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MacSlowGreetings folks and a happy new year!08:05
tsdgeosHappy new year folks :)08:12
MacSlowhey there tsdgeos... thanks and dito :)08:14
Saviqgood mornin'08:16
MacSlowhey Saviq... happy new year :)08:19
SaviqMacSlow, thanks, right back at you, you had a reminder set up to come back to work after a month? ;)08:20
MacSlowSaviq, hehe... not that was not needed :)08:20
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/unitySortFilterProxyQML/+merge/245198 this one's "good"08:23
tsdgeossomeone/we copied a class to the sdk with not all the features and the same name08:23
Saviqtsdgeos, heh, interesting08:23
tsdgeosinterestingly it works in Qt5.308:23
tsdgeosbut it's just sheer luck08:23
Saviqmzanetti, hi!, re: one staging branch, thought that would be cleaner to not have separate branches per silo09:35
Saviqmzanetti, but seeing as *all* the linked bugs are shown in the MPs, and that sometimes we need to do more than one at a time, I'm not too sure any more09:36
Saviqtsdgeos, somewhat related to bug #1403045, it looks like there's a second (empty) header on top of the Manage header09:47
ubot5bug 1403045 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Bottom edge doesn't follow finger" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140304509:47
tsdgeosthat's weird09:48
Saviqtsdgeos, only when moving09:48
tsdgeoshow do you see it?09:48
Saviqtsdgeos, as soon as I touch the bottom09:48
Saviqtsdgeos, it appears09:49
Saviqtsdgeos, ↑09:49
tsdgeosSaviq: rtm? vivid?09:49
Saviqtsdgeos, vivid09:49
* Saviq files a bug09:50
* tsdgeos wonders how did that happen09:50
Saviqtsdgeos, bug #140762009:53
ubot5bug 1407620 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Large empty space above Manage header during bottom gesture" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140762009:53
tsdgeosthat's ultra weird10:00
Saviqgreyback, o/ Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit!10:05
tsdgeosah i know what's wrong10:07
tsdgeosit's the upper part of the header10:07
greybackSaviq: Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku dla Ciebie10:07
tsdgeoslike the search10:07
tsdgeoswonder why it's there now10:07
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, that's what I thought10:07
tsdgeosmaybe it broke when we disabled search10:07
* greyback closes the google translate tab10:07
tsdgeosSaviq: i think mzanetti is not back until tomorrow10:44
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah yeah10:44
tsdgeosSaviq: i resorted to clipping the header10:44
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, sounds fine10:44
tsdgeosi wonder if this is what mzanetti was complaining about with the other bug10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, no10:45
tsdgeosah no10:45
tsdgeosyou can actually have a huge gap too10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, what he said is that you get a large gap between your finger and the top of manage dash10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, barring that, maybe we can change visibility based on the contents inside PageHeader.qml?10:45
tsdgeosit's hard10:46
tsdgeossince it's a full height background we actually need10:46
tsdgeosfor the lower part10:46
tsdgeosso would need to split into two backgrounds10:46
tsdgeosnot sure it's worth it tbh10:47
Saviqah yeah10:47
Saviqthat's fine then10:48
mzanettiSaviq: +1 on the "not so sure on one staging branch", exactly because of that weirdness with the linked bugs11:05
mzanettibut nothing that really concerns me until Wed11:05
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tsdgeosMirv: did you do anything regarding qt 5.4?11:42
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Mirvtsdgeos: I added some modules during vacation on request, but otherwise no and it should be still usable (nothing has landed so nothing currently needs a rebuild)12:25
tsdgeosso we still are black on arm12:27
Saviqcwayne, hey in the new year, could you have a look at bug #1394614 and add an appropriate task / file a bug in the appropriate project?12:58
ubot5bug 1394614 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Cached results stay in scopes even with no internet" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139461412:58
cwayneerr I'll take a look Saviq13:00
cwaynebut it seems to me that we'd want caching there, no?13:00
cwaynewhy would we want completely blank scopes :P13:00
Saviqcwayne, it's not me who filed the bug ;)13:01
cwaynefair point :)13:01
Saviqcwayne, someone wrote a manual testcase that said it should not cache13:01
davidcallecwayne, with a little timestamp on it for the last updated time, pretty please :p13:01
cwayneyeah, just saw that, I'll chase this down with them13:01
cwaynedavidcalle: good idea13:01
cwaynei'll chase down some people and see what the deal is13:01
cwayneand happy new year everyone!13:02
davidcallecwayne, Saviq, indeed, happy new year :)13:02
Saviqelopio, hey, can you please run http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-tags.py on lp:~canonical-platform-qa/unity8/edges_demo_test and any local unity8 checkouts13:04
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SaviqFuckin' Spaniards! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IznxHE2pVxc) ;D13:25
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kgunnhappy new year all14:05
facubatistakgunn, happy new year!14:08
mterrykgunn, I'm already bored with 2015, when will we release a beta of 2016 to run?14:14
kgunnmterry: hehe, that didn't take long14:14
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cwaynepete-woods: btw i moved that vimeo bug from hanloon to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scope-vimeo/+bug/140769114:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1407691 in Vimeo Scope "Vimeo scope doesnt show my videos" [Undecided,New]14:17
pete-woodscwayne: that's a bit of a "change the design please" request, but I can add a new feature to display uploaded videos, too. at the moment it (correctly) shows your feed14:18
pete-woodsi.e. the channels you have subscribed to14:18
pete-woodswould be fairly easy to add a new section or department to represent uploaded videos14:19
cwaynepete-woods: yeah, not sure if it's a wont-fix or what, just knew it wasn't hanloon :)14:20
pete-woodsokay, cool14:20
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elopioSaviq: done.14:30
mterryis jenkins down / broken?  Old deb links in MPs are giving me a 404 and it doens't seem to be generating new debs after I've added a commit to the MP14:45
Saviqmterry, which MP?14:52
Saviqmterry, seems to work somewhat http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity8-ci/14:52
Saviqmterry, old links got purged, I think old jobs get purged after some time14:53
mterrySaviq, hrm my MP is https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/tutorial-refactor/+merge/239874 (with a commit from 12/23 that never got built)14:54
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Saviqmterry, let me kick it manually14:58
mterrySaviq, OK thanks!  And it's normal that the old debs linked in that MP would be 404 now?  (we clean them out occasionally I guess)14:59
Saviqmterry, yeah, as artifacts they get purged with old jobs14:59
Saviqmterry, it's building in http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity8-ci/5074/console15:01
greyback_are qmlui tests a bit unstable atm?15:24
tsdgeosare they? last time i checked they were fine15:29
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greyback_just got a fail with https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity8/async-dbus-dashcomm/+merge/244892 - no idea why yet.15:33
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kgunngreyback_: random curiosity, what the difference between "unstable" and "failed"...is it all the Qwarns ?15:43
greyback_kgunn: it seems if a test fails, the test job is marked as unstable. jenkins makes that call. It's not looking deeply into the test case, just reads the return code to see if success of fail15:45
tsdgeosgreyback_: interesting, other jobs from today had this passing afaik15:48
greyback_tsdgeos: yeah it's odd, maybe my change breaks it. Am trying to repro locally now15:48
Saviqkgunn, failed usually means that the process of testing failed, so there's no test results (or they're incomplete etc.)15:49
kgunnSaviq: thanks...makes sense....cause all the summaries do say "0 failed"....but i see stuff like "connection refused failed" in the body15:49
kgunnof output15:50
Saviqkgunn, the top job (unity8-ci, the one that reports on MPs) basically has no unstable, if any downstream job is not success, the upstream job goes failed15:50
Saviqkgunn, your own test suite would have to determine whether warnings are ok or not (that's what UITK do, any new warnings fail the test)15:50
om26ermzanetti, Hey! back ?16:24
greyback_om26er: he's not. He's back on Wed I think16:27
om26ergreyback_, hmm, ok. I'll find him then.16:28
Saviqkgunn, bug #1407708 maybe looks similar to the issue V reported16:29
ubot5bug 1407708 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Additionally Installed scopes disappear on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140770816:29
kgunnwas just testing to confirm it...16:30
Saviqmzanetti, I know you're not here, but as it's your pet peeve - input appreciated on bug #140773016:38
ubot5bug 1407730 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Support multiple app instances in the spread" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140773016:38
om26erSaviq, during the holidays, I have discovered an issue where dash is black, the process keeps running but dash never shows.17:00
Saviqom26er, the dash isn't black, the dash simply isn't there, no?17:00
om26erSaviq, yes, that.17:00
Saviqbug #139420817:00
ubot5bug 1394208 in Canonical System Image "Unity8 unable to find the dash, which is also running in the background" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139420817:00
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mterryHow do I tell what the post-transformation values for x,y are if an Item defines a set of Transform elements in its transform field?21:58
mterry(And/or is there a way to query what the rendered x,y are?)21:59
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