=== racedo_ is now known as racedo | ||
jasonamyers | "you can mark the MP approved and the lander will take care of the rest" how do I do that? Do I just reply to the email with merge approved or is it something I do in the LP UI? | 13:52 |
roadmr | jasonamyers: usually you need to flip the status to "approved" in launchpad | 13:54 |
jasonamyers | Merged? | 13:54 |
jasonamyers | I only see WIP, Needs Review and Merged | 13:54 |
roadmr | jasonamyers: if you don't have an "Approved" setting, you may not be authorized to approve it :/ | 13:55 |
jasonamyers | I am not then :) | 13:55 |
jasonamyers | thanks | 13:55 |
roadmr | jasonamyers: what's the MR in question? | 13:55 |
jasonamyers | https://code.launchpad.net/~jason-jasonamyers/maas/clearer-msg-for-api-204-returns/+merge/245628 | 13:56 |
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=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk | ||
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr | ||
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk | ||
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr | ||
voidspace | hey guys, given a node id, what's the best way to get the uuid of the nodegroup it belongs to? (via the api) | 18:11 |
newell | voidspace, for a given login profile I use this command to get the nodegroup uuid: | 18:32 |
newell | uuid=$(maas admin node-groups list | grep uuid | cut -d'"' -f4) | 18:32 |
voidspace | newell: right, I was hoping to avoid having to list them all - and go straight from node id to nodegroup uuid | 18:33 |
newell | voidspace, I haven't done it that way | 18:33 |
newell | voidspace, there is probably a way to do it but haven't looked into it myself | 18:34 |
voidspace | thanks | 18:34 |
newell | np | 18:35 |
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk | ||
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver | ||
bmorriso | Is there a way to install a specific version, rather than a series? I need to install 12.04.1, but choosing "Precise" I get the latest. | 20:35 |
blake_r | bmorriso: only the latest version will be installed | 20:54 |
bmorriso | OK. I'll look at downgrading the kernel after install then. Thanks! | 20:55 |
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr | ||
bmorriso | I'm encountering this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1381444 Any advice on a work around. I'm trying to add cisco blades from ucsm | 23:33 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1381444 in MAAS "Misleading error message in log "Unknown power_type 'sm15k'"" [High,Fix committed] | 23:33 |
bmorriso | Basically it's not clear how I can get power state from the blade, because of the inaccurate error message in the UI | 23:45 |
bmorriso | Perhaps I'm configuring ucsm incorrectly | 23:45 |
newell | bmorriso, you using 1.7? | 23:48 |
bmorriso | I just upgraded, yes. | 23:48 |
newell | https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1381444/comments/4 | 23:48 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1381444 in MAAS "Misleading error message in log "Unknown power_type 'sm15k'"" [High,Fix committed] | 23:48 |
newell | Looks like that fix has not been released yet | 23:48 |
bmorriso | Yes. Does that mean that maas & ucsm does not work today? | 23:49 |
bmorriso | What's strange is I am able to provision the server (start/stop/etc). but when I try and get power state, I get that error message. | 23:50 |
newell | yeah so it is working for you, you just aren't able to query the state | 23:50 |
newell | the power query is just a way for the user to see if the node is actually powered on/off. | 23:51 |
bmorriso | It would seem that it is working | 23:51 |
newell | have you ssh'd into your provisioned nodes yet? | 23:51 |
bmorriso | but in the GUI, shows a yellow "unknown" bubble rather than a green "on" state | 23:52 |
bmorriso | I am able to SSH into the server(s) | 23:52 |
bmorriso | when I try and query power state, I get the above bug | 23:52 |
newell | those colors are tied to the power querying I believe so I wouldn't worry about that | 23:52 |
bmorriso | when I try and 'probe-and-enlist-ucsm' I get a 404 | 23:52 |
bmorriso | https://gist.github.com/esacteksab/7ad113420ce0a66eb5c7 | 23:53 |
newell | That should be working. It might have to do with how you entered the command or what login profile you are using etc. | 23:53 |
newell | I would file a bug if you can't get past that | 23:54 |
newell | bmorriso, hope that helps | 23:55 |
bmorriso | Thank you | 23:56 |
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