
llogiqHi folks.07:14
llogiqRecently (with the later 3.16 kernels that were pushed around last xmas) my wireless (broadcom bcmwl43, with proprietary drivers) works only spotty, with a lot of reconnects. I also get a lot of roaming/SBE-related warnings on dmesg. Has anybody else experienced this problem and/or knows a solution? Are the open-source drivers broadcom donated in tree already?07:18
ianorlinit depends which chip you have07:19
ianorlindoes booting with old kernel fix the problem?07:19
llogiqIt appears so. But then I loose the DRM improvements that came with 3.16. :-(07:19
ianorlinalso what does lspci show which one it is as you may be able to use b43 drivers but with propritary firmware07:21
llogiqgimme a sec07:23
llogiqBCM43142 (rev 01)07:23
llogiqOn the b43 page (wireless.kernel.org) it says it's unsupported.07:25
ianorlinI am not sure what can really be done07:28
vltHello. My music player (audacious) stops playing right after the current title when my screen gets locked after inactivity timeout. How to prevent this?07:30
ianorlinvlt in 14.10 and later there is presentation mode on power manager07:33
colonolGronhello there14:19
colonolGroni would like to install lubuntu, but without all the default apps.14:19
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:20
holsteincolonolGron: you likely dont want any-buntu at all, and dont have to have it14:20
colonolGronis there a way to install just a minimal system and then install something like "lxde-meta" wich will take care of getting xserver + lxde stuff without apps?14:20
holsteincolonolGron: but, lxde has some "default" applications that it pulls in14:20
colonolGroni mean like: no office suite, no media player and so on14:21
holsteincolonolGron: i would just install from the mini, and explore the *-core meta packages.. or just add openbox, and the minimal things14:21
colonolGronone more thing14:21
holsteincolonolGron: sure, from there, you can add *just* what you want.. just read the list of what is to be added. i suggest lxde14:21
colonolGronits first time install on uefi laptop, is there anything special i should be aware of?14:21
holsteinthat will get you ubuntu + lxde.. which is similar to lubuntu14:21
holsteincolonolGron: sure.. if the creator of the hardware doesnt allow you a way to install other operating systems, you will have a bad time14:22
colonolGronah no, its a tuxedo book. it came with preinstalled xubuntu14:22
holsteincolonolGron: nothing about linux/ubuntu/lubuntu will prevent you from installing in on that hardware, thats for sure. but, if the creator of the hardware prevents it, you may need to "void the warranty", or who knows14:22
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:22
holsteincolonolGron: i would just sudo apt-get install lxde on that installation then14:23
holsteincolonolGron: xubuntu and lubuntu *are* ubuntu. and its not the same as windows, where, applications installed are using up resources in the back ground14:23
colonolGronregarding uefi: i was not sure about bootloader, do i have to do anything different than usual?14:23
holsteincolonolGron: you'll have to look at the bootloader of your specific hardware..14:23
colonolGronholstein: i am aware that xubuntu and lubuntu are ubuntu14:24
colonolGronbut i dont want to remove all preinstalled stuff14:24
colonolGronjust do a clean install myself14:24
holsteincolonolGron: great!, i was just making sure, since, you are going through a lot of work to basicaly remove ubuntu, and install ubuntu14:24
colonolGronregarding uefi: i suppose grub2 is used as default, will it just boot on uefi as usual? no special stuff i need to do?14:24
holsteincolonolGron: friend, that will depend on that specific hardware.. nothing about lubuntu or ubuntu or *any* linux will require anything special.. but that hardware can14:25
colonolGroni dont get it. i thought on bios its all the same and on uefi its different14:26
colonolGrondifferent setup of the bootloader i thought14:26
holsteincolonolGron: sure, and usually is, but, its not a lubuntu bios, or lubuntu machine. it'll be up to you and the manufacturer of the hardware to faciliate the installation of whatever os you want14:26
holsteincolonolGron: typically, you can bypass "locks" like that on the bios.. and, i would assume, since its a linux shop, it would be easy. but, thats an assumption, and you'll just have to look at the specific hardware and see what the manufacturers have done14:27
holsteinlikely, just boot and install.. though, the "easiest" would be, just install lxde into that installation14:28
colonolGroni am going to try ;)14:28
colonolGronhi guys17:53
colonolGronjust installed xubuntu on a test vm and added the lubuntu PPA17:53
colonolGronthen installed a new icon theme (moka theme via .deb file) lxapperance shows the theme but lxqt-config does not17:54
holsteincolonolGron: there is no "lubuntu ppa"17:55
holsteincolonolGron: the lubuntu packages are in the same default ubuntu repositories.. xubuntu and lubuntu *are* ubuntu17:55
colonolGronholstein: and what is this: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/lubuntu-daily?17:57
holsteincolonolGron: as stated, the "development" or "daily" ppa.. testing17:57
holsteincolonolGron: you can expect issues running testing versions..17:57
colonolGronwell, i am developing on lxqt, and wanted to test it on ubuntu17:58
colonolGronthats my goal17:58
holsteincolonolGron: cool17:58
holsteincolonolGron: you may need to accept compromises as such, then.. and run ppas17:58
colonolGronon gentoo i was just cloning the git repo, and didnt install any lxqt package but built all by myself. is this the best approach on ubuntu too? if i want to have the latest and also want to try my own changes17:58
holsteincolonolGron: depends on what versions you want, and how they are made available17:59
holsteincolonolGron: stock lubuntu is what it is.. all the ubuntu's are like that.. you are welcome to add what you like, but, its not lubuntu anymore17:59
holsteincolonolGron: i suggest the ppa's, since thats an easy way of adding what you need17:59
holsteinthough, at that point, i might run 15.04, if that main ubuntu developement version was more relevant to what im doing18:00
colonolGronholstein: i think i did a apt-cache search lxqt, and didnt find anything and then added that ppa, and then install lxqt-metapackage, just to get an overview18:00
colonolGronare you sure lxqt is in main ubuntu repos?18:01
ianorlinit isn't but there is the ppa for 15.0418:02
colonolGronso i was right18:02
colonolGronjust to get an overview, who in here is a lubuntu dev?18:04
holsteincolonolGron: i see nothing that makes me say you are wrong, other than, it seems you are far from needing to run desktop lubuntu, and that may be a challenge to get official support for what you are trying to accomplish18:04
holsteinubuntu nor lubuntu has a "heres a stable slice of whats coming down the pike" distro with all upcoming development packages18:04
colonolGronholstein: my main reason for coming here was to tell you guys about the icon issue, and i wanted to know (in case somebody in here runs lxqt) if they have the same issue18:05
holsteinsometime getting these can be more of a challenge, and i suggest running a stable base, and doing as much as you can in VM or chroot18:05
holsteincolonolGron: sure. and the icon issue is with the developement PPA..18:05
holsteinAFAIK, you can still file bugs about it.. but, i would just let the ppa maintainer know.. though, it *will* be having problems for a while18:05
colonolGronholstein: i am aware that it is the development PPA... but if nobody tells the devs about the errors people find how will it get more stable?..18:06
holsteincolonolGron: sure.. i suggest telling them18:07
ianorlincolonolGron: that is true but be sure to back stuff up18:08
holsteincolonolGron: but, the answer may be "its in development, use at own risk"..18:08
holsteinor, "we are not actively expecting any level of stability".. or "we are importing problems that are being addressed upstream"... you just dont know, and dont have an offical path for support for that18:08
colonolGronholstein: i dont use it for production.. i use it to find bugs..18:10
colonolGronso stuff can get improved18:10
holsteincolonolGron: sure.. and thats great.. im only addresssing that, this is the lubuntu desktop channel. there may be no community here for that18:10
holsteincolonolGron: its totally fine, and *much* appreciated.. just not supported18:11
colonolGroni didnt know where to file that bug18:11
colonolGronso i went to lubuntu, since a lubuntu ppa18:11
holsteincolonolGron: and, im not sure that you are welcome to do that18:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:11
colonolGronand from here on i wanted to go further :)18:11
holsteincolonolGron: at this point, i go upstream.. but, they may not have a system in place.. i have not checked, personally18:11
colonolGroni see18:12
holsteincolonolGron: first thing i would do is try and casualy contact the maintainer of the ppa you are using18:12
colonolGronholstein: are you an lubuntu dev?18:12
holsteincolonolGron: from there, they may lead you upstream, or have a system in place.. or not respond.. etc18:12
holsteinand you can decide what to do..18:12
ianorlinif it is lubuntu specific in Qt the place is in the lubuntu next bugtracker or if it is upstream it in the lxqt issue tracker on github18:13
holsteincolonolGron: i am just a supporter in this capacity.. volunteer support in irc channel.. little/none code development from me18:13
Ahmuckhi.  did the latest update remove the icon from the taskbar/systemtray (network)21:07
holsteinAhmuck: did it?21:32
holsteinAhmuck: it didnt here.. im assuming since you are asking, that yours is removed?21:33
Ahmuckyes, i had the nic icon in the systray and after a update today (i did not check the contents today) it hasn't come back21:33
holsteinyou can try the usual.. running nm-applet from the command line.. etc21:34
Ahmucki manually placed one there but the one that is there now does not fit the art and style that was before21:34
Ahmuckfound the problem21:35
wxli'm inclined to say "word," homie.22:29
Homieso? And why's that?22:30
wxlconsider it a greeting. what's your cup of tea today?22:30
HomieThnx for the greeting.... Well I think Puppy screwed my windoze... How was your day?22:31
wxlwonderful. are you seeking help from lubuntu to solve this issue?22:31
HomieYup, just asked a question over there.22:32
wxlyou did? all i saw was "hi"22:32
wxlperhaps you mean on #ubuntu?22:32
Homieoh....XD I thought You meant the forum on ubuntu22:32
Homieyeah exactlly22:32
wxlso how can us *L*ubuntu folks help you out?22:33
Homiefirst of it's Lubuntu that screwed windeezie and not Puppy (it just fitted the sentence better over there). Second I'm interested to know if there is still hope for it (windoze that is).22:34
wxlwell you'd have to explain further.22:35
HomieThe thing is this...I'm new to linux with the best intention of getting as far away as possible from windows. So I thought I 'd try a linux version and after doing some research on the net22:37
HomieI decided to install Puppy on a USB flash drive to try it out...I couldn't manage to do it so I thought I might try another version, so Lubuntu came around22:38
HomieI had better luck with it since I installed it somehow into the USB but now I can't boot into Windows anymore. I did some research on the web and figured that the grub might have been messed up22:38
Homiebut I couldn't find a way to resolve this issue.22:39
Homieforgive me I'm typing slow because I'm in Lubuntu right now and the touchpad makes the mousepointer jump around sometimes22:39
ianorlinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard can be of help if you are bad with some touchpads I personally prefer a usb mouse22:44
ianorlinone useful one for example is alt tab to switch windows22:45
Homiethnx for the link ianorlin22:46
wxlsorry about that22:49
wxlyou need to turn tap to click off22:49
wxlthat will make life easier22:49
wxlHomie: ^22:49
wxlso next we need to figure out if your installation is still around22:50
wxlwe'll install a utility to help us out22:50
wxlsudo apt-get -y install pastebinit22:50
wxlin terminal22:50
wxland then do:22:50
wxlsudo fdisk -l | pastebinit22:50
wxlit will spit out a url; paste it here22:50
Homiethis is the link wxl:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9684749/22:53
wxlsomething is funky there22:54
Homiewhat else besides windows? XD22:54
wxlwell it's weird that you have two drives22:54
wxlboth of them with windows components on them22:55
wxland one of them with linux as a partition22:55
wxloh maybe sdb is a thumb drive22:55
wxlok not totally weird22:55
wxlstill holy partitions :)22:55
Homieyeah, sdb with 7.2 gigs is a thumb drive, there's Lubuntu in it22:56
Homielol. I like my partitions22:56
wxlhave you got to the grub menu before?22:57
wxllooks kind of like http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1353953772.png22:57
Homieyes, with a ubuntu CD but with Lubuntu no22:58
HomieI've seen that pic from the link tho22:58
wxlso try booting your sda and while it boots hold down the SHIFT key22:58
Homienothing else?22:59
wxlthat menu should pop up22:59
wxlmake sure you pull out sdb :)22:59
wxlno dice?23:04
wxldidn't get to the menu?23:04
Homieok you still around wxl?23:04
wxlyep Homie23:04
Unit193sudo grub-editenv /boot/grub/grubenv set recordfail23:05
Homiewell there poped up a long string of characters starting with sylinux something and at the end of there was a this:   ...boot:23:05
wxlthat's unique23:06
Unit193Type  live  or double tap on tab.23:06
Homieinvalid parameter recordfail unit19323:06
Homieagain for noobs unit193?23:07
Homieit was asking for something wxl, you know, just like the console in C++ for example where you have to type something...you know?23:08
wxlcan you get into lubuntu just by booting from default?23:10
Homieyup. I can get ONLY into lubuntu, if the USB is attached to the laptop it boots straight into lubuntu, if I remove it nothing happens, just the blinking underscore23:11
wxlso try getting in there and run `sudo update-grub`23:11
wxlmaybe your config files are damaged somehow23:11
Unit193Did you install grub onto your flash?23:11
HomieI'm typing from Lubuntu now and did that before I came here but nope, it didn't help much23:12
wxlthat "boot:" prompt isn't the grub rescue prompt23:12
HomieUnit193 I don't know, I just used Universall USB installer to "burn" lubuntu to the usb, I don't know if the installer put grub  into the usb or not23:13
wxlshift should get you to the menu at which point you should be able to select your preferred os23:13
Homienope, wxl, it pretty much looked like it was coming from the BIOS23:13
Unit193wxl: Looks like syslinux perhaps, hitting tab twice should give him his options.23:13
wxlHomie: there's a thought then ^23:13
Homieyup, suslinux was the starting line of that long sentence23:14
Homieok, should I reboot again and hit tab now?23:16
wxlyeah when you get to that boot prompt23:17
wxlsee what happens23:17
wxlthat's weird tho23:17
wxlit's not normal to have syslinux, right, Unit193 ?23:17
Unit193Well, you can, but not default.  It's default for the live ISOs though...23:18
wxlwhich makes sense but how do you coerce the installer to do it?23:18
Homieanyone around?23:21
* ianorlin still is but freenode had some people quit because of netsplit and wxl came back23:23
Homiewhat's good homie?23:25
wxljust maxxing and relaxxing in the crib23:31
wxlwhat's the word?23:35
Unit193wxl: Bird.23:35
wxlUnit193: buh-buh-buh.23:36
wxlif you don't behave i'm going to have to kick you to -offtopic Unit19323:37
Homiehey, homies, instead of braking each others bawllz could you please focus on helping me? Please?23:38
wxlhow did the whole boot: tab thing work out Homie ?23:38
Homiewell not that good, I doubled tabbed and the b*tch said no bootable device detected, please insert a bootable disk. (When I removed the usb from my Laptop, when I didn't the same as before, it just boots into lubuntu)23:39
Homiecan You guys make anything out of this? A guy on ubuntu forum suggested some software which spitted out this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9684901/23:41
wxland doing that didn't fix it?23:42
wxlseriously i have no idea why syslinux is there23:42
Homiecould it because I tried to install Puppy from an .exe file first, which didn' work like I already explained earlier?23:44
Homieis it possible that puppy somehow facked up the grub?23:45
Homieand not Lubuntu?23:45
wxlcould be23:45
wxli stay *FAR* away from puppy23:45
wxlwell that's a topic for -offtopic i guess, but not a fan23:47

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