ahoneybun | mhall119, what do I do with worldpay? | 00:12 |
ahoneybun | says it does it with paypal so do I need to have the money in a paypal account? | 00:12 |
ahoneybun | balloons, how do I use WorldPay? | 00:17 |
Nothing_Much | ahoneybun: what's worldpay? | 01:25 |
ahoneybun | Nothing_Much, that ubuntu shop is saying they only take it, as for what it is I'm not sure | 01:29 |
Nothing_Much | ahoneybun: oh, well.. try paypal or your bank I guess | 01:31 |
Nothing_Much | they should support worldpay | 01:31 |
ahoneybun | payment is done though paypal but I have the money in google wallet | 01:31 |
Nothing_Much | oh | 01:36 |
ahoneybun | Nothing_Much, I'm trying to see how would you pay with paypal, is it linked to your ubuntu account? | 02:06 |
Nothing_Much | ahoneybun: well I bought my ubuntu shirt and other things with my bank account | 02:15 |
Nothing_Much | it worked | 02:15 |
ahoneybun | when did you do that? | 02:20 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: are you talking about buying from shop.ubuntu.com? | 14:39 |
ahoneybun | mhall119, yes | 19:37 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: I have no idea | 19:38 |
mhall119 | to be honest I've not purchased from there before, I bought stuff in person during sprints/uds | 19:38 |
ahoneybun | I bought one shirt last year for 14.04 but they took my bank card that time | 19:38 |
ahoneybun | I think I will have to move the funds to paypal but I'm not sure how to link my paypal to my ubuntu account | 19:41 |
ahoneybun | mhall119, could you shot me the link to the developer.ubuntu launchpad page so I can request a feature? | 19:56 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: https://launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com | 20:03 |
ahoneybun | thanks | 20:03 |
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