
=== pvl1_ is now known as pvl1
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys?, hamsters and everything else13:14
=== Pici is now known as Guest50504
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== Pici is now known as Guest63806
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
lazyPowero/ Morning everyone14:22
lazyPowerssweeny: so, apparently revamping a blog for readability was a great weekend hack, my time on site metrics after just 1 day have increased 90 seconds.14:32
lazyPowerhuzzah for data to back up effort14:33
ssweenylazyPower, some of that might have been the tab i left open because i wanted to listen to that song but didn't have time when i first opened it14:34
* lazyPower grins14:34
lazyPowerIf you ever want to attend al ive stream just let me know. I'm typically on stream every friday night14:35
lazyPowerI had some fun on new years with audio routing taking calls over skype/hangouts and puttin them live on air for new years resolutions14:36
lazyPowerpeople went nuts for it14:36
ssweenynow that's a fancy trick14:36
lazyPoweryeah :) It was fun - and a bit tricky to get right14:45
lazyPoweri'm still spending more time fighting with jackd2 than i care to admit - one of the main problems i'm having is audio levels when using jack. I need to find a good mixer panel for it14:45
lazyPowerssweeny: are you guys still interfacing with the owncloud community scope work?16:11
lazyPowerssweeny: we emailed the contact provided and never got a response back - I'm still interested in putting jose in touch with them to get some pilot work done with this setup16:12
ssweenylazyPower, it's been a while but we should be picking back up with them soon for some related work16:12
lazyPowerawesome, can you keep me in the loop there?16:13

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