
rick_h_damn I can't wait for those thinkpads to come out. I can't type on laptops at coffee shops with these damn touchpads.14:39
rick_h_just can't help touching it with my breath or something14:39
cmaloneyI think the first one is out14:47
rick_h_orly? which?14:47
cmaloneyArs mentioned it and I noticed it in the shop14:47
cmaloneyThe i5 / i7 model14:48
cmaloneyX1 Carbon14:48
cmaloneyThought you'd have ordered it by now. :)14:48
rick_h_jcastro: it's out already man14:48
rick_h_well I was debating the x250 vs x1 carbon14:48
rick_h_I miss my docking station/etc14:48
rick_h_and 14" is kind of big14:48
rick_h_used to my 11/12/1314:49
cmaloneyThat's OK, they've reinvented external peripherals14:49
rick_h_but damn14:49
* cmaloney is listening to Karl Bartos - 15 Minutes of Fame14:49
* cmaloney loves this album14:49
cmaloneyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MARmAG9Is4s <- if you like Kraftwerk this is one of the members14:50
cmaloney(former members from 1970s-1980s era Kraftwerk)14:50
rick_h_oh hell yea, you can get the nicer resultion without touch!!!!14:51
rick_h_lenovo I <3 you14:51
cmaloneyOh that's awesome.14:51
rick_h_ordered, done14:55
cmaloneyI would have piped up sooner but thought you had already ordered a crate14:55
rick_h_nope, didn't see them yet14:56
rick_h_and was going to debate the x1 vs the x25014:56
rick_h_but $#@$@# it14:56
cmaloneyWell regardless I'm glad you're back to Thinkpads14:56
cmaloneythough the new Dell has the screen you've been asking for14:56
cmaloneyminimal bezel14:56
rick_h_yea, saw the new dell but it's not trackpoint14:56
cmaloney13" screen in 11"14:56
rick_h_not I can have a freaking awesome high res screen + trackpoint I'll take it14:57
cmaloneyYeah, figured since the Thinkpads were "Back" it wasn't worth mentioning. :)14:57
brousch__No touch?! What is this, 2013?14:57
rick_h_ /not/now14:57
rick_h_well sitting here athe coffee shop writing a spec doc watching the text go into a dozen different places as I bump the dippy pad14:57
cmaloneybrousch__: Keep your filthy mammal-digits off my screen14:57
brousch__I will. I use my own screen!14:57
rick_h_man I wish I could figure out how to use my N9 without my fingers. Every time I see the screen I have to bring out a new wipe before I can use it14:59
rick_h_2560x1440 boom15:00
cmaloneyrick_h_: Heh15:02
cmaloneyIt's good to have the "old" rick_h_ back15:07
cmaloneySeeing you with a Dell was akin to seeing someone trying to enjoy a plate of celery15:08
jcastrorick_h_, well that settles it15:11
jcastrox250 is limited to 8gb of ram15:11
rick_h_jcastro: wtf is it?15:11
rick_h_jcastro: I mean it bugs me not since I run light weight I hardly cross 4 even with lxc work and such15:11
rick_h_but that still seems :(15:11
jcastroit's 201515:11
jcastro4gb is minimum15:11
jcastroI mean, I buy 8gb minimum and THEN add on another 4gb just for chrome15:12
jcastrobut ram prices were cheaper back then15:12
DrDaemonEyecmaloney: I thought you hung around #lj enough to know we don't *eat* celery15:16
jrwrenlimited to 8gb of ram... because that is what macbook air does.15:44
* DrDaemonEye is limited to a calm, 4gb of ram16:25
brousch__For some reason everyone is soldering RAM on now18:23
brousch__It must save a lot of cost/size/weight vs slots18:23
_stink_or it makes you buy a whole new machine18:28
jrwreni think it is mostly for space saving. makes the things that much thinner and lighter.18:47
rick_h_yea, blame mobo makers for not supporting > 8gb per slot?18:51
brousch__It was really tight in my miix 2 1118:51
* rick_h_ doesn't know where the limitation came from18:51
brousch__I had to remove 4 little boards to replace the msata ssd18:52
cmaloneyI think Apple made it fashionable again to solder things onto the mobo18:52
cmaloneysince most folks won't open up their laptop / tablet to take a peek18:52
cmaloneyAnd they can ding you an extra $20 for the RAM upgrade18:52
jrwrenonly $20?19:02
cmaloneyWell, however much more they charge19:03
cmaloneyWell here's a nice holy shit: http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/01/worlds-first-known-bootkit-for-os-x-can-permanently-backdoor-macs/21:50
cmaloneyThough I suspect that anything that tampers with EFI / UEFI is the vector-du-jour for physical compromise.21:51

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