
NoskcajUnit193, I packaged all but 2 of the christmas translation releases, a few just had bzr issues so they weren't sponsored01:16
Noskcajand my thunar branch had a bad changelog, which is now fixed01:17
Unit193Debian #77474705:04
ubottuDebian bug 774747 in mousepad ""Match case" and "Replace all" settings are mistakenly checked by default due to uninitialized variables" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77474705:04
ochosihumm, catfish's sidebar still isn't ideal with greybird :/11:06
ochosialso doesn't work too well with numix, adwaita is ok11:07
ochosi(in vivid, ofc)11:07
ochosimeh, upower0.99 seems to be a lot slower in recognizing when my laptop gets plugged in11:59
ochosior at least: xfpm + upower0.9911:59
Unit193ochosi: Oh, btw.  Can/should I be using xfce-4.12 PPA almost how I'm using my own xfce one?  "Backporting" the vivid releases to utopic.12:03
ochosiyeah, that'd be nice12:06
ochosiat least that way we're offering a sane way for folks who are using utopic to get fixes without waiting for SRUs that might not come12:07
ochosidoing that for trusty as well would be good12:07
ochosidespite the chances of SRUs happening there being higher12:07
Unit193Not sticking git snapshots in though.12:10
Unit193Though I have to say, imgur support is handy dandy!12:10
ochosiyup, exactly, only actual releases12:11
ochosiand yeah, hope we get that in a stable release soonish12:11
ochosii like it a lot too12:11
brainwashochosi: I've tested it now. if light-locker is set to auto lock when the screen saver activates, then the power manager won't be able to suspend/hibernate the system after inactivity13:20
brainwashbecause we already switched to vt813:21
brainwashbug 131959813:21
ubottubug 1319598 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power manager no longer suspends 'power manager not authorised'" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131959813:21
ochosiwhat about late locking?13:21
brainwashmark as invalid and tell people to configure light-locker to auto lock when the screen saver deactivates?13:21
brainwashyes, late locking works fine13:21
ochosiright, tell them to do that then13:22
ochosithe other variant can't work13:22
brainwashok, strangely no one has find that out yet13:22
brainwashanother workaround mentioned in the comment section is to edit the upower policy for suspend as inactive user13:23
brainwashso, there is nothing to fix in our packages13:24
ochosinot really13:24
ochosionly thing we could do is make that option insensitive in xfpm13:25
brainwashor make late locking the default pick?13:25
brainwashmaybe even hide the normal/instant lock mode?13:26
brainwashI don't know if there are any drawbacks with late looking13:27
ochosinot sure either tbh13:28
ochosiso much depends on hardware with vt switching...13:28
brainwashand policies13:29
ochosiyeah, that too13:29
brainwashbtw while testing this stuff I was reminded of bug 101394513:30
ubottubug 1013945 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Let user select a time of less than 15 mins idle before going to sleep" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101394513:30
brainwashhad to wait 15 minutes :D13:30
ochosionly because you didn't want to do it via xfconf i suppose13:32
ochosiiirc you can set a lower timeout there13:32
brainwashheh, but it would make sense to allow lower values13:32
brainwashvia GUI13:32
brainwashfor mobile devices13:32
brainwashoh wait, I'm confused.. it's actually fixed?13:34
brainwashI tested it in vivid which should ship with version 1.413:35
ochosixfce doesn't play well on mobile devices13:36
ochosiat least if we have the same understanding of mobile being something !desktop && !laptop13:37
brainwashit's a desktop pc actually which I'm using to test, so maybe the battery tab in xfpm allows lower values13:38
brainwashmaybe I'll ask hjudt about this13:39
ochosielfy: can you confirm that e.g. in transmission the menubar's menuitems are too wide in vivid? (padding on the left, about 16px) http://i.imgur.com/XsCjkTk.png (screenshot is with adwaita, not greybird, but the problem is the same)13:47
ochosi(and anyone else testing vivid ^)13:47
elfycan confirm13:49
ochosiok ty13:54
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U
ochosielfy: do you also see this: whiskermenu's button in the panel doesn't look "pressed" anymore when the menu is open in vivid16:37
elfyochosi: can confirm that - but then I'd not ever noticed it looking pressed before either17:47
elfybooted 14.04 - doesn't appear to do that there either18:26
ochosielfy: weird, ok, then i'll see whether i'll report a bug19:59
Noskcajochosi, Might be fixed upstream already, we're behind by two point releases20:02
ochosimeh, why's that?20:03
Noskcajno one sponsors me20:03
ochosimeh :/20:03
ochosiwhy's that?20:03
Noskcajchristmas break20:03
Noskcajand half of xfce's stuff breaks bzr's tarball import20:04
NoskcajUnit193, Did you end up taking any of the new xfce releases? I've got to redo a few of mine as debdiffs20:04
NoskcajWhen does bluesabre get back?20:19
ochosihe said maybe thursday20:20
ochosidepends on when his interwebs get set up20:20
Noskcajok, i need him to sponsor a bunch of stuff that day then, since i'm away with no internet from the 10th to the 24th20:21
ochosiright, keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work out then20:29
ochosiand enjoy (what i presume is) your time off!20:29
elfyevening ochosi :)20:32
ochosihey elfy 20:34
brainwashochosi: interesting new commit http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xdg/xdg-utils/commit/?id=0f06aadc8696f3e9234687bbc93b50a3f724b82220:35
elfyochosi: when you say 'pressed' what do you actually mean? 20:35
Unit193Noskcaj: Yeah, at least the panel.20:35
ochosibrainwash: right, i sent that patch. rex sucks at attribution20:35
brainwashheh :D20:35
ochosielfy: well try any other button in the panel (indicators etc), they have a special state in which they are drawn "pressed down" to give you the feedback that they're clickable20:36
NoskcajUnit193, Panel and indicator-plugin had source conflicts in bzr. Do you want to do both of those? I've got everything except cpufreq-plugin done20:36
ochosibrainwash: and he takes his time. took him only 8 months to merge that 4-liner (after having read the code almost instantaneously)20:37
ochosibut i won't complain, at least it's merged...20:37
NoskcajUnit193, Also, any progress on abiword?20:37
ochosielfy: btw, i updated the fix for shaded windows and intelligent hiding a few minutes ago, should work and get merged this time ;)20:37
Unit193Noskcaj: What do you mean?20:37
ochosioh crap. there he goes.20:37
elfyha ha 20:38
NoskcajUnit193, Were you going to merge/sync it?20:38
elfyochosi: unless you happen to click hexchat in the panel - that just ends up unusable :D20:38
Noskcaji'll merge the version in unstable today then20:39
elfyochosi: but - yes can see what you mean now and I definitely confirm I'm not seeing that with whisker now - or indeed ever20:39
brainwashochosi: it's something. I messed around a bit with xdg-screensaver to solve the "parole resets screen saver timeout to 600" bug, but I'll have to review it again20:40
Unit193Noskcaj: Sean was going to look at the one in experimental, much more fun than unstable...20:40
Noskcajok, i'll wait till i can talk to him about it then20:40
ochosielfy: btw, i updated the fix for shaded windows and intelligent hiding a few minutes ago, should work and get merged this time ;) (sorry for reposting, but you went offline when i said that)20:44
ochosibrainwash: ah nice20:44
ochosii hope ll1.5.1 lands soon, so we can fix xdg-screensaver to work with ll20:44
elfyochosi: woohoo - as soon as I see it I will test that :)20:45
NoskcajIf anyone wants to test gtk 3.15's current affects on our themes, ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging now has most of the gnome libs (including gtk) at 3.15.320:47
ochosiNoskcaj: i seriously hope 3.16 isn't landing this cycle20:54
ochosino more updating themes20:54
Noskcajochosi, No, the theme breaking is too much20:54
ochosiand some stuff is already broken with our themes and i'm afraid nobody will fix it cause it doesn't affect unity20:54
NoskcajNo one has fixed half of the stuff affecting unity yet (headerbar patches, gnome-user-share being from 2011)20:55
ochosifor 3.14 you mean?20:55
ochosithat's why i don't even wanna try 3.15 ;)20:56
NoskcajCompletely unrelated, should we turn on weather-plugin's upower support?20:57
Unit193What does it add?21:04
elfyyou can get your local temperature down to 0K I think21:05
Noskcajfrom configure.ac "upower for adapting update interval to power state"21:05
brainwashI guess no.. unless someone complains that the plugin is draining his battery21:06
NoskcajCould we add it to one of the ~xubuntu-dev PPAs?21:08
NoskcajIt would be nice to have if we can confirm it work21:09
elfypleia2: added proposed schedule to incentive pad21:15
pleia2elfy: thank you :) I'll draft up a blog post at the bottom of the pad later (you keep giving me work!)21:17
elfyok - let me know and I'll give it a quick look before it's published21:17
pleia2much appreciated21:18
elfyok - I'll see if I can find something else for you to do 21:19
elfyor did you not mean that :D21:20
pleia2make it stop /o\21:25
* Unit193 wonders if he should find something.21:29
knomepleia2, feel free to ping me if/when you need help21:43
ochosiknome: btw, how's the development-wall coming along?22:07
elfynight all 22:08
knomeochosi, what you saw is the last revision22:12
ochosiwoot? that's it?22:12
knomebut as i said, it's just some tweaking22:12
knomei'll do that once i'm better22:12
ochosiso not the last, but the latest22:12
ochosiUnit193: re: "train your unit", how about trying to go for upload rights to the package-set?22:22
Unit193ochosi: I don't have many uploads.22:23
ochosithat could be changed22:23
slickymastergo for it Unit193 22:27
ochosijust seeing how things are slowing down when bluesabre isn't around...22:27
knomeyes, nobody can disagree that having multiple (semi-)active uploaders would be a bad thing22:29
knomeUnit193, you know, as always, you have my full support...22:30
Unit193knome: But good chances for review are great.22:30
knomei didn't quite follow, but if you are running for the upload rights, great ;)22:33
ochosihehe, well played22:33
Unit193Not right now, no.22:43
knomeUnit193, but tomorrow, yes?22:44
NoskcajUnit193, You'll probably get them before me, so please try22:49
Unit193Noskcaj: You've got a lot more uploads, but yes I'll try by the end of this cycle or next cycle.22:50
NoskcajI also can't attend irc meetings, and have had a few bad uploads22:51
knomeNoskcaj, you have my support as well :)22:59
Unit193knome: Right, but getting support from sponsors is kind of ideal.23:24
knomebut of course23:34
Unit193Hrm, our friendly neighborhood MOTU seems AFK for now.23:37
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash

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