squeegily | My computer needs the pm-utils --quirk-vbemode-restore to resume from suspend. But when I close the lid to enter sleep mode, it does not use pm-utils and so I have to manually power off the computer | 00:17 |
squeegily | What do I need to change to affect the way that the lid-close shuts down the computer? | 00:18 |
squeegily | Okay the question I'm wondering is: how do I configure xfce4-power-manager to use pm-utils? Whatever it's currently using doesn't work | 00:34 |
xubuntu324 | Hello? | 01:28 |
knome | ...lo | 01:33 |
xubuntu52w | Hi. I accidently unchecked the 'show menu bar' checkbox under the window toolbar, so it made the toolbar disapear and I'm no longer able to show the toolbar (since the checkbox was inside that toolbar). Is there an other place where I can reactivate window menu toolbars ? | 13:13 |
xubuntu52w | The File Manager window, to be more precise | 13:14 |
xubuntu52w | Ah, found a solution (lack of google-fu on my part) | 13:15 |
xubuntu52w | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2156253 | 13:16 |
xubuntu52w | sorry for the noise | 13:16 |
squeegily | How do I configure xfce4-power-manager to use pm-utils? Whatever it's currently using doesn't work (my system needs certain pm-utils --quirk-*s to properly resume from sleep) | 14:06 |
squeegily | Or does anybody know how to make logind take over power management? Since it's already properly set up for pm-util quirk usage | 14:28 |
tingeltangeltom | Good evening all | 15:27 |
tingeltangeltom | i have a problem with massive cpu load by using teamspeak, who can help me? | 15:28 |
tingeltangeltom | Hmm, no one thay can help me? :( | 15:31 |
cfhowlett | tingeltangeltom, ask #ubuntu | 15:31 |
tingeltangeltom | ok | 15:31 |
tingeltangeltom | cfhowlett you mean the "normal" ubuntu distr. right? | 15:33 |
cfhowlett | yes | 15:33 |
tingeltangeltom | ok, thx | 15:34 |
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U | ||
blackgatonegro | I keep getting this error "An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information. Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:'E:The package android-studio needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'" I don't have that package. | 16:35 |
jalt | Hi, I want to stick with a LTS version, but Xubuntu support is only 3yrs vs 5 for regular Ubuntu + XFCE DE. Does this make a difference in practice? What happens after the 3yrs elapse? I´m ok with losing support for Xubuntu-only features (ie. desktop customizations) but I want to be able to not upgrade any of the core components for as long as mainline Ubuntu supports them. | 17:40 |
xangua | after 3 yars specific xfce packages stop recieving secutiry updates | 17:40 |
jalt | I see. Is there a list of such packages? | 17:41 |
knome | jalt, in 2016, next LTS version will be released, so you will be able to upgrade to that then | 17:44 |
jalt | I know, but that is just it - I do not want to update, not even to another LTS. | 17:45 |
knome | why? | 17:45 |
jalt | Basically I am doing devel on Matlab and they are iffy with support. Additionally, I have some very old C/C++ source that is a pain to compile with half-recent gcc, let alone future versions, so I´d really stick to a single version. | 17:46 |
knome | ok... | 17:47 |
jalt | For my own personal usage this would not be a problem, so I totally understand the rationale behind the Xubuntu team. | 17:47 |
jalt | *team´s decision. | 17:47 |
knome | well, the list of unsupported packages is the diff of packages you get when you install xubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu-desktop | 17:47 |
knome | or, in other words, any packages that exists in the default xubuntu installation but not ubuntu | 17:48 |
jalt | right, but my plan was to install ubuntu server (no dektop) and then add xfce4 | 17:48 |
jalt | so the diff should be rather small, but I am unsure how to ¨generate¨ it | 17:48 |
knome | the xfce packages will not have more than 3 years of support either | 17:48 |
jalt | hmm that is news to me. i thought xfce WAS supported by mainline ubuntu too | 17:49 |
knome | no, the mainline ubuntu only supports unity stuff | 17:49 |
knome | and other things it needs to use | 17:49 |
knome | not xfce, since it's not used by ubuntu desktop | 17:50 |
mucus | wait, xfce support is being dropped? | 17:52 |
knome | mucus, no... | 17:52 |
mucus | oh, no big deal either way | 17:52 |
knome | xfce will be supported for three years for the LTS versions, as everyhing in xubuntu | 17:52 |
knome | but not 5 years as the ubuntu desktop packages | 17:53 |
jalt | I don´t doubt you knome, but I am having a hard time sourcing your statement. I was under the impression that everything in the mainline ubuntu repo was ¨supported¨ - i.e. only universe and such were not. | 17:53 |
mucus | oh | 17:53 |
jalt | Do you have a link to where this support limitation is explained? | 17:54 |
knome | jalt, xfce4 is in universe | 17:54 |
jalt | well then, that would do it :) | 17:54 |
jalt | http://askubuntu.com/questions/16366/whats-the-difference-between-a-long-term-support-release-and-a-normal-release | 17:56 |
jalt | The Desktop refers to the packages that are in the main and restricted repositories, these are the ones that have the little Ubuntu icon next to them in Synaptic or are marked as Supported in the Software-Centre respectively. The Server packages are the ones in the "server-ship" and "supported-common" seeds (there's a directory of all of the different seeds available). | 17:56 |
jalt | If the above is valid, it makes sense. | 17:56 |
knome | that's correct | 17:57 |
knome | considering that "the desktop" means "the ubuntu desktop desktop" | 17:57 |
knome | not "the xubuntu desktop" :) | 17:57 |
drc | jalt: knome is the former Xubuntu Project Lead (and probably doesn't want to say "Trust me, I know what I'm talking about"), so I would guess he's pretty well up on the LTS/Release/Support issue with respect to Xubuntu :) | 17:59 |
jalt | :D thank you for saying it for him, and thank you knome for your work | 18:01 |
knome | jalt, you're welcome | 18:01 |
knome | drc, thank you, and of course i don't run screaming "i'm an expert baby" ;) | 18:02 |
jalt | just to clarify, if i choose xubuntu lts (or ubuntu lts and add xfce4 packages), 3 yrs from now I will still be able to do apt-get update and get updates to core stuff, but there will simply be no new updates for xfce-related packages on the 14.04 tree. At that point I can take my chances with eventual security issues, or dist-upgrade to 16.04 or whatever the new lts will be called. | 18:08 |
Joe_knock | seeing as knome is here. I thought I'd ask if there will be support for the fork of debian called Devuan or something with XFCE | 18:09 |
drc | opps...sorry knome, for outing you. | 18:09 |
knome | Joe_knock, not here at least, you'd have to ask support from the fork developers | 18:10 |
knome | drc, no, that's ok really :P | 18:10 |
knome | i'm not specifically trying to hide the fact either... | 18:10 |
xangua | jalt: Yes, and I think 3 years is a pretty good deal, back when only the default ubuntu desktop was only supported 3 years and server related 5 years but xfce and other desktop didn't even had LTS support | 18:10 |
Joe_knock | in terms of how XFCE works though, how connected is it to systemd? | 18:10 |
Joe_knock | There | 18:10 |
jalt | yes, not complaining at all, just want to make an informed choice now to avoid surprises in the future | 18:10 |
Joe_knock | there | 18:10 |
Joe_knock | There's been steady growth in support for XFCE | 18:11 |
knome | Joe_knock, not the best one to answer that, but if systemd will be in ubuntu, the xubuntu team will most likely do their best to make it work with xfce | 18:11 |
Joe_knock | aah crap. This has been my go-to desktop for 2 years now. I'll have to work with the devuan guys to make XFCE work there | 18:12 |
jalt | afaik, current xfce is not really dependend on anyting systemd specific but gtk2 is out and gtk3 requires some systemd-related stuff logind + consolekit? which may or may not end up having non-systemd based drop in replacements | 18:12 |
knome | i don't think anybody wants to make xfce actually *dependent* of anything... but supporting systemd is a different thing | 18:13 |
Joe_knock | if there can be a layer in between systemd and xfce, that would be better. Then XFCE can work in other non-systemd places | 18:15 |
knome | anyway, #xfce is probably better for that discussion, and if you are willing/able to help with the transition, then #xfce-dev is a good place | 18:16 |
Joe_knock | wow, I didnt know there was a specific channel for xfce. Let me try asking them there | 18:16 |
knome | while the xubuntu team contributes to xfce, we're still mostly the downstream, seeing where xfce go and trying to make that direction work with where ubuntu is going | 18:16 |
jalt | not sure you want to go where ubuntu is going tee hee, but i kid. | 18:18 |
knome | well, we want to give all new technologies a fair chance | 18:19 |
Joe_knock | knome: So Xubuntu and XFCE are 2 different teams? | 18:19 |
knome | Joe_knock, yep | 18:19 |
Joe_knock | I always thought the 2 teams were more tightly coupled | 18:20 |
jalt | xfce is the desktop, xubuntu is the distro. xfce is used by xubuntu, just like unity is used by mainline ubuntu. | 18:20 |
knome | Joe_knock, many people in xubuntu are more or less doing things for xfce, but yeah, it's definitely two different teams | 18:21 |
knome | jalt, the caveat being that unity is developed by the same company as ubuntu, so the teams are that way more tied together | 18:21 |
jalt | if you have xubuntu installed you try logging in with the xfce session and see the differences that the xubuntu-team made to stock xfce | 18:21 |
knome | there is no similar umbrella organization or team for xubuntu and xfce, or kubuntu and kde etc... | 18:22 |
jalt | while i understand that the lack of such company implies a lack of funds / consolidated steering committee it also means you won´t be going down that retarded everything-is-a-tablet road. | 18:22 |
knome | we should really continue this discussion on #xubuntu-offtopic (welcome!) | 18:23 |
Joe_knock | things are quiet enough here that I don't think it matters where we discuss it? | 18:25 |
drc | Joe_knock: that's not the idea, #xubuntu is for support, #xubuntu-offtopic is for chat :) | 18:25 |
knome | well, the goal is to keep the channel always clear for support questions | 18:25 |
jalt | alright, back on topic, where can I get a list (or files?) of the default themes/bakcgrounds that were used on previous xubuntu versions? I´m pretty sure I can change them manually, but I would like to use some references. I think the one I am looking for is 10.10 but i´d rather glance at them all. | 18:25 |
Joe_knock | okay cool. Well my question is for the "Action Buttons" item in the panel. When I click on lock screen, it does nothing. | 18:27 |
knome | jalt, you'll want to investigate the source for xubuntu-artwork | 18:27 |
jalt | thank you knome, that is it. | 18:34 |
brainwash | Joe_knock: does anything happen if you run the command "xflock4"? | 19:16 |
Joe_knock | brainwash: on the commandline? | 19:18 |
brainwash | Joe_knock: yes | 19:18 |
Joe_knock | let me give it a try. Just waiting for my VM to finish installing | 19:19 |
brainwash | xflock4 is a simple wrapper script which will try to launch various screen lockers | 19:19 |
brainwash | I assume that it's also executed if you select the lock screen option in the action button menu | 19:20 |
Joe_knock | How did Action Buttons become external? It was previously a core part of 12.04, brainwash | 19:20 |
brainwash | external? | 19:20 |
Joe_knock | in brackets it says: external | 19:21 |
brainwash | I don't know | 19:24 |
brainwash | it should be an internal panel plugin (part of xfce4-panel) | 19:24 |
brainwash | and generally, whisker menu made the action buttons somewhat obsolete, so they have been removed from the panel in 14.04 | 19:25 |
Joe_knock | brainwash: Old habits :P I was used to having them split up. Whisker menus UX isn't too nice | 19:26 |
brainwash | it's just the default panel design, you can tweak and customize it the way you like it :) | 19:27 |
brainwash | there was some development on a little tool for the panel which would allow the user to load/save different panel setups | 19:29 |
brainwash | including some preconfigured ones | 19:29 |
brainwash | however, still work in progress | 19:29 |
xubuntu67w | Hi | 21:35 |
xubuntu67w | I need help | 21:35 |
holstein | xubuntu67w: sure.. just ask and a volunteer will try | 21:36 |
xubuntu67w | When you restart or turn off my PC it is done correctly, and I have to turn it off from the power button. I did not and found nothing on internet forums. | 21:38 |
holstein | xubuntu67w: i would simply look for and apply updates and reboot and test | 21:39 |
holstein | http://www.unixmen.com/fix-shutdown-power-computer-ubuntu-14-04/ | 21:39 |
holstein | xubuntu67w: i also suggest the #ubuntu channel in your native language | 21:40 |
tadeo | Hi | 21:42 |
tadeo | hola | 21:42 |
tadeo | necesito ayuda | 21:42 |
tadeo | i need help | 21:42 |
Joe_knock | hello and welcome newbies. Please dont ask to ask. Just ask about your problem and somebody will answer. | 21:43 |
deshipu | !pt | tadeo | 21:44 |
ubottu | tadeo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 21:44 |
tadeo | Spanish!!! | 21:45 |
tadeo | Spinshi? | 21:45 |
holstein | !es | 21:45 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 21:45 |
tadeo | Gracias | 21:45 |
holstein | tadeo: http://www.unixmen.com/fix-shutdown-power-computer-ubuntu-14-04/ | 21:45 |
tadeo | eso necesito escribirlo en una terminal= | 21:46 |
tadeo | ? | 21:46 |
Joe_knock | !gr | 21:47 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 21:47 |
holstein | tadeo: http://www.unixmen.com/fix-shutdown-power-computer-ubuntu-14-04/ is what you use.. if it doesnt work, as in the spanish speaking channel | 21:47 |
Joe_knock | !ge | 21:47 |
ubottu | ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge | 21:47 |
Joe_knock | :-/ | 21:47 |
holstein | Joe_knock: you can query the bot | 21:47 |
Joe_knock | i was trying german but neither of those 2 are it | 21:48 |
holstein | !de | 21:48 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 21:48 |
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash |
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