
AndChat|99281good morning everyone04:20
=== AndChat|99281 is now known as bduk1
bduk1morning bushtech04:25
tumbleweedsuperfly: ubuntu-za.org moved to https05:15
64MABMGCQMore almal05:19
=== 64MABMGCQ is now known as bduk1
nuvolario/ oh hi06:05
nuvolariMaaz: seen kilos06:06
Maaznuvolari: kilos was last seen 8 hours, 50 minutes and 46 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-01-05 13:15:18 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-01-05 13:15:44 PST06:06
bduk1Looks like poor kilos is still strugling with that ssd06:29
bushtechmight still be sleeping06:31
bushtechlets hope he's still sleeping06:32
Squirmmorning all07:30
=== vincent is now known as Guest60141
=== Guest60141 is now known as Vince-0
KilosMaaz: coffee on07:45
* Maaz puts the kettle on07:45
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:49
KilosMaaz  danke07:50
Kilosevening everyone07:50
Kiloshows things Vince-0  07:55
* Kilos weak today07:55
Vince-0yar nee, larka07:55
Kilosi wonder how many peeps will understand you07:56
Vince-0most of the country I guess07:56
Kilosoh ya 07:57
bushtechmore Kilos sitrep ssd please07:58
Kilosat the moment its been formatted to ext2 and gparted is doing a check to see whats no lekker bushtech  07:59
Kilosits a used one the guy says so dunno how much life is left in it08:00
Kilosbut im getting my 1TB drive sorted that i wipe everything out of /home/08:01
bushtechhope its good08:01
Kiloswell the end should be, or at least the second half08:01
Kilosits again a learning curve. i dont know how they work so will need gparted to tell me whats not good08:02
bushtechwell, you're the drive expert08:03
Kiloshdd only  so far08:03
Kilosssd is just a box full of chips i think, so its to find the faulty one and try work out how to not use it\08:04
Kiloshows Squirm  08:04
* Kilos waves to tumbleweed08:05
Kilosyou still here?08:05
Kilosin za that is08:05
Kilosha bushtech  apparently all ssd manufacturers supply tool boxes for their products08:38
Kiloseven got a linux version at the bottom08:38
bushtechgreat stuff08:41
bushtechubuntu also has something called Disk Utility under advanced there you can check out all your attached drives08:42
bushtechvery handy for raid server to get advanced warning that a drive is going south08:43
Kilosthe disk utility tells me its all good08:48
bushtechbe happy08:49
bushtechso what is the problem?08:49
inetprogood mornings08:50
theblazehenbushtech: or just use smartctl08:50
theblazehenhi inetpro08:50
bushtechthanks theblazehen , will have a look at it08:52
* inetpro waiting for the Telkom technician to eventually come and pay me a visit08:53
Kiloseish inetpro  wassup?08:53
inetproholding thumbs that he will be able to improve signal a bit08:53
Kiloshi theblazehen  08:53
theblazehenhi Kilos08:53
inetprothis visit comes from my logging the call on 29 November08:53
Kilossjoe for bad signal inetpro  ?08:54
inetprodoing ok since the purchase of the LTE router but only have two bars reception still08:54
bdukwhere are you inetpro ?08:54
inetprobduk: Pretoria North08:54
Kilosi think they mess up with too few techs to do outside work08:55
Kilosif its the guy that came here he will help you08:55
Kiloseven knows ubuntu08:55
inetproat least I get a bit of LTE but it still drops to 3G from time to time08:56
Kilosbut you should have tweeted them as well then they send someone quicker08:56
inetproKilos: I did08:56
Kilosi never get lte but my 3g rocks08:57
inetprolooks like most of them went on holiday early08:57
Kilosya must be08:57
bdukCant believe you can have a bad signal there thought it is only us on the rural areas that strugle08:58
Kilosit was actually interesting watching how they decide08:58
Kiloshe brings his lappy and if its also bad then he feeds back to them or he goes himself to check the tower08:59
Kiloshe is rural bduk  08:59
Kiloslike me maplotter08:59
* inetpro wbb08:59
bdukand me08:59
Kilosyour a maplaaser09:00
bduksame difference09:00
Kilosthey got a big farm there i think09:00
bdukyou know how to make a mil bucks from farming?09:00
Kilossell the farm09:01
bdukno you start with 10 mil09:01
Kilosfarming is hard work09:01
Kilosyou get no rest09:01
bdukand dangerous09:02
Kilosbut best lifestyle09:02
Kilosyou can make money but you work09:03
Kilosfrom 5am till 8pm every day09:03
bdukyou must have equipment and that is a lot of money09:03
Kilosyip in todays world its even harder09:04
bdukKilos:  can you recap for me on last night's lesson?09:05
Kilosoh my bushtech  it was very interesting but mostly above me09:06
Kilosthe fly will mail all the how tos to the list i think he said09:06
Kilosim so happy on this kde09:08
bdukI agree think there is a lot of basics that the teacher didn't share with us, mebe you and me must go for some special classes09:08
Kilosgonna get it going on the ssd or die trying09:08
Kilosbduk  ya maybe we can ask him to help us with the basics on #linux-studies09:09
Kiloswell not me anyway, my learning apparatus sucks09:13
Kilosim ok at copy/pasting09:13
inetproguy tested and noted weak signal, let's hope he can get something done about it09:22
Kilosya lets hope inetpro  09:33
Kilosafter he was here within a weak mine rocked09:34
theblazehenMy hard drives were at 90 something celcius yesterday night..09:37
bushtechdisks in my server running at 42C09:39
bushtech90 seems helluva hot09:39
bushtechsell your kettle, boil water on drives:)09:40
theblazehenhaha, yeah.. :D09:46
bushtechbut seriously , 25 to 40 is ideal temp09:50
bushtech41 to 50 acceptable09:51
bushtechtheblazehen,  are your drives next to each other, can you move 1 so you have a open bay between them?09:54
Kilosinetpro  you got 2 mins?10:05
Kilosi need to make konsole text larger please10:06
Kilosall my other text is ok now using the settings, only konsole is tiny10:07
Kilosoh i just needed to open a new konsole10:08
Kilosooo lekker10:10
KilosMaaz  seen gremble10:40
MaazKilos: gremble was last seen 8 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes and 47 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2014-12-28 13:26:21 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-01-02 15:39:09 PST10:40
theblazehenbushtech: yep, and no...11:52
bushtechthen you'll have to make another plan11:55
bushtechfans clean & all working?12:13
theblazehencpu and psu fan is all I got..12:14
bushtechwhat you using for a pc box? A staal trommel?12:16
theblazehenlol. I was doing a FS conversion last night. Lots of IO..12:16
theblazehen53 now12:16
bushtechfair enough, but only psu and cpu fans?12:19
bushtechjust checked my boxes and all got at least one chassis fan12:22
bushtechnewest one also has a 175mm fan on side of box12:23
theblazehenAll boxes still have space for floppy disk or zip drive12:28
bushtechput one hd in floppy space12:30
Kilosbushtech  gparted really taking long with that drive12:42
Kilosit did a 1TB hdd faster12:42
theblazehenbushtech: one is... only space free is CD drive space12:44
bushtechkilos, wonder if that drive is ok?12:52
Kilosi dunno12:52
Kilosmaybe gparted check isnt made for ssd's12:53
bushtechKilos,  google : speed up your SSD by correctly aligning your partitions12:56
bushtech& find the lifehacker hit13:00
bushtechinteresting bit in ther about how gparted allocates space13:01
inetproKilos: just press Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-13:07
Kilosi have it fixed ty inetpro  13:08
Kilosmade them pixels things more13:08
Kilosn boer maak n plan13:10
inetprocan't you see 'Enlarge Font' and 'Shrink Font' in the View menu?13:10
Kilosaw i havent looked for a view menu13:11
Kilosso where is this view menu13:12
Kilosoh ya13:12
Kilosgoodness grascious dammit me13:12
Kiloswhy isnt that info all over in the google pages13:13
inetprobecause it is so obvious, nobody needs to blog this kind of info13:16
inetproyou getting spoiled by the interwebs Kilos?13:17
Kiloslol ya13:17
Kiloshi Joe_knock  14:14
Kiloswbb reboot time14:14
Joe_knockHey oom14:14
inetprowb Kilos14:45
Kiloshmm... storm hit tower, emergencies only now15:38
KilosMaaz  coffee on15:56
* Maaz washes some mugs15:56
Kilosbefore the power goes15:56
KilosMaaz  hurry15:56
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed15:56
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:00
KilosMaaz  ty16:00
MaazYou are welcome Kilos16:00
bduk1Maak jy kilos16:17
Kiloswerk op die ssd en speel freecell16:18
bduk1Werk die ssd nou16:19
Kilosek is nog besig om dit te re align16:19
bduk1Klink maar fishy16:20
bduk1Ok sal later lees16:22
tumbleweedhi Kilos16:29
Kiloshi tumbleweed  16:31
Kilosare you back in the states yet?16:31
Kiloswbb gonna try ssd again16:34
captineevening all17:24
theblazehenhi captine17:27
inetprogood evening captine and theblazehen17:29
inetprooh and hi yo everyone else17:29
captinequick question to those who may be in IT or in the know.  I have a mac mini server (2012 i7 2x1TB 5400rpm drives in raid 0 )..  am thinking of loading proxmox on it and running as a hypervisor.. just not sure if I should rather use ubuntu desktop and use kvm for vms?17:31
captinewhat would you do.. it currently has apple os x on, with a number of virtualbox vms17:32
captinevirtualbox vms17:32
captineweird.  my screen is not showing all text.  strange17:32
inetprocaptine: what type of systems are you running in the VM space, server or desktops?17:39
captineserver mainly17:39
captinefor messing with17:39
inetprocan't say that I know the environment well enough yet but for now I prefer KVM for servers 17:40
inetproVirtualbox is nice for testing desktops17:41
captineproxmox uses kvm, but it has a web frontend.  i am not sure how to manage the vms on a straight ubuntu server17:41
captineif ubuntu is the bare metal os17:41
* inetpro prefers CLI as far as possible17:41
captinei am an accountant.. i take the picture approach, although dont have a desktop on my server installs17:42
theblazehenhey inetpro17:42
theblazehenProxmox was nice.. 17:42
theblazehenFeature wise, only extra thing proxmox has is OpenVZ support17:42
inetproI find virsh to be quite powerful and flexible 17:42
theblazehenI'm liking virt-manager at the moment17:42
inetprovirt-manager is nice to start with17:43
inetprovery simple and straight forward17:43
theblazeheninetpro: besides that, what do you use when you need a GUI? Straight vnc?17:43
inetprotheblazehen: I have not done enough testing with KVM based desktops, all I know is that plain VNC is not perfect17:44
theblazeheninetpro: alright. Tried SPICE?17:44
inetproVirtualbox is much better in that space, for now17:45
theblazehenLast time I tried, my laptop wasn't fast enough...17:45
theblazehenAFAIK virt-manager uses VNC right?17:45
inetproI've tried spice as well17:45
inetprotheblazehen: or spice IIRC17:45
theblazehenah, yeah.. But default is vnc17:45
captineconvirt looks nice for a web management tool.... apparently it is available for ubuntu server....17:46
inetprothe moment you want to go serious, you probably want to get RHEV17:46
theblazehencaptine: wow, looks good.. I guess my brother probably doesn't need his pc anymore17:47
theblazeheninetpro: afaik oVirt is to RHEV what fedora is to RHEL17:47
theblazehenmight be worth a look17:47
theblazehenweb gui looks good, but won't install to a 4 GB usb..17:48
theblazehenwb georgl17:52
inetprotheblazehen: nice, we can even  build our own oVirt on debian/ubuntu?17:58
theblazehenI had some trouble on ubuntu, but should work well on centos17:59
captinei think i will install ubuntu desktop (so i can use the machine for browwsing etc) then install the server tools in the background18:06
captineand run some VM's18:06
=== miles is now known as Kilos
inetprohello miles18:23
inetprowb 18:23
inetprowat is fout?18:23
Kilosek is weer op die ssd18:24
inetpromet kde?18:24
Kiloseerst 40g uitgelos18:25
Kilosya met kde18:25
Kilosmaar daar was baie van my archives wat nie reg oorgebring is van die 1TB18:26
inetprohet jy neergeskryf wat jy alles gedoen het?18:26
Kiloslol nee maar dit was als gparted18:26
Kiloshet ook die ding ge realign18:26
Kiloshet jy daai laaste lienk gaan kyk18:27
inetproja maar dis grieks18:27
Kilosdie een vir bduk vroer18:27
Kilosdie gparted storie?18:27
inetproja man, maar dit maak nie mooi sin nie18:29
inetprote veel windows stories daar18:29
Kilosek het die win goed vertby18:30
Kiloslike eating a salad, if you dont like onion you push it one side18:30
Kilosi gotta go find bloep for here18:33
KilosMaaz  hi18:36
MaazSup Kilos18:36
Kiloswoot im getting good at sorting bloep and konversation18:36
Kiloswb captine  18:46
captineweird.  when i plug my second monitor into my laptop, my HexChat cuts off the text that people are typing in the irc channels.18:47
captinelike my last sentence i sent ends on my screen with "typing in" and doesnt have irc channel18:47
captinemight go back to xchat if to see if this continues there18:47
magespawngood evening18:56
theblazehenhi magespawn18:57
magespawnhi theblazehen whats up?18:57
theblazehennot much, and there?18:58
magespawnthis and that, going to trying out elementary os18:58
theblazehenUI nice, but system old19:00
theblazehenbased on 12.04 IIRC19:00
magespawnnot sure let me check19:02
Kiloshi magespawn  19:02
Kilosya based on 12.04 but not bad19:02
Kilosthats if you like the mac way of doing things19:03
magespawnhi Kilos 19:03
Kilostheblazehen  back on ssd again19:04
theblazehenKilos: nice19:04
captinejust noticed our topic is a bit out of date.... ;)19:04
captinei think19:04
magespawni am going to dual boot it so not a problem if i don't like it19:04
Kilosits so lekker fast ill do about anything to keep it going19:04
magespawnKilos: and?19:04
Kilosive realigned it and not using first 40g magespawn  19:05
Kiloswill see19:05
magespawnhi captine yup inetpro has been busy i think19:05
Kiloseos is nice magespawn  and fast only i couldnt open 2 home folders for drag dropping otherwise i might still be using it19:06
Kilosinetpro  ping19:06
Kilosjou job is jou job19:06
captineubuntu mate looks very slick.  booted it on a colleagues machine before installing stock ubuntu.  very pretty looking19:06
Kilosya thats fast too19:07
Kilosclose to gnome219:07
inetprowhen is the next meeting?19:08
Kilosbut now ive learned that speed on slow machines can be upped by using ssd19:10
Kilosoh that reminds me i gotta do munin still19:10
Kilosevening superfly  19:13
Kilosinetpro  27th19:14
Kilossjoe ek sukkel partykeer19:14
inetproKilos: ok19:14
bduk1Lekker slaap almal19:20
theblazehencya bduk119:20
superflyhi Kilos19:31
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || MList: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || PBin: http://slexy.org/ || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubuntuza || Next Meeting: Tue, 27 January 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1Andj1u
inetproKilos: happy?19:55
Kilosty very much inetpro  19:55
Kilosrather late than never19:55
* inetpro experimented a bit with the layout of Agenda again19:56
inetpronot quite happy with it but not gonna waste my time on it now19:57
Kiloswhat are you doing19:57
Kilospractise that thing19:57
inetpronot tonight19:58
Kilossuperfly  i forgot to ask, has bzr now being used in place of nikola19:58
inetproKilos: no19:58
Kilosas i can i not install nikola19:59
inetpronikola != bzr19:59
inetproyou can never compare the two19:59
Kilosman you 2 must understand what i mean20:00
Kilosare we not going to use nikola anymore20:00
Kilosfor whatever it did20:00
inetproNikola  is  a  tool  to  create  static websites and blogs20:00
inetproBazaar (or bzr) is a distributed version control system20:00
Kilosoh so we still need both ya20:01
Kilosi remember now opening a local file in browser20:01
magespawnKilos != means does not equal, or there is no comparison20:02
magespawnthe programmer coming out20:02
inetprothe reason for last night's lesson is so we can keep track of all changes made to the ubuntu-za website in a proper controlled manner20:02
Kilosya i see now they different things ty mage20:02
inetproand for the purpose of last night's exercise Nikola is unimportant20:03
magespawnwow elementary os only has a single desktop even lubuntu has two20:03
Kilosya thats a pain but it has a nice minimising thing20:03
Kilosyou add your apps you use all the time to the panel at the bottom20:04
magespawnyup like xubuntu at one stage20:04
Kilosthen click there to minimise and maximise them20:04
magespawnand i sure you can change pretty much anything you want20:05
Kilosi forget20:05
Kiloswas pretty with the lake as background20:06
Kiloslake taho or something20:06
inetproKilos: what is important is, if you understand the bzr development cycle the way superfly started to explain last night, you can effectively get involved in any other similar development process20:06
Kiloswell are you practising20:07
inetpronot now, no20:07
magespawnand they all follow a similar process, no matter the vcs, correct?20:08
Kiloslast nights session was mainly for your benefit20:08
magespawnversion control system20:08
inetpronee man, once that email has been sent out it can be extremely useful for many peeps out there20:08
magespawnraining nicely here now20:08
Kilosand run things in virtual something on your pc20:09
Kilosyes inetpro  for those that understand20:09
magespawnindeed especially those of us who are a little short on "official" education20:09
Kiloseish kde likes system restarts20:11
inetproKilos: don't come with stories now20:12
magespawnwill need to do an apt-get update and add some extra software repo to get what i want, i think20:12
Kilosit actually works lekker magespawn  20:12
magespawnseems to so far20:13
Kilosand will synaptic you can install anything 12.04 had20:13
magespawncool beans20:14
magespawnboots a little faster than the lubuntu install20:15
magespawninetpro and that is very cool, being able to contribute to open source projects20:17
inetpromagespawn: with the availability of the Internet there are more autodidacts than ever20:18
inetpro"official" education can very often be a waste of time for those who want to learn by themselves20:18
magespawnahh yes, but sometimes you need a piece of paper and/or the ability to prove you can do something20:20
magespawnunfortunately 'they' do not always ask you for proof20:20
Kilosnight all of ya. sleep tight20:22
magespawngood night Kilos 20:22
Kiloswill see if ssd boots in the morning20:22
magespawngood night all20:22
captinenight all20:25

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