
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ToyKeeperbfiller, boiko: Can you confirm whether the fix for this is actually in silo rtm-018?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/137589005:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1375890 in messaging-app "[messaging-app] + [phone-app] different time formats and font strenghts" [High,In progress]05:20
ToyKeeperI can't see any difference pre-/post-silo, and the font weight is still different.05:20
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
tvossgood morning08:31
tvosstrainguards, could someone reconfigure silo 11 for me?08:31
robrutvoss: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh you just caught me. Anything else you need before i sign off?08:37
tvossrobru, nope, thank you :)08:37
robrutvoss: goodnight!08:38
tvossrobru, good night :) later!08:38
=== psivaa_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping psivaa | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Landing team off until next year - only bare minimum maintenance
popeyMirv: could you please push http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/filemanager-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.filemanager_0.4.360_armhf.click to the store?11:00
michicihelp: Jenkins is no longer building the MRs we push. Any help with that?11:05
michiThis used to work up until Xmas. Whenever we pushed an MR, Jenkins would test it automatically.11:05
psivaa_michi: let me take a look11:05
michiIt seems that’s no longer happening.11:05
michipsivaa_: Thanks!11:06
michiHere is one example: https://code.launchpad.net/~michihenning/unity-scopes-api/config-params11:06
michiThere are a few other branches I pushed today, none of them were picked up by Jenkins.11:06
psivaa_michi: give me some time, in the middle of working on something else, but will come back to this soon11:08
michipsivaa_: Thanks muchly! It’s late here, so I probably won’t see your reply. Please drop me an email instead if there is any change. And thanks again!11:09
psivaa_michi: sure11:09
popeyMirv: also, please upload http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calendar-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/generic-click-builder-utopic-armhf/output/com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.563_all.click to the store.11:24
* Mirv pops in from vacation day11:28
popeyoh, sorry Mirv11:28
popeyMirv: don't worry, I can get balloons to do it when he's up.11:28
popeygo back to vacation ☻11:28
Mirvno prob, happy to push and turn some knobs. just some public vacation and -15'C, nothing to do anyway :)11:28
popeyThank you!11:29
popeyWish we had -15 here.11:29
davmor2popey: buy and aircon unit you want it that cold :P11:30
popeyMirv: if you're still around then could you please pull levers on http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/docviewer-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.docviewer_0.1.47_armhf.click ? ☻11:32
Mirvpopey: I'm just getting "Package scan took too long." after 60 seconds of trying, so you might need balloons after all. tried pushing both though.11:32
popeyaw, okay, never mind, thanks anyway.11:33
Mirvpopey: docviewer too tried. but it does say "Package submitted to https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/api/click-upload/com.ubuntu.docviewer/" for all of them.11:33
Mirvso maybe just the "after scan" is broken?11:34
Mirvoh, and also eg. Please check the status later at: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/unscanned-upload/3775/11:34
Mirvmaybe infra issue regarding scanning11:34
popeyprobably. will poke bueno ☻11:35
popeythey all show up for review ☻11:35
=== psivaa_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Landing team off until next year - only bare minimum maintenance
boikoToyKeeper: the fix is there, but only for the time format in dialer. no change in font weight (which was already fixed in messaging-app)12:27
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tvossany trainguard around?13:15
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=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Landing team off until next year - only bare minimum maintenance
charles_davmor2, ping15:23
davmor2charles_: hello15:23
=== charles_ is now known as charles
charlesdavmor2, the hold on rtm silo 8's been lifted and it's ready for testing15:25
charlesdavmor2, can you do qa on it?15:25
davmor2charles: awesome thanks I'm in the middle of something else but I will make sure someone does.15:26
charlesdavmor2, ack, thanks15:26
jgdxcitrain: can ubuntu silo 2 go forward and ignore conflict with silo 16? Thanks15:28
dobeyso what's up with the oxide conflicts stuff?15:31
tvossfginther, ping15:55
fginthertvoss, hello15:58
asacrsalveti: can you help tvoss get a silo too? see fginther15:58
cjwatsontvoss: The spurious failures in ubuntu/landing-010 were due to a Launchpad production issue, now fixed and retrying.  Sorry for the inconvenience.15:59
rsalvetiasac: tvoss: which line?15:59
fginthertvoss, I can not. Are any trainguards present?15:59
tvosscjwatson, ack and thx15:59
tvossrsalveti, line 5015:59
jgdxcitrain: can you reconfigure ubuntu-rtm/landing-002? (indicator-sound was added)16:00
Ursinhajgdx: I think you meant trainguards? :) not sure we have any around right now, lukasz is out this week but robru should be around any time soon16:01
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Landing team off until next year - only bare minimum maintenance
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: sil2100 off week of January 5th, limited trainguards availability
rsalvetitvoss: asac: silo 716:07
rsalvetimr link was wrong, was pointing out at his personal branch16:08
rsalvetifixed that and created the silo16:08
cjwatsonjgdx: doing16:09
cjwatsonjgdx: ^-16:12
bfilleranyone know how to get the CoreDump file from https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/54247740-88c5-11e4-9904-fa163e37368316:50
jgdxUrsinha, lol, yes. :D17:17
jgdxcjwatson, thanks17:17
camakotrainguards, can you please reconfig ubuntu silo 17? I updated the MPs in that silo.17:39
robrucamako: new MPs or just new commits on the same MPs?17:42
camakorobru, I removed one MP and added a new one17:43
robrucamako: did you add any new projects?17:43
camakorobru, no17:43
robrucamako: ah, in that case you should be able to reconfig yourself instead of waiting for me ;-) Try clicking the 'reconfigure silo' button on your spreadsheet row17:44
camakorobru, I did but it gave me a weird error earlier... will do it again17:45
camakorobru, it says "You must use POST method to trigger builds. (From scripts you may instead pass a per-project authentication token, or authenticate with your API token.) If you see this page, it may be because a plugin offered a GET link; file a bug report for that plugin."17:45
camakorobru, do I just push proceed?17:46
cjwatsonIt always does that17:46
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camakorobru, cjwatson, that worked ... thanks17:46
robrucamako: heh, yeah.17:48
tvosstrainguards, could someone help me with silo 7, I fail to see which revisions are missing18:44
robrutvoss: looking18:47
alesagejgdx, you may have noticed I'm investigating some autopilot weirdness with u-s-s: I'm finding (more) failing tests in trunk, may need some reviews if ken's on holiday18:48
robrutvoss: oh yeah, so this is a bug related to rtm version mangling. system sees trunk has "2.1+15.04.20141110.1-0ubuntu1", RTM has "2.1+15.04.20141110.1-0ubuntu1~rtm", those dont' match so you must be missing something ;-)18:49
tvossrobru, hmmm, so how to solve? :)18:49
robrutvoss: you can just override that in the build job parameters. FORCE_REBUILD18:50
pmcgowandobey, hey did all your pay-ui fixes land last month? just cleaning up19:34
dobeypmcgowan: yep, all the ones we requested made it into the image; i marked them all fix released for pay-ui when they did19:35
pmcgowandobey, great thanks19:35
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: sil2100 off week of January 5th, limited trainguards availability
=== bfiller_dentist is now known as bfiller
jgdxalesage, I noticed, and just let me know if you need a review. Many thanks for your investigation!20:56
robrucamako: anybody else: I gotta run out for a doctor's appointment, will be gone at least 1.5 hours. need anything before I go?21:02
camakorobru, nah I'm good.. thanks for asking21:11
robrucamako: you're welcome!21:15
bfillerrobru: any rtm images on proposed released since 184? not seeing any21:25
bfillerrobru: but am seeing lots of updates21:25
robrubfiller: haven't heard anything21:26
bfillerogra_: do you know?21:26
jgdxtrainguards: I can't seem to start building https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-002-1-build/build?delay=0sec21:30
robrujgdx: like what, do you not have permission?21:31
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: sil2100 off week of January 5th, limited trainguards availability
robrujgdx: you're in the right group for it... Try logging out and back in, make sure you check the group perms in the login screen.21:34
jgdxrobru, not getting any feedback. It just refreshes the page, basically. Ken started the job, so…21:34
robrujgdx: oh, when you first click build it logs you in and then it redirects you back to the job page. Usually you have to click it twice21:35
jgdxrobru, hm, not happening21:35
robrujgdx: Hmmmmmmm OK. I'm just at the doctor, I'll be home in a couple hours to dig deeper, will you still be around then?21:36
jgdxrobru, ah—no21:37
jgdxrobru, let's try again tomorrow :)21:38
robrujgdx: ah OK, sorry21:45
jgdxrobru, no worries. Bill started the job.21:46
pmcgowanrobru, are we not autobuilding images ?22:23
robrupmcgowan: i guess not... ogra_ and sil still on holidays22:24
pmcgowanrobru, can we get it enabled? or are they back tomorrow anyway22:25
robrupmcgowan: not sure, that's not really my area... maybe rsalveti can do that?22:29
rsalvetipmcgowan: need it to be enabled at the cron level?22:30
rsalvetirobru: pmcgowan: enabled cron job again22:31
rsalvetishould have a new image tomorrow22:31
robrursalveti: heh, thanks22:32
pmcgowanrsalveti, thanks22:34

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