
pleia2oof, publishing03:02
pleia2will do in a few minutes03:03
pleia2facebook is being all slow and fail, I'll update later if I can03:40
pleia2Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 398 for the two weeks December 22, 2014 - January 4, 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue39803:40
josethanks, pleia2!03:40
josepleia2: facebook is solved now03:40
pleia2jose: thanks :)03:41
pleia2jose: did you post to it?03:41
pleia2much appreciated03:41
* pleia2 wanders off for the evening03:42
josehave fun!03:42
joseworking on C16:25
joseCDF report*16:25
pleia2thanks jose18:11
pleia2adding UOS dates post18:29
pleia2jose: removed the planet tag from your post since it's already on the planet via Michael's, and added a link back to his blog (since that's the source)18:33
pleia2(the reason we have the planet tag is to avoid duplicates, which people often complained about)18:33
josepleia2: oh, sorry, didn't notice that18:59
pleia2no problem18:59
pleia2easy enough to fix :)18:59

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