
bdukgood morning 04:21
Kiloshi bduk  bushtech  inetpro  nuvolari  Squirm  theblazehen  Tonberry  06:13
bduk1More more almal06:23
bduk1Jou ssd nou reg ki06:42
Kilosdid werk soos n nuwe een ek dink , nog nie iets snaaks gedoen nie06:42
bduk1ek is bly06:43
bduk1Kan jy darem nou nog byhou, jou pc nie te vinnig vir jou nie?06:44
Kilosenigste tyd wat ek sukkel met te veel spoed is by vergaderings as almal selle tyd tik06:48
bduk1Darem bly om te hoor daar is net EEN ding waarmee jy stadig is.06:50
bushtechja, maar ons ou toppies het 'n verskoning. Het nie tik op skool geneem nie. Was  'n moffie subject06:50
bduk1dis hoekom ons nou tik soos n hoender wat mielies pik06:51
bushtechdronk hoender06:51
bduk1ha ha hoe oud is jy bushtech as ek mag vra06:51
bushtechen jy?06:52
bduk1Ai moet ook amper vir jou oom se06:52
bushtechdarem nie heeltemal nie06:53
magespawngood morning07:13
Kiloshi magespawn  07:41
Kilossorry was outside07:41
Kilosmorning superfly  07:41
magespawnhi Squirm Kilos 07:42
magespawnnp Kilos, sheep?07:42
Kilos\ya and fowls07:42
Kilosthere is so much green stuff now the sheeps dunno where to start07:43
bushtechyou must maar sell a couple of skaaptjoppies before the BEE chappies decide to have a braai07:46
Kiloslol there are only 4 left man07:46
Kilosand only one still can lamb07:47
bushtechthen the  forecast for the future of your sheep population looks a bit grim07:49
bushtechsell the old ones & buy some lambs?07:51
SquirmHas anyone here used InstaDMG before?07:51
magespawnnope Squirm, not even sure what it is07:52
bushtechnope, sorry, ditto07:53
Squirmmagespawn: it packages a customised OS X into an unbooted disk image07:53
Kilosyeah bush the only way is to bring in fresh ewes to start with07:53
Squirmkind of like a kickstart file07:53
SquirmI know there are some people here that have a Mac or two07:54
superflyhi Kilos07:54
Squirmso just thought I'd ask07:54
Squirmheya superfly07:54
superflyhi Squirm07:54
superflySquirm: never used InstaDMG07:54
magespawnwhere can you get OS X from to dp that with?07:55
Squirm"from to dp" ?07:55
Squirmoh, do07:56
magespawnsorry dp = do07:56
Squirmmagespawn: you can download the installation file07:56
Squirmfrom the store07:56
magespawnahh i see07:56
SquirmI have a Mac now :P Came with my new job07:56
SquirmUnable to find OS Installer disc in any provided folder: ['/Users/sinjinswanepoel/InstaDMG/InstallerFiles/InstallerDiscs', '/Users/sinjinswanepoel/InstaDMG/InstallerFiles/BaseOS'] (['InstallESD.dmg'])07:59
SquirmIt's right there you damn application!07:59
Squirmit even picks it up07:59
Squirmsuperfly: I don't like python anymore ;)07:59
superflySquirm: I disown you! :-P08:00
superflySquirm: what are you using?08:00
Squirmsuperfly: in terms of?08:01
theblazehenhi Kilos Squirm magespawn superfly08:01
superflywell, if you don't like Python, then you must be using someting "better"08:01
superflyhi theblazehen08:01
magespawnhi theblazehen 08:01
Squirmsuperfly: ph, no, I use python08:01
superflySquirm: wait... you don't like Python, you LOVE it?08:02
SquirmIt's my language of choice08:03
SquirmBut it's not working in this case08:03
superflywhat's wrong?08:03
SquirmInstaDMG is not finding the file that it finds :P08:08
SquirmI must be missing something08:08
SquirmIt's not python, I know that08:11
SquirmJust found another application that might just do what I want08:14
SquirmLet's see08:14
Squirmbasically looking at creating a standard image for all our machines. pre-setup for the most part and able to then use Ansible to customise other changes that we make along the way08:15
Squirmwould be cool to start automating our OS X installations too08:15
KilosSquirm  not sure what you doing but can you run renastersys there08:18
Kilosthat makes a full iso of a working pc08:18
SquirmKilos: which is what?08:18
SquirmThat's quite a cool application08:19
Kilosya but no longer supported08:19
Squirmbut can only be used on debian based OS's08:19
SquirmWe work our backups different;y08:20
Kilospython it to do the osx too08:20
Squirmyou can do a full backup to an HDD with OS X too08:20
Squirmwhich you can then plug into another machine and do a full restore08:21
Kilosyeah but the remastersys tool you can go install on other pcs and have all working the same08:21
Squirmall our servers are backed up differently though08:25
SquirmCreating this disk image is taking forever :/08:29
magespawni have to draw up BYOD policy for the company and also a policy covering tablets that we are going to issue to staff09:14
magespawni have googled but i was jus wondering if anyone had specific experience etc09:15
magespawnback again09:45
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  09:49
ThatGraemeGuy'lo :)09:50
Symmetriahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBbYv5nVTzs <=== just south of mombassa :)09:59
Symmetriacheck the cool turtle!09:59
Kilosyo Joe_knock  11:18
Joe_knockhey oom Kilos 11:44
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 14:09
Kilosmirrag nuvolari  14:09
inetprogood aftrernoon14:47
inetprobduk: oops, right14:49
inetprofingers doing funny things14:50
inetprolekker hot in Gauteng again today, Kilos must be very happy14:51
Kilosafternoon inetpro  ya its kinda lekker14:51
Joe_knockthis heat yoh14:55
bdukenjoy while it last, winter is on its way14:59
Joe_knockbduk: winter is far away. only april 14:59
bdukapril is not so far the way time flys its just around the corner15:02
Squirmhome time ^^15:02
SquirmHave a good evening all15:02
bduksame there15:03
bdukis it broken again kilos15:05
Kilosno man that word winter15:05
Kilossends shivers down my spine15:05
bduklekker man lekker15:06
nuvolarigaan dit goed oom Kilos?15:06
nuvolarioh hi Joe_knock, bduk, Squirm, inetpro 15:06
Joe_knockhello nuvolari '15:06
bdukhi there15:06
Kilosja dankie nuvolari  en daar seun?15:07
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom Kilos :)15:07
inetpro@tWeatherSA ALERT: Plenty of T-storm activity over the southern half of #Gauteng at present. Storm with showers also moving over parts of northern JHB. -- 38 mins ago15:33
inetpro@tWeatherSA: ALERT: #Hailstorm now moving over parts of northern #Johannesburg. Road #flooding also reported in areas. -- 10 mins ago15:35
Joe_knockis it heading north? inetpro 15:35
inetprono idea15:35
inetprocan't see much of it yet here in Pretoria North15:36
inetprostill mostly blue skies15:36
Kiloslooks like its building up to the south of us15:41
Kilosweather liars say we got good chance of thunderstorms tonight and toimorrow15:56
magespawngood evening17:01
Joe_knockBetter keep watch for it. modems will go17:05
Kiloswb magespawn  17:15
Kilosi think if we get storms it will only be late Joe_knock  17:15
Kilosno big winds yet and clouds very far away17:16
Kilosactually no wind atm, 17:18
KilosMaaz  forecast pretoria17:18
MaazKilos: Tuesday: Partly Cloudy. High: 34° C., Tuesday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 18° C., Wednesday: Thunderstorm. High: 30° C., Wednesday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 17° C., Thursday: Thunderstorm. High: 29° C., Thursday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 18° C., Friday: Chance of a Thunderstorm. High: 30° C., Friday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 18° C., Saturday: Partly17:18
MaazCloudy. High: 29° C., Saturday Night: Chance of a Thunderstorm. Low: 17° C., Sunday: Pa…17:18
Joe_knockthunderstorm wednesday??17:20
Kilosif the wind turns and blows hard it can still happen17:22
Kiloswell it hit jhb but not us17:23
Joe_knockweather prediction isn't exact, thats what weather people say17:24
Kilosanother hot one tomorrow17:27
Kilos32c 17:28
Kilosi lost my compose key hmm...17:29
magespawnhi Kilos 17:54
theblazehen32?! fml18:23
Joe_knockThey say the hot african sun is bad for europeans :P18:25
bduk1Then you must stay out of the sun18:26
bduk1You must know it is hot if the dog is chasing the cat and both are walking18:29
Joe_knockis that fortune cookie wisdom bduk1 :P18:29
Kiloseuropeans are peeps born in the land of pink peeps18:30
bduk1What do you mean its experience18:30
Joe_knockoom jy sien jouself as european of african? :P18:32
bduk1Where in europe are you joe--knock18:33
Joe_knockin gauteng18:34
Joe_knockaka western europe18:34
Joe_knocklets see. UK?18:35
Joe_knockI'd say germany is joburg18:35
bduk1You lost me completely now18:36
Joe_knock1 day you will understand young padawan18:37
bduk1Kilos rook die ou sy sokkies of wat18:38
Kilosactually Joe_knock  we always accepted us a being european but when you see english irish and scots on our beaches you notice a marked difference18:40
Kilosthey go very pink and then shed their skins like snakes later on18:41
Joe_knockoom didn't all the english folks settle in KZN while the afrikaaners stayed in the cape and trekked to jhb??18:41
Kilosya thats right, a few of the english came to the tvl and afer a good look around said no man the van der merwes can have this18:42
Kilosohi superfly  18:42
superflybwahaha Joe_knock, nice description of Gauteng18:43
Joe_knockyou dont meet many original english folks in SA anymore. A lot of mixing with the afrikaaners. But as I understand it, the Portugese community is very *closed* still. Hulle almal bly in areas van PTA18:49
Joe_knockof CPT18:49
Kiloshaha we used to mock them , shame we were bad peeps18:54
Kilosi have english friends in  natal still that came here many years ago18:54
Kiloslike as grownups they came18:55
Kilosvery nice peeps18:55
Joe_knockthey seem to prefer the humidity of natal over cape town18:56
Kilosand the more english environment18:56
Kilosthey sukkel up here18:56
superflyCape Town is not very English18:57
Joe_knocki wonder why though. natal is hot for us, it must be killer for them18:57
Kilosno thats very afr i think18:57
Joe_knock25+ year round18:57
Kilosthey acclimatise withing 3 years or so18:58
Kilosthey very addaptable18:58
Kilossuperfly  that place very afr hey?18:58
Joe_knocksounds like the Americans who come from cold northern states and stay in the always hot areas of Thailand18:58
Kilosi think we i went to compete in stellenbosh bush they were all afrikaans18:59
Kiloslo ThatGraemeGuy  19:10
superflyif anyone is interested, there is a team of folks putting together a bid for DebConf 16 to be held in Cape Town19:11
Joe_knockeeuuww debian19:11
theblazehenyay debian19:12
superflyJoe_knock: Windows Fanboi. :-P19:12
Joe_knocksuperfly: https://www.devuan.org19:12
superflyJoe_knock: I know19:13
Joe_knockdue to them supporting systemd, it affected the whole ecosystem19:13
theblazehenI like systemd...19:13
Joe_knocktheblazehen: It is useful for servers, but it's a monolith19:14
theblazehenJoe_knock: put it this way: I like the init part of it, but not so much the rest19:15
Joe_knockthey say it keeps growing day by day? theblazehen 19:15
theblazehenJoe_knock: AFAIK thats all the projects together19:16
Joe_knockthat is what worries me.19:17
Joe_knockalthough in principal anything that can spin up servers super fast is a good thing19:18
theblazehenYou know you can use just the init part right?19:18
theblazehen1.6 seconds to login on my PC. Thats from kernel start19:18
Joe_knockthing is, we'll never know what's included as they plan on only releasing a binary with it19:19
theblazehenwait, what?19:20
ThatGraemeGuyoh good another systemd rant19:24
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: haha, hi19:24
ThatGraemeGuy'lo :)19:25
theblazehenhi captine19:27
captinehi there19:27
captineso... proxmox wont install without much effort (doesnt recognize network on mac mini).. so i am installing 14.04 and using kvm19:27
theblazehenIts just debian though?!19:29
theblazehenalso, you can install proxmox on debian/ubuntu19:30
captineyip.  but it is an old kernel on the proxmox installer and is custom.. read on a site how to get it to work.. but requires building a module etc19:30
captinetoo much effort for now19:30
captinewill wait until i get some other hardware that will be more compatible19:30
captinetheblazehen, i am going to use the mac mini as my main desktop with some vm's in the background.  will then give my macbook to the wife with os x on it, as her mac from 2008 is dieing19:31
captinejust lacks a decent monitor and no webcam... bummer19:32
Joe_knockThatGraemeGuy: whos ranting?19:36
Joe_knockooh macs19:37
inetprogood mornings19:48
theblazehenhi inetpro. Few hours early19:53
* inetpro lives in the future19:53
theblazehenah nice. 19:53
theblazehenTell me: You go 88 miles per hour to get there, correct?19:53
inetprouh, no19:57
theblazehenYou HAVE seen back to the future, have you not?19:57
inetprotoo long ago if I did19:58
inetproWhere we're going, we don't need roads19:59
theblazehenThats like a MAJOR plot point..20:00
theblazehenyeah, thats it!20:00
theblazehenremember the whole clock tower and lightening and stuff?20:00
Kiloslo inetpro  20:04
theblazehenhi Kilos20:05
Kiloshi theblazehen   what you talking about20:05
captinenight all20:05
Kilosnight cap20:05
Kilossleep lekker20:05
theblazehenKilos: a movie20:06
Kilosthe pro dont want movies20:06
* inetpro should check it out20:08
inetprolooks interesting20:08
magespawnclassic scifi, has to be a delorean 20:08
magespawninetpro you have not seen the movies?20:08
inetpromagespawn: what is that?20:09
Kilosaijaijai jai ai20:10
magespawnah well20:11
inetprocan you eat it?20:12
magespawnthat was one of my favorites growing up20:12
magespawni suppose you could, might not taste nice if you cooked it wrong20:13
theblazehenmagespawn: At least you get it!20:13
inetprodo I need git or bzr to check it out?20:16
magespawnapt-get should do20:17
magespawnalways had a thing for gull wing doors20:19
magespawnbrb just going to reboot20:23
magespawnright, what did i miss?20:30
magespawnmm everyone go to sleep while i was gone?20:35
bushtechI think most of the usual suspects still around20:40
theblazehenI'm here20:42
inetprobushtech: who's the suspects?20:42
bushtechsee list down RHS :)20:44
bushtechhaven't seen EvilDMP  before20:45
Kiloshe is in uk20:45
bushtechand that ubuntulog looks really suspect :)20:45
inetproof course20:46
Joe_knockive never seen some of those users on the RHS speak before20:55
bushtechwell I do keep my trap shut on another dev irc20:56
bushtechmostly cos I have mo idea what they're talking about20:57
Kiloshahaha then i should always keep quiet20:58
Kiloslemme go sleep20:58
Kilosnight everyone. sleep tight20:58
bushtechnight Kilos 20:59
Joe_knockbushtech: channel?21:00
Joe_knocknight oom21:00
superflyhrm. I've seen every name in the nick list (which is on MY left, BTW) speak. I must be old.21:22
magespawnit is all relative superfly21:26
Joe_knockeven cocooncrash_ adn bmg505 and Symmetria ??21:26
inetproJoe_knock: yes sir21:27
* inetpro seen those for sure21:27
magespawnnow i see why you guys are quiet during the day, you don't sleep21:30
inetpromagespawn: hmm...21:31
inetprowhat you busy with at this hour?21:31
magespawnrunning an update on my elementary os, and i ust finished doing the some internal routing for the network21:32
magespawnport forwards and such21:32
magespawncould we get in to the regular habit of doing a tutorial session like the other night?21:34
bushtechit was very enlightening21:35
superflyI'm happy to host more. What do you want to know?21:36
magespawnnot to be too broad, everything21:36
bushtechwhat do people have most problems with21:37
magespawni am busy learning how to be a system administrator and i am interested in programming but mainly in areas that help my sys admin job. i think i might like to get into writing programs but that is for later21:38
bushtechthe field is so wide21:39
magespawnindeed, like i said, everything21:39
bushtechi'm into html/css and sql21:39
Joe_knockmagespawn: Look into writing Python/Perl scripts then.21:41
magespawni need to learn mysql specifically21:41
magespawnJoe_knock: that is the idea, along with bash21:41
Joe_knockthere's just 1 problem with doing an LPiC right now. on level 1 they're currently phasing out the normal coursework for the shitware known as systemd21:42
magespawni have got excellent resources here for python so i am leaning in that direction21:42
Joe_knockawesome magespawn. if you in joburg, you should try attending the meetups 21:43
magespawnthat is my other problem, i live in Hluhluwe21:44
magespawnno it is actually a town, but it is about as big as bus stop21:45
Joe_knocksurprising that you have access to adsl 21:46
Joe_knockjoin the usergroups though. CTPUG and GPUG. 21:47
magespawngood idea21:47
inetprosuperfly: have you posted your mail yet?21:52
* inetpro hasn't seen it21:52
superflyinetpro: no21:53
superflyinetpro: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-za21:53
inetprooh wow21:54
inetprosuperfly: I actually started capturing relevant parts as you explained but then stopped and deleted when you said you'd post it via email21:56
inetprothought a lesson like this could work well together with a collaborative editor like https://piratepad.ca/21:57
inetprobut the way you've done it above is much better21:58
magespawngotta go to bed, good night all22:02
inetprogood night magespawn22:03
Joe_knocki know a nice desktop editor where you can code collab22:20

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