
ludundeIs anyone here familiar with writing Plasmoids?02:07
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PeterQfacing trouble with kde logon using lightdm with kde greeter. logon screen switches back to konsole and freezes. x is started, lightdm is running. logon screen shows konosle with mouse pointer movable on it. any ideas?05:12
PeterQits actually not konsole, instead its some kind of frozen window with kinda snapshot of konsole05:12
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soeegood morning07:32
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lordievaderGood morning.08:06
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tux_i make DNS host on www.noip.com , and forwarding port on modem, disable firewall on modem and PC now when i want ssh to my PC from internet with other client , i can't . ss11:19
tux_ssh say : Could not resolve hostname xx.ddns.net : name or server not know11:20
lordievadertux_: How recent is the domain-name?11:25
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BluesKajHiyas all12:33
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siwicaI am actually using ubuntu but using kubuntu at work now. I have two questions:14:11
soeehiho siwica14:12
siwica1. how can I make kubuntu open a terminal when pressing Ctrl+Alt+t like in Ubuntu14:12
siwica2. How can I snap windows using the keyboard (e.g Ctrl+Alt+Left for resizing it so it fill the left half of the screen)14:13
soeesiwica: @1. check System Settings -> Shortcuts and play with global shortcuts14:13
soeesiwica: for second also check shortcuts :)14:14
siwicasoee: ok, thanks. I will take a look14:14
soeefor windows switching and similiar stuff check Kwin section14:15
soee*in shortcuts14:15
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siwicasoee: ok, I got the snapping and window switching working. But I am strugglinggling with openening the terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T14:37
siwicaHelp appreciated!14:37
hateballsiwica: it's in "custom shortcuts"14:38
hateballI think that'll be it in English14:38
hateballthe literal translation from swedish locale is "personal webshortcuts"14:39
hateballalt+f2 -> type "web" and it should show I think14:39
hateballit also shows when typing "global" but it's not the global shortcuts...14:40
siwicaI found the possibility to set a custom shortcut14:47
siwicahowever, entering /usr/bin/konsole does not work14:48
hateballsiwica: just konsole is enough14:49
hateballit's also possible to rightclick and edit Kickoff and add a hotkey to a given entry there14:50
teiseiHello everyone! I have a question regarding the Folder View in Plasma 5. I am using "double click" to open folders and files in Dolphin, but despite this the Folder View widget keeps using the "one click" option14:54
teiseiIs there any way to fix this?14:54
arch_machttps://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs  added  weekly ci ppa per the page steps but updating  gives 404 failed to fetch15:05
arch_macold info?15:05
arch_macim on 15.0415:05
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belugaRiddell: VALS Semester of Code 2nd round is open for new organizations until Jan 13th. If Kubuntu wants to join, you can follow these instructions, only using http://vps2.semesterofcode.com/ where appropriate: http://osswatch.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2014/08/06/vals-semester-of-code-open-for-project-idea-submissions/17:37
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other_guyIs anyone here using the Plasma 5 preview or the 15.04 Alpha?21:00
other_guyguess not :-)21:05
arch_macupdating vivid with kubuntu-ci daily breaks login   black screen up left blinking cursor21:18
arch_maccould not start ksmserver21:26
arch_maclogin gives black screen   could not start ksmserver21:38
RCDeetis there a way to find out what is using a port and shut it down?23:21
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hggdhlsof, sudo netstat -natp23:54

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