
wwitzel3cmars: thanks, it has been fun, hopefully the finishing touches won't take too long00:03
katcodavecheney: hey sorry, wifey and kiddo are home00:19
katcodavecheney: but rq, i was wondering if you had time to look at my PR again, i was wondering why the name feature_tests was dangerous?00:19
davecheneykatco: _test as a package name is reserved for external tests00:24
davecheneythe tool will probably let you get away with it00:24
davecheneybut it'll bite us (just like testing in package main did)00:24
katcodavecheney: these are external tests though, correct?00:24
davecheneyalso, package names should be alphas only00:24
davecheneypacakge foo_test is synthesised by the test runner00:24
davecheneyso it's a good idea to stay away from that special cased behaviour00:25
katcodavecheney: feature_testS is as well?00:25
davecheneykatco: please don't use underscores in package names00:25
katcodavecheney: do you have a suggestion?00:25
davecheneythe name of the package should describe what it does, not its contents00:25
davecheneyas a stop gap00:26
davecheneypackage featuretests00:26
katcodavecheney: so, something that describes the fact that it runs functional/feature tests00:26
katcodavecheney: i honestly can't think of anything better than featuretests if you don't want an underscore/hyphen00:26
davecheneyi don't have any comment apart from please don't use underscores, or any other punctuation in pacakge names00:27
davecheneyand don't call a package _test00:27
davecheney'cos the go tool will end up barfing and we'll hve to back it out00:27
katcodavecheney: so if i were to rename the package, you would lgtm?00:28
davecheneykatco: i guess so00:28
davecheneydoes this need to live in the juju repository ?00:28
katcodavecheney: that depends; i think the intent was for developers to have the option of running it, but by virtue of the fact that it is intended for external tests only, it could certainly be external00:29
katcodavecheney: sinzui, wallyworld, and axw all gave verbal agreement on name/location00:30
katcodavecheney: perhaps they could weigh in further00:30
katcodavecheney: as a point of intellectual curiosity, i still don't understand why the go tool will at some future point reject _test packages00:33
wallyworldkatco: what about "featuretests". i really don't care about the _00:38
davecheneykatco: _test is a majic package00:38
davecheneyit never exists on disk00:38
davecheneyis is only syntehsised for external tests by the test runner00:39
davecheneythis magic will bite us00:39
davecheneyplease don't anger it00:39
katcodavecheney: wallyworld: sorry, brushing the little one's teeth for the first time :)00:53
katcodavecheney: interesting, look at how it laid it out on disk: > pwd00:53
katcofeature_tests.test binary is in /tmp/go-build388828020/github.com/juju/juju/feature_tests/_test00:54
katcoso it looks like it generated a blank _test directory within feature_tests00:54
davecheneykatco: i'm not sure what you want me to say00:54
davecheneyi gave you my advice00:54
katcodavecheney: sorry, i thought you'd be interested. i'm not looking for you to say anything. thanks for the input.00:55
davecheneyi just know this will blow up00:56
davecheneyremembver we have to support Go all the way back to 1.2 shipped in a 3 year old operating system00:56
davecheneythe possiblilities of backporting fixes to those old distros, after two bitter years of trying, is exactly 0%00:56
mattywmorning all01:02
mattywhope everyone had a good holiday01:02
katcomattyw: happy new years to you sir!01:02
perrito666mattyw: morning, happy new year01:02
anastasiamacmattyw: morning! and a Happy 2015 :)01:13
mattywkatco, perrito666 anastasiamac happy new year all01:14
wallyworldkatco: standup?01:16
katcowallyworld: shoot brt01:16
perrito666ohno dying pixel01:18
katcoperrito666: #nopixelleftbehind01:19
perrito666katco: I discovered today that dell announced my next machine :p now I just need a way to get one of those01:19
katcoperrito666: sweet :)01:20
perrito666none of you want to visit .ar and save me of customs hell?01:20
katcoaxw: package name has been updated; ready for review whenever you're ready01:40
axwkatco: cool, looking now01:40
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axwkatco: sorry to be a pain in the butt, but I have a question before I can LGTM02:01
katcoaxw: not at all, what's up?02:01
axwkatco: published02:01
katcoaxw: k looking02:01
katcobleh i fail at review board02:10
axwkatco: so my concern is there's nothing stopping unit X from requesting leadership for unit Y, but from your response that's what William wants? what are the access controls *meant* to be? I don't think there's any precedent for a free-for-all02:17
katcoaxw: it's an excellent point. again he brought up several examples wherein the unit getting leadership might not be the unit requesting it. i believe they were hypotheticals.02:18
katcoaxw: i think in general, he is trying to be sensitive to bulk-first architecture, but the cross section of that and leadership is interesting to say the least02:19
thumpermenn0: yep, there was a problem with the creation of the environments, test and patch coming02:19
thumpermenn0: just running all the tests to catch bad tests02:19
katcoaxw: and just for fun i'll throw the fact in that i could have misinterpreted :)02:19
axwkatco: can that particular change be reverted, and moved to a separate PR that fwereade can take a look at?02:20
axwkatco: I'm not comfortable with it, but I don't want to block the rest02:20
katcoaxw: i'm due to talk with him tomorrow about leadership, why don't i just bring it up there and see what he has to say02:21
axwkatco: okey dokey02:21
katcoaxw: thanks for the review :)02:21
katcoaxw: 10 points!02:21
ericsnowwwitzel3: FYI, I've updated the branch with the gceapi commit02:25
ericsnowwwitzel3: I've broken some tests but wanted to get up what I had before calling it a night02:25
ericsnowwwitzel3: we can change the name too02:26
ericsnowwwitzel3: I may check back in later, but maybe not :)02:26
menn0menn0: ok. want me to review when it's ready?02:36
menn0thumper: ^^ :)02:37
wwitzel3ericsnow: sounds good, thanks :)02:37
thumpermenn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/690/02:38
thumpermenn0: full test run is still going02:38
thumperbut I expect it to finish shortly02:38
thumper(running again)02:38
thumperfirst run found one other place in the code where we were doing it wrong02:38
thumperjust finished, all tests pass locally02:39
* menn0 looks02:40
menn0thumper: is that factory change supposed to be there?02:44
menn0thumper: it appears like you intend the type of factory.EnvParams.Owner to change but I don't see that02:45
menn0thumper: never mind02:45
menn0thumper: i'm being stoopid02:45
menn0thumper: ship it02:45
menn0thumper: just a typo in that test name02:46
thumpermenn0: and thanks02:48
anastasiamacaxw: about facade version numbering...02:55
anastasiamacaxw: should they start at 0 or 1?02:56
anastasiamacaxw: i have seen a few 0s when I was adding mine...02:56
thumperah fark.....02:58
* thumper headdesks02:58
anastasiamacthumper: again?..02:59
axwanastasiamac: sorry, was afk02:59
axwanastasiamac: new ones should be 102:59
thumperanastasiamac: nothing to do with you02:59
axwanastasiamac: 0 is for the facades that existed before we had versioning03:00
axwor something like that03:00
anastasiamacaxw: oh! thnx - that makes sense ;)03:02
anastasiamacthumper: i was not expecting it to do with me03:02
anastasiamacthumper: but ur desk must be very sturdy with all this stress relief :p03:03
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anastasiamacaxw: I'll add this explanation to api/facadeversions.go for future references :003:24
axwanastasiamac: SGTM, thanks03:24
axwanastasiamac: I think jam would be able to clarify the rationale, maybe ask him to review03:25
anastasiamacjam, ping :)03:26
anastasiamacaxw: thnx ;-)03:26
axwa bit early I think03:26
jamaxw: anastasiamac: I'm up, but currently in leads meeting03:26
axwno rest for the wicked/leads :)03:27
anastasiamacaxw: :) or OCRs03:29
anastasiamacaxw: could u plz cast ur eyes on my annotations PR when u get a chance?03:30
axwanastasiamac: yup, just finishing up with another03:30
anastasiamacaxw: tyvm :p03:31
anastasiamacm trying to update dependencies.tv with newer version of names... i get the commit hash, I get the date but what is the date suffixed with? for eg. what's T02:50:22Z?03:51
anastasiamacaxw: ^^?03:51
axwanastasiamac: just use godeps to get the correct values03:52
axwanastasiamac: godeps ./... | grep names >> dependencies.tsv03:52
axwthen fix up by hand03:52
axwthat's how I do it anyway. there's probably a smarter way03:52
ericsnowaxw: this (from Nate) works for me: "GOOS=windows godeps -t ./... > dependencies.tsv"03:54
anastasiamacaxw: i know what names commit i want dependencies.tsv to contain03:54
anastasiamacaxw: ericsnow: i know what date to put as well, i just don't get the last charas?..03:55
anastasiamacchars even03:55
axwanastasiamac: not sure what date you're talking about?03:55
ericsnowanastasiamac: just set your names repo to that commit and then let godeps sort it out for you03:55
axwanastasiamac: ah, the date at the end of the git lines - that's from a newer version of godeps I believe03:55
ericsnowaxw: newer versions of godeps put a date along with some of the revisions03:55
anastasiamacericsnow: axw: I have updated names repo and need juju dependencies.tsv to have my commit in it03:55
ericsnowanastasiamac: with the names repo set to the revision you want, run the command I listed and see what it writes to dependencies.tsv03:56
anastasiamacericsnow: this removed all dates03:58
ericsnowanastasiamac: I'm guessing your godeps is older then03:58
ericsnowanastasiamac: try "go get -u launchpad.net/godeps && go install launchpad.net/godeps" or something like that03:59
* anastasiamac updating godeps04:01
anastasiamacericsnow: thnx :) got it ;-004:01
ericsnowanastasiamac: :)04:01
jamanastasiamac: so pong now, in case there is something you still need clarity on04:06
anastasiamacjam: just to confirm - axw's understnading of facade versioning:04:07
anastasiamacjam: initial numbering - 1 for new facades, 0 for facades that existed before versioning04:08
anastasiamacjam: ?04:08
thumpernight all04:09
* thumper goes to walk dogs04:09
jamanastasiamac: the "0" version is for things that were in 1.18 (pre-versioning), yes04:09
anastasiamacjam: axw: thnx for clarification. I'll add it as a comment to facadeversions on my brnach :-)04:10
axwanastasiamac: did you just rename annotator.go to annotations.go, or are there other changes in that file?04:16
axwoh it's not renamed at all, just extracted04:17
anastasiamacaxw: there r other changes... like GlobalEnitty04:17
axwanastasiamac: I meant annotator.go specifically04:17
anastasiamacaxw: m going to remove annotator.go in the next PR04:17
axwoh I see04:17
anastasiamacaxw: also state is now passed in04:18
anastasiamacaxw: current annottor is written with embedding into entities in mind04:18
anastasiamacaxw: my implementation ensures that the new annotations does not need to b embedded04:19
axwso I see04:19
anastasiamacaxw: :)04:20
axwanastasiamac: reviewed04:22
* axw disappears for lunch04:22
anastasiamacfwereade: ping06:01
fwereadeanastasiamac, pong07:15
fwereadeanastasiamac, getting rid of that embedding sounds like a good thing to me, that always felt like a timebomb07:15
anastasiamacfwereade: about bulk annotation calls, i've sent u an email. Just thought i'd give u a heads-up ;-)07:16
fwereadeanastasiamac, ty07:16
anastasiamacfwereade: m glad u feel this way about embedding ;)07:16
anastasiamacaxw: r u k to drop annotation bulk call review comments until I get confirmation from intrested parties? I'd love to land what I have so far and address the rest in separate PR...07:30
anastasiamacaxw: pretty plz? :)07:30
jamfwereade: ping for status chat07:31
axwanastasiamac: not really, because 1.22 is about to go out and then this is set in stone...07:31
axwanastasiamac: if you go with my suggestion then everybody should be happy because it can handle any combination in one bulk call07:32
dimiternwallyworld_, still around?08:39
anastasiamacaxw: addressed :) when u get a chance, could u plz inspect? :P08:45
axwanastasiamac: looking08:52
axwanastasiamac: reviewed08:59
anastasiamacaxw: thnx!09:24
voidspacedimitern: TheMue: I'll be a couple of minutes late to standup09:58
voidspacesee you soon, sorry!09:58
dimiternvoidspace, ok, no09:58
dimiternnp even :)09:58
voidspacedimitern: omw10:02
wallyworld_dimitern: hi, was away for a bit11:03
wallyworld_voidspace: i think you're ocr? if you get a chance, i'd love to be able to land http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/692/11:04
dimiternwallyworld_, hey, I wanted to ask are you willing to help now and then with goamz reviews/maintenance on github, as you've contributed in the past11:04
wallyworld_i'm not an expert but happy to help11:04
dimiternwallyworld_, ok, you have an invite already :)11:04
wallyworld_ok, will look, probably tomorrow, am tired tonight11:05
dimiternwallyworld_, no worries, we'll get community members to help as well11:05
dimiternwallyworld_, sure, have a good one :)11:05
wallyworld_will do11:05
voidspacewallyworld_: nope, ericsnow and axw12:03
voidspacewallyworld_: I can look in a bit if they don't get to it12:03
wallyworld_voidspace: ah, oh, sorry, i'm a day out. i can wait till tomorrow12:05
voidspacewallyworld_: looking at it now12:09
wallyworld_i owe you one, thanks12:10
frankbankatco, wallyworld_ : thank you both for the reviews! I replied to some of your comments and I have some questions, (however I am not sure I understand how review board works with comments). could you please take another look when you have time?12:15
wallyworld_frankban: will do12:15
voidspacewallyworld_: so imagemanager and the Client, with DeleteImage method, is pre-existing12:28
voidspacewallyworld_: this is just the command to expose it12:29
wallyworld_voidspace: yeah, all the api and apiserver stuff landed in a previous branch. this is just to add a juju command it use it12:29
voidspacewallyworld_: LGTM12:29
wallyworld_voidspace: you rock, tyvm12:29
voidspacewallyworld_: a disturbing amount of boilerplate required just for TestDeleteImage though12:30
voidspacewallyworld_: the mocking, the patching, the fakes12:30
voidspacewallyworld_: not that I see a better way12:30
wallyworld_yeah. i find i complain about biolerplate in general with go12:30
wallyworld_lack of generics etc makes it unavoidable12:30
voidspacewallyworld_: and as a result of it, you don't actually test that the delete command calls the DeleteImage client method12:30
voidspaceyou check the api method is called - but that is mocked out, so it's not tested12:31
wallyworld_true, i think you are right, i'm more or less following established patterns12:31
voidspaceyeah, effectively we test the layers but don't test through all the boundaries12:32
wallyworld_we are introducing a featuretests package for integration tests12:32
voidspaceanyway, I added my ShipIt12:32
wallyworld_the first cab off the rank is katherine's leadership service tests12:32
wallyworld_so with featuretests, we can add a tests to check the end-end wiring12:33
wallyworld_so we have a mix of fast *unit* tests and fewer slower intergration tests12:33
wallyworld_work in progress12:34
wallyworld_thanks for lgtm, i can now land this to meet the 1.22 deadline12:34
rick_h_jam: still around?12:42
* perrito666 reads a little wtf in a review answer and gets a small brain freeze like sensation13:23
jamrick_h_: hey13:48
rick_h_jam: howdy, got a few min I can steal sorry for the post-hours?13:49
jamrick_h_: calling you now https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/guyjqtpuoh55ecfsilhje5smdia13:49
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ericsnowwwitzel3: ping14:58
wwitzel3oh right15:02
wwitzel3ericsnow: no one is here ..15:07
katcofwereade: ping15:10
ericsnowjw4: ping16:44
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ericsnowfwereade: you still around?16:57
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frankbanwallyworld_: I updated my branch to reuse the code in envcmd for the default environment. I'll wait for Tim about naming issues17:21
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gsamfira_hello folks17:46
gsamfira_I was doing a deploy of juju 1.21  beta5 on MaaS and noticed that the --constraints argument is ignored17:46
gsamfira_looking at: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/1.21/provider/maas/environ.go#L781 , it seams that the Constraints field is missing17:47
gsamfira_is this by design?17:47
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 ?18:03
perrito666weekly random time meeting?18:03
wwitzel3perrito666: omw18:03
voidspacerebooting and then coming (weird unity freeze thing I need to get rid of to use the browser)18:04
dimiternTheMue, are you around for the team meeting?18:05
perrito666cmars: ?18:05
voidspacedimitern: as you're still around...18:08
voidspacedimitern: https://code.launchpad.net/~mfoord/gomaasapi/nodegroupsinterfaces/+merge/24589118:08
dimiternvoidspace, sure, will have a look18:08
voidspaceg'night all18:41
wwitzel3nn voidspace18:41
dimiternvoidspace, i'm reviewing your MP and will send a review18:41
voidspacewwitzel3: o/18:41
voidspacedimitern: cool, thanks18:41
dimiternvoidspace, have a good one ;)18:41
alexisbo yeah, there is totally uber in tokyo:18:41
katcoi forgot to mention for anyone who was interested in the spec: it also generates the interfaces for all of the code to ensure parity18:42
katcoso what you see in the spec is directly in the codebase18:42
alexisbkatco, have you and jam talked about your spec format before?18:42
alexisbif not we should make that happen18:42
katcoalexisb: i have not18:43
katcoalexisb: i have something regarding leadership to discuss with him as well. it's low-priority, but we could definitely fill a meeting with the 2 topics18:44
alexisbkatco, you should get on his calendar18:45
katcoalexisb: will do, i'll send him an email18:45
alexisbI would offer to set if up but with your earlier timezone you have a better chance of getting on the calendar solo18:45
katcowhat tz is he?18:45
katcowhy am i asking, it's right here lol18:46
katcoso 10h difference18:47
dimiternalexisb, yeah, uber started in sofia recently as well18:47
alexisbdimitern, cool18:48
alexisbkatco, keep in mind he has his son in the afternoon after school18:48
katcoalexisb: ok ty for the info18:49
dimiternkatco, i can't wait for that blog post :)18:49
katcodimitern: i'm about halfway done, i will let you know :)18:50
dimiternkatco, my org mode skills so far include only storing my emacs conf in org babel source blocks and some todo lists :)18:50
katcodimitern: this is even easier; it's basically a plain-text outline that you just export18:50
katcodimitern: if you can write markdown, you can do this just as easily18:50
dimiternkatco, cool! i suppose it goes via latex to generate the pdf18:51
katcodimitern: yes, exactly18:51
katcodimitern: i also got it to export and odf, but it's not nearly as nice18:51
katcodimitern: but i suppose the important thing is that you don't need to know latex or anything to produce one, just how to write an outline in org mode18:52
dimiternkatco, that's way better!18:53
katcodimitern: yeah, essentially these things just fall out of the notes i take when i'm gathering requirements. it's so easy18:53
perrito666dimitern: I wonder, do you know the answer to gsamfira_ question??18:54
katcowell, for me. but i don't think it should be hard for the uninitiated either18:54
* katco goes to grab lunch18:54
dimiternkatco, +118:54
dimiternperrito666, hmmm - what's that?18:54
perrito666<gsamfira_> hello folks18:54
perrito666<gsamfira_> I was doing a deploy of juju 1.21  beta5 on MaaS and noticed that the --constraints argument is ignored18:54
perrito666<gsamfira_> looking at: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/1.21/provider/maas/environ.go#L781 , it seams that the Constraints field is missing18:54
perrito666<gsamfira_> is this by design?18:54
dimiternperrito666, gsamfira_ it is by design because constraints are processed earlier18:56
gsamfira_dimitern: then something happens, because acquireNode never sends tags to maas18:56
gsamfira_so you get a random node18:56
dimiterngsamfira_, ah, wait .. that's total bs18:56
gsamfira_if you have a maas install handy, give it a shot18:56
dimiterngsamfira_, it seems they need to be there as an arg18:57
dimiterngsamfira_, that has changed recently, I guess with the AZ distribution logic18:57
dimiterngsamfira_, *please* file a bug about it18:57
gsamfira_sure thing18:58
dimiterngsamfira_, thanks! I'll have a look in the morning18:59
gsamfira_sure. The fix is easy. Just add Constraints field :). Not sure if its correct, but it works :)18:59
gsamfira_dimitern: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/140876219:01
mupBug #1408762: --constraints option is ignored on MaaS provider <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1408762>19:01
dimiterngsamfira_, cheers!19:02
perrito666sometimes I feel we use the word status a bit too much19:43
wwitzel3need a status update on the status of health status19:45
perrito666wwitzel3: I am dealing with the status of the entity, which is analog to going to a toolshop asking the thing to put the thiguie in there19:49
bachi marcoceppi, recently you fixed the install hook on squid-reverseproxy for precise.  could you make that fix for the trusty version too20:25
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