
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
=== fabo_ is now known as fabo
lordievaderGood morning.07:55
shadeslayer_hey ho09:01
shadeslayer_you're really learning japenese? :P09:19
shadeslayer_Instead of Spanish09:19
sitteralthough I will say that spanish appears too useful09:20
sittercan't have me doing useful things now can I09:20
valoriedefine useful09:22
valoriealso happy new year, everyone09:22
shadeslayer_Feliz Año :D09:23
shadeslayer_valorie: well, spanish has ~2.5 times the number of native speakers than Hindi09:24
sittervalorie: something one could use more than in the fancy situation one actually meets someone else who speaks japanese09:24
valorieI spent new year's with Albert this year09:24
sitteryah spanish is massive09:24
shadeslayer_so with English + Hindi + English09:24
valoriehe's a native Catalan speaker though09:24
shadeslayer_I'll be able to speak to a vast majority of people09:24
valorieonly learned spanish in school09:24
valorieyes, I wish I had spanish09:25
valorieabout 1/4 of the US speaks it as a first or second language09:25
shadeslayer_Well, I'm sure I can manage with English in the US :P09:25
valoriein spite of all the anti-immigrant sentiment around these days09:25
sitterRiddell: ping09:26
shadeslayer_sitter: FWIW bank holiday in Spain, he might not be coming in09:26
sittershadeslayer_: that's brave of you to say09:26
shadeslayer_sitter: hah :D09:26
sittershadeslayer_: same here, he's holding kci hostage though09:26
valorielots of Japanese around Puget Sound, but not a lot of native speakers any more09:26
shadeslayer_sitter: oh, 3 kings parade day ? :D09:26
shadeslayer_They shoot candy out of canons today09:27
sitter3 bottles of rum parade09:27
sitterit's an austria thing09:27
sitterin austria it's really just a drinking day09:27
valoriethis is really the day for presents, 09:27
shadeslayer_so ... every holiday09:27
sitterthere's no particular celebration associated with it or anything09:27
valoriebut they're all given09:28
shadeslayer_valorie: heh :D09:28
valoriegold, frankincense and mryhh and all that jazz09:29
sitterthe good stuff09:29
* sitter broke releaseme09:29
sittershadeslayer_: I think you should adopt releaseme as a pet project, it suffers greatly from the fact that I wrote most of the code when I started out with ruby -.-09:30
shadeslayer_so basically, it'll be in the same state as it has been?09:30
shadeslayer_since I've just started out with ruby09:30
sitterno, because now I am around to write tests ^^09:31
sitterthere's a bad design flaw somewhere though09:31
sittertarme contains logic it should't09:31
sitterneeds a factory somewhere ^^09:31
shadeslayer_gah, shit's failing09:35
sitterwhat u do?09:35
shadeslayer_sitter: ecm was outdated09:38
sitterwhere? in staging?09:39
sittereh, ninjas09:39
shadeslayer_what no, I'm talking about dci09:39
shadeslayer_00:10:28.999 dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: extra-cmake-modules (>= 1.6.0)09:39
sittertell me if everything builds then I'll send an angry mail to Riddell about holding kci hostage for no good reason :P09:40
shadeslayer_I have 37 failing jobs, retrying is going to take all day probably :/09:40
shadeslayer_sitter: why is KCI hostage?09:41
sitternu job09:41
sittersee backlog from #kubuntu-ci yesterday09:41
shadeslayer_ah neato09:49
shadeslayer_sitter: why can't you just kill the job? :P09:51
sittershadeslayer_: Riddell is responsible09:52
shadeslayer_I see09:52
shadeslayer_still seems a bit silly 09:52
shadeslayer_when you can just kill it yourself09:52
sittershadeslayer_: the point is that I don't know if it can be killed09:57
sitterso by killing it I can turn all of kci red09:57
sitterso yeah, not gonna do it09:57
soeein KDE is it possible to have widnow buttons and the menu in one line (window decoration) ? 10:13
shadeslayer_I usually nuke the menu in most of the apps I use anyway10:16
shadeslayer_don't need them menus10:17
soeetrue, but how eos doing it in some apps is just cool10:18
Riddellsitter: hola, what's up?10:19
sitterRiddell: kci still paused10:20
sitteris that intentional?10:20
shadeslayer_sitter: Riddell dh_install: usr/share/man/man1/preparetips5.1 exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere10:20
shadeslayer_from kconfigwidgets10:20
sitterand if so can we get that fixed?10:20
sittershadeslayer_: manpages are mangled to .gz which makes not-installed fail10:20
Riddellsitter: I didn't touch it!10:20
sittercould also be CI refusing to install though10:20
sitterRiddell: exactly10:20
sitteryou are supposed to unpause it10:21
RiddellI didn't pause it!10:21
sitteryou are the one doing initial upload though10:21
shadeslayer_mind putting that in not installed?10:21
sitterno one but you will know when it is good to unpause10:21
sittershadeslayer_: I am not doing packaging today10:21
sitternot-installed should be fixed10:22
sitteralas, my shell parser failed and I did not understand a word of what the code said10:22
sitterit looks very hard to do without fixing the code to not be shit though10:22
shadeslayer_I possibly need to implement file locking10:23
sitterit's basically a long line of pipe10:23
shadeslayer_sitter: are file writes atomic in ruby?10:23
sittershadeslayer_: what is an atomic file write?10:23
shadeslayer_sitter: if 2 writers open a file, they make sure they don't interfere with each other?10:23
sitterno, maybe, that's a platform thing really10:24
sitterso ultimatley it will probably depend on the file system10:24
shadeslayer_ah well, better to just flock it then10:24
sitterI think(tm) on linux if you open a file writable you are blocked until no one else has it open writable10:24
sittermight be that this is only on a per-process  level10:25
sitterbeen a while since I looked at posix specs xD10:26
Riddellsitter: so shall I kill the job at http://kci.pangea.pub/view/mgmt/job/mgmt_pause_integration/ ?10:28
sitterRiddell: if you are done, yes10:30
shadeslayer_Riddell: sitter does kpackage build on your CI?10:54
shadeslayer_apparently git doesn't contain the man page?10:56
Riddellor translations10:57
Riddellthus the red http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.6.0_vivid.html10:57
shadeslayer_well, it contains the man page clearly11:00
shadeslayer_sitter: ^^ thoughts? kpackage git doesn't apparently install the man page 0.o11:02
Riddellsitter: ping?11:30
sittershadeslayer_: changed11:54
sitterRiddell: pong11:55
Riddellsitter: just pinging about ci builds which you say will happen now magically11:58
Riddellsitter: has unstable-daily moved from vivid to utopic?11:58
sitterunstable-daily always was utopic11:58
sitterwe are not snapshotting vivid11:58
Riddellwhere do the vivid packages come from?11:58
shadeslayer_sitter: changed what?11:58
sitterit changed12:01
sitterRiddell: for what where when context?12:02
Riddellsitter: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+packages has vivid and utopic packages, where do the vivid ones come from if not through ustable-daily?12:02
shadeslayer_sitter: context?12:03
sittershadeslayer_: manpage path changed12:06
sitterwhat is this? harald explains the meaning to life and everything?12:07
sitterRiddell: unstable -promotes> unstable-daily -promotes> unstable-weekly12:07
sitterRiddell: do you have time to do a bit of a plasma relasma release test run?12:08
shadeslayer_sitter: don't see the change on projects.kde.org or git.debian.org12:09
sitterI have a major refactoring to the project xml resolver that previously wasn't test covered so I cannot be sure it won't break something12:09
Riddellsitter: changes to releaseme?12:12
RiddellI hope it makes svn checkout faster? cos that would be the best12:13
Riddellor that it puts the tars into a different directory than the releaeme script, that would be the best too12:13
sitternope, makes frameworks releasing work12:14
sitterRiddell: the tar one is easy though, simply run it from a different directory? :P12:15
Riddelloh really?12:16
Riddellanyway sure how can I test it?12:16
sitterRiddell: simply run your scripty and check that everything looks semi-correct12:19
sittermost importantly that you get all tars you want12:19
shadeslayer_sitter: kio is broken 12:19
Riddellmissing a private symbol, I can fix that https://launchpadlibrarian.net/194151149/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.kio_5.6.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:20
shadeslayer_cool 12:22
shadeslayer_it's weird that c++filt can't actually filter that symbol12:22
=== soee_ is now known as soee
soeewhere can i check QT 5.4 status for ubuntu ?12:35
BluesKaj_Hiyas all12:53
soeehiho BluesKaj_12:53
BluesKaj_hey soee12:54
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
Riddellhi sgclark, what are you up to this Epiphany?14:07
sgclarkworking on my sok project, how is it going here?14:10
Riddellwhat's the timetable for sok?14:13
Riddellah yes to Jan 31, 201514:14
Riddelland I'm just working out what should go into Plasma 5.214:16
sgclarknice :)14:17
BluesKajHi Riddell sgclark , any timeline for plasma 5 alpha2 ?14:22
RiddellBluesKaj: jan 22 for vivid alpha 2 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule14:24
BluesKajRiddell, does that include improvements for the plasma 5 desktop ?14:27
Riddellum, I guess so, it's 1 month better14:28
Riddellwill probably have plasma 5.2 beta in it14:28
BluesKajok Riddell , good news then , thanks14:43
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Riddellyofel: git-buildpackage-ppa continues to disappoint me, not only can it not find the .orig in .. it can't find it in apt-get source either16:35
Riddelloh come back bzr-buildpackage all is forgiven!16:35
sitteroh the whining16:37
sitterit's like 5 lines of code that need writing16:38
shadeslayerwhats wrong16:38
Riddellmy epiphany is being ruined by having to manually move .orig files16:38
Riddellwhere are the magic kings now?16:39
shadeslayerit's not like you actually observe epiphany16:39
shadeslayerbeing a quaker and all16:39
Riddellsays the heathen who didn't even come and watch the parade dance into town!16:39
shadeslayerI was sick! And I watched it last year!16:40
shadeslayerit was alright, candy being shot out of cannons was the best part16:40
Riddellthe number of adults with buckets to collect the sweeties was weird16:41
Riddellchildren I expect but adults?16:41
shadeslayernot really, I regret not taking one last year16:41
shadeslayerbut that was because I had no clue they were going to do that16:41
yofelRiddell: the .. thing isn't hard to fix, apt-get was a bzr feature really16:41
shadeslayerthis year I was sick16:41
Riddellthere's plenty sweeties in the office16:41
Riddellnim got loads for christmas16:41
Riddelloh d_ed I think there's an irn bru in the fridge for you as a christmas present from last year16:42
Riddellno cookies but there is some shortbread16:43
shadeslayernom nom nom16:43
Riddellwhich is even better and comes wrapped in tartan16:43
joseoh man, I just remembered the freshly-baked danish bread at UDS-R16:43
joseit was so awesome16:43
d_edyou gave me one before I left17:11
d_edit was just you, me and Aleix17:11
Riddellhmm I wonder who's it was then17:14
Riddelloh well, spare one for tomorrow17:14
Riddellaww, come back rberg19:06
* Riddell uploads kf5 5.6 to vivid19:25

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