
axwericsnow: correct, new providers need not use storage. they *can* if it's beneficial, but from what hazmat described to me it didn't sound like it would be00:49
ericsnowaxw: just what I wanted to hear :)00:50
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menn0anastasiamac: you win for providing the most useful PR description I've seen in a while02:57
anastasiamacmenn0: thank you ;-)02:58
anastasiamacmenn0: i was apprehensive of submitting another big change... was hoping to make it easier for u :)02:58
anastasiamacmenn0: i always appreceate ur feedback :)02:59
wallyworld_menn0: hopefully the tweaks to the unit agent status pr are ok - i added a Stopping state for unit agents (machines continue to use Stopped)03:26
menn0wallyworld_: ok, i'll take a look after i've finished with anastasiamac's PR03:27
wallyworld_sure, no hurry, ty03:27
thumpermenn0: I've updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/676/diff/# to add an additional test with multiple environments03:36
menn0anastasiamac: regarding the first question in your PR - about a follow up PR to remove the embedded style annotation support03:40
menn0anastasiamac: you're just going to change the underlying implementation right?03:40
menn0anastasiamac: the old style API will need to hang around for a while to support older clients won't it?03:41
anastasiamacmenn0: yes, removing embedded annotator and tweak old client to not use it03:41
anastasiamacmenn0: yes, API will stay ;-) as deprecated...03:41
menn0anastasiamac: good. in that case I don't there's a need to increment the API version number.03:43
menn0anastasiamac: the external API stays the same after all.03:43
anastasiamacmenn0: that was my hope ;-) thnx for confirmation!03:43
menn0anastasiamac: cool.03:44
wwitzel3ericsnow: ping03:44
menn0anastasiamac: I'm almost done with the review (looking good). just trying to answer your other questions on the review.03:44
anastasiamacmenn0: u r almost done? amazing!!! thnk u ;-)03:45
anastasiamacmenn0: m pondering if it's worthwhile adding a test to explicitely annotate a local charm... current test creates a "cs" charm...03:47
anastasiamacmenn0: it's just couple of lines of code but will be explicit and closely aligned to the concern in the bug...03:48
* wwitzel3 dances a jig03:54
menn0anastasiamac: hmmm not sure. what's different about a local charm in terms of this code?03:57
menn0anastasiamac: regarding your last question, what do you mean by "stuttering" in the tests?03:57
menn0thumper: newEnvAsUser? shouldn't that be newEnvWithUser or something?04:00
thumpermenn0: I suppose04:00
menn0thumper: not a biggie04:00
menn0thumper: those changes look good04:02
thumpermenn0: if I change the name, good to land?04:05
menn0thumper: even if you don't (and I had already said ship it :) )04:05
thumpermenn0: I don't hold those as binding if the coder does lots of changes04:06
menn0wallyworld_: have you pushed the latest version of status branch? RB doesn't have it.04:06
wallyworld_menn0: i thought so, let me check04:06
wallyworld_menn0: the github pr has been updated,but rb appears not for some reason04:09
menn0anastasiamac: i've published the review, leaving your last question unanswered.04:09
menn0thumper: fair enough. well it look good regardless :)04:10
thumpermenn0: landing now04:10
thumperok, I'm off, back later tonight hopefully for meeting04:13
anastasiamacmenn0: sorry - was with kids ;-(04:14
anastasiamacmenn0: thnx for review - will look now-ish04:14
menn0axw: question about your disk PR: how will a user specify the desired disks via the GUI or command line client? Or is this a charm level thing?04:15
anastasiamacmenn0: re: stuttering - result.Error.Error.Error() ;P04:15
menn0anastasiamac: no problems. if you can explain the 4th question some more I can try and answer that one too.04:15
menn0wallyworld_: sometime the RB or GH API chokes on large diffs I believe (not sure which side is the issue)04:16
anastasiamacmenn0: q4... for eg, in apiserver/annotations/client_test.go, l. 13104:17
menn0there's certainly something to be said for the extra efficiency that IRC style communication gives you. I was having 3 conversations at once for a while there :)04:17
anastasiamacmenn0: m impressed with everyone's multi-tasking ;-)04:18
anastasiamacmenn0: from annotations perspective, there is no difference btw local vs non-local charm... i'll leave th test out ;) thnx for the listening ear :004:19
menn0anastasiamac: so by "stuttering" are you referring to to the repeated code snippets?04:19
anastasiamacmenn0: m using Jesse's jargon :p but yes04:20
menn0anastasiamac: I guess it might be nice to have methods for the most commonly used bits: makeWordpressCharm(), makeMachine() seem like the biggest wins04:23
axwmenn0: "juju deploy --storage <storage>=<constraints>", and (at least while prototyping), "juju machine add --disks <constraints>"04:23
menn0axw: cool. I was just curious.04:23
axwmenn0: those constraints will be combined with charm-level properties in the former case04:23
wallyworld_axw: the Disks param to StartInstance - is that still determined from constraints which specify minimum and preferred values?04:24
axwwallyworld_: there's no preferred anymore, but yes. on the CLI the user specifies constraints which may include size, count and a storage pool. those are converted to one or more DiskParams by looking up the pool, and (later) combining with charm storage metadata04:26
axwwallyworld_: the pool lookup bit will not be in the MVP though; I'm assuming a single, unconfigurable pool for now04:27
wallyworld_axw: right. so the code comment just needs tweaking to remove "preferred"04:27
axwwallyworld_: ah yeah, thanks.04:28
wallyworld_menn0: are you ok just to look at the github commit diffs for that pr?04:28
menn0wallyworld_: yep, will do04:29
menn0wallyworld_: ok done. my comments are probably more due to my lack of understanding than anything wrong with the PR.04:44
wallyworld_menn0: great, thank you, looking04:45
menn0wallyworld_: i've got to stop for a bit now but will check back in again later on04:45
menn0wallyworld_: if my comments are silly, please feel free to merge04:45
anastasiamacericsnow: ping?..05:20
dimiternmorning all06:14
axwmorning dimitern06:14
dimiternaxw, \o06:15
axwdimitern: what's the plan for switching juju over to github/go-amz/goamz?06:16
dimiternaxw, right, so I'm having a call with gustavo at 16 utc to discuss this and other related stuff, like collaboration and integration with other forks, maintenance, etc.06:17
axwdimitern: ok, cool06:18
dimiternaxw, my plan is to do it sooner, even if that means using the "unstable" v2-dev branch for a while06:18
axwdimitern: I have a couple of minor changes I need to make to goamz, I'm holding off until that's sorted out06:18
anastasiamacdimitern: o/06:19
dimiternanastasiamac, hey there06:19
anastasiamacdimitern: how r u? happy ny06:20
dimiternanastasiamac, cheers :) great to be back to work, eh?06:24
anastasiamacdimitern: dfinitely :p06:25
dimiternseriously, sometimes holidays seems a wee bit too long06:25
anastasiamacdimitern: i actuually need a holiday form my holiday ;)06:26
anastasiamacdimitern: as far as celebrations  r concerned, we r still in Xmas mode here - today is Russian Xmas, 13th is Russian old NY, etc...06:27
dimiternanastasiamac, oh right - until 14th?06:27
anastasiamacdimitern: m working and celebrating ;)06:28
dimiternanastasiamac, that's a nice excuse for a double ny/xmas celebrations06:28
anastasiamacdimitern: any excuse to celebrate anything ;-P life is a long party in  my books :)06:29
dimiternanastasiamac, awesome06:30
dimiternah, axw - do you mind if I suggest you as a (candidate) maintainer for goamz as well?06:35
axwdimitern: sure06:36
dimiternaxw, cheers06:36
menn0anastasiamac: looks like the annotations PR needs rebasing or something...08:12
menn0anastasiamac: look at all the commits listed for it on Github. Most aren't yours.08:12
wallyworld_thanks menn0 :-)08:13
menn0anastasiamac: Reviewboard is also not happy about it08:13
anastasiamacmenn0: i've rebased, resolved conflicts and got this ;-(08:13
menn0wallyworld_: np08:13
anastasiamacmenn0: that's why i've added a list of files that I have actually touched into the awesome commit comment ;-)08:13
menn0anastasiamac: it's almost like you rebased onto the wrong branch or something08:13
menn0anastasiamac: i'm a little worried that if you try to merge what's there now something bad is going to happen08:14
anastasiamacmenn0: m considering to start another branch and move all my stuff there08:14
menn0anastasiamac: you might not need to do that08:14
menn0anastasiamac: are your commits all at the top of your branch?08:14
anastasiamacmenno: k. i'll do this either later or tomorrow08:15
anastasiamacmenn0: looks like they are all the bottom of the list...08:15
menn0anastasiamac: I was going to suggest that you use "git rebase --onto ..." but that won't work08:15
anastasiamacmenn0: i'll start another branch ;(08:16
menn0anastasiamac: I see annotations related commits mixed in with other people's ones when I look at Github08:16
anastasiamacmenn0: most of it additons anyway... ;)08:16
menn0anastasiamac: a rebase onto master *should* sort it out08:16
menn0anastasiamac: how are you rebasing?08:16
anastasiamacmenn0: when m on my branch 'git rebase master'08:16
anastasiamacmenn0: once master is synced...08:17
anastasiamacmenn0: have to go... i'll do another branch08:17
menn0anastasiamac: ok08:17
menn0anastasiamac: I'll send you an email with a suggestion08:18
anastasiamacmenn0: sounds awesome ;-)08:21
anastasiamacmenn0: thnx!08:21
anastasiamacmenn0: branch fixed as per ur suggestion! tyvm!!! scotch was ur price, wasn't it?..08:37
menn0anastasiamac: yep :)08:50
fwereadesorry, freenode seems to keep falling over for me for some reason10:46
fwereadeI'm in the canonical ones too though if this falls over again10:46
perrito666fwereade: I addressed some of your concerns regarding my restore patch and made some action plan for the others since they require more in depth changes of the whole mechanism11:43
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dimiternTheMue, katco, voidspace, can any of you have a look at this http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/686/ please? If fixes bug 135581311:52
mupBug #1355813: Interface MTU management across MAAS/juju <add-unit> <amd64> <apport-bug> <canonical-bootstack> <cts> <cts-cloud-review> <landscape> <network> <placement>11:53
mup<smoosh> <trusty> <uec-images> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <MAAS:New> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <lxc (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1355813>11:53
TheMuedimitern: *click*11:54
voidspacedimitern: I can do, but will have to be after lunch11:54
dimiternTheMue, ta!11:54
dimiternvoidspace, no worries11:54
TheMuedimitern: done12:00
dimiternTheMue, thanks!12:43
TheMueso, bfl12:44
TheMuedimitern: yw12:44
dimiternmgz, hey, do you have 5m?13:15
mgzdimitern: hey, was at lunch, what do you need?14:07
dimiternmgz, i wanted to ask if you're willing to lend a hand from time to time with goamz reviews and generally helping with maintenance/collaboration14:08
dimiternit's going to get more active soon, and there are ideas to merge the existing forks into it gradually over time14:09
mgzdimitern: yeah, saw you'd been busy over the holiday sorting that all out14:09
mgzI'll try and jump in on reviews on github14:10
dimiternmgz, yeah, it was surprising how much attention it managed to gather in a short time14:10
dimiternmgz, sweet! thank you!14:10
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ericsnowdimitern: (in case you haven't been asked yet) what is the priority on implementing networking for the GCE provider?14:49
ericsnowdimitern:  Basically none of the other providers implement it at present.14:50
dimiternericsnow, heh :) for gce - i'd say very low14:50
ericsnowdimitern: k, cool14:50
dimiternericsnow, we're concentrating on ec2 and maas until 15.04, then openstack will be next most likely14:50
ericsnowdimitern: FWIW, the GCE API makes the networking stuff pretty straightforward so adding it later shouldn't be a big deal14:51
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dimiternericsnow, that's great to hear!14:52
ericsnowmgz, abentley, sinzui: could any of you take a look at http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1729/console?14:56
ericsnowmgz, abentley, sinzui: it is not clear to me why it can't find the dependency14:56
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mgzericsnow: will in just a sec15:01
ericsnowmgz: ta15:01
wwitzel3ericsnow: you see my commits for gce?15:03
wwitzel3ericsnow: was able to fully bootstrap and deploy mysql/wordpress last night.15:03
bodie_is there a way to get a charm of a unit without the charm url on state?15:09
mgzericsnow: golang.org/x/crypto is explictly exclused in the build script - if I recall corerctly it had licensing issues15:11
mgzor that might have been one of the other ones, and it was just pulled in by mistake, and can now be removed if you actually need to use it15:12
mgzI'll find out15:12
sinzuimgz, ericsnow. The x/crypto lib was purged because it first appeared in the tree, but wasn't in deps. It appeared there because a subdep pulled it in, but the version of the dep we used did not use it15:13
ericsnowwwitzel3: awesome!15:14
sinzuimgz, ericsnow (my recollection). I f the license is good, we can remove the line that purges it now that juju's dependencies state it is wanted15:14
mgzericsnow: it looks like you're not actually adding it as a dep in your new code?15:14
mgzericsnow: so, probably just the mechanism you used to update dependencies.tsv wasn't right?15:15
ericsnowsinzui, mgz: well, the utils repo depends on x/crypto as of a couple revisions15:15
ericsnowsinzui, mgz: so it was added as a dep when I updated the rev for utils15:16
mgzokay, I'll need to update the script to try to produce a sane tarball when deps get pulled in by mistake then, that will mean I can drop my other hack15:17
ericsnowmgz: cool15:17
sinzuiericsnow, good. so if the lib's licence is god we can rm the line15:18
* mgz giggles at god15:18
ericsnowmgz: do you recall what the licensing issue was?15:18
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mgzericsnow: I think that was the go.net package test data15:19
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mgzso, not this one15:19
ericsnowmgz: oh good, so once the deps mechanism is fixed in CI I should be able to try merging again :)15:20
ericsnowmgz: what is the ETA on that?  I recognize you probably have higher priorities. :)15:24
mgzericsnow: I'll try to do it before your eod so you can try again15:25
sinzuiericsnow, just a few minutes to remove a line and update the machine15:25
ericsnowmgz: thanks!15:25
mgzah, yeah, and the unblocking of you r branhc is even easier, because it doesn't need the script fix15:25
mgzjust hte blacklist remove15:25
mgzsinzui: shall I do it, or are you?15:26
sinzuiI will. I have it open15:26
katcocherylj: ping15:34
cheryljkatco: pong15:35
katcocherylj: got a few minutes to chat? i would love to meet you15:35
cheryljGive me just a minute15:35
katcocherylj: no rush at all15:35
wwitzel3ericsnow: did you see smosers response in cloud-init?15:57
wwitzel3ericsnow: I'm going to add that information to the doc15:57
ericsnowwwitzel3: not yet :)15:57
dimiternniemeyer, hey, just a reminder - I'm in the hangout now :)16:07
ericsnowperrito666, wwitzel3: standup?16:09
dimiternkatco, hey, as you've contributed to goamz in the past, are you willing to give a hand from time to time with reviews and maintenance?16:09
sinzuiericsnow, I let you down. I got distracted and didn't complete the deployment to the server. I am doing it now. poke in 15 minutes if I haven't confirmed it is in place16:11
ericsnowsinzui: no worries; I'm itching to land the patch, but the only thing it blocks is the new GCE provider (which won't be landing yet) :)16:12
ericsnowsinzui: thanks for taking the time to sort this out16:12
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 having some connectivity issues, sorry Ill be there in 10 mins16:13
ericsnowperrito666: k16:13
sinzuiericsnow, you can resubmit16:19
ericsnowsinzui: thanks!16:19
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 I need to sort a couple of things before the standup, can we do-it in half an hour?16:21
ericsnowperrito666: fine with me16:21
perrito666thanks a lot16:21
perrito666wwitzel3: ?16:21
wwitzel3I wasn't even paying attention, sure16:22
wwitzel3I'm in deep thought, I will be in seclusion in the west wing16:22
bodie_I'm having some trouble with state/ConnSuite.  it seems that the charm URL isn't found on the testing units of a testing service16:36
bodie_if anyone can enlighten me, it would be much appreciated!16:36
katcodimitern: hey sorry i was on a call. certainly i can, as long as i'm not too pressed for time with other juju priorities :)16:42
dimiternkatco, awesome, will send you an invite to join! I promise not to pester you too much :)16:45
katcodimitern: :)16:45
perrito666ericsnow: I can see you16:56
ericsnowperrito666: haha16:56
perrito666wwitzel3: can I get you to surface from the depth of your thoughts for a moment?16:57
perrito666fwereade: ping me when you have a moment please :p17:21
fwereadebodie_, a unit's charm url gets set by the uniter when it's actually downloaded a charm, it doesn't otherwise have one17:24
fwereadebodie_, what were you expecting to use it for?17:24
bodie_fwereade, I'm set.  didn't realize units weren't created with the charm URL of the parent service17:25
bodie_fwereade, was just discovering that for myself :)17:25
fwereadebodie_, what would you be using it for?17:26
katcofwereade: hey when you have a moment, do you have time for a hangout?17:26
fwereadekatco, might be able to manage one later, it's a bit loud and approaching-suppery here at the moment17:26
katcofwereade: no worries. it can be tomorrow as well... i think i'll likely spend the day doing reviews17:27
fwereadekatco, I'll ping you if/when I'm free later, otherwise grab me tomorrow :)17:27
katcofwereade: sounds like a plan, and happy new years :)17:27
bodie_fwereade, when an Action is enqueued on a unit, it should validate the params before enqueuing (sp?) it.  that way the user immediately gets an error when invoking it via `juju do`.17:29
bodie_s/enqueuing it/adding it to the actual queue on state/17:29
bodie_otherwise, the user must discover ID10T error via `juju fetch`17:30
bodie_fwereade, if a unit doesn't have a charm URL, then the unit's charm can't be found, AFAICT, meaning it can't validate Actions passed to it17:30
fwereadebodie_, it's certainly rational to fall back to the service's charm17:31
fwereadebodie_, might even be sane to just always validate against the service charm url17:31
fwereadebodie_, not clear which approach will fail more often17:33
fwereadebodie_, but it's also important to keep perspective, the window is fairly narrow: running actions on a service while upgrading that service17:34
bodie_fwereade, seems like if a unit is in the process of being added, it would be better to validate against the service at time of enqueueing17:34
fwereadebodie_, certainly it's a good fallback when no charm url has been set17:34
bodie_fwereade, I think the worker will catch the case you sketched up17:35
bodie_so, the action would be enqueued but fail17:35
fwereadebodie_, yeah, that's fine17:35
bodie_fwereade, thanks :)17:37
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voidspaceg'night all18:46
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thumperI feel that today is one of those "start the day with two coffees" types of day20:21
LinstatSDRthumper: I feel you on that. I had to start the day off with a 4 pack of Monster Energy drinks.20:24
wwitzel3ericsnow: I am going to take some time to review the cloudsigma stuff and then I'll join you back on GCE stuff.20:27
ericsnowwwitzel3: sounds good20:27
wwitzel3ericsnow: feel free to start on any TODOs or refactors or whatever and we can just review20:27
wwitzel3ericsnow: I feel much better after eating ;)20:27
ericsnowwwitzel3: I landed the PortSet patch so now I'm working on merging our branch with master20:28
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ericsnowwwitzel3: :)20:28
wwitzel3ericsnow: ahh, ok, good idea, been a while since we did that20:28
ericsnowwwitzel3: I'm doing a merge instead of a rebase since I think the history is worth keeping20:29
wwitzel3ericsnow: +120:29
menn0anastasiamac: how close are you to landing your annotations work?21:27
menn0anastasiamac: I have to make some changes which will conflict with yours21:27
anastasiamacmenn0: hopefully in the next 4-5 hrs?21:28
menn0anastasiamac: hmmm... mine might be quicker than that (and certainly a lot smaller)21:28
menn0anastasiamac: let's keep each other updated I guess21:28
anastasiamacmenn0: k. thnx21:29
perrito666wallyworld: ill walk my dog and then be back so we can call21:34
wallyworldperrito666: great, thanks, was about to ping you21:35
perrito666I could do now but my dog seems to be much more urged than you and is more likely to express her unhappiness with bites :p21:35
wallyworldsure :-)21:35
wwitzel3katco: nice review on the cloudsigma stuff, thank you21:44
katcowwitzel3: oh no problem21:44
katcowwitzel3: i had to stop part-way through though; that was going to take all day21:44
wwitzel3katco: yep, I'm picking up where you left off :)21:45
katcowwitzel3: oh, thanks :) i thought maybe they could extrapolate a little21:46
wwitzel3katco: I've never successfully done a full review of this code in a single day .. week21:46
katcowwitzel3: wow yipes21:46
wwitzel3katco: yeah, there are some branches that are broken out, but their latest updates touched all of them21:47
wwitzel3katco: so it ended up with a big single patch on reviewboard21:47
katcowwitzel3: ah i see21:47
katcowwitzel3: i'm happy for their contribution, just needs a bit of standards compliance21:47
wwitzel3katco: ericsnow and I are going to have the same issue when we propose GCE .. figuring out how to make it not a huge monolithic review21:48
katcowwitzel3: i think it's a real challenge21:48
katcowwitzel3: i always like to have everything working before i submit anything21:48
wwitzel3katco: you want to give enough context to the review .. but then how much is too much21:49
katcowwitzel3: right21:49
wwitzel3katco: we've tried to learn from some of the abstraction leaks of other providers so that we cen propose it in useful pieces, but it is still hard.21:49
katcowwitzel3: i would be really interested if someone wanted to do a hangout or writeup where they demonstrate a methodology for pipelining changes; i.e.: finish everything up, and then break it up after the fact21:50
wwitzel3katco: yeah, that would be useful. Maybe eric and I can do something like that if we manage to do it successfully :)21:51
katcowwitzel3: i have faith! :)21:51
wwitzel3ericsnow: took your idea and sent a mail to dev, linked our branch too .. figure that way if though it isn't up for review yet, people can start poking around.22:20
wwitzel3ericsnow: also you want help with the merge? how is that going?22:20
ericsnowwwitzel3: it was surprisingly easy22:21
wwitzel3ericsnow: well thats good :)22:21
wwitzel3ericsnow: I like that rename of gce -> raw22:25
ericsnowwwitzel3: :)22:25
ericsnowwwitzel3: I'm trying out moving gce.go into it's own package ("gceapi")22:26
ericsnowwwitzel3: so far it makes for a clearer picture22:26
wwitzel3ericsnow: slightly confusing, but yeah, worth try22:27
wwitzel3ericsnow: since, google-api-go-client is the gceapi22:27
wwitzel3ericsnow: our's is the juju-gce-api ..22:27
ericsnowwwitzel3: I'm almost done; we can look it over when you're free22:28
wwitzel3ericsnow: sounds good22:28
wwitzel3ericsnow: now is good :)22:28
ericsnowwwitzel3: brt22:28
menn0anastasiamac: it turns out those annotation changes I was going to make probably aren't necessary22:41
menn0anastasiamac: no need to worry about conflicts22:41
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perrito666wallyworld: sorry for the delay, I am back23:12
wallyworldperrito666: np, i have ameeting in15 mins, let's have a quick chat, i'll set up a hangout23:13
katcodavecheney: ping23:13
wallyworldperrito666: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/tanzanite-stand23:13
anastasiamacmenn0: that's gr8 news! thnx ;-)23:28
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davecheneykatco: ack23:44
cmarswwitzel3, ericsnow kudos on the gce provider. i've got some gce credits to burn, looking forward to trying it out!23:50
ericsnowcmars: yeah, we're pretty excited with it :)23:50

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