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elopio | good morning team. | 14:33 |
elopio | alesage: how is it going with system settings? | 14:33 |
rhuddie | elopio, hey good morning | 14:37 |
elopio | hello rhuddie | 14:37 |
rhuddie | elopio, I was thinking about querying device for maps support | 14:37 |
rhuddie | elopio, something like this seems to work: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9687891/ | 14:38 |
rhuddie | which checks if you have the click app installed | 14:38 |
elopio | rhuddie: ok. Sounds fine. I guess we could have different agps providers in the future, but then we will just update that method. | 14:41 |
elopio | rhuddie: I would call the capability agps, instead of maps. | 14:41 |
rhuddie | elopio, yes, you could make it as specific as you needed it to be. even have different methods for different providers if you need to know which one(s) are supported | 14:42 |
elopio | rhuddie: yesterday we were wondering if the apt-get update thing should be reported as aa bug to autopkgtest. Maybe it should be done by the setup scripts, maybe with a flag or something. | 14:43 |
elopio | could you please file a bug for that, and add a comment with the bug # in your branch? | 14:44 |
rhuddie | elopio, sure, I'll raise the bug. But I merged that branch earlier this morning, do you want me to revert it? | 14:45 |
elopio | rhuddie: no, that's fine. You can add the comment directly to trunk, no need to MP that. | 14:45 |
rhuddie | elopio, ok | 14:46 |
elopio | rhuddie: second thing, you said that you filed a bug for the wizard in rtm, right? Could you please make a branch to skip that test if we are on rtm, also with a comment linking the bug? | 14:46 |
rhuddie | elopio, sure. that will require the config helper so we know if we are on rtm. should I just add those as helpers for now? | 14:48 |
elopio | rhuddie: yes, I think you should. Didn't you have a method to get the channel, in your last branch? | 14:49 |
rhuddie | elopio, yes I do | 14:49 |
rhuddie | elopio, the file I look at is only available on touch, not desktop | 14:50 |
rhuddie | don't think that should be a problem for now, but if we move these helpers to autopilot we would obviously need to make it work with desktop too | 14:50 |
elopio | rhuddie: that's good for now. I think that on desktop you could use something like /etc/lsb-release. But if you want, just raise an exception leaving that part for the future. | 14:52 |
elopio | rhuddie: and final comment for today... :) Last time I called a click command they told me to better use the click db. | 14:54 |
elopio | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~click-hackers/click/trunk/view/head:/click/commands/list.py#L29 | 14:54 |
elopio | you can do something like db = Click.DB(); db.read(); registry = Click.User.for_user(db, name=os.get_env('USER')) | 14:55 |
rhuddie | elopio, thanks I'll take a look. | 14:56 |
elopio | that is also good because you won't have to parse a string for the answer. You can query the registry. | 14:56 |
rhuddie | elopio, fyi, this is the bug for rtm wizard: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1399576 | 15:00 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1399576 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "Cannot introspect settings wizard" [High,In progress] | 15:00 |
elopio | rhuddie: great, thanks. | 15:01 |
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elopio | alesage: where are you? | 15:55 |
alesage | elopio, here :) , sorry other pings, waiting on a build of system-settings to get your answer | 15:56 |
elopio | alesage: ok. I'm getting my env ready to give it a try. | 15:56 |
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alesage | elopio I need to be updated on how to run an autopilot test on the phone, is the best way to shell into the phone and run from the source tree (for a unity8 autopilot tests which I don't think is dep8-able)? | 16:07 |
elopio | alesage: it all depends what you are running. | 16:07 |
elopio | best way is to do what jenkins does, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing | 16:07 |
elopio | if you are debugging, you might want to make the phone writable, install bzr and emacs, and get the branch into the phone. | 16:08 |
alesage | elopio, right, I'm usually doing that--just want to be sure that some nifty utility hasn't come into existence as I'm advising paulliu on how to run indicators tests on phone | 16:09 |
alesage | elopio, balloons, what's your fav unity8 test, page-object-model-wise? | 16:16 |
elopio | alesage: the new one: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/unity8/edges_demo_test/+merge/244889 | 16:18 |
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alesage | elopio, thx | 16:22 |
balloons | i'll go with leo alesage :) | 16:23 |
alesage | balloons, very wise choice | 16:24 |
rhuddie | alesage, as we now need 2 approvals, could you take a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-sanity-tests/config-helpers/+merge/245754 | 16:26 |
alesage | rhuddie, ok shall do in a little bit | 16:26 |
rhuddie | alesage, thank you | 16:26 |
alesage | rhuddie, nothing interesting to add to that MP, approved :) | 16:47 |
rhuddie | alesage thanks :) | 16:47 |
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alesage | elopio, have you worked with paulliu before? he's helping with the indicators helpers, may have questions about how best to implement the page object model | 17:06 |
elopio | alesage: for a short time when he was working on pay. | 17:06 |
alesage | elopio, aha ok | 17:06 |
elopio | alesage: tell him to ask here or on ubuntu-autopilot. | 17:07 |
alesage | elopio, done :) | 17:07 |
elopio | paulliu: oh, right, you are here :) | 17:07 |
elopio | paulliu: if you need a hand, just ping ubuntu-qa. | 17:07 |
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alesage | elopio I'm running the sanity suite on a fresh flash and I'm failing due to apt-get 404's, have you witnessed? feel a bit blocked by this | 18:10 |
elopio | alesage: do you have trunk? | 18:10 |
alesage | elopio, I'm reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-sanity-tests/serial/+merge/245599 | 18:11 |
elopio | alesage: I'll merge it with trunk. | 18:11 |
elopio | alesage: give it a try to see if Richard's apt-get update solves it. | 18:12 |
alesage | elopio, k | 18:12 |
alesage | elopio, surprised if so b/c a manual apt-get update still 404s :( , running now | 18:13 |
alesage | elopio, appears to have worked | 18:16 |
elopio | alesage: awesome. I also tried the apt-get update myself, but I think what we are doing now is a little different. It temporarily mounts the partition as writable. | 18:17 |
alesage | elopio, o I see | 18:17 |
alesage | dark science | 18:18 |
elopio | yeah, I didn't understood it all. But Richard should have filed a bug by now. | 18:18 |
alesage | elopio, were you able to discover anything re: my settings blockage? | 18:52 |
alesage | elopio, here's the latest result on Jenkins FWIW http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-vivid-mako/603/ | 18:53 |
elopio | alesage: no, I was waiting for you to tell me if you needed a hand. | 19:04 |
elopio | I will get to it after the standup. | 19:05 |
alesage | elopio, ok yes I might need a hand at least to brainstorm | 19:05 |
elopio | only one error, that's pretty good. And no longer pagecomponent errors. We can work with that. | 19:05 |
alesage | but this sound failure is a mystery (and I've skipped all the other failures :) ) | 19:07 |
elopio | hey veebeers, is the --test-timeout flag released in rtm? | 19:28 |
dobey | ok, i'm confused. | 19:33 |
dobey | the autopilot tests need to be included within the click package, to be runnable with the x-test stuff in the manifest, with adt-run, right? | 19:34 |
dobey | otherwise adt-run foo.click couldn't possibly work, right? | 19:36 |
dobey | also, isn't filemanager supposed to be a fat package? | 19:45 |
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balloons | dobey, terminal and fm both got published as fat i believe | 19:59 |
dobey | balloons: i just installed the update for fm on my mako, and looking at the file system, i only see the arm binaries | 20:01 |
balloons | dobey, adt run works by pulling tests from the source tree @ revision | 20:03 |
balloons | as soon as someone pushes an update its likely to lose fat package support, as people have to manually build the fat package | 20:03 |
balloons | so tests don't go in the click | 20:03 |
dobey | huh | 20:05 |
dobey | i added the same stuff that fm has in it's CMakeLists.txt to install the ap tests, in pay-ui, and when i build the click the console log shows the files being installed to the place where the .click is built from | 20:06 |
dobey | so i don't need to add that? | 20:07 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, hi | 20:09 |
balloons | Letozaf_, hi | 20:09 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I found out that editing a topic on shorts app does not work, shall I file a bug ? | 20:10 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I found it out working on the edit topic tes | 20:10 |
Letozaf_ | test | 20:10 |
balloons | dobey, ? not sure what you are trying to do, but no. the tests are pulled from source (or passed in). the click should be the same as the end user | 20:11 |
balloons | Letozaf_, that's with the changes I take it? | 20:11 |
balloons | and yes, a bug is alwasys useful :) | 20:12 |
dobey | balloons: i'm trying to add autopkgtests to the pay-ui click. i was looking at filemanager for hints on how to do it. | 20:12 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I was wondering If I was wrong as if you read in my mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/fixed-test-edit-topic/+merge/245411 Joey and Roman don't seem to agree with me | 20:12 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, by the way: howzit ? | 20:13 |
balloons | dobey, your manifest does need to be formatted properly, but it probably is already. can i see the source? | 20:13 |
balloons | Letozaf_, not bad at all thanks | 20:14 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, looks like you are typing quite quikly :) | 20:14 |
balloons | hah. hunt and peck super speed mode! | 20:15 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, :-) | 20:15 |
dobey | balloons: i haven't added the autopkgtests bits to it yet. i thought the tests had to be installed, so i split the work into two tasks | 20:16 |
balloons | dobey, ahh. yep, adt can just be pointed at an installed click and run the tests for it by pulling the click manifest and working it out | 20:18 |
balloons | or pass it tests; or tests and a click | 20:19 |
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr | ||
alesage | elopio, given what we talked about in stand-up maybe I'll just switch to temporarily skipping those tests, open a bug for each, then fix the non-Jenkins-related ones (i.e. the 'about' test we discussed yesterday) | 20:55 |
elopio | alesage: yes. Make a branch with the skips. Run it 3 times to make sure it's green. Then make a branch that depends on that one, where we will remove the skips and solve the issues. | 20:58 |
elopio | it's only required to file bugs if the first branch lands before the second one is ready. | 20:58 |
alesage | elopio, ok now I know the process thx | 20:59 |
elopio | ok, I'm off to pick my bike from the mechanic, and have lunch. | 21:04 |
elopio | bbl | 21:04 |
balloons | Letozaf_, sorry i missed your other ? earlier | 21:22 |
balloons | Letozaf_, did you need help with that mp? | 21:23 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I am reporting a bug as changing a fedd's topic does not work | 21:23 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, then I will put a note in the mp | 21:24 |
balloons | kk | 21:24 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, :) | 21:24 |
dobey | uhm | 22:44 |
dobey | balloons: still here? | 22:44 |
balloons | dobey, for a moment yes | 22:46 |
dobey | balloons: do you know if doing adt-run on a click will always create a user session with xvfb or what? | 22:47 |
balloons | dobey, it depends on the runner you choose | 22:52 |
dobey | i presume the runner is the thing where i put "autopilot" in the manifest? | 22:52 |
balloons | i should use the proper terms.. the virt server i guess it's called | 22:53 |
balloons | adt-run [options] <source package> --- <virt-server> [<virt-server options>] | 22:53 |
balloons | https://people.debian.org/~mpitt/autopkgtest/README.running-tests.html | 22:54 |
dobey | that readme doesn't really answer my question :-/ | 22:56 |
dobey | oh | 22:56 |
dobey | virt-server isn't what you meant | 22:56 |
dobey | --setup-commands is? | 22:56 |
* dobey builds a click and tries | 23:01 |
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