
wgrantcjwatson: You didn't happen to dream up any plausible names?09:28
cjwatsonwgrant: Since you mentioned txlongpoll and this is pretty twistedy, I was wondering about something like txuploadserver10:41
cjwatsonor txpkguploadserver10:41
cjwatson"uploadd" is a bit much of a mouthful10:42
cjwatsonHm, txlongpoll is a server too.  Maybe just "txpkgupload".10:50
=== broder_ is now known as broder
wgrantcjwatson: Did you manage to track down the python-apt issue?22:21
cjwatsonwgrant: Only partially.  I think it's likely because libapt-inst changed ABI (which I hadn't noticed) and so there end up being two versions of libapt-inst linked into the one process, so python-apt probably needs to be rebuilt.22:30
cjwatsonwgrant: But some of its tests fail against the new apt, and I'll need to figure that out.22:31
wgrantAh, awkward.22:31
cjwatsonwgrant: In the meantime, downgrading/holding it is good enough; the failures are (I think) only for binary packages and so don't affect pepo.22:31
wgrantWe hope :)22:32
cjwatsonDefinitely don't want to leave it that way longer than we have to22:32
cjwatsonIn other irritating news, your "give ~registry more powahs" branch didn't extend to sprints :-)22:33
wgrantI considered that, but I don't completely understand sprint permissions so didn't bother in the first round.22:34
cjwatsongreat hassle22:36
wgrantDid you run into any issues with poppy?22:37
cjwatsonI didn't get much further because derailed by prod issues and fixing buildbot.22:38
cjwatsonPutting together the config stuff at the moment, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow.22:39
wgrantYeah, ops issues are always great for productivity :)22:39
cjwatsonMight organise an NDT tomorrow so that I can apply the DistributionSourcePackageRelease:+latestbuild/archtag stuff to proposed-migration and then leave ~ubuntu-release.22:41
wgrantI was hoping to do one today with my permission and API changes anyway.22:42
wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/account-status-api/+merge/245649 could also use a review at your convenience.22:42
cjwatsonOK, will look tomorrow morning.22:42

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