=== Homer is now known as Guest1522 | ||
Homie | anyone around? | 00:43 |
teward | !anyone | 00:43 |
teward | blah | 00:43 |
teward | Homie: rather than asking if anone's around, ask your real question | 00:43 |
Homie | lol. Yea my question is can I still rescue my windoze installation? | 00:44 |
Homie | could You please have a look at it? | 00:45 |
Homie | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2259736 | 00:45 |
Homie | tward? | 00:47 |
Homie | hey hggdh? | 00:48 |
drkokandy | Homie: what did you do after the repair utility completed? Did you try restarting your computer? | 00:51 |
wxl | i think the problem is syslinux | 00:52 |
wxl | not sure how to wipe that off without causing any other mbr damage | 00:52 |
Homie | yeah...I did reboot | 00:53 |
Homie | the same as before, it boots straight into lubuntu when usb is connected to the laptop, just a blinking underscore if it is not | 00:53 |
wxl | well Homie i hate to say it but it's a matter of figuring out syslinux | 00:55 |
Homie | ok, that's a start...i'll look it up and see if i can find anything out | 00:55 |
wxl | Homie: | 00:56 |
wxl | what's in /boot? | 00:56 |
Homie | a lot of folders and some files | 00:57 |
wxl | which ones? you can `ls -R | pastebinit` | 00:57 |
wxl | err | 00:57 |
wxl | to be more explicit | 00:57 |
wxl | `ls -R /boot | pastebinit` | 00:57 |
Homie | here's the output | 00:58 |
Homie | http://paste.ubuntu.com/9685214/ | 00:58 |
wxl | uh | 00:59 |
wxl | weird | 00:59 |
Homie | what's up? | 00:59 |
wxl | you don't have a proper grub setup | 01:00 |
wxl | and there's no syslinux | 01:00 |
wxl | is there a /syslinux? | 01:00 |
wxl | or /syslinux.cfg? | 01:00 |
Homie | no, there's not. Not in boot, neither of those | 01:01 |
wxl | i mean on root | 01:01 |
wxl | not /boot/syslinux | 01:01 |
wxl | but /syslinux | 01:01 |
wxl | you might try to `whereis syslinux` or `locate syslinux` | 01:02 |
Homie | ok | 01:03 |
wxl | if you get overloaded with stuff (especially with locate) you might try to append `| grep cfg` | 01:03 |
Homie | yup, there's a lot of output | 01:04 |
Homie | there's thre red .cfg's | 01:04 |
Homie | usr/bin/grub-syslinux2cfg | 01:05 |
Homie | usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/syslinuxcfg.mod | 01:05 |
Homie | usr/share/man/manl/grub-syslinux2cfg.1.gz | 01:06 |
wxl | yeah unfortunately none of those are what we want | 01:07 |
wxl | you seem to have both an incomplete grub and an incomplete syslinux :( | 01:07 |
Homie | lol...which means I'm fucked right in the down under, right? | 01:07 |
wxl | !language | 01:08 |
ubottu | The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 01:08 |
wxl | i'm just baffled | 01:08 |
wxl | i don't know how you're booting lubuntu if your stuff is broken | 01:08 |
Homie | yea sorry. This thing is killing me | 01:08 |
wxl | i would personally clone or backup your windows garbage, then delete the linux partition and try again | 01:08 |
wxl | and make sure to get grub installed :) | 01:08 |
wxl | if you have grub and can get to the grub menu, switching between os' is easy | 01:09 |
drkokandy | wait, Homie- you said you're booting Lubuntu only when the USB is installed right? | 01:09 |
Homie | yeah drkokandy | 01:09 |
drkokandy | er, when the USB is inserted | 01:10 |
* wxl facepalms | 01:10 | |
wxl | what happens when the usb is NOT inserted? | 01:10 |
Homie | when it's not inserted a blinking underscore | 01:10 |
wxl | yeah | 01:10 |
wxl | backup, delete partition, reinstall | 01:10 |
drkokandy | could he run Gparted from the live USB stick? | 01:10 |
wxl | wait a minute | 01:10 |
wxl | so all the information you've been giving me has been from the live system | 01:11 |
wxl | oh jeez | 01:11 |
wxl | yeah gparted would be a good way to go | 01:11 |
wxl | but i'd backup/clone first | 01:11 |
drkokandy | sorry just realized that might be what's happening | 01:11 |
Homie | yeah, I already told you I'm writing from lubuntu | 01:11 |
wxl | no i appreciate that drkokandy | 01:11 |
wxl | i understood something different | 01:11 |
Homie | my instructions are very vague too because I'm very , very new to linux | 01:12 |
wxl | no problem | 01:12 |
wxl | don't have to be an expert :) | 01:12 |
Homie | looks like I can run gparted | 01:13 |
wxl | yeah but that's not going to help with backup | 01:13 |
wxl | that's what you need to do | 01:13 |
wxl | do you have another drive? | 01:13 |
wxl | you could maybe use clonezilla | 01:13 |
wxl | if you don't want to back it up, you can trudge forward but you might lose stuff | 01:13 |
Homie | what exactly will happen here, is my complete harddrive getting wiped out? | 01:14 |
wxl | no | 01:14 |
wxl | but the potential exists | 01:14 |
wxl | honestly the potential existed when you were installing linux :) | 01:14 |
Homie | well I got some books i'd really not like to delete. I'll try to copy them from the drive to another usb any chance this would work? | 01:15 |
wxl | sure | 01:15 |
wxl | you should be able to mount whatever partition you like in file manager | 01:16 |
Homie | there's another thing that concerns me will my laptop boot from the CD/DVD drive? | 01:17 |
wxl | sure | 01:17 |
wxl | unless your bios doesn't allow it | 01:17 |
wxl | i don't know of one that doesn't | 01:17 |
Homie | yeah BIOS allows it, that's how I installed win 7...thank you for the help | 01:17 |
wxl | sure | 01:18 |
wxl | sorry i couldn't make it easier for you | 01:18 |
Homie | no It's ok, I was prepared to lose windows when I started playing with linux... I just had no idea what was going on | 01:19 |
wxl | hahah | 01:19 |
wxl | well feel free to come back here if you need further help | 01:19 |
wxl | we work hard at trying to help people transition from windows | 01:19 |
wxl | so if you need suggestions for similar software we can help with that | 01:20 |
wxl | as a previous windows user myself, i can tell you that you can do everything windows does and then some | 01:20 |
wxl | there's always a rare exception but it usually doesn't matter too much :) | 01:20 |
Homie | yeah, linux does it too I guess. It managed to make me uninstall windows the first time. Now this is a nice start right? XD | 01:21 |
wxl | hahahah | 01:21 |
drkokandy | It looks like you installed Puppy on sda6 | 01:21 |
wxl | well it's fairly easy to access your windows shares from within linux | 01:21 |
drkokandy | on your hard drive | 01:21 |
drkokandy | it's weird | 01:21 |
wxl | drkokandy: that's the one that's supposedly lubuntu i thought | 01:21 |
drkokandy | lubuntu is sdb, his USB | 01:22 |
wxl | i thought he installed lubuntu over sda6 | 01:22 |
Homie | no, I tried to install Puppy first, I couldn't make it work for hours then I gave it up and tried Lubuntu | 01:22 |
wxl | tried does not mean installed? | 01:22 |
drkokandy | Grub thinks puppy is there I think | 01:22 |
Homie | well it is drkokandy | 01:23 |
wxl | oh jeez | 01:23 |
wxl | see why i don't like puppy? :) | 01:23 |
drkokandy | but it doesn't boot when you try to turn on the PC w/o the USB? It's just a blinking cursor? | 01:23 |
drkokandy | Can you get to Puppy? | 01:24 |
drkokandy | It does look like your E-Book partition is still in tact | 01:24 |
wxl | i gotta pick up my daughter so i'm going to leave this in your hands drkokandy | 01:24 |
Homie | right. Plus when I doubble clicked tab there was a long string of characters starting with syslinux....and ending in boot:_ I guess it was expecting to enter something manually | 01:24 |
drkokandy | good luck wxl | 01:25 |
Homie | thnx wxl | 01:25 |
Homie | have a nice one | 01:25 |
drkokandy | did you set a password when you installed puppy? If I recall, you can give puppy a password to save your state on the USB... | 01:26 |
Homie | yes there was an option like that | 01:27 |
Homie | I'm not sure if i did though | 01:27 |
drkokandy | Does puppy have a help channel? I don't know that much about it, except that their website says not to install it to a disk :-( | 01:29 |
drkokandy | http://puppylinux.org/main/How%20NOT%20to%20install%20Puppy.htm | 01:29 |
Homie | I've seen that drkokandy but I used the .exe (windows) installer | 01:30 |
Homie | now here's how the whole thing with puppy started | 01:30 |
Homie | First I tried to install it to the thumb drive, it installed correctly but when I restarted there was no option to boot from the USB flash drive | 01:31 |
Homie | while I knew for a fact that it can be booted from that USB drive because I've done it before . Then I read somewhere on the interet that I should format my thumb drive as ext4/3 because it's more friendly to linux that way | 01:32 |
drkokandy | booting from USB should be a BIOS setting | 01:34 |
Homie | I did format it to ext4 from a ubuntu live CD but when I tried to put puppy into it (from withing windows using Universall USB installer) I couldn't because windows required the usb to be formated before use... then I made that small partition on my harddrive formated it as fat32 (all my other partitons are ntfs) and tried to install puppy on that one | 01:35 |
Homie | and then this happened | 01:35 |
drkokandy | I just don't know enough about Puppy Linux to know what that did to your system, but that installation to the HDD seems to be what did it | 01:36 |
drkokandy | It looks like puppy linux has a help room on Freenode too | 01:36 |
drkokandy | If you want, you could try asking there and see if they have any suggestions | 01:37 |
Homie | didn't look for that, because I didn't know which one cause the problems, puppy or lubuntu | 01:37 |
Homie | yes, I'll try my luck over there before reformating | 01:38 |
drkokandy | If you want to try that, their room is #puppylinux | 01:38 |
Homie | thank you very much | 01:38 |
drkokandy | Okay, and if they aren't there or if they don't have ideas, we could try deleting that partition from your Lubuntu Live stick | 01:38 |
drkokandy | So come back if you want to try that | 01:39 |
drkokandy | (but like wxl said, that has the potential of data loss) | 01:39 |
Homie | thank you. I'll come back for sure... | 01:39 |
Homie | ok, if there'll be a data loss then so be it | 01:40 |
drkokandy | the Lubuntu live stick could at least help you get those ebooks before you do anything drastic though | 01:40 |
Homie | yes, actually those are the only important thing I don't wanna lose, anything else is not that important | 01:41 |
Homie | drkonky? | 02:14 |
drkokandy | yo Homie | 02:15 |
drkokandy | any luck? | 02:15 |
Homie | just came back to tell you that what you suggested worked better than expecte, I just formated that partitio and now I get an optio to boot to windows too | 02:16 |
drkokandy | nice! | 02:16 |
Homie | I still get an option to boot to Puppy even if it's wiped out but that's not a big problem I guess. Thank You very much | 02:17 |
drkokandy | If you try that boot repair that the Forums suggested, that should remove them from the list | 02:17 |
drkokandy | the same one you ran before | 02:17 |
Homie | ok, I'll try it out again | 02:18 |
drkokandy | or, if you do end up trying to install another Linux to disk [I'd recommend one that's not intended for USB Sticks :-) ] that should also remove those entries | 02:18 |
drkokandy | I think | 02:19 |
drkokandy | at least Lubuntu/Ubuntu would | 02:19 |
Homie | XD what version would you suggest? | 02:19 |
drkokandy | Gotta root for Lubuntu in this room, right? You've used it live - it runs faster if it's installed for real. I also like Ubuntu. I've tried Fedora as well, but I'm really more comfortable with a *buntu because I'm used to it | 02:20 |
Homie | yes, it's very fast. It runs even from the thumb drive faster than windows | 02:21 |
drkokandy | I bet. I have a few-years-old netbook-spec'd laptop that choked on Windows that runs beautifully on Ubuntu. And I run Lubuntu on a laptop from 07 :) | 02:22 |
Homie | I think I'll keep lubuntu for a while and then try some other distros too but first I'll get my books to safety. | 02:24 |
drkokandy | good plan - back up those things you can't lose on a secondary hard drive/computer before you experiment too much | 02:25 |
Homie | Yes. Change of subject :). Where are you from? | 02:26 |
drkokandy | These kind of off-topic convos should be saved in -offtopic | 02:26 |
drkokandy | you can type "/join #lubuntu-offtopic" (without the quotes) to enter that room | 02:26 |
Homie | ok, just didn't know what to wish you a good night or day because it's 3:30 am here where I live, anyway thnx for the help and good luck | 02:28 |
drkokandy | oh, gotcha - good night & get some rest | 02:28 |
Homie | I'll keep ubuntu so won't be long until we meet again I guess. XD . Bye bye | 02:29 |
drkokandy | sounds good! good luck | 02:29 |
Ahmuck | is ibus and the lubuntu power manager connected via apt | 05:13 |
r22ere | how do i fix this "Geany tried to access the Unix Domain socket of another instance running as another user. This is a fatal error and Geany will now quit." | 18:47 |
cYmen | I just tried creating a lubuntu installation stick but it does not boot. I tried twice using the common usb-creator-gtk and lubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso | 22:28 |
cYmen | Any ideas what might be wrong? | 22:28 |
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