soee | good morning | 07:32 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:06 |
Riddell | hola | 09:25 |
soee | hiho Riddell | 09:30 |
soee | got my message form yesterday ? | 09:31 |
Riddell | soee: you had problems during an update? | 09:34 |
soee | Riddell: a lot of packages where marked to be removed etc. | 09:42 |
Riddell | soee: what were you updating? | 09:42 |
soee | Riddell: just did apt update on Vivid | 09:42 |
soee | that all | 09:42 |
soee | so some packages in archive are a bit broken i think | 09:43 |
soee | shadeslayer: ^ you remember this right? | 09:43 |
Riddell | ah maybe they were/are incomplete for frameworks updates | 09:44 |
Riddell | that's what was going through yesterday | 09:44 |
Riddell | and still a couple to go | 09:45 |
soee | ok, good to know :) | 09:46 |
kranzer | Riddell: ping | 10:19 |
Riddell | hi kranzer | 10:19 |
kranzer | Riddell: can you help me now? | 10:19 |
Riddell | where did you get to? | 10:20 |
kranzer | where we were yesterday | 10:20 |
kranzer | Riddell: don't know what to do with that patches | 10:20 |
Riddell | have you looked at the patch to see what it does? | 10:21 |
kranzer | yes | 10:21 |
Riddell | have you looked at the code it patches to see what needs to be done now? | 10:21 |
kranzer | Riddell: yes, but it is as patch needs | 10:22 |
Riddell | no the layout of the CMakeLists.txt file has changed | 10:22 |
Riddell | do you have a fresh digikam tar with debian/ directory ? | 10:23 |
kranzer | Riddell: let's do it again( | 10:23 |
Riddell | sitter: what does お早う mean? I hope it's not something rude | 10:28 |
sitter | Riddell: ohayo | 10:28 |
sitter | casual good morning | 10:28 |
valorie | | 10:28 |
kranzer | Riddell: okay, done fresh debian folder | 10:29 |
Riddell | kranzer: pastebin quilt push | 10:29 |
kranzer | Riddell: what do I have to change in diffs? | 10:29 |
kranzer | Riddell: | 10:30 |
Riddell | well that looks broken | 10:32 |
kranzer | Riddell: maybe chane versions? | 10:32 |
kranzer | Riddell: in diffs? | 10:32 |
Riddell | kranzer: pastebin echo $QUILT_PATCHES; ls; ls extra/kipi-plugins/sendimages/ | 10:32 |
kranzer | Riddell: | 10:33 |
Riddell | kranzer: export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches | 10:34 |
kranzer | Riddell: done :) | 10:34 |
Riddell | kranzer: quilt push any different? | 10:35 |
kranzer | File series fully applied, ends at patch debian/patches/upstream_bug338037.diff | 10:35 |
kranzer | Riddell: what's now? | 10:35 |
Riddell | sod it I'll set up another ec2 | 10:36 |
kranzer | Riddell: ?? | 10:36 |
kranzer | Riddell: sod it? | 10:37 |
kranzer | Riddell: kranzer@kranzer-System-Product-Name:~/digicam/digikam-4.6.0$ quilt refresh Nothing in patch debian/patches/upstream_bug338037.diff | 10:40 |
Riddell | kranzer: ssh | 10:43 |
Riddell | password is foobar | 10:43 |
Riddell | scp your .orig and debian/ directory into mnt/ | 10:44 |
kranzer | Riddell: how? | 10:45 |
Riddell | kranzer: scp | 10:54 |
Riddell | from your computer | 10:54 |
Riddell | to the ec2 server | 10:54 |
kranzer | Riddell: how? | 10:54 |
Riddell | scp file | 10:54 |
Riddell | type password | 10:55 |
Riddell | it copies | 10:55 |
yofel | kranzer: do that on your pc, not on ec2 | 10:57 |
kranzer | ahhh | 10:57 |
yofel | cp is always "cp SOURCE TARGET" | 10:57 |
kranzer | Riddell: | 10:58 |
yofel | kranzer: how do you copy folders with cp again? | 10:58 |
kranzer | yofel: scp /home/kranzer/digicam/digikam-4.6.0/debian | 10:59 |
yofel | right, but what option do you need to pass to cp to recursively copy folders? | 10:59 |
yofel | scp works the same as cp there | 11:00 |
kranzer | yofel: kranzer@kranzer-System-Product-Name:~$ cp /home/kranzer/digicam/digikam-4.6.0/debian cp: omitting directory ‘/home/kranzer/digicam/digikam-4.6.0/debian’ | 11:01 |
yofel | ... | 11:01 |
yofel | I said *recursively*, which means you need to pass -r for it to do that... | 11:02 |
yofel | (see manpage) | 11:02 |
kranzer | yofel: kranzer@kranzer-System-Product-Name:~$ cp -r /home/kranzer/digicam/digikam-4.6.0/debian cp: cannot create directory ‘’: No such file or directory | 11:02 |
yofel | manpages are a very useful thing if you're stuck | 11:02 |
yofel | kranzer: well, you'll need scp | 11:02 |
kranzer | yofel: the same | 11:03 |
yofel | what does it say? | 11:03 |
kranzer | cp: cannot create directory ‘’: No such file or directory | 11:03 |
kranzer | yofel: ^ | 11:03 |
yofel | ah, wrong target definition | 11:04 |
yofel | use | 11:05 |
kranzer | yofel: thanks | 11:05 |
Riddell | no slash | 11:06 |
yofel | ah oops | 11:06 |
kranzer | yofel: Riddell: works | 11:07 |
kranzer | Riddell: what to do now? | 11:09 |
Riddell | kranzer: scp the .orig | 11:10 |
yofel | you'll also want to copy the digikam orig file | 11:10 |
kranzer | Riddell: done | 11:11 |
Riddell | uh huh, now extract the tar and put the debian/ into it and apply the patches | 11:12 |
kranzer | Riddell: tar -zxvf> | 11:15 |
kranzer | ? | 11:15 |
Riddell | tar xf should be fine | 11:15 |
kranzer | Riddell: how to send debian there? | 11:18 |
Riddell | | 11:19 |
Riddell | I'm sure google knows | 11:19 |
kranzer | Riddell: done | 11:22 |
yofel | kranzer: now apply the patches the way you did before | 11:24 |
yofel | QUILT_PATCHES | 11:25 |
kranzer | yofel: ? | 11:25 |
yofel | see the channel log, what did you do with QUILT_PATCHES earlier? | 11:26 |
yofel | right | 11:26 |
kranzer | yofel: do you have the access to ssh? | 11:26 |
yofel | I'm watching | 11:26 |
Riddell | from the top digikam directory | 11:27 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: ping Hi Scarlet r u around | 11:27 |
kranzer | yofel: Riddell: now? | 11:27 |
yofel | kranzer: that applied one patch, now go on | 11:27 |
Riddell | Sick_Rimmit: it'll be too early for her, she might be up in a couple of hours | 11:27 |
yofel | kranzer: until you get to the patch that was failing | 11:28 |
kranzer | yofel: again quilt push? | 11:28 |
Sick_Rimmit | Riddell: OK, that's cool, I will give her a shout later, thanks | 11:28 |
yofel | kranzer: yes | 11:28 |
kranzer | yofel: fails | 11:28 |
yofel | right, now you'll need to update it | 11:28 |
kranzer | yofel: how? | 11:29 |
yofel | kranzer: start by looking at the file that it failed on | 11:30 |
kranzer | yofel: CMakeLists.txt? | 11:30 |
yofel | yes, also note that it told you the line in which it failed | 11:31 |
kranzer | yofel: okay) | 11:31 |
kranzer | yofel: how can I see lines? | 11:32 |
yofel | in nano? no idea, google might help | 11:33 |
kranzer | yofel: maybe I'll do it in local | 11:33 |
yofel | you might also want to acutally read the patch itself | 11:33 |
kranzer | then I will push | 11:33 |
yofel | kranzer: also important: you're looking at the wrong CMakeLists.txt file | 11:35 |
kranzer | yofel: core/CMakeLists.txt | 11:35 |
yofel | right, you're looking at CMakeLists.txt, not core/CMakeLists.txt | 11:36 |
kranzer | yofel: in local I look at core/CMakeLists.txt | 11:36 |
yofel | ok | 11:36 |
kranzer | yofel: this is the line #334 "A library for extracting file metadata" "" TRUE) | 11:37 |
Riddell | it will have moved | 11:39 |
Riddell | that's why the patch doesn't apply | 11:39 |
Riddell | look in core/CMakeLists.txt.rej# | 11:39 |
Riddell | and work out what needs to be done to core/CMakeLists.txt | 11:39 |
Riddell | to make equivalent changes | 11:39 |
kranzer | Riddell: what do I have to do with this? | 11:40 |
Riddell | read it | 11:41 |
Riddell | see what it's doing | 11:41 |
Riddell | make the equivalent change in core/CMakeLists.txt | 11:41 |
Riddell | it's replacing that call to look for mysql with one to just set it | 11:42 |
kranzer | Riddell: ok, thanks, g2g | 11:42 |
Riddell | sigh | 11:42 |
Riddell | when I said no hand holding... | 11:43 |
Riddell | but well he's only young bless | 11:43 |
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch | ||
* Riddell eats kbroulik-lunch for lunch | 11:54 | |
sgclark | morning | 12:06 |
Riddell | sgclark: buenos dias | 12:07 |
Riddell | Sick_Rimmit was after you | 12:08 |
sgclark | ahh ok | 12:08 |
Sick_Rimmit | morning sgclark | 12:16 |
* Sick_Rimmit grins | 12:16 | |
Riddell | for some definition of morning | 12:16 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: I hope you are having a "Good Morning" Scarlet, how are things with you ? | 12:17 |
Sick_Rimmit | Riddell: better ? | 12:17 |
* Sick_Rimmit grins more | 12:17 | |
sgclark | Sick_Rimmit: just woke up :) I will let you know after my first coffee lol | 12:17 |
* Sick_Rimmit grins even more | 12:17 | |
sitter | kubotu: order a fountain of coffee for sgclark | 12:20 |
* kubotu slides a fountain of coffee down the bar to sgclark | 12:20 | |
sgclark | :) | 12:20 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:33 |
soee | hiho BluesKaj | 12:34 |
BluesKaj | hey soee | 12:34 |
BluesKaj | is the latest upgrade fixed yet? | 12:35 |
BluesKaj | I'm on my 14.10 plasma 4 desktop atm | 12:35 |
BluesKaj | last night's 15.04 upgrade on the laptop was about to remove a whole lot of necessary apps and not reinstall/upgrade them so I aborted the upgrade. | 12:40 |
Riddell | try it and see :) | 12:44 |
BluesKaj | heh:) | 12:46 |
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter | ||
soee | more than 170 votes :) | 13:00 |
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik | ||
BluesKaj_ | just don't do a dist-upgrade then, check it out | 13:03 |
BluesKaj | hmm, wifi is acting up after wakling from suspend | 13:14 |
BluesKaj_ | checking to see how long this connection holds, after reboot | 13:16 |
soee | BluesKaj: how did the update go ? | 13:34 |
BluesKaj | soee, the same, dist upgrade wants to remove a whole lot of packages without reinstalling/upgrading them | 13:35 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: How's the coffee, could I grab you for a couple of minutes, I have an idea I would like to run by you | 14:02 |
sgclark | Sick_Rimmit: sure what's up? | 14:03 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: Hi | 14:15 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: Sorry, someone came to my desk for assistanfce | 14:15 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: We are going to setup Jenkins CI, here at work | 14:16 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: Our Embedded Linux Developer - Pawel is tasked with this job | 14:16 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: I think that there is a great opportunity for some 2 way knowledge sharing between you and him | 14:16 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: His coding knowledgge, and your experience with Jenkins and setting up CI for KDE | 14:17 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: With your permission I would like to introduce you and Pawel, via this IRC Channel, and perhaps you would be able to help each other out | 14:17 |
sgclark | I have a pile of people wanting to do the same :( my problem is that my dealine is coming soon and I am deperately trying to learn groovy so that I can complete the DSL part | 14:18 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: What do you think of this idea ? | 14:18 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: OK, well that put the Kibosh on that idea. OK Not to worry, I was just trying to connect some network channles. :-) | 14:22 |
sgclark | Sick_Rimmit: if he is a coder I suspect he will have no issues setting up jenkins. That is my weakness. But of course I am here and available should he need. I just don't think I am much help. | 14:22 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: Oh Boy, we need to discuss your self confidence, as I fell that you might be missing something | 14:23 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: You're AWESOME!!!!! | 14:23 |
Riddell | ++ | 14:24 |
sgclark | yes this project has drained me, alas I am learning alot so that is good | 14:25 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: slowly slowly catch yee monkey, and don't over do it | 14:32 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: I will get Pawel to come join us here, probably be tomorrow sometime, and I can introduce him to some of the cool people at Kubuntu :-) | 14:39 |
sgclark | Sick_Rimmit: ok sounds good | 14:40 |
Sick_Rimmit | sgclark: Cool... | 14:40 |
Sick_Rimmit | So I'm busy getting organised for FOSDEM right now. I packaged up Kdenlive mostly unsupervised, and I have a few bugs I am working on. I hoping to setup a meeting for my membership application later next week. | 14:42 |
Sick_Rimmit | Just a quick update really. I know you've been helping me sgclark and I feel I want you to know that time spent has not been wasted.. | 14:43 |
sgclark | :) | 14:45 |
shadeslayer | sgclark: whats your task with Jenkins again? | 14:59 |
* shadeslayer has been extensively using jenkins for the last 3 months | 15:00 | |
sgclark | shadeslayer: jenkins with support for linux + osx + windows all automated w/ DSL | 15:00 |
sgclark | most of my time was wasted getting our scripts working with windows... | 15:01 |
shadeslayer | DSL? | 15:01 |
sgclark | yeah the plugin that uses groovy scripting to automate job creation | 15:02 |
shadeslayer | huh | 15:02 |
sgclark | which as it turns out is where I should have spent the bulk of the time as nothing works for me haha | 15:02 |
shadeslayer | We just use ruby to do that :D | 15:02 |
sgclark | hmm | 15:02 |
shadeslayer | see for example | 15:03 |
kranzer | Riddell: ping | 15:03 |
Riddell | hi kranzer | 15:06 |
kranzer | Riddell: I'm here again) | 15:06 |
sgclark | shadeslayer: hmm that looks much friendlier than groovy. | 15:07 |
* sgclark ponders if I can talk them into it | 15:07 | |
arch_mac | added weekly ci ppa per the page steps but updating gives 404 failed to fetch | 15:09 |
arch_mac | 10:05 arch_mac: old info? | 15:09 |
arch_mac | 10:05 arch_mac: im on 15.04 | 15:09 |
kranzer | Riddell: could you give me ssh chanel one more time? | 15:13 |
Riddell | the server is | 15:16 |
kranzer | Riddell: thanks | 15:18 |
Riddell | kranzer: quilt refresh | 15:20 |
Riddell | kranzer: it's all good, it worked the first time | 15:20 |
Riddell | "Refreshed patch debian/patches/kubuntu_mysqld_executable_name.diff" | 15:20 |
kranzer | Riddell: what now? | 15:21 |
Riddell | it just was confused because it was set to spanish after my computer but didn't have spanish installed | 15:21 |
Riddell | kranzer: see if you can push the next patch | 15:21 |
kranzer | Riddell: as you see, no( | 15:22 |
Riddell | kranzer: that patch is marked upstream which means it's a fix that comes from digikam | 15:22 |
Riddell | kranzer: so digikam will have added it since the last release we packaged | 15:22 |
Riddell | kranzer: so you can remove the .diff file and edit debian/patches/series to remove it | 15:22 |
kranzer | Riddell: see, if I doing all right | 15:23 |
Riddell | kranzer: looks good | 15:24 |
kranzer | Riddell: now debuild? | 15:24 |
Riddell | kranzer: yep | 15:24 |
arch-kubu | kubuntu-ci does not have any download files registered with Launchpad. | 15:27 |
Riddell | sitter: ↑ | 15:28 |
arch_mac | hope you can see the confusion these pages cause | 15:29 |
arch_mac | So wheres the steps to bring 15.04 up to wekkly plasma5 pkgs? | 15:30 |
arch_mac | weekly | 15:30 |
Riddell | arch_mac: sitter is your man there | 15:31 |
sitter | no such thing | 15:32 |
arch_mac | I have 14.04 running daily builds nicely I'd like the same but weekly on 15.04 | 15:33 |
kranzer | Riddell: could you assign my task? | 15:33 |
sgclark | yeah I was looking for weekly on vivid too, does not seem to exist :( | 15:37 |
arch-kubu | plasma next ppa ok for 15.04? | 15:41 |
arch-kubu | nope its in muon but also cant find pkgs | 15:48 |
shadeslayer | arch-kubu: you probably want | 15:55 |
shadeslayer | and yes, no weekly for Vivid | 15:55 |
shadeslayer | kind of pointless | 15:55 |
shadeslayer | you're running a dev release | 15:55 |
kranzer | Riddell: what was that? | 16:02 |
Riddell | kranzer: looks like the .install file is asking for something to be installed which no longer exists | 16:04 |
Riddell | remove it from the .install file | 16:04 |
Riddell | run dh_install --list-missing to try the install again | 16:05 |
Riddell | when that's happy run debuild -nc to restart the build (with no clean so it does not compile it all again) | 16:05 |
mamarley | Riddell: Your two most recent messages would have saved countless hours of my life, had I only known those things before... | 16:05 |
Riddell | mamarley: what what? | 16:06 |
Riddell | ah debuild -nc | 16:06 |
Riddell | surpringly badly documented that | 16:07 |
Riddell | kranzer: from top sources directory | 16:07 |
mamarley | Yeah, I didn't know about those, so when I was trying to compile things, I would recompile them completely after fixing the missing file or whatever. | 16:07 |
kranzer | Riddell: see that | 16:08 |
Riddell | kranzer: yes, see my comments above | 16:09 |
Riddell | 16:04 < Riddell> kranzer: looks like the .install file is asking for something to be installed which no longer exists | 16:09 |
Riddell | 16:04 < Riddell> remove it from the .install file | 16:09 |
arch-kubu | shadeslayer, tried that link with key no go | 16:14 |
shadeslayer | key? | 16:14 |
shadeslayer | what key | 16:14 |
shadeslayer | that page opens fine for me | 16:15 |
arch-kubu | one on the page | 16:15 |
shadeslayer | what are you doing exactly | 16:15 |
arch-kubu | have you added that ppa yourself? | 16:15 |
shadeslayer | yes | 16:15 |
shadeslayer | I'm running that ppa on utopic | 16:15 |
kranzer | Riddell: in what .install file is that instruction? | 16:15 |
shadeslayer | kranzer: grep for it? | 16:15 |
arch-kubu | then your answer should be no im refering to vivid | 16:16 |
Riddell | kranzer: dunno | 16:16 |
arch-kubu | I have it on utopic too | 16:16 |
shadeslayer | vivid only has the unstable target | 16:16 |
arch-kubu | right still no go | 16:17 |
arch-kubu | deb vivid main | 16:17 |
arch-kubu | ill redo it | 16:18 |
shadeslayer | works for me | 16:18 |
shadeslayer | on vivid | 16:18 |
shadeslayer | arch-kubu: | 16:19 |
arch-kubu | got it now tks | 16:21 |
arch-kubu | musta missed the ppa ad comd | 16:21 |
arch-kubu | add cmd | 16:21 |
kranzer | Riddell: what to do?? | 16:22 |
Riddell | kranzer: find out what .install file it's in and remove it | 16:23 |
kranzer | Riddell: just open and check? | 16:23 |
kranzer | Riddell: one more | 16:24 |
Riddell | yes | 16:24 |
kranzer | Riddell: where to find them? | 16:24 |
Riddell | in debian/ | 16:24 |
shadeslayer | sitter: | 16:25 |
sitter | shadeslayer: quickly comment #RonPaul2012 | 16:28 |
shadeslayer | lol | 16:28 |
Riddell | kranzer: grep is your friend | 16:30 |
kranzer | Riddell: like I do? | 16:30 |
kranzer | Riddell: i need to find such command debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/libexec debian/digikam//usr/lib/kde4/ ? | 16:33 |
Riddell | grep libexec debian/*install (as I did earlier on the server) | 16:36 |
kranzer | Riddell: hmm, what's now? | 16:38 |
arch_mac | reboot after upgrade gives black screen and box that says chk your install ksmserver not found | 16:41 |
arch_mac | startx cannot establish any listening sockets in xorg log | 16:44 |
arch_mac | maybe a pkg is missing? or a step besides update-upgrade-dist-upgrade? | 16:49 |
arch_mac | Is this step from the ci wiki needed ? sudo apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop Im having to bounce around from place to place to get this simple upgrade done | 16:58 |
arch_mac | apt cant find that either | 16:58 |
kranzer | Riddell: hurray | 17:02 |
kranzer | Riddell: what's that? | 17:06 |
Riddell | kranzer: looks like it built | 17:06 |
Riddell | test if it installs and runs | 17:06 |
kranzer | Riddell: gpg error? | 17:06 |
kranzer | Riddell: how to test it? | 17:07 |
Riddell | that's fine, it wants to give it a digital siganture incase you want to upload it to ubuntu or a ppa but it doesn't have your digital keys on the server (and nor should you as it's a shared server) | 17:07 |
Riddell | dpkg --install *deb | 17:07 |
Riddell | you can copy the .debs onto your system although I think they're i386 | 17:07 |
kranzer | Riddell: nope | 17:08 |
kranzer | Riddell: amd64 | 17:08 |
kranzer | Riddell: ahhh | 17:08 |
kranzer | Riddell: sorry | 17:08 |
kranzer | Riddell: done | 17:09 |
Riddell | apt -f install will fix the install issues | 17:11 |
kranzer | Riddell: give me the bug link again | 17:13 |
kranzer | Riddell: please | 17:13 |
kranzer | Riddell: I attached | 17:20 |
Riddell | thanks kranzer, will review tomorrow | 17:22 |
kranzer | Riddell: why so? | 17:22 |
Riddell | because I'm about to leave | 17:23 |
kranzer | okay( | 17:23 |
Riddell | _Groo_: sddm-kcm up for your packaging love | 17:26 |
_Groo_ | Riddell: ill create it and upload it to my ppa so you can copy it to ninja | 17:30 |
* Sick_Rimmit Out | 17:30 | |
_Groo_ | Riddell: i dont think i have write access to ninjas ppa | 17:30 |
Riddell | _Groo_: I can sort that out later | 17:30 |
Riddell | _Groo_: and if you fancy it there's other new bits needing packaged | 17:30 |
_Groo_ | Riddell: which is? | 17:31 |
Riddell | kcm-touchpad ksshaskpass user-manager kde-gtk-config muon polkit-kde-agent-1 | 17:31 |
Riddell | | 17:31 |
Riddell | some have existing packaging from previous versions | 17:31 |
* Riddell out | 17:32 | |
_Groo_ | guys, how to i make the ppa compile for two versions? in this case utopic and vivid at the same time? | 17:41 |
_Groo_ | is it possible? or i need to dput one at a time? | 17:42 |
_Groo_ | Riddell: utopic and vivid packages for sddm-kcm 5.1.95 are available in | 17:55 |
_Groo_ | Riddell: enjoy | 17:55 |
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter | ||
_Groo_ | Riddell: utopic and vivid packages for kde-touchpad 5.1.95 are available in | 19:11 |
_Groo_ | Riddell: enjoy | 19:11 |
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work | ||
shadeslayer | Riddell: you're going to have fun in your advanced class | 21:25 |
Riddell | hmm good fun? | 21:26 |
Riddell | sounds scary | 21:26 |
shadeslayer | yeah, 'good' | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | Mine was difficult enough | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | my teacher doesn't speak any english | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | so that's going to be fun | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | and there's a no speaking in english rule in the class | 21:34 |
soee | an chance to get the updates work again any soon (packages) ? | 21:41 |
Riddell | yes it's tefl style | 21:48 |
yofel | soee: what's broken again? | 21:54 |
soee | yofel: everything :D | 21:54 |
yofel | not here... | 21:54 |
yofel | (vivid:amd64) | 21:54 |
soee | yofel: | 21:55 |
soee | im also on Vivid 64 | 21:55 |
yofel | soee: please again with -o pkgproblemresolver=true | 21:56 |
yofel | erm, -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=true | 21:56 |
soee | yofel: | 21:57 |
yofel | o.O | 21:58 |
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter | ||
soee | blueskaj also reported such problems | 22:00 |
Sick_Rimmit | Hello folks | 22:02 |
soee | hiho Sick_Rimmit | 22:03 |
Sick_Rimmit | Hi soee | 22:03 |
Sick_Rimmit | I am just finalising my Kubuntu Membership application.. | 22:03 |
Sick_Rimmit | I need to arrange a meeting, which I believe takes place here on IRC, does that sound correct ? | 22:04 |
yofel | hm, strange. Here libical1 got removed fine... | 22:04 |
soee | :/ | 22:05 |
yofel | looks like an incomplete transition got promoted to release o.O | 22:07 |
soee | im not familiar with this stuff :/ can it be fixed somehow ? | 22:14 |
kranzer | Riddell: are you here? | 22:15 |
yofel | you could try to manually install libical1a and remove what's in the way - or wait until everything that needs libical1 got rebuilt | 22:15 |
yofel | I had nothing of that left so I didn't run into that problem | 22:15 |
soee | yofel: when all this might be rebuilt ? | 22:25 |
yofel | supposedly it's done | 22:26 |
yofel | so things are either stuck in proposed or you have something installed that really doesn't want to get removed | 22:27 |
soee | wonder what it might be | 22:30 |
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