
xubuntu95wHi, I have problem with audio. I do not anything, no install programs, actualization... Audio dont play. I try youtube, vlc player gmusic... Try to change volume on panel, reboot, and audio still not work. Can you help me? Try to restart alsa to, but without effect.01:28
drcIs this after you uninstalled pulseaudio?01:29
xubuntu95wdrc> no, I dont uninstall pulseaudio, Inly I do, is plug external USB HDD. And format to NTFS  I think you remember my last question.01:38
drcGot confused, sorry.01:38
drcWell, Xubuntu uses PulseAudio...I'd look into that before ALSA.01:39
bazhangbetter check alsamixer just to be sure nothing is muted, and pcm is set to less than 10001:41
xubuntu95wdrc> Ok , I guess I mistook nick . :)  Some person help me with NTFS one hour back.01:41
xubuntu95wbazhang> I check alsamixer and all settings before I try to ask. :)01:41
drcxubuntu95w: That was me (among others), I just confused you with someone else01:41
xubuntu95wI have it! pulseaudio -k work well! Thank you for letting me directed to pulseaudio.01:47
=== [JJ]Albert_ is now known as [JJ]Auburn
xubuntu57wHi. It's been some time since I've connected to IRC and I'm having issues connecting to Freenode with Xchat. I am not familiar with connecting with SASL and Iam having issues finding clear documentation on what I need to do. I understand I need to register with nickserv but I am not even able to connect to a server to send the /msg. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?04:37
Unit193xubuntu57w: Hi.  So Hexchat has built-in support for SASL whereas Xchat does not.  As to connecting, I would presume you are using default config.  Do you have any firewall (company or home) that would be restricting?  Can you say what error message(s) you get when trying to connect?04:39
xubuntu57wUnit193: Yes I am using the default when connecting with Xchat. When connecting with xchat I am getting the error "No Ident response" and "You need to identify via SASL to use this server" then it kicks me off.04:42
xubuntu57wUnit193: It's been a few years since I've used irc, but I'm familiar with nickserv, but before you would register/ident after connecting. now I can't even do that04:43
Unit193xubuntu57w: ...Are you trying to connect over Tor?  I believe that's the only time SASL is actually required to connect.04:46
xubuntu57wUnit193: No I'm not connecting via tor. I just got hexchat and its saying the same thing04:47
Unit193xubuntu57w: Well you could register with the webchat, but that still wouldn't explain what's up.  Can you check what server and port it's using?  Also, this may be more fitting for the network channel, #freenode04:51
Unit193Oooh, I see.04:56
=== xubuntu57w is now known as trompstomp
nerdistmonkSo when is xubuntu getting xfce 4.12?05:26
Unit193Xfce 4.12 doesn't exist yet, there's just the development 4.11 releases.05:27
Unit193!info xfwm4 vivid | And Xubuntu generally has those05:27
ubottuAnd Xubuntu generally has those: xfwm4 (source: xfwm4): window manager of the Xfce project. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.11.2-0ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 388 kB, installed size 2352 kB05:28
nerdistmonkwell i seem to be on 4.10 at the moment, im using the xubuntu-devel release (15.04)05:28
Unit193What information are you going off of?05:29
nerdistmonki see what you mean05:29
Unit193Check:  inxi -Sxxx05:29
nerdistmonk"about xfce" lies....all lies.....synaptic shows im already on 4.11....ok nevermind then....derp05:30
xanguasome parts are 4.11, yes05:31
Unit193Which is funny because xfce4-about is shipped in libxfce4ui-utils, which is version 4.11.1-2ubuntu1. :)05:32
xanguayou can go to xfce forums to check the development05:32
nerdistmonki just wished multimonitor behavior was better05:32
xanguastill not sure why xubuntu comes with parole player, it can't play DVD's half of the time05:33
holsteinnerdistmonk: what are you seeking? i use xfce in 14.04 LTS.. meets my needs and expectations05:33
nerdistmonkwell i got both my monitors working05:34
holsteinnerdistmonk: sure.. that happened "out of the box" for me..05:34
nerdistmonkits just not ideal05:34
nerdistmonki had to use xrandr to get em working05:34
holsteinnerdistmonk: ok.. well, let a volunteer know if you would like to share details about what you are seeking05:34
nerdistmonkeven then xfce doesn't notice nor care about that screen05:34
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:34
nerdistmonkok simply put, it would be nice to right click a window and have a "send to monitor 2" option05:35
holsteinnerdistmonk: i literally installed, and used the included GUI tool.. though, i can use arandr as well05:35
nerdistmonka way to quickly move windows about05:35
nerdistmonkI was forced to use xrandr05:35
nerdistmonkand my resolutions are not accurate05:35
nerdistmonkit thinks my 1080p monitor should be on 1440x90005:36
holsteinnerdistmonk: be sure and let the hardware manufacturers know you would like linux support, as well05:36
nerdistmonkwell amd gave you guys the driver code05:36
nerdistmonkbut i guess the old 2002 excuse still works in lieu of a solution though05:36
holsteinnerdistmonk: this is what i would try http://makandracards.com/makandra/12447-how-to-move-a-window-to-the-next-monitor-on-xfce-xubuntu05:36
holsteinnerdistmonk: amd provided the driver that is in the repos05:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:37
nerdistmonkim using gallium05:37
nerdistmonkfglrx is broken in xubuntu and has been for a while05:37
holsteinnerdistmonk: if they want, they can give you a flawless experience in linux.. it will be up to them, ultimately, to provide support05:37
nerdistmonkforget it holstein05:38
holsteinnerdistmonk: sure, but, that doesnt mean dual head is broken in linux/xubuntu.. in intel hardware, and nvidia hardware i have available to me to test, it works out of the box05:38
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:38
holsteinnerdistmonk: you can, and should provide a bug report.. that actualy can help address the issues you are having05:38
holsteinthough, at the end of the day, its going to be up to the manufacturers to feel it lucrative to support linux.. and more and more are all the time.. until then, we are all basically hacking hardware into doing what it was not intended to do05:39
nerdistmonkholstein ive listening to the "its the manufacturers" fault bedtime story since before the twin towers ceased to be05:39
holsteinpurchasing with linux support in mind, or included, or with linux preloaded can really save a lot of time and hassle05:39
holsteinnerdistmonk: its no one's fault, friend05:40
nerdistmonkim using open source drivers for this card, so it falls in their hands05:40
holsteinnerdistmonk: nothing is broken.. you bought a box with windows support.. and thats fine.. but, linux is not doing anything to prevent you from running it on that card05:40
nerdistmonkAMD intends on handing the torch over to the gallium/mesa team05:40
holsteinnerdistmonk: the open ones are doing the best they can05:40
holsteinnerdistmonk: the developers are not able to, or encouraged to know how to support the proprietary hardware05:41
nerdistmonkyou just made the broadest presumption in linux history05:41
holstein*all* of linux is completely open, and anyone can support it, and more and more companies are05:41
holsteinnerdistmonk: a team of professionals were hired to provide drivers for your hardware in windows.. in linux, its just you and me, and this community.. and folks trying with the information they are given05:43
nerdistmonkdude...ive been using linux for 15 years.05:43
nerdistmonkits not a windows box05:43
nerdistmonkforget i said anything please.05:43
holsteinnerdistmonk: so, ask the creators of the hardware for linux support, if they promised it.. if they didnt, then, there is no "fault"05:44
xubuntu81w_How can i enable password on startup ?07:31
baizonxubuntu81w_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/113500/why-am-i-not-asked-for-password-at-startup07:36
baizonxubuntu81w_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Autologin07:36
xubuntu28ihi everybody09:42
slickymasterWork!hi | xubuntu28i09:42
ubottuxubuntu28i: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:42
=== squeegily_ is now known as squeegily
squeegilyRemoving PulseAudio worked except that removed the system tray volume control14:45
holsteinsqueegily: actually, it removed pulse audio, and all of its functions14:46
holsteinsqueegily: you can use alsamixer in the terminal14:46
squeegilySo I went on #archlinux and asked them what the default volume control for XFCE is (the one that controls ALSA)14:46
squeegilyIt's xfce4-mixer14:46
squeegilyThe volume keys are really handy14:46
holsteinright.. xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce14:47
paolois there a way to specify things that I don't want to mount automatically, for example when i connect an usb drive?14:47
holsteinpaolo: try in the settings manager, removable drives and media settings..14:48
paolono way from command line?14:48
holsteinpaolo: im sure there is, but, you are using xfce, correct?14:48
holsteinpaolo: try the GUI included for that setting14:49
squeegilypaolo: Settings > Removable Drives and media > sudo rm -rf /14:50
holsteinpaolo: please dont run that command ^14:51
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!14:52
squeegilyThat's really good that that ubottu shortcut exists14:52
mucusi like that one14:52
paolothanks guys! i'm trying to selectively define which devices should or shouldn't be mounted, using their id14:56
paoloit appears the gui doesn't offer that feature14:56
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:57
holsteinthough, that will be more at boot time14:57
holsteinpaolo: i would try main #ubuntu or the main mailing list.. or a general linux channel..14:57
paoloi'll do, thanks14:58
paoloi added this line to /etc/fstab15:27
paoloUUID=c1398422-7a7c-4863-8a8f-45a1db26b4f2 /home/paolo/parking/raspberry/bck/mnt/system ext4 noauto,rw,nodev,nosuid,uhelper=udisks2 0 015:28
paolobut it still is automatically mounted15:28
holsteinpaolo: AFAIK, fstab is what happens at boot..not when a device is plugged15:28
paolonot sure, because if in fstab i use /dev/null instead of some other dir, the partition is not mounted (without any reboot)15:30
holsteinpaolo: but, you dont plug /dev/null into the machine15:30
holsteini think if i wanted that, and i never have, so i have no first hand experience setting it up.. but, i would look at different file managers that may just offer this functionality by default, or, an easy way to selectively automount partitions and drives being plugged15:31
mucuswhat's the command to install?15:34
mucusi thought it was sudo install -i package.deb15:34
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Via_a_Text_Based_Methods mucus15:35
mallGood afternoon from Barcelona. I've just noticed that my audio output -i.e. headphones- is not working! as in it does not out put any sound. This is an asus eeepc 1001xpd, and if I boot in, say, debian crunchbang it DOES work. Could somebody help me troubleshoot please? thank you15:49
mallI am running an up to date xubuntu latest LTS15:49
holsteinmall: was it always working in ubuntu/xubuntu? did an update break something? does this happen as the guest user? i say, since its working in #!, the hardware is fine,and its either config or alsa/kernel driver related..15:51
mallhello holstein, thank you for helping, I would say that it was working before, almost 100 % sure15:51
malland could not pinpoint when did this start to fail15:51
mallI think before the last .1 update15:51
mallunfortunately I am not sure15:52
holsteinmall: the last what .1 update? you mean, xubuntu 14.04.1 update?15:52
mallyes, sorry15:52
holsteinmall: regardless, please try with the guest user.. this will tell you if the issue is system-wide, or in your user config15:52
mallok, let me try15:52
holsteinthen, check *all* hardware keys, and mixer settings15:52
holsteinuse pavucontrol15:52
mallbe right back15:53
holsteinget something playing and see if it works15:53
holstein*then*, try older kernels in your grub list15:53
ParallaxxHey, what's the deal with Skype not installing on xubuntu.16:18
holsteinParallaxx: it installs here, but, skype is not an application that is made by ubuntu16:18
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:18
holsteinParallaxx: i'll just get the .deb from the "official" site.. if its not working these days, let the creators of it know you are having a problem, or share details about your issues, and a volunteer may assist16:19
ParallaxxYeah I tried that the other day except it got angry at 386 architecture or something16:20
holsteinParallaxx: sure.. just elaborate about what "something" is.. seems like you could be trying to install the 32bit skype on 64bit xubuntu16:21
holsteinParallaxx: which, AFAIK is not a problem.. http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-install-a-32bit-program-in-64bit-ubuntu for example *if* that is the issue you have16:22
ParallaxxSorry, lemme try again and then see exactly what error message I get16:22
ParallaxxCuz I forgot16:22
mallholstein, are you there? guest user headphone output DOEs work16:23
holsteinmall: cool.. so, you can stop fiddling with the OS, and drivers, and system settings..16:23
holsteinmall: you konw its just a simple config for your user... look in the pavucontrol application i mentioned16:24
mallunder pavucontrol, gui, output tab, headphones are selected16:24
ParallaxxLol it doesn't look like it's failing this time16:24
malland there is a volume bar shaking around16:24
mallvolume is 100% for both channels (0db)16:25
mallnot muted16:25
holsteinmall: sure.. so you can look there, and try messing with *all* settings, since, headphones may or may not be labeled headphones.. and try alsamixer in the terminal as well16:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:25
holsteinmall: you cant trust the labeles..16:25
ParallaxxWow it's installing mad stuff now just for Skype16:26
mallthere are just two outs16:26
mallinternal speakers and headphone out16:26
holsteinmall: ok.. but, you *know* the output works. and on your system.. so, in your user setup is where you will find the answer16:26
mallinternal speakers, when selected, work... while headphone out, does not, just stop sound, although there is no error feedback from the computer, i.e. from pavucontrol gui, it acts as if everything was working16:26
malllet me try alsamixer16:27
mallas you suggested16:27
ParallaxxWell.... Skype installed, what do ya know16:27
ParallaxxNo clue what happened the other day16:27
mallnothing in alsamixer, holstein; where else should I check ?16:29
holsteinmall: in your users config16:29
mallsorry, but when you say users config, what do you refer exactly16:29
holsteinmall: one can always just rename, or move *all* configs.. test, then, put back what you want/need16:29
holsteinmall: just that, friend. the .config files for the users session, which is the only place you state your audio is "broken16:30
mallare you talking about files ?16:30
holsteinmall: the config files, correct16:30
malland where would I find these files16:30
holsteinmall: *literally* in ~/.config16:30
mallok, thank you16:30
holsteinmall: one can always just rename that, and test with a fresh config, and put back what is needed. or easily revert if that is not the 'Fix'16:30
mallif you rename or delete the config, it is automatically re-created ?16:31
holsteinmall: no need to delete16:31
holsteinmall: just rename, or move, and *keep* the current configs..16:32
ParallaxxIs there any difference between chromium and chrome besides the need to install pepper flash separately with chromium?16:32
holsteinthen, you will get new, fresh, default, out of the box, hopefully, non broken configs16:32
holsteinParallaxx: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome16:32
holsteinParallaxx: as far as for ubuntu/xubuntu, chromium is in the default repos.. chrome is not.. as far as for adobe/flash, adobe provides the current flash for chrome, which can be used in other browsers16:33
ParallaxxSeems like same thing minus functionality and made 'politically' amenable to linuxers16:34
holsteinParallaxx: you can draw whatever conclusions you like... adobe doesnt allow flash to be released in a state that allows ubuntu to included it.. so, chrome cannot be included16:35
holsteinParallaxx: they provide a .deb, that adds the source, if you want/need to use it.. if not, chromium is in the repos..16:36
ParallaxxYeah kinda what I said... Maybe got 'blame' wrong but16:36
holsteinflash is not the only reason or limitation that prevents chrome from being released with it16:36
holsteinParallaxx: there is no "blame", though.. there are guidelines. they are not met16:36
holsteinParallaxx: but, that doesnt matter, since you can choose to run whichever you want16:37
ParallaxxOnly bad thing about proper chrome is it seemed to render fonts ugly last time I tried16:37
holsteinParallaxx: sure.. "ugly" is always a matter of opinion, and you can always let the creators know what you prefer, or, seek support on how to make it look as you choose16:38
internetmanis there a tray app for enable/disable sleep/hibernate functions?16:38
internetmani seem to remember there is, but cant find it16:38
ParallaxxLemme try with Chromium this time16:38
ParallaxxBeauty is only somewhat in the eye of the beholder though ;)16:40
holsteinParallaxx: preferences are, certainly, and you are welcome to ask for, and faciliate your *exact* preferences.. and using specific terms, and relative comparisons will help volunteers assist16:41
ParallaxxNew question.... Truecrypt.. What's everyone's thoughts? To use, or not to use?16:45
holsteinParallaxx: its not supported anymore16:46
holsteinParallaxx: its *only* supported to decrypt files to migrate.. again, freedom of choice is that you can use whatever tools you like, even ones the creators themselves state *not* to use..16:47
ParallaxxWell the newest one is crippled but16:47
mallholstein, is there any particular configs that you believe could be affecting the headphones output? there are so many config files here16:48
holsteinParallaxx: there is no "but".. its designed *not* to work, since its not supported anymore.. you can ask in an appropriate ##security channel.. its not in the repos16:48
ParallaxxThe last uncrippled version is still capable, there's difference of opinion on whether it's ok to use16:48
holsteinParallaxx: there actually isnt.. its not supported.. but, you *can* use it.. if your opinion is you want to use is regardless, then use it ..no one will stop you.. if you are asking if you should, the answer is clear16:48
holsteinmall: thats why i suggest, just rename the *entire* ~/.config ..let a new one spawn at relog,and test the audio.. if it works, put back what you want/need, inside .config, which may be nothing.. if its doesnt work.. delete the newone, and put the old one back16:49
ParallaxxWas it once included in the repositories before it was randomly abandoned16:50
mallok I understand the suggestion now, thank you16:50
holsteinParallaxx: is that a question? regardless, the answer is, its not in the repos..16:51
holsteinParallaxx: truecrypt is not in the repos..16:51
ParallaxxIt was a question, I'm curious if it ever was16:52
ParallaxxWhat's a better channel to ask this stuff btw16:52
holsteinParallaxx: AFAIK, it was never allowed to be included, likely due to licencing16:52
holsteinParallaxx: the "better" channel, again, would be ##security16:53
mucus_how do i install themes?16:53
mucus_my xubu just has a few, and the ones i like aren't here16:53
holsteinmucus_: depends.. there are typically directions with the themes, if you get them from something like gnomelook..16:53
ParallaxxWeird how that has two hash symbols16:53
mucus_oh there are sites for these16:53
mucus_derp i shoulda just googled16:54
ParallaxxThanks for the better channel17:00
ParallaxxThey basically said the same as you17:00
ParallaxxSo I'm happy installing it17:00
holsteinParallaxx: the text and references are on the site where you are downloading it from17:00
ParallaxxActually it installs easier than even chromium17:00
drcParallaxx: two hashes in the channel name usually means that you have to be registered on freenode to get in...usually :)17:01
ParallaxxI'm not installing from their main site, you have to use an alternate trusted site to get the non-crippled one17:01
holsteinParallaxx: lol..17:01
ParallaxxGrc truecrypt archive I used17:01
holsteinParallaxx: its funny to even refer to that so loosely as "trusted" ;)17:02
ParallaxxYeah I used that extremely loosely17:02
holsteinParallaxx: please dont, since its not factual17:03
knomedrc, nope, it usually means the channel has a general subject17:03
drcknome: Really?  I've been misinformed for years then :)17:04
ParallaxxMaybe "not completely totally sketchy"17:05
ParallaxxRather than "trusted" lol17:05
holsteinParallaxx: i prefer to use the term "unsupported", since its not supported any longer17:05
knomedrc, "Primary channel names, formatted with a single leading hash mark (#), are reserved for participating groups and organizations based on their legal or informal claim to the associated name or name prefix."17:05
holsteinParallaxx: we can use the offtopic channel for discussion..17:05
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:05
knomedrc, "Topical or reference channel names, formatted with two leading hash marks (##), are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to unofficial groups wishing to discuss a project, group or general topic area."17:05
knomedrc, from https://freenode.net/policy.shtml17:06
drcYeah, I was just looking at that...live and learn.17:06
ParallaxxWhich is the off topic channel17:06
holsteinParallaxx: the one above in the linux.. #xubuntu-otfftopic17:06
ParallaxxDidn't read17:06
knomeParallaxx, pay attention!17:06
ParallaxxMomentary lapse17:07
mucus_hrm. . . .17:08
mucus_why can't i drop my theme folder from desktop to /usr/share/themes ?17:08
mucus_can't cut/paste either17:09
knomemucus_, you need sudo to do that17:09
Pici(shouldn't that be ~/.themes/ for user themes)17:09
mucus_that's another one17:09
drcmucus_: Use ~/.themes, no problem17:09
PiciI admit, its been a while since I've dealt with desktop stuff.17:09
holsteini was thinking a local .themes would work17:09
mucus_but i also don't know how to open my hidden folders17:09
knomePici, user-specific themes, yes :)17:09
holsteinmucus_: in the filemanager menu, you can use control+h to hide/unhide17:10
holsteinfilemanager window, i should say17:10
mucus_that's not doing it. . .17:10
holsteinmucus_: you may not have .themes in your home17:11
mucus_none of the hidden folders . . . wait home?17:11
drcphone home17:11
knomemucus_, /home/yourusername/.themes/17:11
mucus_here i was looking at /17:11
mucus_silly me17:11
Picithe ~ denotes your home17:12
holsteinmucus_: its tricky at first.. no worries17:12
mucus_so can i just create .themes ?17:13
holsteinmucus_: correct17:13
holsteinand in your users /home, you will have permission to do so17:13
mucus_there we go17:13
mucus_still not the theme i wanted, but eh17:13
drcmucus_: ~/.themes is the place to drop the new themes you do want, once you get them.17:14
ParallaxxWhat kinda themes work17:15
mucus_there we go17:15
mucus_dusk gtk317:15
ParallaxxXfce look?17:15
drcParallaxx: It varies, some, like greybird, are complex while some, like basix, are very simple17:16
mucus_oh i can change my mouse too?17:17
=== qwebirc621519 is now known as slickymasterWork
mallholstein, one question, if I remove all config files, do I have to reboot to test sound? logout? any cli suggested line? thanks17:24
drc mall: I'd <rename> ~/.config (not <remove>)...and a simple logout/in should work to respawn things.17:26
mallok thanks17:27
mallholstein, drc, I moved my .config folder to desktop, logged out then in, but that did not solve the problem of audio not coming out of headphones or plugged external speakers (internal speakers work, and external speakers or headphones work in other distros)17:38
holsteinmall: sure17:38
holsteinmall: but, still, you state, its working as other users17:38
mallat least as guest17:38
mallbtw, this defaulted all my panels :(17:38
mallthey are all default now, why oh why, I put a lot of effort there17:39
holsteinmall: sure.. im just saying, thats a pretty good indicator that the issue is with the users config, and not with the system17:39
holsteinmall: the "defaulted panels" is why i stated *not* to remove the config files, but, just rename, and test17:39
malli did not remove but moved17:39
holsteinmall: now that you have tested, as i stated before, you can easily delete the new ones, and put your others either back in place, or rename them back as default17:39
malli already moved the .config back to place17:40
holsteinso, relog back in and things will be as they were17:40
mallbut not all was restored, i.e. panels17:40
mallI already did that, panels are on default :/17:40
holsteinthe config for your panel is in there..17:41
mallthis is strange indeed17:41
holsteinif you deleted, or moved or removed it back when you were poking around in there, then, that would get you a default config17:41
holsteinregardless, none of this addresses your issue... and is not suggested as a fix, but, more a way to isolate where the issue is17:41
mallI did, exactly: - move config file to desktop -logout login (everything shows as default) -try sound with and without headphones (no changes) -put back old .config in place (Replace all) -logout login17:42
holsteinmall: sure, and i hear what you are saying, but, *before* you moved it, you were looking around in there, and i dont know what you did, and im not saying you did anyhting.. just that, things happen17:42
mallhmmm, I didn't really edit anything :/17:43
holsteinmall: ok17:43
mallIdk, oh god17:43
holsteinmall: the panels are defaulted.. fact.. if you dont have the config backed up, then its gone17:43
mallyeah, its fine, I guess, but if re-doing config files do not solve the problem, what else can the problem be related to? other packages?17:44
mallneeds to be user-dependant17:44
holsteinmall: all im noting is, since it works as other users, the system is likely fine17:45
mallYes, that makes sense17:45
mallbut could it be that some program installed only for this particular user is messing with my sound ?17:45
mallor programs are not installed in this manner ?17:46
holsteinmall: i dont know how you installed programs17:46
holsteinthey typically are not. but, i dont know what you have done, and you dont either17:47
holsteinmall: i say, the "quickest" route, for me, if i dont know *anything* about the box anymore, would be to backup and fresh install17:47
holsteini may prefer that, if i dont know anything about the system17:47
mallI see17:47
mallIt is not as I do not know anything about the system, I just do not know when did headphones stop working17:48
holsteinotherwise, im pretty certain you just have it muted17:48
mallalsamixer shows headphones at full gain17:48
holsteinmall: sure, and would, if they were muted17:49
holsteinmall: its *known* that ticking and unticking mute boxes help17:49
holsteinmall: i will literally tweak *every* setting where i have mentioned17:49
mallin pavucontrol....17:49
holsteinmall: in *all* tools17:49
mallmuting and unmuting internal mic does it17:52
mallbut solved17:52
holsteinmall: sure.. tweaking all the settings, is a handy way.. thats what i had assumed you had done before i suggested the /home config move17:52
mallthank you17:52
drcmall: I'd logout/in/reboot...just to make sure that the "fix" carries over.17:53
mallgood call drc, thank you too17:53
mallgonna try that17:54
xubuntu90wgood evening i was wondering if anyone could help me with somthing how do I get my wireless network working in xubuntu i get an error about kernel driver about wireless so i have no idea17:54
drcxubuntu90w: A bit more data would be helpful...such as what wifi chip you have, what you've done and what the exact error is.17:55
drcguess we'll never know :)17:59
mucus_i think i should timestamps on18:08
mucus_i have a run file for teamspeak but even after toggling run as executable i can't get it to do anything.18:17
mucus_what can i do to make this install?18:17
holstein!info teamspeak18:18
ubottuPackage teamspeak does not exist in utopic18:18
holsteinmucus_: should still be something like http://www.sysads.co.uk/2014/06/install-teamspeak-3-in-ubuntu-14-04/18:18
holsteinmucus_: there is a ppa..18:18
holsteinmucus_: thats what i would try first.. the ppa18:19
mucusperfect, thanks18:23
=== mucus_ is now known as GreenCurry
rosaecaeruleaehow do I change owner of a hdd?19:25
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: i would use chown19:26
holsteinor, just sudo do what i need to do19:26
rosaecaeruleaeholstein, i need a command then19:27
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: try chown19:28
rosaecaeruleaesudo chown?19:28
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: there are many ways. what are you trying to do?19:28
rosaecaeruleaechange the owner19:28
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: sure.. of what?19:29
holsteinan ntfs partition? ext? in xubuntu?19:29
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:29
rosaecaeruleaea hdd in ext419:30
rosaecaeruleaei just created the partition with gparted19:30
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: http://itsfoss.com/set-write-permission-ext4-partition-ubuntu-linux/19:31
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: but, you could have created it incorrectly, or other issues.. i suggest being cautious19:31
GreenCurryi had to hose down my system and redo it for a proper partitioning19:33
rosaecaeruleaei havo to cd to the directory i want to chown, right?19:37
rosaecaeruleaebefore doing it i mean19:37
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: just read http://itsfoss.com/set-write-permission-ext4-partition-ubuntu-linux/ and follow it19:38
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: thats exactly the process i would follow, to find the drive and partition i want to deal with. and the exact command19:38
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: to answer the question, you do *not* need to cd to it19:39
rosaecaeruleaejesus christ, last time I changed usernames I used sudo trhunar19:41
rosaecaeruleaesudo thunar19:41
rosaecaeruleaeand then gui19:41
rosaecaeruleae4 months ago19:41
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: gksudo thunar, likely.. but that just lets you access..19:42
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: the link i gave will help you get read/write access.. permanently19:42
holsteinyou would need sudo each time the other way, and its not recommended19:43
Executionerif I ssh to the beach do I get a seashell?19:45
holsteinExecutioner: thats funny.. but, do use the OT channel :)19:46
* Pici groans19:46
GreenCurryhow do i force close a program?19:52
GreenCurryin this case i mean steam19:52
holsteinGreenCurry: i will "ps aux" maybe something like "ps aux | grep steam" and kill by pid.. though there are other ways..19:53
holsteinmay need to tty for that if you are in a game..19:53
GreenCurryi tried killall steam19:53
GreenCurrybut that didn't do it19:53
holsteinGreenCurry: if its not called "steam" it sone19:55
GreenCurryyeah, i've figure that out now19:56
GreenCurrylooks like pid might be 932119:56
GreenCurrykillall 9321?19:56
holsteinGreenCurry: the pid will be specific to your situation19:56
holsteini just try kill pid19:56
GreenCurryoh no all19:56
GreenCurry mrng19:57
GreenCurryit's still not dyingh19:57
holsteinGreenCurry: it wont just die. .you have to kill it19:57
GreenCurryokay it won't get killed19:57
holsteini assume you tried " killall MainThrd"19:58
GreenCurryno, but will that kill everything that i have running?19:58
holsteinGreenCurry: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/1/846940247646813827/19:58
rosaecaeruleaeholstein , what s wrong with chown -R adm:adm media/dexter/Volume65 <<?19:59
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: nothing, if it does what you want, and all that information, that is specific to your scenario, is correct19:59
Executioneror just use htop20:00
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: if you are trying to play some ripped video files, and getting a message, dont assume that is premission releated20:00
holstein!restricted | rosaecaeruleae20:00
ubotturosaecaeruleae: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:00
GreenCurryweird, that didn't kill it either20:00
rosaecaeruleaeno, now I need to reduce the 5% free space ext4 reserves and reduce it to 1%20:00
rosaecaeruleaetune2fs -m1 does nothing, can you help me with the syntacxis?20:25
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: what are you trying to do?20:26
rosaecaeruleaehttp://linux.die.net/man/8/tune2fs zzzz -m20:28
rosaecaeruleaereserved blocks20:28
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: why? what are you trying to do?20:28
rosaecaeruleaereduce it20:28
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: reduce what?20:28
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: when i did, what i can only assume is what you are alluding to, i used basically this.. https://flexion.org/posts/2010-01-recovering-reserved-space-ext4.html20:30
ylzhanI have a problem with using my galaxy s3 mtp connection with xubuntu it's verry buggy and gparted don't detect my device20:30
xanguaWhat ubuntu release? ylzhan20:31
holsteinylzhan: thats unfortunate.. it may not be anything that can be addressed from xubuntu20:31
ylzhanxubuntu 14.10 Galaxy S320:31
ylzhanit works fine with windows but in xubuntu it's buggy just to access a folder it's take 1 minute and when I try to copy it fails20:32
xanguaMtp should work with no issues, that's all I can say,I just connected my phone half an hour ago to transfer music20:33
ylzhanYes it works but It's so buggy20:33
ni291187Hier Folks20:33
ylzhanI force it a little bit and It just crash20:33
ylzhanand it does not open pictures I just have a blank photo with a cross20:36
ylzhangenerally an usb device is mounted on /dev/sdb* right?20:40
holsteinylzhan:  i look, each time, and see where it is20:41
ylzhanbecause when I do fdisk I haven't /dev/sdb*20:42
ylzhanbut in Thunar I see it20:42
holsteinylzhan: sure. .it could be somewhere else..20:44
ylzhanWhen I do fdisk or even when I look with Gparted I don't see my device mounted what does it mean a driver/format problem ?20:46
holsteinylzhan: can be20:47
holsteinylzhan: if its not intended to show as a device in linux..20:48
ylzhanbut why Thunar can open it and see it like mounted ? I don't understand20:48
holsteini always fiddle around and get something to work, though, these days, i dont connect wireless devices with a cable.. i'll come up with a more permanent solution, such as, just doing a proper backup of the media files20:48
xubuntu90wHey everyone. I just made my first Ubuntu bootable usb stick. I am having a pretty big issue.21:00
xubuntu90wWhen I select to boot from my usb device, I get the Ubuntu starting screen with the spinning blue line segment, and it just spins and spins. I waited forty minutes and then turned on chat. Can anybody help me?21:02
drcxubuntu90w: Is this a LiveUSB or did you actually install Xubuntu to a USB (from a LiveCD/USB)?21:05
xubuntu90wHey, can anybody see my messages? I want to make sure my pic isn't going to crash here. Anybody?21:05
xubuntu90wOh thank god.21:06
xubuntu90wI got the xUbuntu 14.04.1 .iso and used a program to format my FD for Linux, make a bootable Linux version on it, and restarted my computer. Went to boot from the thing, and I just have an Ubuntu screen and permanent blue spin.21:08
xubuntu90wI tried to make a live usb and followed the instructions perfectly.21:09
drcxubuntu90w: What "program" did you use to format (whatever a "FD" is, I'm assuming it's a USB stick) and what did you use to "make a bootable Linux version on it"?21:11
xubuntu90wFlash drive, and I am rooting around for the exact file name. Just a sec21:12
xubuntu90wI used Rufus-1.4.12.exe21:13
drcOn what OS did you do this, Windows?21:13
xubuntu90wThe specific .iso I used was xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso21:14
xubuntu90wYes, windows 721:15
drcxubuntu90w: Then I'd read this  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows  and follow it. Never heard of Rufus-1.4.12.exe.21:16
xubuntu90wI have since turned my computer back off and am in my main windows partition where I attempted the whole thing in the first place.21:16
xubuntu90wRufus is what 10 different Ubuntu forums told me to use to make a bootable copy of Linux for live use so I could try it.21:16
xubuntu90wI am waiting for my wireless card to read.21:18
xubuntu90wOkay, I am on the site. I have universal usb installer. It was the first program I tried to use to make my pen drive Linux. I tried it and it said I couldn't create a bootable usb. I troubleshot, and that is what led me around to rufus21:26
xubuntu90wlike I had said before, I can get the device to read, but it just won't finish the startup process. I don't know why or how to find out why or how to fix the problem.21:28
xubuntu90wI thought Maybe somebody in here could help me figure it out.21:29
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:31
holsteinxubuntu90w: the way i have addressed that problem is, formatting the stick, fresh. checking the md5 sum of the iso i donwload21:31
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:31
holsteinand using the unetbootin tool21:31
xubuntu90wInstalling linuxlive usb creator21:43
holsteinxubuntu90w: cool. enjoy! and consider installing unetbootin21:43
holstein!info unetbootin21:44
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 603-1 (utopic), package size 216 kB, installed size 839 kB21:44
drcxubuntu90w: MD5 will make sure that your DL of the ISO is good (nowadays it usually is). On the initial boot menu menu there also should be an item something along the lines of "check media", this will make sure that your burn of the iso to the USB is good.21:44
ylzhanDoes xorg support well opengl to run webgl with chrome ? I have some issues but not with nvidia drivers21:46
holsteinylzhan: you'll need 3d driver support21:46
xubuntu90wLinuxlive just gave me a message saying that 14.04.1 does not support live usb boot, and it will try to install 14.10 instead. Far superior to the previous program. Whoever recommended Rufus... I'll just be polite and say nothing.21:47
holsteinxubuntu90w: 14.04 *does* support that21:47
holsteinxubuntu90w: so, try the other tool i reference, *after* checking the md5 sum.. unetbootin21:47
ylzhanholstein even with mesa-utils installed it doesn't work21:48
holsteinylzhan: well, mesa-utils doenst provide 3d support21:48
holsteinylzhan: you can try using the glxgears command, to see if you have 3d support21:48
holsteinotherwise, i am able to use the technology where i test, where the drivers support it21:48
ylzhanholstein i have 3d support21:49
holsteinylzhan: cool.. im not sure what it is you are trying to do, but let the maintainers konw its not working for you21:50
ylzhani'm trying to run archon runtime in chrome21:50
xubuntu90wWhen you say md5sum, you don't mean the .txt do you?21:53
xubuntu90wBecause I because I can't make sense out of it. It just looks like code to me, and I'm not that good yet.21:53
knome!md5um | xubuntu90w21:54
knome!md5sum | xubuntu90w21:54
ubottuxubuntu90w: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:54
xubuntu90wOkay, it is already installing a copy of utopic unicorn and there have been no speed bumps. I'll just try Linux with that one.22:08
xubuntu90wThank you so much, everyone. I actually learned quite a bit from what you explained to me and what I read. I hope I'm capable of doing it on my own from here on out.22:09
knomexubuntu90w, good luck and enjoy22:17
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
squeegilyRemoval of PulseAudio went perfectly! The only thing I had to change was I had to install xfce4-mixer and add it to the panel22:35
squeegilySo I could control ALSA audio22:35
squeegilyBut other than that, smooth sailing22:35
squeegilyI figured removing a component like that was going to cause all sorts of problems for me22:36
drcsqueegily: Like I said (yesterday?), it never did cause problems for me even though all the google hits said Armageddon was around the corner :)22:42
drcBut then my sound requirements are simple.22:43
mucuscomputers have sound?22:44
drcYeah, when the hdd dies it makes a death-throttle sound.22:44
mucusoh yeah i know that sound22:44
mucusand a posix beep22:44

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