
=== qwebirc621519 is now known as slickymasterWork
pmatulisdid we have a meeting today?  if so, i missed it by an hour by following my calendar18:33
dsmythiespmatulis: Yes, we had the meeting.18:40
pmatulisdsmythies: damn, i need to look at the calendar and see what went wrong18:40
pleia2dsmythies: nice job with the meeting!18:57
pleia2pmatulis: meeting log/minutes here: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2015/ubuntu-meeting-2.2015-01-06-17.31.moin.txt18:58
pleia2also, time zones are hard on humans, I showed up for a meeting 1 hour early yesterday :D19:00
pmatulisi can't seem to put an event in UTC in google calendar.  so frustrating19:02
pleia2pmatulis: use Iceland, UTC and no DST :)19:02
pleia2I do that for all UTC meetings I add to Goog cal19:03
pleia2(yesterday I just couldn't read calendars, because Monday)19:03
pmatulispleia2: wow ok, iceland it is19:05
pmatulispleia2: fixed the calendar, thanks19:32
dsmythiespleia2: Thanks for the comment. I was away from my desk.19:50

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