
bdmurrayinfinity: it seems to me it could be a part of the point release process01:02
infinitybdmurray: No point tying it to point releases, IMO.01:04
infinitybdmurray: But not a bad idea for people to check occasionally.01:04
bdmurrayinfinity: check occasionally if they remember? my thought was the point release would be a back-up plan01:04
infinitybdmurray: Yeah.  The problem with making it part of the point release process is that most of that process happens a week before the point release, and this should ideally happen earlier, so it goes through normal SRUness.01:05
infinitybdmurray: But wouldn't hurt to add it to the wiki checklist anyway to see if it's been done "recently".01:06
bdmurrayinfinity: ah, because you'd want it on the new isos.01:07
mlankhorstinfinity: yeah :p08:25
tjaaltonis there an sru admin available to ack mesa for trusty-proposed? it's been on the queue since dec 19th09:23
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
tjaaltonbdmurray: hey, could you review sru bug 1404217 and ack it?14:38
jamespagethe sahara upload I just made to vivid NEW is in effect a sync from experimental with immediate fixes and changes for Ubuntu15:22
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U
Laneyarges: hey, nice work on the SRU queues today18:28
argesLaney: thanks!18:29
infinity^--- Self accepting that, it's just an ABI bump.18:56

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