awe_ | awesome! | 00:00 |
ibuntu | got any recommendations on where I can learn more about ubuntu? I'd like to eventually become a developer and contribute to the ubuntu touch project | 00:01 |
nhaines | What exactly do you want to learn about Ubuntu? | 00:03 |
ibuntu | Sorry, I guess that's a really vague question. I'd like to be able to know enough about how the system works to be able to contribute to fixing bugs and working on the core system functionality. To aid in the coding and development of the Ubuntu OS and especially Ubuntu Touch. | 00:06 |
awe_ | is a good place to start | 00:07 |
ibuntu | thanks | 00:09 |
awe_ | ibuntu, I'll be around tomorrow if you want to chat some more. Also more folks will start to be around in the next few days as folks get back from the holidays | 00:09 |
awe_ | have fun, I'm off... | 00:09 |
awe_ | ttyl! | 00:09 |
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wg4568 | hi | 01:21 |
wg4568 | anyone here? | 01:21 |
cwayne1 | dobey: fyi just submitted meetup scope to the store if you wanna check it out (once it gets published). I've actually altered the account-provider to use oauth2 instead of oauth1.0a as well if you'd like me to update my branch later | 01:52 |
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dholbach | good morning | 08:36 |
seb128 | hey dholbach | 08:38 |
dholbach | hi seb128 | 08:40 |
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JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Old Rock Day! :-) | 09:46 |
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willcooke | is this wiki page out of date? | 11:13 |
willcooke | e.g. ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels | 11:13 |
willcooke | doesnt seem to work any more | 11:13 |
willcooke | | 11:15 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1393560 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:15 |
willcooke | looks like someone beat me to it :) | 11:15 |
popey | ubuntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=flo | 11:17 |
popey | that works | 11:17 |
popey | so yes, the docs are outdated | 11:17 |
willcooke | looks like the man page is too | 11:18 |
popey | sergiusens: ^ | 11:18 |
willcooke | sergiusens, you want me to open a bug? (The man page says options should have a single hyphen for example) | 11:18 |
willcooke | thx popey | 11:18 |
popey | np | 11:19 |
willcooke | popey, one more quick question, Im flashing my device with the Vivid image, and I've been told to make sure it's read/write | 11:20 |
willcooke | does that mean simply turning on dev mode? | 11:20 |
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aquarius | Chipaca, ping | 11:54 |
Chipaca | aquarius: pong | 11:58 |
Chipaca | aquarius: was getting a cuppa :) | 11:58 |
aquarius | Chipaca, hny, etc. :) | 11:58 |
aquarius | ooh, there's a good idea :) | 11:58 |
Chipaca | aquarius: and somebody had carelessly left some of my mum's xmas cake right next to the kettle | 11:58 |
Chipaca | honestly, people sometimes | 11:59 |
aquarius | it's like they *want* you to fall into the trap | 11:59 |
Chipaca | tedg: ping about urldispatcher when you're around | 12:04 |
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jgdx | brendand, rtm 02 is looking good! 4 reboots and no asyncness | 12:18 |
jgdx | tedg, ^ | 12:21 |
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sergiusens | popey: willcooke sure | 12:35 |
sergiusens | phablet-tools is the wrong project, I don't even look at those anymore... | 12:36 |
Chipaca | com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'settings:///system/system-update' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher | 12:52 |
Chipaca | tedg: ^ wat? | 12:52 |
brendand | jgdx, yeah i signed it off | 13:01 |
jgdx | brendand, nice | 13:02 |
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willcooke | sergiusens, which project should I log the bug against? | 13:54 |
sergiusens | willcooke: goget-ubuntu-touch, or just ubuntu-bug ubuntu-device-flash ;-) | 14:03 |
willcooke | thx sergiusens | 14:04 |
sergiusens | np | 14:06 |
aquarius | tedg! oi! you see the magic appid:// URLs that URLDispatcher supports? How can I pass extra information with them? I just tried to URLDispatcher appid://org.kryogenix.myapp/MyApp/current-user-version?url=somestuff and urldispatcher says it's invalid | 14:34 |
tedg | aquarius, It is. What extra information do you want? | 14:34 |
aquarius | tedg, I would like a URL which invokes my app and passes it a *different* URL | 14:35 |
tedg | aquarius, The plan was to support desktop actions, but we're not there yet. | 14:35 |
tedg | aquarius, You probably want to register your own URL for that "aquarius://foo/bar" | 14:35 |
aquarius | tedg, that is: I have an http(s) URL that I want to pass explicitly to my app. | 14:35 |
aquarius | I can, of course, register my own URL scheme, but I shouldn't need to, because appid:// URLs exist | 14:36 |
tedg | aquarius, Then you can sub "aquarius" for "http" internally. | 14:36 |
aquarius | can an appid:// URL *only* be used to start up my app, and not to pass it any data? | 14:36 |
tedg | aquarius, Today, yes. It basically runs the app without an URL. We don't pass it anything in that case. | 14:36 |
aquarius | hrm. | 14:37 |
aquarius | this is not putting you on Santa's good boys list. :) | 14:37 |
* tedg has 340 some days to recover | 14:37 | |
aquarius | right FINE I'll register a custom url scheme then FINE | 14:37 |
aquarius | tedg, on a more serious note, how does a QML app know that it was started by URLDispatcher, and get the URL? | 14:37 |
tedg | aquarius, | 14:40 |
tedg | aquarius, Make sure to put a %u in the Exec line of your desktop file as well. | 14:40 |
aquarius | tedg, are there rules about what a URL has to look like? If I register for protocol: "myapp", will URL dispatcher handle a URL which looks like myapp://12345 ? | 14:41 |
aquarius | that is: it doesn't have a meaningful "domain"? | 14:41 |
aquarius | exec line is currently Exec=qmlscene $@ main.qml | 14:41 |
aquarius | should that be Exec=qmlscene $@ main.qml %u | 14:42 |
aquarius | ? | 14:42 |
tedg | aquarius, As long as the domain follows the rules for domain names. You'd probably be better off with three slashes. | 14:42 |
aquarius | ah. | 14:42 |
tedg | aquarius, I think it might need to be "-- %u" for qmlscene. | 14:42 |
aquarius | so if I want to pass arbitrary data, I'm probably better off with a URL like myapp:// | 14:43 |
tedg | Or just myapp:foobar | 14:43 |
aquarius | ah! | 14:44 |
aquarius | that's doable :) | 14:44 |
tedg | Some examples were in this bug (now fixed): | 14:44 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1351222 in url-dispatcher (Ubuntu RTM) "URL parsing doesn't comply with RFC 3986" [High,Fix released] | 14:44 |
tedg | aquarius, If you really want your app to "phone home" you can use: tel:+441243532 ;-) | 14:45 |
* aquarius grins | 14:46 | |
aquarius | nope, that doesn't work | 14:47 |
aquarius | tedg, | 14:48 |
aquarius | my app (caxton) is registered for "protocol":"caxton" URLs (assuming I've done it right), and a caxton URL looks like caxton:(url encoded http(s) URL) | 14:48 |
aquarius | but urldispatcher says they're invalid, as per pastebvin | 14:49 |
tedg | Hmm, let's not assume you've done it right :-) | 14:51 |
aquarius | ha! | 14:51 |
aquarius | touche | 14:51 |
aquarius | what do I need to do to test whether I've done it right? | 14:51 |
tedg | aquarius, sqlite3 ~/.cache/url-dispatcher/urls-1.db "select * from urls where protocol = \"caxton\";" | 14:52 |
aquarius | 9|caxton| | 14:53 |
tedg | aquarius, And I'm assuming you're using a recent build, right? | 14:54 |
aquarius | probanly not | 14:54 |
tedg | (newer than middle of Dec) | 14:54 |
aquarius | nope | 14:54 |
aquarius | definitely not that new | 14:54 |
aquarius | there seems to be no way to upgrade my emulator, and no way to create such a build from the IDE. | 14:54 |
tedg | aquarius, Hmm, so that bug that I linked to above needs to be fixed. | 14:54 |
tedg | aquarius, url dispatcher 0.1+15.04.20141211-0ubuntu1 | 14:55 |
aquarius | tedg, ah, if it's a fixed bug then I'm OK... | 14:55 |
aquarius | I can work around it for now, or just upgrade :) | 14:55 |
aquarius | I prefer being backwards-compatible with this sort of thing anyway. | 14:55 |
tedg | So the triple slash approach would have always worked. | 14:56 |
tedg | We just didn't handle the "non slash" case | 14:56 |
aquarius | k | 14:57 |
aquarius | trying... | 14:57 |
aquarius | aaaaaand... everything works! | 15:08 |
aquarius | nice one Chipaca and tedg | 15:08 |
Chipaca | “everything” | 15:08 |
Chipaca | as much as can be expected :) | 15:09 |
* tedg assumes aquarius will have no more issues, ever | 15:09 | |
aquarius | that seems likely | 15:09 |
aquarius | the bugs are never in MY code ;) | 15:09 |
popey | aquarius: quitting computers so early? | 15:09 |
aquarius | you lot are very mean to me, I think. :) | 15:09 |
dobey | it's not you, it's your code :) | 15:09 |
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JoannisO | I can't seem to find an API that lets me control the LED on the back of my phone. Is this only available to canonical apps? | 15:16 |
dobey | the camera flash led? | 15:17 |
JoannisO | Yes | 15:17 |
popey | there's a couple of flash apps in the store | 15:18 |
JoannisO | They don't work/crash instantly. | 15:19 |
JoannisO | Well... they being uTorch which is the only one I could find tbh | 15:19 |
JoannisO | My stupid brain finally comprehended the word "Torch" so I searched that instead of "flash"/"flashlight" but they don't work either. The phone app does open it. | 15:22 |
JoannisO | The camera app* | 15:22 |
JoannisO | But back to my question; is there an API that lets me control the LED? Because I'd write one on my own and see if that works. | 15:24 |
aquarius | JoannisO, there is. | 15:25 |
aquarius | JoannisO, | 15:26 |
popey | they used to work | 15:26 |
popey | wonder what broke | 15:26 |
popey | maybe permissions issue. | 15:26 |
aquarius | utorch's code is at | 15:27 |
Chipaca | 2015-01-07 15:27:18,626 - CRITICAL - Error: "Client has insuficient permissions to access the service.Method:getAuthSessionObjectPath" | 15:27 |
lool | ondra: I've updated LP #1394204 with a link to test binaries | 15:27 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1394204 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "dbus daemon spinning with NM AP properties change event" [Critical,In progress] | 15:27 |
Chipaca | somebody's broken something :) | 15:27 |
lool | trying them here now | 15:27 |
Chipaca | tedg: speaking about people breaking things, in devel-propsed right now i'm getting com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'settings:///system/system-update' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher | 15:28 |
lool | ondra: did you complete a build + test since yesterday evening? | 15:28 |
Chipaca | tedg: what broke and why? | 15:28 |
ondra | lool yeah build eventually finished so I tested what I built and that worked | 15:33 |
ondra | lool at least when I did what joc told me, I was not able to reproduce it | 15:33 |
ondra | lool did walk in and out of wifi range about 4 times, and then checked dbus and it was all normal | 15:34 |
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joc | ondra: was is still on the phone you gave me? | 15:37 |
ondra | joc yes | 15:37 |
ondra | joc any other issues with that phone? | 15:37 |
joc | ondra: thought i saw some dbus spikes earlier | 15:39 |
joc | ondra: would want to test more though | 15:39 |
ondra | joc feel free to do more tests :) | 15:39 |
joc | ondra: was asked to do some already by tvoss, will try again in the office tomorrow probably | 15:40 |
ondra | joc ok | 15:41 |
jgdx | Wellark, I can't find the private connectivity-api docs, you know where they are? | 15:52 |
aquarius | JamesTait, ping :) | 16:04 |
JamesTait | aquarius, happy new year! | 16:05 |
aquarius | JamesTait, heya, dude. Happy 2015 :) | 16:05 |
JamesTait | Not so far, it isn't, but there's a long way to go. ;) | 16:05 |
aquarius | JamesTait, we talked (at oggcamp, I think?) about some way to get (and update) a DB of all reviews of all Ubuntu apps without hammering the backend API, right? | 16:06 |
JamesTait | aquarius, we did indeed. | 16:06 |
aquarius | was our conclusion "there is no way to do that but we'll add one"? | 16:06 |
JamesTait | aquarius, I can't quite remember what the conclusion was actually! | 16:07 |
aquarius | JamesTait, ok, so if you have two minutes, perhaps we can rediscuss. I can get all the reviews by walking the list of all packages and then walking the list of all reviews for every package and saving the responses. But that's pretty harsh :) | 16:08 |
aquarius | ideally I would like or somethng... | 16:08 |
JamesTait | aquarius, rnr is a separate service, though, which I'm not *that* familiar with, but I'm happy to discuss, with that caveat that I can't guarantee anything we conclude would actually get implemented any time soon. ;) | 16:08 |
aquarius | but I'm open to better suggestions if you have any | 16:09 |
aquarius | oh! I thought you were the rnr dude. Who is? | 16:09 |
JamesTait | aquarius, I think pindonga and fgallina are the two most familiar with it (or who touched it last). | 16:09 |
aquarius | aha, fgallina, that's the name, indeed | 16:09 |
JamesTait | aquarius, but currently, as you say, you have to get a list of packages and then query the rnr api for each one. | 16:10 |
aquarius | that's obviously doom | 16:11 |
JamesTait | Or boom. | 16:11 |
aquarius | right. It will, at minimum, get me blocked :) | 16:11 |
aquarius | I'll file a bug on and start a discussion... | 16:11 |
dobey | Chipaca: ugh, online-accounts | 16:11 |
JamesTait | Heh, you found the project before me! | 16:12 |
JamesTait | Wanna job? :-P | 16:12 |
aquarius | I'm fine with my job, thanks :) | 16:12 |
dobey | push notifications for rnr? | 16:13 |
Chipaca | ssh | 16:13 |
Chipaca | don't give the man ideas | 16:13 |
aquarius | :) | 16:13 |
JamesTait | Oops, too late! ;) | 16:13 |
* Chipaca 's hoping it's just aquarius' usual sausage-fingers-in-pies thing | 16:14 | |
dobey | did i say that out loud? | 16:14 |
* Chipaca might have skipped lunch | 16:14 | |
aquarius | hmph | 16:14 |
Chipaca | all my analogies are coming out foodish | 16:14 |
dobey | haha | 16:15 |
dobey | sausage fingers: | 16:15 |
Chipaca | WAT | 16:17 |
dobey | haha | 16:18 |
JoannisO | What's the channel for the ubuntu-sdk? | 16:18 |
dobey | JoannisO: #ubuntu-app-devel i think if you want to ask questions about app development | 16:19 |
bzoltan | JoannisO: there is no dedicated channel for the sdk, here or on the #ubuntu-app-devel | 16:19 |
JamesTait | JoannisO, #ubuntu-app-devel might be the better one. | 16:19 |
JoannisO | Okay. Thanks! | 16:19 |
* bzoltan wonders if dobey and JamesTait have highlight on sdk word too :D | 16:20 | |
dobey | nope | 16:20 |
JamesTait | bzoltan, nope, just happened to be around at the right time. :) | 16:20 |
bzoltan | Cool :) that is great community service then | 16:21 |
* dobey is just a helpful kind of guy | 16:21 | |
* Chipaca can confirm | 16:21 | |
Chipaca | so, online accounts in 15.04 is broken afaict. Who do I pester? | 16:25 |
dobey | Chipaca: i don't think that's a 15.04 issue | 16:25 |
* Chipaca is flashing rtm to check | 16:25 | |
aquarius | JamesTait, filed, if you have thoughts | 16:25 |
Chipaca | dobey: tell me more | 16:25 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1408353 in Ratings and Reviews server "Some way to mirror the review database by a third party " [Undecided,New] | 16:25 |
dobey | Chipaca: you are getting that issue trying to access account details for u1? | 16:25 |
Chipaca | dobey: yes | 16:25 |
JamesTait | aquarius, thank you muchly. | 16:26 |
dobey | Chipaca: i'm not sure what is causing that to happen exactly. deleting and adding the u1 account again will "fix" it though | 16:26 |
dobey | Chipaca: if you can reproduce it reliably right now, please talk to mardy and get some debug info for him | 16:27 |
Chipaca | I might have just flashed the device | 16:29 |
dobey | ok | 16:29 |
mardy | dobey, Chipaca: I suspect it's because the U1 account was created back in a time when the client creating the account (in this case, the U1 plugin) was not automatically set as owner of the account | 16:29 |
Chipaca | mardy: I'm reading "it's not going to happen to real users" | 16:30 |
mardy | dobey: beside that, please don't forget about bug 1376445 | 16:30 |
ubot5 | bug 1376445 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Addition of signon-apparmor-extension causes token lookup problems" [Undecided,In progress] | 16:30 |
dobey | mardy: i'm not sure that's the case. but it's difficult | 16:31 |
mardy | Chipaca: well, that thing was not fixed too long ago, maybe a month or so | 16:31 |
dobey | mardy: yes, but even getting that fix in the image, people will still have to create a new account to actually get the "fix" | 16:31 |
Chipaca | mardy: dobey: I just flashed the device to rtm, and it works there | 16:31 |
Chipaca | $ /usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/signing-helper | 16:32 |
Chipaca | OAuth oauth_consumer_key=<SNIP> | 16:32 |
dobey | Chipaca: you just wiped and created a new account, right? | 16:32 |
mardy | dobey: true, but please try to fix it soonish, so that every new user has a good ACL in their account | 16:32 |
Chipaca | no | 16:32 |
Chipaca | old account | 16:32 |
Chipaca | flashed, not wiped | 16:32 |
dobey | Chipaca: oh, interesting | 16:32 |
Chipaca | I'll move back to devel-propsed and check | 16:32 |
Chipaca | this *might* be the apparmor bug thing | 16:32 |
dobey | that certainly wouldh't have changed the ACL on the account itself | 16:32 |
mardy | Chipaca: IIRC in the rtm we are not using the apparmor extension in OA, so we basically allow everything | 16:33 |
Chipaca | FWIW this was a devel-proposed from just before the year-end break | 16:33 |
Chipaca | mardy: dobey: ah, so the "delete and recreate account" is apparmor-related? | 16:34 |
dobey | Chipaca: i'm not entirely sure | 16:34 |
dobey | i'm going to claim it is magic-related | 16:34 |
Chipaca | with any luck it'll still happen when i'm back on devel-proposed | 16:34 |
Chipaca | and we can poke it with a stick | 16:35 |
dobey | if it does, that would be great | 16:35 |
Chipaca | I'll bring the beer | 16:35 |
dobey | in the meantime, i am going to get some ghost pepper hot wings for lunch | 16:35 |
dobey | :) | 16:35 |
Chipaca | $ /usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/signing-helper | 16:43 |
Chipaca | 2015-01-07 16:43:23,208 - CRITICAL - Error: "Client has insuficient permissions to access the service.Method:getAuthSessionObjectPath" | 16:43 |
Chipaca | mardy: so i should try recreating the account? | 16:43 |
Chipaca | mardy: how is this going to work for people upgrading from 14.09? | 16:44 |
mardy | Chipaca: can you please enable the logging in /etc/signond.conf, and try again? | 16:47 |
mardy | Chipaca: I just want to make sure it's the same issue I'm aware of | 16:48 |
Chipaca | mardy: sure. where will the logs be? | 16:48 |
Chipaca | mardy: ? | 16:54 |
mardy | Chipaca: ops,sorry: /var/log/syslog | 17:00 |
Chipaca | mardy: | 17:01 |
mardy | Chipaca: yep, same issue; feel free to delete and recreate the account | 17:03 |
Chipaca | mardy: what's the upgrade story? | 17:03 |
Chipaca | mardy: ie people getting rtm, then upgrading to something else | 17:04 |
cwayne1 | Elleo: heya, saw the updates for cutespotify, awesome stuff! are you planning on enabling ur dispatching even if the app is closed, or is that a limitation of urldispatcher? | 17:10 |
Chipaca | mardy: and if I create it on devel, will it work on rtm? | 17:12 |
mardy | Chipaca: yes | 17:13 |
mardy | Chipaca: as for the upgrade story, I'm not sure; we might be able to ship a session-migration script to update the ACL | 17:13 |
Chipaca | mardy: dobey: can confirm recreating the account in devel made the auth'er (and so push) work again | 17:14 |
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Elleo | cwayne1: yeah, just need to figure out why it doesn't work correctly | 17:28 |
cwayne1 | Elleo: awesome, so what form should the url be in? | 17:29 |
cwayne1 | ill update my scope and see if i can get it working :) | 17:29 |
Elleo | cwayne1: spotify:track:blah | 17:29 |
cwayne1 | where blah is the spotify id? | 17:30 |
Elleo | yep | 17:30 |
cwayne1 | awesome, thanks! ill try and get some time today and I'll let you know how it goes :) | 17:31 |
Elleo | cool :) | 17:31 |
dobey | Chipaca: cool | 17:37 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
saidinesh5 | Elleo: here? | 18:42 |
Nirgali42 | good afternoon | 18:56 |
Nirgali42 | I was just looking to get a nexus 10 and someone said support was dropped in jan 2014, but I'm seeing conflicting information on the site. Can someone confirm if I go out and pick up a nexus 10 that I can install touch on it, get java 7 installed, and run java apps? | 18:58 |
Nirgali42 | alrightythen | 19:10 |
dobey | what is the package name for the file manager app? | 19:25 |
dobey | Nirgali42: support for the 2012 nexus 7 was dropped, not the nexus 10 | 19:26 |
dobey | Nirgali42: java is not part of the system image though, so making the system writable to install java and run java apps in the typical way on ubuntu, will break system image upgrades | 19:27 |
dobey | also, i'm not sure what the support is like for running java on mir | 19:27 |
taiebot | Hi during the two weeks of break i had a very weird bug on the stable channel on a nexus 4. Not sure if this happened to anyone but there was some ripple effect when scrolling down at the bottom of the screen where the keyboard normally appears. I did not find a way to reproduce it but that's a watchout. It happened to me twice | 19:51 |
ahayzen | taiebot, like this bug 1383745 ? | 19:54 |
ubot5 | bug 1383745 in Mir "[mako] screen corruption/tearing after using the device for medium durations" [Medium,New] | 19:54 |
taiebot | ahayzen: no not like that the bottom of the screen was corrupted on any scroll. It looked like distortion or ripple. Weird stuff it happens where the keyboard usually appears | 19:59 |
ahayzen | taiebot, i've seen it happen at the bottom/top/middle of the screen | 20:00 |
ahayzen | taiebot, just that video was when it was in the middle | 20:00 |
taiebot | ahayzen: i suppose it is linked as my phone was up for almost a week. | 20:01 |
taiebot | I have not seen this rumour here so posting it | 20:13 |
aquarius | how do I list available channels for ubuntu-device-flash? | 20:59 |
aquarius | "ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels", as says, doesn't work: DEPRECATED: Implicit 'touch' subcommand assumed | 20:59 |
aquarius | unknown flag `list-channels' | 20:59 |
ahoneybun | aquarius, ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels | 21:00 |
aquarius | I don't know whether I have a newer version of u-d-f or an older version | 21:00 |
ahoneybun | ? weird | 21:00 |
aquarius | indeed, hence asking for help :) | 21:00 |
ahoneybun | ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels works for me | 21:00 |
ahoneybun | on 14.10 | 21:00 |
aquarius | apt-cache policy ubuntu-device-flash says Installed: 0.4+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu1 | 21:01 |
ahoneybun | 0.4+14.10.20141002-0ubuntu1 0 | 21:01 |
ahoneybun | you are on 15.04? | 21:01 |
aquarius | huh | 21:01 |
aquarius | Nope. I'm on 14.04 | 21:01 |
ahoneybun | odd | 21:01 |
aquarius | but I have PPAs enabled to do development with. | 21:02 |
ahoneybun | oh I see | 21:02 |
aquarius | mhall119, do you know abot this stuff? | 21:02 |
ahoneybun | popey, might know too | 21:02 |
popey | aquarius: buntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=krillin | 21:02 |
popey | er | 21:02 |
popey | ubuntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=krillin | 21:02 |
ahoneybun | what is the ppa? | 21:02 |
popey | Installed: 0.4+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu1 | 21:03 |
popey | is what I have | 21:03 |
popey | and that works, will had the same issue earlier | 21:03 |
aquarius | interesting. may need updating then | 21:03 |
aquarius | a nexus 4 is mako, right? not occam? | 21:03 |
ahoneybun | that works on 14.10 with no ppas | 21:03 |
ahoneybun | occam and mako | 21:03 |
ahoneybun | both | 21:04 |
ahoneybun | aquarius, | 21:04 |
aquarius | ahoneybun, ah, I meant in the context of the --device switch to u-d-f as per popey's correct instructions :) | 21:04 |
ahoneybun | what is krillin? | 21:05 |
aquarius | bq device, I think | 21:05 |
ahoneybun | I see we know your secrets popey | 21:05 |
aquarius | next question: what's the most up-to-date channel? :) | 21:05 |
aquarius | ubuntu-touch/vivid? | 21:06 |
ahoneybun | aquarius, devel-proposed | 21:06 |
ahoneybun | so vivid-proposed for this cycle | 21:06 |
aquarius | is devel-proposed stable enough to use? | 21:06 |
aquarius | or is it basically trunk? | 21:06 |
ahoneybun | devel is pretty decent RTM is for stable | 21:06 |
aquarius | I don't know if the ci train runs for devel-proposed | 21:06 |
aquarius | ok, wicked | 21:07 |
popey | i use ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed | 21:07 |
aquarius | that makes sense, actually | 21:07 |
* ahoneybun knows nothing about ci train | 21:07 | |
aquarius | popey, that's not available for mako :( | 21:07 |
popey | well, i dont think we have built any images for a while | 21:08 |
popey | so devel-proposed = devel right now i think | 21:08 |
popey | ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed (alias to ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed) | 21:08 |
aquarius | ah, ok | 21:08 |
aquarius | so I may as well just go with devel-proposed then, cool | 21:08 |
popey | I'd ask mhall119, although he usually doesn't use proposed | 21:08 |
popey | yeah | 21:08 |
aquarius | or devel | 21:08 |
ahoneybun | yea popey aquarius devel is on Image 1 right now | 21:08 |
aquarius | I have my nexus 4 back, finally | 21:08 |
aquarius | so am putting ubuntu on it again :) | 21:09 |
ahoneybun | aquarius, last image for devel was built on 12 01 14 | 21:09 |
aquarius | popey, what's the install command now? | 21:10 |
popey | alan@deep-thought ~> ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed | 21:10 |
popey | i did that earlier | 21:10 |
aquarius | "ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=devel-proposed"? | 21:10 |
aquarius | ahm, cool | 21:10 |
aquarius | I dont need --bootstrap any more? | 21:11 |
popey | only if you're on android | 21:11 |
aquarius | ah I am on android. | 21:11 |
popey | you do then | 21:11 |
aquarius | will use it :) | 21:11 |
popey | put phone in recovery | 21:11 |
popey | then do it | 21:11 |
popey | i think | 21:11 |
ahoneybun | bootloader :) | 21:11 |
aquarius | winner. | 21:12 |
aquarius | now downloading and then will install, hooray | 21:12 |
aquarius | cheers popey | 21:12 |
popey | np | 21:12 |
aquarius | am installing devel-proposed, for the hell of it :) | 21:13 |
popey | \o/ | 21:15 |
popey | Live a little | 21:15 |
aquarius | YOLO | 21:15 |
popey | aquarius: btw sweedish meatballs from gousto was delish | 21:15 |
aquarius | never had them! | 21:16 |
aquarius | all the meals I had from gousto for the first few weeks are on | 21:16 |
aquarius | after that there was a week or two when I was uninspired and so didn't write them up and then cancelled | 21:17 |
popey | I've had a bunch of really good ones | 21:17 |
mhall119 | popey: I'm actually still on RTM | 21:17 |
popey | ah | 21:17 |
aquarius | Jamie Oliver swedish meatballs: . Some other person published the recipe | 21:19 |
popey | no, these were in a creamy sauce with lots of dill | 21:20 |
aquarius | ah, gotcha | 21:20 |
popey | much nicer | 21:20 |
popey | with mash and green beans | 21:21 |
popey | would eat again. | 21:21 |
aquarius | ooh nice spinny ubuntu install/boot logo | 21:23 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
aquarius | and it is installed! nice. | 21:28 |
aquarius | ooh, dash crashed and then whole phone restarted. | 21:36 |
aquarius | back to it pretty quick though :) | 21:39 |
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=== hug is now known as philhug | ||
ahoneybun | what is the command to manually install a click package on a device? | 22:51 |
popey | pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted | 22:51 |
ahayzen | ahoneybun, adb shell pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /tmp/ | 22:51 |
popey | BOOM! Beat ya! | 22:51 |
ahayzen | popey, damn u :P | 22:52 |
popey | :D | 22:52 |
ahoneybun | lol | 22:52 |
* popey dances | 22:52 | |
ahoneybun | wait | 22:53 |
ahoneybun | how do you do that popey if your in the devices file system? | 22:53 |
ahayzen | ahoneybun, you run it on the device? | 22:53 |
ahoneybun | wait | 22:53 |
ahayzen | ahoneybun, you have pushed the click across first right? ... adb push /my/local/click /device/location ? | 22:54 |
ahoneybun | that is to install on the phone/tablet no? | 22:54 |
ahoneybun | no | 22:54 |
ahayzen | ahoneybun, yeah | 22:54 |
popey | oh | 22:54 |
popey | so:- | 22:55 |
popey | adb push /tmp | 22:55 |
popey | phablet-shell | 22:55 |
popey | pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /tmp/ | 22:55 |
popey | job done | 22:56 |
ahayzen | :) | 22:56 |
* ahoneybun is confused | 22:56 | |
popey | you want to install a click on a phone? | 22:56 |
ahoneybun | yea the SDK is shoting errors | 22:56 |
ahoneybun | shooting | 22:56 |
popey | ok, find the click package, push to phone, install on phone | 22:56 |
popey | as above | 22:56 |
ahoneybun | but I need to know where the device i | 22:56 |
ahoneybun | as in on the computer | 22:57 |
ahoneybun | /mnt/ and so on | 22:57 |
popey | no | 22:57 |
popey | is it plugged in via usb? | 22:57 |
ahoneybun | yea | 22:57 |
popey | do you know where the click is on your pc? | 22:57 |
ahoneybun | yea | 22:57 |
popey | ok, so open a terminal... | 22:57 |
popey | cd ~/wherever | 22:58 |
popey | adb push /tmp | 22:58 |
popey | that will push the click down the usb cable to the phone | 22:58 |
popey | to /tmp specifically | 22:58 |
ahoneybun | ........ | 22:58 |
popey | what is not clear? | 22:59 |
ahoneybun | where to cd to | 22:59 |
popey | 22:57:47 < popey> do you know where the click is on your pc? | 22:59 |
popey | there | 22:59 |
ahoneybun | I don't know where the device is mounted | 22:59 |
popey | no | 22:59 |
popey | stop thinking about the device | 22:59 |
popey | you dont need to worry about that | 22:59 |
popey | go to the directory where the click is on your pc | 23:00 |
ahoneybun | adb push /my/local/click /device/location ??? | 23:00 |
popey | no | 23:00 |
popey | adb push /my/local/click /tmp | 23:00 |
ahayzen | oh god i've confused him.... | 23:00 |
popey | adb push will push files to the device | 23:01 |
popey | the first parameter is what you want to push | 23:01 |
popey | in this case that's the click package | 23:01 |
popey | the next parameter is the place on the device you want to push it to | 23:01 |
popey | in this case /tmp (on the device) | 23:01 |
popey | it will send the click package (or whatever file you specify) down the usb cable and it will end up in /tmp on the phone | 23:01 |
popey | make sense? | 23:01 |
popey | you do not need to worry about where on the filesystem the phone is mounted, because it doesn't work like that | 23:02 |
popey | the adb program on your desktop talks to the adb program on the phone | 23:02 |
popey | over usb | 23:02 |
ahoneybun | I got it | 23:02 |
ahoneybun | but | 23:02 |
ahoneybun | now my app installed from the store is not launching | 23:02 |
ahayzen | ahoneybun, refresh the apps scope by pulling down from the top | 23:03 |
popey | hang on | 23:03 |
popey | one thing at a time | 23:03 |
popey | did you push to the device and install it? | 23:03 |
ahoneybun | uninstalled the store version and now I have the one I pushed local | 23:03 |
ahoneybun | and it does not launch | 23:03 |
ahoneybun | goes to splash screen and then back to the dash | 23:04 |
popey | did you do as ahayzen says and pull down to refresh the app scope? | 23:04 |
ahoneybun | yes I see the icon | 23:04 |
popey | did you pull down though? | 23:04 |
popey | (you need to) | 23:04 |
ahoneybun | yes yes | 23:04 |
ahoneybun | rebooting | 23:04 |
popey | bah | 23:04 |
ahoneybun | and the name change on the click package did not work as well | 23:05 |
ahoneybun | trying to change it from UbuntuBeginner to uBeginner | 23:05 |
ahoneybun | oh wait | 23:05 |
popey | you need to change it in the sdk before you build the click | 23:05 |
ahoneybun | yea I know | 23:05 |
popey | dont just rename the click package | 23:05 |
popey | ok | 23:05 |
dobey | popey: you build the filemanager click packages? | 23:08 |
popey | I try not to | 23:08 |
popey | but yes | 23:08 |
dobey | heh | 23:08 |
popey | we usually build them in jenkins | 23:08 |
ahoneybun | ok popey fixed the name and the splash screen works but still not launching all the way | 23:08 |
dobey | i'm just wondering how BZR_REVNO gets set in the cmake | 23:08 |
dobey | i don't see it being set with the actual revno in CMakeListst.txt | 23:09 |
popey | ahoneybun: check logs in ~/.cache/upstart | 23:09 |
popey | it's in isnt it? | 23:09 |
dobey | popey: it's not defined there, but it's used there | 23:09 |
popey | yeah, it gets set to "latest" if you build it locally | 23:10 |
popey | (one reason why I build in jenkins) | 23:10 |
dobey | oh, is it some magic thing that gets passed to cmake in jenkins? | 23:10 |
popey | possibly | 23:10 |
dobey | (do you have a link to a jenkins build log for it?) | 23:10 |
popey | sure | 23:10 |
ahoneybun | popey, you can't just cat them? | 23:11 |
popey | ahoneybun: you can | 23:11 |
ahoneybun | I see the log but when I cat it says no such file | 23:11 |
popey | dobey: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/filemanager-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/console | 23:12 |
popey | ahoneybun: typo? | 23:12 |
ahoneybun | phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ cat application-click-com.ubuntu.developer.aaronhoneycutt.ubuntubeginner_UbuntuBeginner_1.8.log | 23:12 |
ahoneybun | cat: application-click-com.ubuntu.developer.aaronhoneycutt.ubuntubeginner_UbuntuBeginner_1.8.log: No such file or directory | 23:12 |
popey | you're not in the right directory | 23:12 |
ahoneybun | I can't use tab to auto complete for some reason | 23:12 |
ahoneybun | I have to be in the dir? | 23:12 |
popey | cd ~/.cache/upstart | 23:12 |
popey | yes | 23:12 |
dobey | oh that isn't on the public jenkins yet (or at all) | 23:12 |
popey | correct | 23:13 |
popey | $ bzr revision-info -d /var/lib/jenkins/slaves/cyclops-node08/workspace/filemanager-app-click | 23:13 |
popey | ++ bzr revno out/trunk_dir | 23:13 |
popey | + bzr_revno=363 | 23:13 |
popey | that kinda thing | 23:13 |
ahoneybun | popey, | 23:13 |
ahoneybun | omg | 23:13 |
ahayzen | ahoneybun, something wrong with your QML | 23:13 |
popey | ahoneybun: error in your code | 23:13 |
popey | PICNIC | 23:13 |
ahoneybun | why build it at all | 23:14 |
popey | it doesn't check the qml on build | 23:14 |
dobey | and then cmake -DBZR_REVNO=$$bzr_revno I presume? | 23:14 |
popey | + cmake ../trunk_dir -DINSTALL_TESTS=off -DCLICK_MODE=on -DBZR_REVNO=363 | 23:14 |
dobey | ok | 23:14 |
dobey | thanks popey | 23:14 |
popey | no problem | 23:14 |
popey | | 23:14 |
popey | probably should have just done that ☻ | 23:14 |
dobey | :) | 23:15 |
kgunn | popey: hey, venturing into app space, pulled an existing project source...using qtcreator/ubuntusdk, it built ok, but not running | 23:16 |
ahoneybun | popey, all good, working new splash screen, fixed the name :) | 23:16 |
kgunn | popey: what should the executable path be ? | 23:17 |
popey | ahoneybun: hurrah | 23:17 |
popey | kgunn: que? | 23:17 |
ahoneybun | thanks popey! | 23:17 |
popey | np | 23:17 |
popey | kgunn: which project OOI? | 23:17 |
kgunn | popey: ubible | 23:17 |
popey | in lp? | 23:18 |
kgunn |'s from github | 23:18 |
popey | kgunn: stupid question, can you not click the icon? | 23:18 |
popey | ok | 23:18 |
kgunn | popey: icon as in? the little green triangle meaning run ?...i can but it says | 23:19 |
kgunn | Starting /home/kg/workspace/build-uBible-Desktop-Default/app/ubible.desktop... | 23:19 |
kgunn | Failed to start program. Path or permissions wrong? | 23:19 |
kgunn | /home/kg/workspace/build-uBible-Desktop-Default/app/ubible.desktop exited with code -1 | 23:19 |
kgunn | popey: so the desktop file what should be in the exe path ? | 23:19 |
dobey | you can't execute a .desktop file | 23:19 |
popey | uh | 23:19 |
ahoneybun | popey, is the source available for the UI Showcase? | 23:19 |
kgunn | that is whats there atm | 23:19 |
ahoneybun | stupid me | 23:20 |
popey | ? | 23:20 |
kgunn | popey: yep | 23:20 |
* popey clones | 23:20 | |
kgunn | dobey: so it should be .... ? | 23:20 |
popey | kgunn: you want to run this on desktop or device? | 23:20 |
kgunn | popey: i should admit, i did a vivid update sort of in between first attempts and now | 23:20 |
popey | heh | 23:20 |
popey | Ruh-Roh | 23:20 |
kgunn | popey: was just trying to run on desktop | 23:20 |
kgunn | popey: ... :) yeah, it couldn't find some header, and i was like "doh, need to upgrade" | 23:21 |
ahayzen | is it not just the "run" part of the cmake? | 23:21 |
dobey | not sure what you mean by exe path exactly | 23:21 |
popey | pass, sorry. | 23:21 |
dobey | the Exec line in the .desktop file? | 23:22 |
kgunn | dobey: under project->desktop->run tab..there's a field under "run" called "executable" i just leave it blank | 23:23 |
kgunn | popey: but it should be possible, assumiing i didn't screw something to simply build/run on desktop | 23:23 |
popey | assuming it works | 23:23 |
kgunn | right | 23:23 |
kgunn | kk | 23:23 |
kgunn | ahayzen: just now noticed your post, thanks | 23:26 |
ahayzen | kgunn, no problem, i assume if you run that it might work | 23:27 |
dobey | oh i don't know where that tab is. | 23:27 |
kgunn | cool, just trying to learn | 23:27 |
ahoneybun | popey, if I want to have each tab have it's own qml file how to I load it into the tab | 23:32 |
ahoneybun | ? | 23:32 |
kgunn | ...progress, still failed...but more sensible | 23:32 |
ahoneybun | popey, | 23:33 |
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JoannisO | Do any other Nexus 5 users have problems with torch apps? | 23:42 |
dobey | i haven't tried any | 23:44 |
popey | ok, just tested utorch on krillin and it works | 23:46 |
dobey | just tested torch on n5 and it doesn't work | 23:46 |
dobey | n5 is special though | 23:46 |
JoannisO | I'm curious because the camera app does manage to use the LED when recording a video. | 23:47 |
dobey | i'll try utorch instead (which does work on my n4) | 23:48 |
dobey | and it doesn't work on n5 | 23:48 |
dobey | not sure why | 23:48 |
popey | iBelieve: ! | 23:49 |
dobey | probably related to why taking pictures with flash on results in way overexposed pictures | 23:49 |
popey | kgunn: was playing with ubible just now... kgunn iBelieve is the author ☻ | 23:49 |
popey | (also, happy new year) | 23:49 |
iBelieve | Hey popey | 23:49 |
kgunn | you as well | 23:49 |
iBelieve | Yes, I’m one of the two main others of uBible | 23:49 |
iBelieve | ** authors | 23:50 |
popey | there we go, opportune moment to arrive | 23:50 |
JoannisO | Aren't you the guy from quartzOS/quantumOS? | 23:50 |
iBelieve | JoannisO: Yes I am :) | 23:50 |
dobey | i thought moses and peter were the two main authors :P | 23:52 |
dobey | gah, click | 23:53 |
dobey | the manifest.json is too in the .ubuntu-sdk-deploy directory; stop lying and just build the thingf | 23:53 |
iBelieve | dobey: :) | 23:53 |
popey | lulz | 23:53 |
kgunn | iBelieve: hey so, i don't really know my way round qtcreator and apps per se...just picked something i was interested in to learn a little | 23:56 |
kgunn | so i just (re)cloned my fork and followed the readme | 23:56 |
kgunn |'s whining about building for "desktop<default>" | 23:57 |
kgunn | if i target it to ubuntu-vivide-i386 it seems happy | 23:57 |
iBelieve | kgunn: I haven’t worked on uBible in a while, so I have no idea if it works with the latest Ubuntu SDK or not. | 23:57 |
kgunn | ah-ha...that was my next ques :) | 23:58 |
kgunn | ok...i'll keep pokin' | 23:58 |
kgunn | makes me learn | 23:58 |
iBelieve | kgunn: What about running cmake directly from the command line? | 23:58 |
kgunn | one sec | 23:58 |
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