
hyperairrobru: ping06:54
hyperairrobru: i just saw the message in the ~ubuntu-elisp/ppa description that said something about debian -el packages not working with emacs-snapshot06:55
hyperairis it still broken?06:55
robruhyperair: yeah i never got around to fixing that.06:56
* hyperair will just stick to the old 20140101 snapshot i have then06:57
* hyperair sighs06:57
robruhyperair: but package.el works so well i honestly don't miss any of the Debian packages06:57
hyperairreally now06:57
hyperairdoes package.el have any form of package authentication?06:57
robruhyperair: ah, well I suppose not.06:58
* hyperair sighs06:59
robruhyperair: https://github.com/robru/.emacs.d/blob/master/init.el check my emacs.d if you're curious. pretty slick config, all package.el, been using the ppa snapshots since forever.06:59
hyperairwhy did you redo the entire packaging of emacs?06:59
hyperairhmm, the (use-package bits are pretty slick, yeah07:01
robruhyperair: because it was super old and crufty, I redid it in the hopes that I could get something nice and clean. if you're curious you should compare my version against the distro version, it's a huge difference. but for whatever reason debian/emacs people are pretty curmudgeonly and I'm not part of the neckbeard's club so they didn't care for my patches.07:01
robrunow my fork just somewhat languishes, but I'm still using it myself.07:01
hyperairah, i see07:02
hyperairbut now that cassou's ditched everything, your fork is all that remains07:02
robruhyperair: ohhhh really?07:02
hyperairhttps://launchpad.net/~cassou/+archive/ubuntu/emacs <-- see the ppa description07:03
robruhyperair: actually my fork is in a bit of trouble as well. since emacs switched to git, the bzr import on launchpad has gone to shit, and as a side effect of that the recipe isn't doing daily builds anymore. I'm still trying to come up with a solution for that, and desperately trying to avoid writing a local cron job that builds emacs and uploads to the ppa.07:03
hyperairi had a local cronjob that worked for banshee07:03
hyperairthen a bunch of half-ports of certain libraries that need to work with both gtk2 and gtk3 resulted in me ditching the cronjob07:04
robruah yeah07:04
hyperairvery hacky07:05
hyperaira lot of weird hacks to get gpg-agent bridged into cron's environment07:05
robruhyperair: heh, thanks for the tip. I may have to do something like that. My concern is mostly that I don't like to have people depending on services that run on my laptop. I liked it better when launchpad was building emacs for me, then I could turn my laptop off and not worry about it.07:06
robruhyperair: hm, I bet the debian package would work on ubuntu? did you ever try http://londo.ganneff.de/dists/stable/main/binary-amd64/Packages07:10
hyperairhmm i haven't07:10
robruhyperair: me either, but that package looks a bit newer than the one you mentioned ;-)07:11
didrockspitti: hey! btw, another case where I have to workaround due to https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=76845607:15
ubot5Debian bug 768456 in init-system-helpers "init-system-helpers: deb-system-invoke starts disabled systemd service on package upgrade" [Normal,Open]07:15
didrockspitti: the workaround is easy, if you think my invoke-rc.d patch and that one won't likely get reviewed, let's workaround in all packages that needs it then and close that as won't fix07:17
didrocks(the invoke-rc.d part is https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768450)07:19
ubot5Debian bug 768450 in sysv-rc "sysv-rc: invoke-rc.d will start a disabled service for systemd-only or systemd+upstart config" [Normal,Open]07:19
didrockswaow, a package that doesn't build-dep on debhelper nor cdbs07:31
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seb128didrocks, what are you doing? applying for debian n-m? ;-)07:35
seb128one of the stuff they make me do by then is to rewrite a rules without any helper, just pure make07:35
didrocksseb128: not, systemdification of various package with upstart-only jobs07:36
seb128I see ;-)07:36
didrocksyeah, this one is pure make07:36
seb128systemd as pid1 still happening this cycle?07:36
didrocksseb128: hopefully yeah07:36
seb128we are going to need to look at bug #140039407:37
ubot5bug 1400394 in ubuntu-app-launch (Ubuntu) "Unity8 fails to start applications under systemd init (cgmanager issue?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140039407:37
seb128e.g making ubuntu-app-launch works with systemd's cgroups controler07:37
didrockshum, I think getting rid of cgmanager isn't planned for this cycle07:38
seb128well, cgmanager doesn't run under systemd init07:38
seb128the job is made that way atm07:38
didrocksyeah, I think pitti started to look at that, there is not reason (yet) it can't07:38
seb128see comment #7 on that bug07:39
seb128#8 as well07:39
seb128seems to not be that simple07:39
didrocksinteresting, I wasn't aware of those recent discussions07:39
didrocksok, so ual it is, which brings the question of session systemd then07:40
seb128user sessions you mean?07:45
didrocksyeah, systemd as the session handler07:45
didrockswhich is what ual is using cgmanager/upstart for07:46
didrocksI don't know how much coupling there is there07:46
seb128yeah, me neither07:46
seb128TheMuso, hey, do you have any opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libao/+bug/1075479 ?08:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1075479 in libao (Ubuntu) "libao defaults to ALSA output, should probably use Pulseaudio" [Undecided,In progress]08:50
darkxstseb128, really? https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/trusty/gdm/config-error-dialog/+merge/244687/comments/606489 since when was trusty not an LTS?08:54
seb128darkxst, shrug, I'm visible not awake, thanks for pointing it out08:55
GunnarHjGood morning, seb128! :)08:55
willcookemorning all08:56
seb128hey GunnarHj08:56
seb128hey willcooke08:56
seb128darkxst, but since you are subscribed to it, maybe you want to sponsor the changes? ;-)08:56
seb128there is also a gdm .1 update from Noskcaj you said you would upload08:56
darkxstseb128, I somehow missed the SRU's for gunnar bug, but I will sponsor since I did the originals08:57
darkxstfor gdm, I am going to upload a merge with debian, probably rename it to gdm3 to make it easier in the future08:58
darkxstI'm guessing that would be ok?08:58
GunnarHjdarkxst: They are identical in practice (besides the line numbers in the patch).08:59
darkxstGunnarHj, did you forward changes upstream?09:00
seb128darkxst, thanks09:01
GunnarHjdarkxst: Yes. No reaction so far.09:01
seb128darkxst, renaming sounds ok to me, wasn't debian speaking about dropping the rename/go back to the gdm name? (at least for the jobs, etc)09:01
darkxstseb128, yes they have in some parts, but their source is still gdm309:02
Laneyhey hey09:07
seb128hey Laney, wie gehts?09:07
darkxsthey Laney09:08
larsumorning Laney!09:08
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GunnarHjdarkxst: Or did you by upstream mean Debian? If so no (I forwarded to GNOME), but I can file a Debian bug too if you want.09:12
darkxstGunnarHj, what did GNOME say? and debian would be good also hoping we can almost get back in sync with debian this cycle09:14
seb128tkamppeter, hey, could you have another look to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups-filters/+bug/1396373 and advice on what to do?09:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1396373 in cups-filters (Ubuntu) "Merge cups-filters 1.0.61-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged]09:14
GunnarHjdarkxst: GNOME hasn't responded. Ok, I'll submit a Debian bug.09:14
Laneyhey seb128 darkxst larsu09:15
Laneydoin' good!09:15
seb128Laney, not sure if you saw my comment about eog yesterday (I might not have seen your reply)09:15
LaneyI did reply09:16
LaneyI said that I didn't check the gtk stuff yet09:16
* seb128 checks for IRC logs09:16
seb128I were under the impression in Washington that you said you would just wait for the new GTK and drop those patches09:16
seb128I can test on my touch screen vivid laptop without the patches if you want09:17
seb128(not sure if you have hdw to test that)09:17
seb128oh, you do, you got the laptop from desrt right?09:17
LaneyI have one of those dell things09:17
Laneybut if you want to, feel free ;-)09:17
seb128not especially, I had forgotten you had one of those09:18
seb128well, I've mine running current vivid so should be easy to do a test build/run, let me know if that's needed09:19
Laneymvo: hey hey, you planning on merging debhelper again or can I steal it?09:24
mvoLaney: no worries, you can steal it09:27
mvoLaney: and good morning and all that :)09:27
Laneyand happy new year!09:27
Laneyhope you had a good break :-)09:27
mvoyes, it was very nice. but its also very nice to hack again on $stuff09:28
Laney$stuff is good09:28
darkxstLaney, $stuff is bad when it involves exact rooting in gjs ;(09:31
Laneydarkxst: garbage collection?09:34
darkxstLaney, yes09:34
seb128darkxst, have you seen https://code.launchpad.net/~albertsmuktupavels/gsettings-desktop-schemas/remove-revert-application-based-key-patch/+merge/245486 ?09:34
seb128not sure what that revert was about09:34
seb128Laney, ^ do you know?09:35
darkxstspidermonkey moved from conservative stack scanning to a moving exact rooting scheme, which caused an incredible number of api changes09:35
darkxstseb128, it was definately used when I searched when reverting that09:36
darkxstin metacity/flashback sessions atleast09:38
darkxstbut I don't see a problem dropping it, if they request, its only going to break them if needed09:40
darkxstits also possible they dropped that upstream now flashback sessions are somewhat maintained09:42
darkxstgtg now, though09:44
willcookemorning mlankhorst, did Bschaefer poke you about xmir yesterday?  I think this is the problem we talked about briefly yesterday09:46
mlankhorsta little09:51
mlankhorsthe didn't say how he hit it though09:51
mlankhorstwhich doesn't give me enough information to work on it :P09:52
willcookemlankhorst, here's the error:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9684420/09:55
willcookemlankhorst, I'm trying to get Xmir up and running on the phone - that's my goal for this week09:56
mlankhorstok :P09:57
mlankhorstI'm going to need to make a bt then09:57
willcookethanks mlankhorst09:59
mlankhorstwhat application are you trying to run?10:01
willcookeI'll give LibreOffice a go I think, but if that doesnt work, anything10:02
mlankhorstI mean does the error happen before running any application?10:02
willcookeah, not sure10:03
willcookestill working through the pre requisites10:04
willcookeI should have more info for you soon10:04
mlankhorstit just means I forgot to initialize something, last time it happened i tried to use a dri2 call..10:10
mlankhorstwithout dri2 initialized10:10
seb128Laney, do you have an utopic install somewhere by any chance? ;-)10:47
seb128or somebody else10:47
Laneymaybe in a vm10:47
seb128if someone fancy looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/136190610:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1361906 in gvfs (Ubuntu Utopic) "gvfsd-ftp crashed with SIGABRT in g_mutex_unlock_slowpath()" [High,Triaged]10:47
seb128https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/patch/?id=2153d300f24d3388d7c4ab75a55451ad5a581b5a should be the change to backport10:48
seb128issue with new glib/old gvfs10:48
seb128I guess I could SRU without testing, but I would prefer if somebody with an utopic could give it a try10:48
seb128lunch for now though10:50
didrocksenjoy seb12810:53
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ochosihm, i thought light-themes don'11:08
ochosit use the unico engine anymore..?11:08
ochosi(strangely, it still gets pulled in when installing them on vivid)11:08
tsdgeossflphone is at 1.3 instead of 1.4 which was released 4 months ago. Is this one of the packages we get from debian?12:04
LaneyIt's been modified so someone will need to look at it manually12:05
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Laney(usually the person listed on https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html)12:07
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seb128larsu, Laney, ^ do you know about ochosi's question? you handled the gtk/theme updates in decembre12:27
larsuochosi: sorry, was at lunch. We haven't removed the depends yet, but I'm about to (probably this week)12:32
ochosilarsu: btw, another thing. recently the menubar-menuitems theming broke in some apps (e.g. shotwell and transmission), adding padding to the menubar-menuitems on the left. do you know anything about that?12:57
larsuochosi: no. How can I reproduce?12:58
larsuI guess by having menus inside the window?12:59
didrocksseb128: not sure if you noticed, but at least, I fixed invoke-rc.d to not fail anymore if you upgrade/install/remove packages that contains upstart-only jobs when you run under systemd13:01
didrockswhich was an issue if you upgrade (running systemd) an upstart-only package to one which then has a systemd unit13:01
didrocks(as the old prerm would fail)13:02
seb128didrocks, I didn't, but I didn't know that was an issue either13:02
didrockswell, I guess good then :)13:02
ochosilarsu: yes. it looks like this: http://imgur.com/IyTOTqU13:04
ochosialmost as if there was an image that isn't displayed13:04
ochosi(same with adwaita btw)13:04
ochosifor reference, transmission with adwaita: http://i.imgur.com/XsCjkTk.png13:05
ochosievince otoh is fine13:11
larsuochosi: neat. Is this V? I can neither reproduce it in transmission nor in shotwell13:11
ochosithis is V (xubuntu)13:11
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larsuwith the desktop team ppa?13:12
* larsu wonders what the difference might be13:13
ochosilemme check whether i'm still using that ppa13:13
ochosinope, without the desktop team ppa13:13
ochosishould i be using that for some reason?13:13
larsuochosi: can you look where the padding comes from with inspector?13:14
ochosii thought that with gtk3.14.6 being in main i don't need that ppa anymore...13:14
larsuyou don't, I'm just trying to find the difference between our systems ;)13:15
ochosiah ok :)13:15
ochosiwhat's the quickest way to start the inspector again?13:15
larsuwith the mouse cursor over the widget you want to inspect13:16
larsuor Ctrl+Shift+D for just opening it13:16
ochosiodd, do i need to do anything else there?13:20
ochosi(doesn't seem to open)13:20
larsuochosi: is org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding turned on?13:24
larsu(needs libgtk-3-dev)13:24
ochosiright, installing that now13:24
ochosiright, installed and setting turned on13:25
ochosinothing happening still13:26
* ochosi is puzzled13:26
larsustarting the app with GTK_DEBUG=interactive set works as well13:26
ochosinow it does13:27
ochosias i suspected...13:28
ochosiand the image is the padding13:28
ochosiwhy would that be in a normal menubar?13:29
larsuI guess unity-gtk-module?13:34
larsuah wait, that doesn't apply to you13:34
ochosihm, why, what does that do?13:34
larsunothing. I wasn't thinking right :)13:35
larsuthe bigger question is: why do you see it and I don't...13:35
ochosinope, i don't have that installed :)13:35
ochosithat too13:35
ochosimaybe there is some other gtk setting..?13:35
larsuwhat exactly is set in the image menu item? A margin?13:35
ochosiyou said you had a special gtk setting for local menus..?13:36
ochosii dont have anything set there because that's the default in xfce13:36
larsuI'm running unity, so I have global menus. But I disabled them in order to reproduce this bug13:36
larsuand I don't see any margin. looks totally normal13:37
ochosiwhat would you like me to check exactly?13:37
ochosi(i thought there was a gtk xsetting that made the menus go back to the respective windows instead of being global for unity)13:38
larsudoes the image menu item have a 'margin-left' set? (in the Properties tab)13:38
larsuochosi: yes, that's what I'm using13:38
larsuand if not, does it have a margin or padding or border set from css (in the style properties tab)13:39
ochosiit's the pixel-size value13:39
ochosinot even sure what that is13:39
ochosisomething like a width-request i guess13:39
ochosiif i decrease that, the padding goes away13:39
ochosino other margin, padding or border is set13:39
larsugtkimagemenuitem doesn't have a pixel size...13:40
ochosiweird, width-request is -113:40
larsugtkimage does13:40
ochosiyeah, that's the gtkimage that is packed inside13:40
larsubut that's hidden for me13:40
ochosiright, so that's the difference i guess13:40
larsudoes that have visible=true for you?13:40
larsuthat's wrong. I wonder where that comes from...13:40
ochosisetting it to false fixes it13:41
larsumakes sense...13:41
ochosino idea either where that comes from13:41
ochosiwhta do you change exactly when disabling global menus in unity?13:42
larsuI don't load unity-gtk-module13:42
larsutransmission and shotwell both still need this, because they don't seem to be using GMenuModel yet13:42
ochosihm ok13:43
ochosiso no other switch that gets flipped13:43
ochosior any other env var that gets set13:43
larsuthere's the xsetting, but when u-g-m isn't loaded, nothing looks at it13:44
larsu(except gtk itself, but only when using GMenuModel)13:44
larsuare you seeing the same issue on unity or gnome shell?13:46
ochosii have neither of those available for testing13:46
ochosii'll ask around among the other xubuntu devs just to make sure i'm not the only one seeing it13:48
ochosibut i have to admit i'm a bit out of ideas on that one...13:48
ochosiok, they can confirm13:52
ochosilarsu: setting gtk-menu-images to false fixes the issue... :(13:53
ochosiwhich isn't entirely cool, cause we don't want that setting13:53
larsumakes total sense though13:54
larsuI wonder why those apps use GtkImageMenu at all though...13:55
larsuin menu bars, I mean13:55
ochosiit makes sense alright, but i wonder why 1) they're using imagemenuitems there (weird!) and 2) why this didn't happen with earlier versions of gtk313:59
larsuthere were some changes in the way icons are sized14:03
larsumaybe that's related14:03
ochosilarsu: hm, maybe. but empty images should just always not be displayed, no?14:08
larsuochosi: "should"14:09
Laneydidrocks: I think your sysvinit has a syntax error14:16
Laneyhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/194237210/sysvinit_2.88dsf-53.2ubuntu3_2.88dsf-53.2ubuntu4.diff.gz "t\nhen"14:16
* Laney fixes14:21
seb128peer review ftw!14:26
Laneycan't build the new one because of the previous error14:33
Laneyseb128: should we remove it from vivid-proposed, wait for it to publish, retry the new one?14:33
seb128Laney, wfm, let me delete it14:34
Laneyautopkgtests caught this too \o/14:34
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seb128Laney, sorry I cleared out your new upload as well on the way, can you reupload with a bumped revision?14:46
Laneyyeah, once this is published14:47
didrocksLaney: argh, thanks man15:14
didrocksseb128: thanks15:14
seb128didrocks, yw!15:15
Laneyno worries15:15
didrocksshould have happen during the final review before uploading, as I copied it just before to test… :/15:17
willcookemegalolz https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-clogGj40qOA/VK1YN0yoXwI/AAAAAAAAI7k/3kxoqBWuO8c/w659-h879-no/2015%2B-%2B116:09
seb128willcooke, mireyes? ;-)16:10
seb128willcooke, is that in the store?16:10
willcookeI should add it and make it 99999 USD16:10
didrocksjust need 1 guy…16:11
willcookethen we *all* go to Vegas16:11
didrockswould be cooler if it was interacting with the accelerometer16:12
didrockshum, nice idea of a small dummy app to do :)16:12
willcookeshould be easy to simulate X input evens16:12
dednickcan anyone tell me how to open a gtk app in u8-mir desktop session? from a terminal.16:12
willcookedednick, using native Mir gtk support?16:13
dednickwillcooke: ya16:13
willcookeok, so assuming you want to use Gedit16:13
mzanettiwillcooke: we need something that has a menu bar, QWidget would be fine too I guess16:13
mzanettigedit would be fine, yes16:14
willcookelet me see if I have a .desktop file kicking around here...16:14
willcookein theory that's all you need16:14
willcookeoh wait16:14
willcookeit's easier than that16:15
willcookeyou should just need to edit the .desktop file for $APP and add16:15
* willcooke checks....16:15
mzanettiah, the X-Ubuntu-Touch=true?16:15
willcookethat's the one16:16
willcookeit's case sensitive it seems16:16
mzanettiwillcooke: but we probably want debug prints16:16
mzanettiwe get that in upstart cache though... so would work16:16
mzanettidednick: ^16:16
dednickah. ok, give me a sec. it just bombed out after i did a random desktop file.16:16
didrockswho wrote this!!! ;-)16:17
seb128desrt, mzanetti, dednick, you can also probably "MIR_SOCKET=<socket to mir> somebinary"16:19
seb128desrt, sorry, was meant to be dednick16:19
seb128willcooke, ^16:19
mzanettithanks seb12816:20
seb128that works at least to run an app from a vt with the mir demo server on vt116:20
dednickGLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system16:22
seb128dednick, is XDG_DATA_DIR set?16:24
dednickseb128: nope16:24
seb128should be16:24
dednickseb128: ah. its DIRS :) set to "/opt/click.ubuntu.com/blahbvlah"16:26
seb128well, I guess you want to add /usr/share to it16:27
dednickseb128: yeah, that got me a bit further. now getting "This application can not open files"16:29
seb128dednick, try maybe something simpler than gedit? like gnome-calculator16:30
dednickseb128: yeah, i did as well. same problem16:30
seb128dednick, seems like a gapplication thing, maybe it relies on something to be set that isn't16:32
seb128desrt or larsu might know?16:32
desrtas a flag16:32
seb128desrt, it's trying to run any application from a vt to test them under unity8/mir16:32
seb128e.g gedit16:33
seb128so likely an env issue16:33
seb128not a code one16:33
dednickarg.. ffs it's the -- --desktop_file_hint16:35
dednicksame thing happens if you do it on X16:37
dednicksupprised gedit doesnt allow...16:37
dednickoh.... it does. i was just trying with gnome-calculator.16:39
Laneyseb128: uploading that gvfs fix now + another similar one16:40
seb128Laney, excellent, thanks16:41
seb128dednick, what was the issue?16:41
seb128doesn't work with gcalc?16:41
dednickseb128: apparently gtk doesnt like you specifying the "--desktop_file_hint" because it thinks you're trying to open a file. works ok with gedit (because you can open a file from command line), but not with gnome-calculator16:42
seb128dednick, maybe you need to -- --desktop_file_hint?16:42
dednickseb128: yeah, that's what i meant16:43
seb128I see16:43
seb128works now?16:43
dednickgnome-calculator no.16:43
seb128or did you hit $the_next_issue16:43
dednickgedit - it opens, but doesnt render.16:43
seb128dednick, that's likely https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtmir/+bug/140196816:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1401968 in QtMir "GTK applications don't work anymore under unity8" [Critical,Triaged]16:44
seb128dednick, you can downgrade your qtmir for local work purpose16:44
dednickseb128: ta. i'll try16:44
qengho403 Forbidden   with wget16:58
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GunnarHjdarkxst: I added the gdm patch to the Debian bug tracker:19:06
ubot5Debian bug 774798 in gdm3 "Warning msg when ~/.profile syntax error instead of failed login" [Normal,Open]19:06
* willcooke -> EOD19:07
NoskcajCan we sync gtksourceview3 from debian? the gtk version dep change is now unneeded, ppc64le builds in debian without our autoreconf, and the conflicts/replaces has hopefully been in long enough it can be dropped19:55
Noskcajseb128, ^19:56
TheMusoseb128: Yeah I agree. I'll take care of it.21:11
darkxstGunnarHj, thanks22:15

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