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lordievaderGood morning.07:54
=== julien is now known as Guest50260
jubo2I have an issue with Kubuntu1409:36
jubo2something / someone messed up the keyboard mapping09:36
jubo2I didn't touch a thing that should throw the mapping off09:36
jubo2Any help would be appreciated. Dänks, Dänks09:37
lordievaderjubo2: Define "messed up the keyboard mapping"09:37
jubo2Alt-Gr + 2 jumps to another tab instead of drawing an '@' symbol09:38
jubo2hitting the minus sign gives a division symbol09:38
jubo2etc. etc.09:38
jubo2I better join irc on that machine if I'm going to get some help here09:39
lordievaderjubo2: Seems like you are using another keyboard layout.09:40
juboxiwhere do I check and how do I correct lordievader _09:40
lordievaderjuboxi: Systemsettings -> Input Devices -> Keyboard model and Layout tab. Or "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-layout" (IIRC).09:43
juboxiIt says generic 101-key PC09:45
lordievaderThat is ok.09:46
jubo2lordievader: ahh.. I chose tab "Layouts" and then it showed the US mapping is on, I added fi-fi. I hope it works now09:52
jubo2Ouais.. Success.09:52
maxxiehi luser *)10:08
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JoWieI have an intermitting problem wherein some applications are unable to display random font glyphs in their GUI until i reboot (14.10). Does anyone know of an existing issue that is related to that?11:37
soeemight be related to desktop effects / gpu ?11:37
JoWiethat would not suprise me. I have one of those nvidia optimus laptops11:41
JoWieit only happends like once a week so it is difficult to diagnose11:42
=== anavarre is now known as anavarre_away
JoWieoh a kwin crash solved it for now12:17
soee_JoWie: all works fine on optimus laptop for me12:21
soee_and im on nvidia 346 drivers but also older and new beta worked pretty nice12:22
JoWieyea i do not have any other issues with the gpu too12:22
JoWiei can even play left 4 dead etc12:22
JoWiethis is one of the first optimus laptops though12:25
JoWieanyway i'll see if restarting kwin helps again the next time12:28
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BluesKaj_Hiyas all12:53
=== anavarre_away is now known as anavarre
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:08
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ALS-IT-NET-PCI go home.......hurra......hurra.......!!!!!!16:59
=== ishmael is now known as Guest34339
antonio___Hi. I have problems with file associations. Changing .jpg, .gif, .png to be opened with Gwenview has no effect. Closing file associations dialog and opening again, Gwenview is still the second preferred aplication, and Gimp always the first one. Curiously, the change is accepted for other applicatios, like ImageMagic or web browser. Any idea?17:59
antonio___Using Kubuntu 14.10.18:00
=== blubberbop is now known as phoenixz
Walexantonio___: there is more than one place where file associations are defined... look also at what the commands that being with 'xdg-...' are saying19:32
Walexantonio___: also try to say explicitly: 'kbuildsyscoca4 --noincremental'19:33
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
antonio___Walex: Still the same. Thanks.19:52
Walexantonio___: you could try to logout and login again to clear some things19:59
Walexantonio___: try: xdg-mime query default image/jpeg20:01
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JunkHunkhow do I randomize wellcome sound?21:46
=== gogogogo is now known as Guest62572
Guest62572hi, making up my mind whether KDE or GNOME were for me I chose KDE for my next OS. Am I right supposing the core doesn't differ much between different debian-based distros so that I'm going to find guides and support for Kubuntu as easily as I would for Ubuntu or similar distros?21:59
Guest62572also, kubuntu 14.04 or 14.10? What's the real difference?22:00
Guest62572and, is this the right community for people who are relatively new to unix systems in the first place? Or is KDE a more advanced-users choice?22:01
=== Guest62572 is now known as gogoo
gogoowhat time of the day should I consider this channel as active? I live in Europe22:02
bpromptgogoo: well.... there are few folks22:04
gogoothere are lots of users, maybe just away because of time zones..?22:04
bpromptgogoo:  but your assumption is correct, support for ubuntu at the linux core functions is pretty much the same as for any other variation, and you'd find many folks at #ubuntu as well, no necessarily all of them running the gnome or unity version either22:05
gogoothank you22:06
bpromptgogoo:   the only difference between the kde or gnome or unity versions, is the desktop and window managers pretty much, for example, I run kubuntu, but my window manager is LXDE, but I use many kde apps, thus22:06
gogookde apps over lxde? Is it possible?22:07
bpromptgogoo:    well... lxde has mostly a desktop and window manager, no apps per se, since is not a suite22:07
bpromptohh... you meant    running kde apps while using lxde window manager?  sure, that's exactly what I do22:08
gogooI need to understand the difference between all these things (desktop environment, windows manager, file manager, suite etc)22:08
gogoowhat do you advise between 14.04 and 14.10 Plasma?22:08
bpromptlxde overhead is lighter, and thus quicker than kwin(kde default window manager), kwin is quite nice, has a great composite manager... but most of what it does, I don't use it as much22:08
gogooI'll add "composite manager" to the list "to-learn"22:09
gogoomaybe when I have set up everything22:10
gogooalso, do you think I could have different KDE layouts to pick at login window? One for when I work, one for when I study, one for general everyday use etc...22:10
bprompthavent' checked 14.10, used 14.04 for a bit... didn't notice a great difference from my 12.04 install.....I figure there were great differences between kde 4.8.5   and kde 4.13  in  14.04.... I didn't see much.... so.. in my case I run 12.04 since I have some apps that 14.04 doesn't....other than that, I'd say 14.04 since is an LTS, whilst 14.10 isn't22:11
gogoook perfect22:11
gogoothis is going to be my steady OS, hopefully :D22:11
bpromptgogoo:    composite manager is the app than handles fancy color manipulations, like translucent windows or 3D distortions22:12
gogoooh like Compiz?22:12
gogooI understand22:13
gogoosorry if I keep asking, but is any CSS handled by KDE? I used to be a webdesigner and I think editing some CSS would be nice22:13
bpromptis any css handled by kde?  what do you mean?22:14
bpromptkde is not an editor per se or IDE =)22:14
gogoois there any css coded into KDE somewhere so that I can easily edit with a text editor?22:14
bpromptgogoo:    why would you want to do that again?22:15
gogoojust for fun actually ;)22:15
bprompthaven't found much myself.... like many other OS, you'd find many configuration files using xml22:16
gogooI'll have to study XML22:16
gogoothank you for your help22:16
bpromptI've found that for example   gtk-3  themes, as  opposed to gtk-2, gtk-3 themes do rely on css markup for the theming22:16
gogoothat's what I had heard, so I was asking22:17
gogooI'll look into it22:17
bpromptgogoo:   I assume you know html?22:17
gogooyes sorry, I had to leave for a while22:23
gogooyes I do22:23
gogoobut I haven't looked into XML yet22:24
bpromptif you know html, you know xml, since html is sorta like a sibling,  while html has some predefined tags or elements, in xml all bets are off, you can make it up as you want, so is pretty much just a tag soup22:25
gogoosounds very handy for developing configuration files indeed22:26
gogoothat is interesting22:26
bpromptsomething like    <pen-color> #00b </pen-color>      <windowHeight>800</windowHeight>  ...22:27
gogoook, intuitive and essential. The way to go in my opinion22:27
gogooI'm so excited at the moment :)22:28
bpromptformat has caught on, since it's very versatile..... if you ever noticed microsoft office latest file formats after say offce 2007 I think... like a word is not a doc is a .docx   an excel file is not an .xls is an .xlsx   <--- the extra "x" is for xml bits included in the format22:29
gogooI had no idea22:30
bpromptthe formats are sorta like a zipped file, with a bundle of files, some binary and some plain text in xml22:30
bpromptif you ever bothered looking into a docx or xlsx22:31
gogooactually no, because it was "windows-stuff" and didn't care22:31
gogoobut now I'm glad to know it22:31
rotzbubsince 1 hour my networkmanager wont connect to the internet via usb modem anymore. i push connect, but nothing happens, tried it with 2 modems. (14.10) , this happened out of the blue, any idea where i can search for errors?23:13
rotzbubah forget it. fixed it... some strange roaming error23:19
=== julien is now known as Guest48612
bpromptI was about to say, j/k  =)23:21

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