
hyperairhow does one debug an initramfs image these days?02:19
hyperairi've spent the entire morning searching for ways to extract multi-segment initramfs images, but nothing seems to show me anything useful02:19
hyperairaha, finally managed to find the XZ header02:32
=== ev_ is now known as ev
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
=== rbasak_ is now known as rbasak
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
=== _bjf is now known as bjf
=== infinity_ is now known as infinity
apwbjf, this lts uname issue you mentioned, it was uname -r which was wrong, right ?17:53
bjfapw, thinking ...17:56
apwbjf, looks like ~precise1 used to appear in uname -v only, and does not for -utopic, the other values and places look ok17:58
bjfapw, i do a uname -vr though i think it's the uname -r that should be wrong17:58
bjfapw, actually, it looks like it needs to be the uname -vr ... the ~<series> appears after the abi18:01
apwbjf, yeah it used to be in a totally useless place; really it should be part of the series abi, and the directory into which it is placed, so upgrades work ... ugg18:02
apwbjf, anyhow i see it now, and will sort it out18:02

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