hear ;)13:02
TrevinhoAnd everybody else13:02
didrocksas seb128 told, let's hope they all have the same source13:02
didrockswhich is likely tbh13:02
seb128Trevinho, hey, happy new year!13:03
seb128Trevinho, did you have good holidays?13:03
Trevinhoseb128: Yes thanks... I've been to ski in the alps near to the border between Italy and France.. Not too much snow, but had wonderful time anyway!13:04
Trevinhoseb128: what about you?13:04
seb128I had good holidays as well, mostly family time, nothing fancy but relaxing ;-)13:04
TrevinhoI probably missed that... I really wanted to have time to sit down and hack a little on pet projects, but really I had neither a free minute to stay with my laptop in all these days... And while that's good, thing, I still have not realized that we've been in holidays :-)13:08
TrevinhoAnyway... About the didrocks thing related to the devices and Launcher icons, that's something I started to work at it some time ago, and also I've some code ready, but I need to refractor some stuff and other priorities have come up...13:11
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Chipacalarsu: ah, ok. my xsettings are broken then, but it's my fault :) thanks!13:23
desrthappy monday13:44
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willcookehey desrt13:57
desrtwillcooke: hello13:57
desrtgood holidays?13:57
larsudesrt: happy Monday!14:03
desrtlarsu: thx :D14:04
desrtseems to be a slow one around here....14:04
desrtor maybe i'm just on the wrong timezone14:04
larsugot something for you: how does the dbus daemon pick up services in .local/share/dbus-1/sevices for you?14:04
* pitti waves to desrt, happy new year!14:04
larsudesrt: you mention this in the bug about your gnome-terminal irssi profile14:05
larsuit should according to its docs, but doesn't work for me14:05
desrtpitti: same :)14:06
desrtpitti: i spent a lot of time working on getting jhbuild-on-ubuntu working again over the holidays14:06
desrtlarsu: i vaguely recall some issue about this when i first installed debian14:07
desrti also recall solving it very rapidly and i don't recall how14:07
desrtprobably has to do with the session config file?14:07
larsudesrt: the session config file has <standard_session_servicedirs /> set, which (according to the docs) adds xdg base directories14:08
larsuwhich include .local/share14:08
desrtdid the directory exist when you logged in?14:09
desrti'm beat for ideas :)14:09
larsume too :/14:09
desrtdid the _files_ exist when you logged in?14:09
desrt...are they valid? :)14:09
larsugood question14:09
larsuwhere does dbus log?14:10
desrtthis is the entirety of my setup14:10
desrtthis is the rest of the entirety: http://pastebin.com/n3qZrQNi ;)14:11
larsuuh oh, I have s/D-BUS/D-Bus - maybe that's the issue14:11
larsudesrt: Thanks. in related news, gdk_set_program_class() is useless14:12
larsuyou can't call it before gtk_init()14:12
desrtis that the wmclass-modifying stuff?14:12
larsuand calling it after overrides the passed --class (that gtk_init()) parses14:12
larsudesrt: yes14:12
larsu(sorry about the wrong paren)14:12
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tedLaney, I believe you're on the list of maintainers here, can you look at this? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=77214814:28
ubot5Debian bug 772148 in bustle "bustle: Split out bustle-pcap into a separate binary package" [Wishlist,Open]14:28
seb128 desrt, ted, hey,  happy new year14:30
Laneyted: ok14:30
Laneylater though, patch piloting atm14:30
desrtlarsu: just use app ids :)14:30
desrtthe shell ignores wmclass if _GTK_APPLICATION_ID is set14:30
larsudesrt: unity doesn't14:30
desrtpatch bamf :)14:31
larsuI know this is the best solution, and I know I shouldn't care14:31
desrtbamf was written to do everything it could to identify/categorise apps14:31
larsubut this is fucked up14:31
larsuWM_CLASS was totally fine14:31
desrtthe fact that nobody maintains it means that it ignores a very high quality source of data14:31
larsuand now it's not because of reasons?14:31
desrtie: if it was written today, _GTK_APPLICATION_ID would be at the top of the list of things it looked at14:32
seb128desrt, nobody maintains what? bamf? Trevinho does14:32
larsudesrt: also, WHY WHY WHY is gnome-terminal-server exist?14:32
desrtwhy is that a problem for you?14:33
desrtimho it's the 'correct' way14:33
larsug_set_prgname("gnome-terminal-server"); gdk_set_program_class("Gnome-terminal"); is just wrong14:33
desrtoh.  because of that.14:33
desrtfix bamf.  i'm serious.14:33
tedLaney, Cool, thanks!14:33
desrtyou'll be making the world a better place14:34
larsudesrt: ya, that's most practical. It's still a messed up situation14:34
desrtlarsu: the only thing messed up about the situation is that _GTK_ is in the name of the property14:34
larsudesrt: why does gnome-terminal-server even exist?14:35
larsualso, awesome comments in that code:   /* No-op required because GApplication is stupid */14:35
desrtbecause this is actually the recommended way of implementing gapplication for apps that are concerned about behaving precisely as if they were not single-instance14:35
desrtlarsu: well, that's chpe for you :)14:35
larsudesrt: gnome-terminal _is_ single instance14:36
desrtgnome-terminal has to care about lifecycle of the invoked processes14:36
desrtso its only option is to use a seperate service14:36
larsuthose life cycles are bound to a window, aren't they?14:36
desrtthe trouble is this:14:36
larsu(well, tab really)14:36
desrt1) script runs a gnome-terminal instance14:36
desrt2) from that instance, user opens new window14:36
desrt3) script stuff finishes, tab closes14:37
desrt4) ...but gnome-terminal executable still runs14:37
desrtthe only way to avoid that problem is by treating every /usr/bin/gnome-terminal as a client bound to a single tab and having the service separate14:37
desrtotherwise you end up with the (from the view of the caller) random chance that the process that you start is 'special' and won't behave as you want it to14:38
larsuhm, so `gnome-terminal` is more like gnome-terminal-launcher?14:38
* larsu dislikes, but sees your point14:38
desrtapps that don't care about this stuff are better off to use the hybrid (--gapplication-service) stuff since it's a lot less fuss14:38
desrtbut for apps that need it, the way that gnome-terminal is structured really is necessary14:39
desrtof course, you could put both halves into the same executable14:39
desrtand use IS_LAUNCHER14:39
larsuis gnome-terminal a shell script with a dbus-send in it?14:39
desrtlarsu: no.  but it could be.14:40
desrtlarsu: more likely, it would be based on gapplication, though14:40
desrtgapplication(1) that is14:40
desrtwe even give an example of how to write such a shellscript :)14:40
desrtbut here's the kicker: gnome-terminal circumvents gapplication14:42
desrtit has its own private launching protocol14:42
desrtit does things that i didn't want to add to normal gapplication14:43
desrtlike sending the full set of open fds...14:43
desrt(apparently "xterm -c 'foo >&3' 3> result" is a thing)14:43
desrtso uh.. probably it won't ever be rewritten as a shellscript :)14:46
larsubut ... why?14:49
larsuseems like something that's not really needed tbh14:49
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Trevinhodesert, larsu: feel free to open a bug in bamf and assign me, I'll take care of that15:09
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desrtTrevinho: nice!15:38
desrtlarsu: did you open that bug?15:38
* desrt doesn't find one15:39
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desrtTrevinho: bug is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bamf/+bug/1407711 but it seems that LP won't let me assign bugs to you15:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1407711 in BAMF "match on _GTK_APPLICATION_ID" [Undecided,New]15:42
larsudesrt: no, I was napping :)15:45
larsualready dark here...15:45
larsuthanks for opening it15:45
didrocksLaney: vala 0.24 demoted btw15:57
didrocksyw ;)15:58
didrocksphew, got all large tests running and passing again for ubuntu make15:58
* didrocks can't wait to have the datacenter back up after a month15:58
Trevinhodesrt: thanks15:59
didrocksdesrt: I just did the assignement for you16:02
desrtdidrocks: thanks16:03
desrtseems that you have superpowers that i lack :)16:03
didrocksdesrt: shhhhhhhhhh I try to keep my super secret identity ;)16:03
didrockshappy new year btw ;)16:04
desrtsame to you16:04
ochosifolks, quick question, when is the switch to systemd as default planned?16:12
desrtochosi: looks like vivid cycle16:13
ochosithought as much, but no planned ETA within the cycle?16:13
didrocksochosi: when most of the blockers are fixed16:13
desrtblueprint is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration16:13
didrocksochosi: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration16:13
ochosioh good, i wasn't aware of the bp16:14
didrocksok, desrt beat me to it :p16:14
ochosithanks a bunch guys! :)16:14
didrocksyw ;)16:14
didrocksochosi: you can already install it if you want to check in advance16:14
didrocksand open bugs :)16:14
ochosiright, i think i might do that16:14
didrocksyou can still have upstart & systemd in parallel (and next grub release will show both)16:14
ochosiwas mainly asking cause for xubuntu we thought we might only participate in a2 if systemd is default16:15
didrocksochosi: yeah, anyway, just give it a try if you have time, and do not hesitate to ask if you have any question16:15
desrtochosi: could always bring in systemd instead of upstart for the xubuntu images...16:15
didrocksin particular, we are inrested in "systemctl status" after you migrate16:15
ochosidesrt: right, but if blockers aren't resolved yet, that might not be ideal16:16
ochosibut the dual-booty thing sounds like a good choice16:16
didrocksoh, that makes me think…16:16
didrocksochosi: do you know where the xubuntu plymouth theme is?16:16
seb128desrt, I guess the mir team pinged you about https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=720186 ? seems like they hit mir issues due to that one since they switched the mainloop to use the glib one16:16
ubot5Gnome bug 720186 in mainloop "g_main_context_unref() versus g_source_unref() race" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:16
didrocksI don't remember seeing it in the plymouth package16:16
desrtseb128: oh ya... i saw that one fly by while i was on holiday16:17
ochosididrocks: it's in xubuntu-artwork, why?16:17
didrocksochosi: because I may change some things for systemd vs fsck vs plymouth16:17
desrtseb128: trying to fix a crash in file monitors, then i will look at this16:17
seb128desrt, thanks16:17
desrtmy 'stuff to do before getting back to kdbus' list gets longer :)16:17
ochosididrocks: ah, cool16:18
didrocksochosi: keeping backward upstart/mountall capability but still need some changes, so I'll give it a look as well16:18
ochosididrocks: to be exact: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/vivid/files/head:/lib/plymouth/themes/16:18
ochosithanks in advance for that!16:19
didrocksochosi: yw! seems that you have an older version of the fsck support btw (still the progress bar), I'll have a look at how to keep that for you16:20
ochosididrocks: what's the new version? i wasnt really aware of any changes there tbh16:20
ochosibut i also have to say i sorta neglected plymouth because i personally never see it with SSD boot16:21
ochosi(shame on me)16:21
didrocksochosi: we have in ubuntu "checking disk X on Y (…% Complete)"16:21
didrocksochosi: no more spinner, progress bar or anything16:21
didrockseven if half of the code is still referencing it, it's not used anymore16:21
ochosiany reason for that?16:21
ochosii mean concrete reason16:21
didrocksochosi: I guess design? depends on if you feel it being concrete or not :)16:22
ochosiheh ok16:22
ochosiwell could've been that it caused breakage for some users16:22
didrocksyeah, I don't think so16:22
ochosik haven't heard anything like that either16:22
didrocksochosi: the thing is that you can have the bar getting back in past16:23
didrocksso it can be puzzling I guess16:23
didrocksbut I'll keep what you have today if you are happy with it, just use the new logic16:23
ochosias long as users don't complain, i won't touch plymouth too much ;)16:23
didrocksright ;)16:23
didrocksand have my fake fsck script to tests16:23
didrocksas same here, SSD FTW :)16:24
Laneyseb128: can you remember if we had a reason not to merge cairo?16:29
Laneybug #135663216:29
ubot5bug 1356632 in Linux Mint "GNOME Do should be rebuilt against DBus# 2.0" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135663216:29
Laneybug #135336216:29
ubot5bug 1353362 in cairo (Ubuntu) "cairo needs merge from debian" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135336216:29
seb128Laney, no, I think we should merge it16:31
Laneyk cool16:32
seb128didrocks, pitti, just as a fyi, the console-setup change fixes the "incorrect keyboard layout on vt" issue on test config ;-)16:33
pittiseb128: ah, bug 1400393? thanks for confirming!16:34
ubot5bug 1400393 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "wrong keyboard layout" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140039316:34
seb128pitti, indeed, yw!16:34
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larsuTrevinho: I can help out with that bamf patch if you like (and point me in the right direction)16:47
larsuTrevinho: looks to me like bamf doesn't really group windows, but rather tries to find a desktop file for each?!16:47
larsuI wonder how we could get that if we only have the application id16:48
larsuI think gnome-terminal for example doesn't have app id == desktop file name yet16:48
willcookethoughts on cancelling tomorrows weekly meeting?  If everyone is going to say "I was on holiday" should we skip?  Personally, I dont mind either way, if we have stuff to talk about we should do it.  But I suspect not, so we could save some time17:09
Trevinholarsu: mhmh.. Well you can group the windows based on the desktop id, while the desktop can be computed using the classic way17:10
didrockswillcooke: makes sense17:11
TrevinhoProbably there is some euristic to do... I need to check it better. But the matching code is quite complex17:12
larsuTrevinho: ya, and it doesn't look like it's doing any grouping yet...17:13
larsuTrevinho: and really, that's not what we need - we need to get from app id to desktop id, which is impossible unless they're the same17:13
TrevinhoMhmhm... Right17:14
seb128willcooke, could be useful to do a post holidays roundtable anyway? if nobody has update it's just going to take 10 min and everyone can go back to business?17:16
larsuTrevinho: I'll just add the case where they're equal - that should be enough for now17:16
didrockspitti: I'm reading https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=758902#56 and it seems that for newer system, since wheezy, we don't enable fsck on newer formatted partitions?17:24
ubot5Debian bug 758902 in systemd "systemd: Please make ^C interrupt systemd-fsck" [Wishlist,Open]17:24
didrocks"File systems created with mk2fs on fresh Wheezy and Jessie installs have17:24
didrocksmount-count and time based file checking disabled.17:24
desrtwillcooke: at least half of the purpose of the meeting for me is reporting what i'll be working on during the next week and seeing the same from others, having discussions, etc.17:42
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willcookesounds like tomorrow is go then, thx18:26
* willcooke -> EOD18:34
willcooketa ta18:34
NoskcajCould someone please review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/libgweather/3.14/+merge/245275 ?19:12
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